General Bibliography – Volume XI

AAQ    Archives de l’archidiocèse de Québec

AASB    Archives de l’archevêché de Saint-


AC    Archives civiles

ACAM    Archives de la chancellerie de

    l’archevêché de Montréal

ADB    Australian dictionary of biography

ANQ    Archives nationales du Québec

ANQ-M    Archives nationales du Québec, centre

    régional de Montréal

ANQ-MBF    Archives nationales du Québec, centre régional de la Mauricie/Bois-Francs

ANQ-Q    Archives nationales du Québec, centre

    d’archives de la Capitale

ANQ-SLSJ    Archives nationales du Québec, centre

    régional du Saguenay/Lac-Saint-Jean

AO    Archives of Ontario

AP    Archives paroissiales

ASN    Archives du séminaire de Nicolet

ASQ    Archives du séminaire de Québec

ASSM    Archives du séminaire de Saint-Sulpice,


AUM    Archives de l’université de Montréal

AVM    Archives de la ville de Montréal

AVQ    Archives de la ville de Québec

BCHQ    British Columbia Historical Quarterly

BE    Bureau d’enregistrement

BNQ    Bibliothèque nationale du Québec

BRH    Le Bulletin des recherches historiques

CCHA    Canadian Catholic Historical


CHA    Canadian Historical Association

CHR    Canadian Historical Review

CMS    Church Missionary Society

CPC    Canadian parliamentary companion

CTA    City of Toronto Archives

DAB    Dictionary of American biography

DCB    Dictionary of Canadian biography

DNB    Dictionary of national biography

DOLQ    Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du


HBC    Hudson’s Bay Company

HBCA    Hudson’s Bay Company Archives

HBRS    Hudson’s Bay Record Society

HPL    Hamilton Public Library

HSSM    Historical and Scientific Society of


IBC    Inventaire des biens culturels

JIP    Journal de l’Instruction publique

MTL    Metropolitan Toronto Library

NWMP    North-West Mounted Police

OH    Ontario History

PABC    Provincial Archives of British Columbia

PAC    Public Archives of Canada

PAM    Provincial Archives of Manitoba

PANB    Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

PANL    Provincial Archives of Newfoundland

    and Labrador

PANS    Public Archives of Nova Scotia

PAPEI    Public Archives of Prince Edward Island

PRO    Public Record Office

QUA    Queen’s University Archives

RHAF    Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique


RPQ    Répertoire des parlementaires


RSC    Royal Society of Canada

SCHÉC    Société canadienne d’histoire de l’Eglise


SH    Social History

UCA    United Church Archives

UNBL    University of New Brunswick Library

USPG    United Society for the Propagation of the


UTA    University of Toronto Archives

UWO    University of Western Ontario Library

General  Bibliography

The General  Bibliography is based on the sources most frequently cited in the individual bibliographies of volume XI. It should not be regarded as providing a complete list of background materials for the history of Canada in the 19th century.

Section I describes the principal archival sources and is arranged by country. Section ii is divided into two parts: part A contains printed primary sources including documents published by the various colonial, provincial, and federal governments; part s provides a listing of the contemporary newspapers most frequently cited by contributors to the volume. Section III includes dictionaries, indexes, inventories, almanacs, and directories. Section iv contains secondary works of the 19th and 20th centuries, including a number of general histories and theses. Section v describes the principal journals and the publications of various societies consulted.



ARCHIVES CIVILES. See Québec, ministère de la Justice

ARCHIVES DE LA CHANCELLERIE DE L’ARCHEVÊCHÉ DE MONTRÉAL. A detailed inventory of many of the registers and files of this repository can be found in RHAF, 19 (1965–66): 652–64; 20 (1966–67): 146–66, 324–41, 669–700; 24 (1970–71): 111–42.

The following were used in the preparation of volume XI:


255: Diocèses du Canada

.113: London

295: Diocèses du Québec

.098–101: Québec

.104: Trois-Rivières

350: Paroisses

355.101: Notre-Dame

420: Clergé

.041: Blanchet, Augustin-Magloire

.080: Manseau, Antoine

465: Religieux, pères

.101: Compagnie de Saint-Sulpice

.105: Clercs de Saint-Viateur

468: Sulpiciens décédés entre 1877–96

.103: Baile, Joseph-Alexandre

588: Laïcs, “R”

.201: Riel, Louis

752: Gouvernements

.704: Code civil; bill des registres

778: Association et divers

.867: Hôpital Saint-Jean-de-Dieu

901: Fonds Lartigue-Bourget

.055: Mgr Bourget; lettres personnelles et voyages à Rome (1846–47; 1854–56)

.085: Lettres de Adolphe Pinsonneault, p.s.s.; Étienne Hicks; Michael Power, v.g.

