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Loring’s successful naval foray on Lake Champlain following the capture of forts Carillon and Saint-Frédéric (near Crown Point, N.Y
-Anne de la Pérade, Batiscan, Champlain, and even Chambly. He was about to go and set himself up at Champlain. According to documents dated 1681, 1682, and 1684, he added to his offices of royal notary
vicinity of Fort Sainte-Anne, at the outlet of Lake Champlain. Among them were Louis de Canchy de Lerole and M. de Chazy, cousin and nephew of Tracy. A skirmish ensued in which Agariata (again according
vaccinating physician in Champlain and Saint-Pierre wards. It was mainly as a surgeon, however, that Ahern distinguished himself. A journalist stated in 1892
triangular trade between Britain, the West Indies, and Quebec. The high duty placed on imported rum, however, stimulated smuggling from the American colonies via Lake Champlain, thus putting pressure on a
, who was to bear him 19 children; in May of that year he set himself up in Champlain, near Trois-Rivières, and stayed there for more than a year, since his first child was baptized in that parish on 24
this commission that the Kirkes took the fort and trading post of Quebec and brought Champlain and other
Champlain and St Lawrence Railroad in 1851 and lost heavily in Detroit and Milwaukee Railway stock, but he was not an important promoter until the significance of the Grand Trunk Railway’s monopoly
] mount the scaffold.” Although he had been defeated in the municipal elections of 1848 Alleyn was returned by acclamation as councillor for Champlain
return, he sought to assist Champlain and the Jesuits in their dealings with his people. He visited Quebec in
be employed in invading Canada by the Lake Champlain line. On 21 June he arrived at the head of Lake George with a large part of his army. Further advance would depend on water transport, and on
“grand Sagamo” that led Champlain and
de Guérin, as well as the Bible and the church fathers. The Canadian works she referred to included those of Samuel de Champlain
Champlain for his part placed him on the same footing as Cramolet, “ship’s master” (“maistre de barque”). Champlain, who lived in the same dwelling as Champdoré on the Île Sainte-Croix, blamed him
Leblanc* for £150. For £1,020 in 1816 he sold by auction to George Pyke* a waterfront lot on Rue Champlain, Quebec, which his children had
Father Biard with him, and should destroy all the other French settlements to the north – to 46º according to Champlain (Works (Biggar), IV, 20) or 46 1/2º, according to Biard (JR
the Massachusetts committee of safety that an attack be launched against Fort Ticonderoga (N.Y.) on Lake Champlain, arguing that “the place could not hold out an hour against a vigorous onset
. Harvey Champlain, Works (Biggar), I, 458 n. et passim
Champlain consisted of 200 long-houses. According to Father
Niagara (near Youngstown, N.Y.), he was sent to the Lake Champlain region, and he served at Fort Saint-Frédéric (near Crown Point, N.Y.) and Fort Carillon (Ticonderoga, N.Y.). He consequently took part in
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