.086: Mgr Desautels; mission à Rome

.133: Institut canadien; imprimés

.134: Institut canadien; catalogue de la bibliothèque

.135: Institut canadien; correspondance

.136: Notre-Dame

.141: Notre-Dame; division

990: Autres fonds

.027: Chanoine Hyacinthe Hudon; correspondence

RCD: Registres et cahiers divers

41–44: Mission de Mgr Desautels à Rome

RL: Registres de lettres

RLB: Registres des lettres de Mgr Bourget. An analytical inventory of the correspondence of Mgr Ignace BOURGET from 1837 to 1850 was published in ANQ Rapport, 1945–46: 137–224; 1946–47: 81–175; 1948–49: 343–477; 1955–57: 177–221; 1961–64: 9–68; 1965: 87–132; 1966: 191–252; 1967: 123–70; 1969: 3–146.

RLL: Registres des lettres de Mgr Lartigue. The correspondence of Mgr Jean-Jacques Lartigue* from 1819 to 1840 is inventoried in ANQ Rapport, 1941–42: 345–496; 1942–43: 1-174; 1943–44: 207–334; 1944–45: 173–266; 1945–46: 39–134.


The following collections were cited in volume XI: F: Fonds Fisher-D’Eschambault

P: Fonds Provencher

T: Fonds Taché; lettres reçues

Ta: Fonds Taché; lettres envoyées

ARCHIVES DE L’ARCHIDIOCÈSE DE QUÉBEC. A guide to the collection is available in SCHÉC Rapport, 2 (1934–35): 65–73.

Series cited in volume XI:

A: Évêques et archevêques de Québec

12 A: Registres des insinuations ecclésiastiques

20 A: Lettres manuscrites des évêques de Québec

210 A: Registres des lettres expédiées. Inventories of the correspondence of a number of the bishops and archbishops of Quebec are available in ANQ Rapport including the following: correspondence of Mgr Bernard-Claude Panet* for the years 1806 to 1833 in Rapport, 1933–34: 233–421; 1934–35: 319–420; 1935–36: 155–272; correspondence of Mgr Joseph Signay* for the years 1825 to 1839, in Rapport, 1936–37: 123–330; 1937–38: 21–146 (which includes also the correspondence of Mgr Pierre-Flavien Turgeon* as coadjutor); 1938–39: 180–357.

211 A: Registres des requêtes

C: Secrétairerie et chancellerie

CB: Structures de direction

1 CB: Vicaires généraux

CD: Discipline diocésaine

511 CD: Collège de Lévis

515 CD: Sérrùnaire de Nicolet

61 CD: Paroisses

Diocèse de Québec (in process of reclassification)

CF: Rapports avec les organismes de pastorale

53 CF: Action catholique générale

CG: Relations interconfessionnelles et civiles

20 CG: Vine de Québec

CN: Église canadienne

321 CN: Diocèse d’Ottawa

60 CN: Gouvernement du Canada

CP: Église du Québec

26 CP: Diocèse de Montréal

CR: Province ecclésiastique de Québec

33 CR: Diocèse de Trois-Rivières


The following were used in the preparation of volume XI:


    Biographies des conseillers

    Membres des conseils municipaux

Documents administratifs

Procès-verbaux et dossiers du conseil municipal, des comités et commissions

Rôles d’évaluation

ARCHIVES DE LA MLLE DE QUÉBEC. A useful publication of this repository is État sommaire des Archives de la ville de Québec (Québec, 1977), edited by Murielle Doyle-Frenière.

The following series were consulted in volume XI: Procès-verbaux du conseil

Rôles d’évaluation et d’imposition

ARCHIVES DE L’UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL. The Service des archives of the Université de Montréal has prepared and published an important series relating to the collections in its custody; a list of these can be found in Bibliographie des publications du Service des archives (3e éd., Montréal, 1980), compiled by Jacques Ducharme and Denis Plante.

The following are cited in volume XI:

P 58: Collection Baby. The researcher may usefully

consult the Catalogue de la collection François-Louis-Georges Baby, compiled by Camille Bertrand, with preface by Paul Baby and introduction by Lucien Campeau (2v., Montréal, 1971). Manuscript copies of the bulk of the collection Baby, being classified at present, are located at the PAC.

H: Affaires religieuses et communautés

H3: Paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal

I: Éducation

I2: Université de Montréal

M: Mémoires et relations de voyages

Q1: Documents hors séries

U: Correspondance générale

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE NICOLET, NICOLET, Qué. This repository, which is at present classifying its materials, has a catalogue index and both nominal and thematic card indexes.

In volume XI the following were used:

AO: Archives officielles

Séminaire AP: Archives privées

G: Grandes collections

    L.-É. Bois

    J.-A.-I. Douville

    Hector Laferté

    J.-C.-C. Marquis

    M.-G. Proulx

    Henri Vassal

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE QUÉBEC. Analytical and chronological card indexes as well as numerous inventories are at the disposal of researchers.

The following were cited in volume XI:

C: Livres de comptes du séminaire

C 43: 1844–49

Fichier des anciens

Fonds C.-H. Laverdière, Notes et correspondence

Fonds Viger-Verreau

Cartons: Papiers de H.-A.-J.-B. Verreau; Jacques Viger

Série O: Cahiers manuscrits

095–125;    0139–52: Jacques Viger, “Ma Saberdache.” See Fernand Ouellet, “Inventaire de la Saberdache de Jacques Viger,” ANQ Rapport, 1955–57: 31–176.

0165–71: Journal personnel de Jacques Viger, 1835–51



Mss: Cahiers manuscrits divers

12: Grand livre du séminaire de 1733 à 1856

13: Plumitif du Conseil du séminaire commencé en 1678

34: E.-A. Taschereau, Journal du seminaire commencé en 1849

433: A.-E. Gosselin, Officiers et professeurs du séminaire de Québec, 1663–1860

634–36: T.-É. Hamel, Notes sur sa correspondence, 1866–75

678: C.-É. Légaré, Journal du 17  avril  1873  au  24  sept.  1876

mss-M: Cahiers de cours manuscrits

183: A.-H. Gosselin, Cours de philosophie par l’abbé T.-A. Chandonnet, 1861–62

220: Cyrias Pelletier, Cours de philosophie par l’abbé T.-A. Chandonnet, 1861

222: L.-N. Bégin, Cours de philosophie par l’abbé T.-A. Chandonnet, 1860–61

230: Antoine Lapommerai, Cours de philosophie par l’abbé T.-A. Chandonnet, 1860–65

474–77: Ovide Brunet, Cours et notes de botanique, et herbier, 1861–62

479: Arthur Maheux, Cours de botanique par l’abbé Ovide Brunet, 1860–76

484: Louis Beaudet, Journal de voyage, notes de botanique et herbier par l’abbé Ovide Brunet, 1866

586: J.-C.-K. Laflamme, Cours de philosophie par l’abbé T.-A. Chandonnet, 1866–68

775: Adrien Papineau, Divers cours par l’abbé T.-A. Chandonnet, 1864–65

1112: L.-O. Gauthier, Répertoire historique par l’abbé T.-A. Chandonnet, 1865

Polygraphie: Affaires surtout extérieures

Séminaire: Affaires diverses


Cartons: Administration et correspondence

Série U: Administration et sociétés

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE SAINT-SULPICE, Montréal. The following series were cited in volume XI:

Section 8: Seigneuries, fiefs, arrière-fiefs et domaines

A: Seigneurie du Lac-des-Deux-Montagnes

Section 21: Correspondence générale

Section 24: Histoire et géographie, biographie, divers

    Dossier 2: Biographies

Section 27: Séminaire, évêchés et paroisses

Section 49: Prédication

    Dossier 56: Rousselot, Benjamin-Victor

ARCHIVES JUDICIAIRES. See Québec, ministère de la Justice

ARCHIVES NATIONALES DU QUÉBEC. In 1980 the archives undertook to establish a new uniform classification system for all its regional centres. Because work on volume XI was well advanced we have continued to use the old classification system.  Tables are available at the ANQ enabling researchers to go from one system to the other.


The following are cited in volume XI:

État civil



For more information concerning the documents held in this regional centre, consult “Etat sommaire des Archives nationales du Québec à Montréal,” ANQ Rapport, 1972: 1–29.

The following are cited in volume XI:

Archives privées

    M–72–41: Bibaud, Maximilien

    M–72–141: Trudeau, Romuald

    M–72–148: Cherrier, C.-S.

État civil




For more information concerning the documents held in this centre, consult État général des archives publiques et privées (Québec, 1968).

The following are cited in volume XI:

AP: Archives privées

G: Grandes collections

16: Brousseau, Léger

36: Chapais, Thomas

41: Chauveau, P.-J.-O.

43: Cherner, C.-S.

68: Duvernay, Ludger

134: Langevin, famine

149: Lesage, Siméon

184: Meilleur, J.-B. et Alphonse

203: Penny, E. G.

239: Roy, P.-G.

242: Taché, famine

417: Papineau, famine

P: Petites collections

344: Cauchon, Joseph Cartothèque


État civil


PQ: Province de Québec

    É: Éducation

TF: Terres et forêts

TP: Travaux publics

QBC: Québec et Bas-Canada

6: Secrétaire provincial

7: Nominations de juges de paix

9: Licences

25: Procureur général

27: Instruction publique


    The following are cited in volume XI:

Archives privées

Collection Victor Tremblay

ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO, Toronto. Unpublished inventories, calendars, catalogue entries, guides, and other finding aids are available in the archives, which is also making available finding aids on microfiche.

Materials used in volume XI include:

MU 20–28: Bailey (John C.) papers

132–34: Biographical sketches collection

136–273: Blake (Edward) papers

301–9: Buell (Andrew Norton) papers

469–87: Campbell (Sir  Alexander) papers

500–15: Cartwright family papers

535–50: Church records collection

1058: Foster (William Alexander) papers

1143: Gilkison (William and Jasper T.) papers

1197–284: Hamilton Brothers records and Hawkesbury Lumber

Company records

1375–81: Hodgins (John George) papers

1720: Lesslie family papers

1745: Lumberman’s Association of Ontario papers

1805–949: Mackenzie-Lindsey papers

2017–22: Mechanics’ Institute collection

2164–70: Morris (Alexander) papers

2194: Niagara Falls Park papers

2306–10: Patteson (Thomas Charles) papers

2390–98: Ridout papers

2399: Roaf (James R.) papers

2664–776: Shanty (Francis) papers

2918–22: Street (Samuel) papers

2923: Stuart family papers

3154: Wright (Amos) papers

3278: Price (James Hervey) papers

RG 1: Records of the Ministry of Natural Resources

A: Offices of surveyor general and commissioner of crown lands

I: Correspondence

2: Surveyor general’s letterbooks

4: Commissioner’s letterbook

6: Letters received, surveyor general and commissioner

8: Assistant commissioner’s letterbooks

II: Reports and statements

2: Commissioner’s reports

6: Statements

VII: Miscellaneous records

C: Lands Branch

IV: Township papers

E: Woods and Forests Branch

6: Reports and memoranda

12: Miscellaneous records

RG    2: Records of the Ministry of Education

B: General  Board of Education (second) and Council of Public Instruction

3: Minutes, Council of Public Instruction

C: Department of Public Instruction

1: Outgoing general correspondence

2: Drafts of outgoing general correspondence

6: Incoming general correspondence

C: Incoming general correspondence, 1841–76

D: Department of Education, office of the minister

1: Outgoing general correspondence

2: Drafts of outgoing correspondence

3: Incoming general correspondence

4: Interdepartmental correspondence

E: Office of the deputy minister and historiographer

1: Documentary history manuscripts

RG 8: Records of the Department of the Provincial Secretary

I–6: Office of the registrar general

B: County marriage registers, 1841–1934

RG 10: Records of the Ministry of Health

ser.20: Psychiatric Hospitals Branch

F: Kingston Psychiatric Hospital

RG 22: Court records

ser.6–2: Records of the Surrogate Court of Ontario

York County records

ser.7: Courts of General  Quarter Sessions of the Peace

14–33: Home District, Minutes

RG 31: Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations

RG 49: Offices of the Legislative Assembly

I: Divisions/Branches of Department of Provincial Secretary

7: Office of the clerk of the Legislature

B: Sessional papers

    3: Railway sessional papers

ARCHIVES PAROISSIALES. Specific holdings in Quebec parish archives include the registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials, with copies at the Archives civiles of the judicial district in which the parish is located. Parish archives usually contain many other documents, including parish account books, vestry records, and registers of parish confraternities.

ATLANTIC BAPTIST HISTORICAL COLLECTION, Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S. Information on this collection may be found in A catalogue of the Maritime Baptist Historical Collection in the library of Acadia University (Kentville, N.S., 1955).

The materials used in volume XI include:

“Manual of Baptist authors.” Compiled by W. E.

McIntyre. 5 vols., typescript, 1905.

Edward Manning correspondence

S. T. Rand papers

BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE DU QUÉBEC, DÉPARTEMENT DES MANUSCRITS, Montréal. A description of the collections held in this department is found in Catalogue des manuscrits (Montréal), the latest edition of which was published in 1978.

The following were cited in volume XI:


mss–30: Chewier, Côme-Séraphin

mss–100: Rodier, succession

mss–101: Société historique de Montréal

Collection La Fontaine. For a complete inventory of this collection see Inventaire de la collection Lafontaine, Elizabeth Nish, compil. (Montréal, 1967).

BUREAU D’ENREGISTREMENT. See Québec, ministère de la Justice

CANADIAN BAPTIST ARCHIVES, McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, Ont.

The following material was used in volume XI:

Biographical files

Toronto Baptist College records

Board of Trustees

Minute books


Executive Committee

Minute books


Materials used in the preparation of volume XI include:

RG 1: City Council

A: Minutes

B: Papers

RG 2: Finance Committee

    B 1: Communications

RG 5: City Clerk’s Department

F: Assessment rolls

H: Elections

    1: Nominations books

RG 7: Mayor’s office

F: Mayor’s court


The following materials were consulted in the preparation of volume XI:

MS 1: Dalhousie University records

l: Board of Governors

A: Minutes

MS 2: Private manuscripts

87: A. W. McLelan papers

MS 4: Business records

1: Campbell papers

63: James Dickie & Co. papers


Materials used in the preparation of volume XI include: Canada North West Land Company papers CPR town site sales books City of Calgary papers


Richard Hardisty papers

James F. Macleod papers

HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY, Special Collections Department, Hamilton, Ont.

The following were used in the preparation of volume XI: Hamilton biography


    Adam Hope

    Hope family

McQuesten papers



Archives of Manitoba


rninistère des Affaires culturelles

MCGILL UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES, Montreal. A complete inventory of the collections held by this repository is in preparation.

The following were cited in volume XI:

Board of Governors records

Abraham de Sola papers

Sir  William Logan papers

McGill High School archives

McGill Normal School archives

Montreal General  Hospital records

Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada, Montreal District, Minutes

MARITIME HISTORY GROUP ARCHIVES, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s. For information on the collection of research studies prepared by Memorial University students which is held by the archives see Check list of research studies pertaining to the history of Newfoundland in the Archives of the Maritime History Group (4th ed., [St John’s], 1981).

Materials used in the preparation of volume XI include:

Board of Trade series 107–8

Name file collection. This consists of some 8,000 files, arranged by surname, concerning anyone connected in any way with the Newfoundland trade or fisheries, 1640–1850. The files are compiled from a wide range of sources, and each entry includes a reference to the original source.

METROPOLITAN TORONTO LIBRARY. For information on the library’s manuscript holdings, see Guide to the manuscript collection in the Toronto Public Libraries (Toronto, 1954) .

The following were consulted for volume XI:

Robert Baldwin papers

William Warren Baldwin papers

Biographical scrapbooks

John George Howard papers

Humber Valley archives

T. A. Reed scrapbooks

Toronto scrapbooks

NEW BRUNSWICK MUSEUM, Saint John, N.B. For a description of its holdings see New Brunswick Museum, Archives Division, Inventory of manuscripts, 1967 ([Saint John, 1967]).

Materials used in volume XI include:

Marianne Grey Otty collections

Earle family papers, Genealogy

Otty family papers

Tilley family papers


Victoria. Manuscript collections are being listed in PABC, Manuscript inventory, ed. Frances Gundry (3v. to date, [Victoria], 1976–    ).

The following were found useful in the preparation of volume XI:

Add. mss    60: Mary Susannah (Hawks) Moody


315: Robert Stevenson, Diary and memo book

345: G. A. Rhodes, Red River Settlement papers

412: O’Reilly family papers

436: A. F. Buckham papers

A: Canadian Collieries (Dunsmuir) Limited papers

523: C. F. Houghton letterbook

525: John Robson papers

527: Barnard family papers

557: W. F. Tolmie papers

767: Joseph Hunter papers

810: A. T. Bushby, “Journal of a trip to Wild Horse Creek and back,” 1864

British Columbia, Colonial secretary, Correspondence outward

British Columbia, Department of Lands and Works Coal prospecting licenses, register and index

Correspondence Mining licenses

Colonial correspondence. An artificial series created from the letters inward to the departments of the colonial governments of British Columbia and Vancouver Island from both individuals and other government departments. The letters are filed under the names of the senders.

Crease collection

GR 184: British Columbia, Department of Mines, Inspector of mines, Correspondence outward

216: British Columbia, Government agent records, Cariboo

224: British Columbia, Government agent records, Lillooet

495: Canada, Commission on Indian Reserves of British Columbia, 1876, Correspondence

O’Reilly collection

Vancouver Island, Colonial Secretary, Correspondence outward

Vancouver Island, Executive Council, Minutes

Vancouver Island, Governor (Douglas), Correspondence outward

PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF MANITOBA, Winnipeg. This repository puts at the disposal of researchers a central card index and unpublished preliminary inventories and finding aids.

Materials consulted in preparing volume XI

include the following:

MG 1: Indians, exploration and fur trade

D: Fur trade, individuals

2: Mactavish, William

MG 2: Red River Settlement

A: Selkirk period

6: Red River Settlement papers

B: Council of Assiniboia

1: Minutes of Council of Assiniboia

3: Census

4–1: Minutes of General  Quarterly Court

C: Individuals and settlement

    1: Kennedy, William

    4: Isbister, Alexander Kennedy

6: Bannatyne, Andrew Graham Ballenden

8: McDermot, Andrew

14: Ross, Alexander, family

40: McBeath, Robert, Sr

MG 3: Red River disturbance, Northwest rebellion, and related papers

B: Individuals re Red River disturbance and Red River expedition

1: Bunn, Thomas

5: Taché, Alexandre-Antonin

11: Woodington, Henry

16–2: Laurie, Patrick Gammie

D: Louis Riel

MG 6: Military records and law enforcement

A: North West Mounted Police

1: Walsh, James Morrow

MG 7: Church records and religious figures

A: Rupert’s Land

l: Ecclesiastical province of Rupert’s Land

B: Church of England

4: St Andrew’s Church

7: St John’s Cathedral, 1813–1901

C: Presbyterian

12: Black, John

D: Roman Catholic

8: St Boniface

MG 8: Immigration, settlement, and local histories

B: Individuals

52: McEwen, Mrs A. E.

61: Reid, Alexander

MG 9: Literary manuscripts and theses

A: Manuscripts and related papers

46: Lee, Charles H.

MG 10: Associations and institutions

A: Professional groups and trade unions

15: College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba

F: Historical societies and museums

2: Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba

MG 12: Lieutenant governors

A: Archibald, Adams George

B: Morns, Alexander

1: Lieutenant governor’s collection

2: Ketcheson collection

C: Cauchon, Joseph-Édouard

E: Schultz, John Christian

MG 13: Premiers

C: Norquay, John

MG 14: Public life

B: Political and judicial figures

26: Dubuc, Joseph

59: Kennedy, William Nassau

    C: Individuals

20: McArthur, Alexander

54: Gordon, Gordon “Lord”

66: Barber, Edmund Lorenzo 

RG 2: Manitoba Executive Council

A: Orders in council

1: 1870–85

HBCA: Hudson’s Bay Company Archives. The Hudson’s Bay Record Society has published numerous series of documents held by the HBCA, now located at PAM, since 1938 [ see section II] . The PRO and the PAC hold microfilm copies of the records for the years 1670 to 1870. For more information concerning copies held at the PAC and the finding aids that are available see: General inventory, manuscripts, 3. The articles by R. H. G. Leveson-Gower, “The archives of the Hudson’s Bay Company,” Beaver, outfit 264 (December  1933): 40–42, 64, and by Joan Craig, “Three hundred years of records,” Beaver, outfit 301 (autumn 1970): 65–70, provide useful information to researchers.

The following were cited in volume XI:

Section A: London office records

A.1/: London minute books

A.6/: London correspondence outwards  – official

A.7/: London locked private letterbooks

A.10/: London inward correspondence–general

A.11/: London inward correspondence from HBC posts

A.12/: London inward correspondence from governors of HBC territories

A.16/:Officers’ and servants’ ledgers and account books

A.31/: Lists of commissioned officers

A.32/: Servants’ contracts

A.34/: Servants’ characters and staff records

A.36/: Officers’ and servants’ wills

A.44/: Register books of wills and administrations of proprietors, etc.

A.64/: Miscellaneous books

Section B: North America trading post records

B.17/a: Bersimis journals

B.27/a: Carlton House (Sask.) journals

B.38/a: Fort Chimo journals

B.60/a: Edmonton House journals

B.60/b: Edmonton House correspondence books

B.60/c: Edmonton House correspondence inward

B.77/a: Fort George (Big River) journals

B.80/a: Fort Good Hope journals

B.85/a: Fort Halkett journals

B.123/a: Martin Fall journals

B.133/a: Mistassini journals

B.134/c: Montreal correspondence inward

B.134/g: Montreal abstracts of servants’ accounts

B.135/a: Moose journals

B.135/c: Moose correspondence inward

B.135/g: Moose abstracts of servants’ accounts

B.135/z: Moose miscellaneous items

B.154/a: Norway House journals

B.154/z: Norway House miscellaneous items

B.159/a: Fort Pelly journals

B.186/a: Rupert House journals

B.186/b: Rupert House correspondence books

B.188/d: Fort St James account books

B.200/b: Fort Simpson (Mackenzie River) correspondence books

B.200/c: Fort Simpson (Mackenzie River) correspondence inward

B.214/c: Tadoussac correspondence inward

B.223/b: Fort Vancouver (Columbia District) correspondence books

B.234/a: Winisk River journal

B.235/b: Winnipeg correspondence books

B.239/a: York Factory journals

B.239/g: York Factory abstracts of servants’ accounts, Northern Department

B.239/k: York Factory minutes of Council, Northern Department

B.239/u: York Factory servants’ engagement registers, Northern Department

B.332/a: Prince Albert journals

B.373/a: Little Whale River journals

B.373/c: Little Whale River correspondence inward

Section C: Records of ships owned or chartered by the HBC

C.1/: Ships’ logs

Section D: Governors’ papers

D.4/: George Simpson correspondence outward

D.5/: George Simpson correspondence inward

D.6/: George Simpson minutes and correspondence concerning will

D.7/: Eden Colvile correspondence inward

D.8/: Alexander Grant Dallas correspondence

D.9/: William Mactavish correspondence outward

D.13/: Commissioner’s outward letterbooks to London

D.14/: Commissioner’s outward letterbooks to HBC officials

D.20/: Commissioner’s correspondence inward

Section E: Miscellaneous records

E.4/: Red River Settlement church registers

E.5/: Red River Settlement census returns

E.6/: Red River Settlement land registers and records

E.12/1–4: Duncan Finlayson private papers

E.12/5: Isobel Finlayson private journal

Section F: Records of allied and subsidiary companies

F.8/-F.26/: Puget’s Sound Agricultural Company papers

PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF NEW BRUNSWICK, Fredericton. For information on its manuscript holdings see A guide to the manuscript collections in the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, comp. A. B. Rigby (Fredericton, 1977).

Materials used in the preparation of volume XI include:

“New Brunswick political biography.” Compiled by J. C. and H. B. Graves. 11 vols., typescript.

RG 2: Records of the central executive

RS6: Minutes and orders-in-council of the Executive Council

RG 7: Records of the Probate Courts

RS71: Saint John County Probate Court records

RG 11: Records of the Department of Education

RS 115: Licensing and appointment records

7: Inspection of schools, Monthly reports

RS 117: Teachers’ Training School and Teachers’ College records

1: Official registers

2: General record books

PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR, St John’s. For information on the collection see Preliminary inventory of the holdings .  .  . and Supplement .  .  . (2 nos., St John’s, 1970–74).

The following materials were cited in volume XI: Government records  – Newfoundland

GN l: Governor’s office

    3A: Incoming correspondence

    3B: Letterbooks, outgoing correspondence

GN 2: Department of the colonial secretary

1: Letterbooks, outgoing correspondence

2: Incoming correspondence

GN 3: Registry of Grants

2: Register of crown land sales

PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF CANADA, Ottawa. The PAC has published a Guide to the manuscript groups and record groups of the Manuscript Division, compiled by Grace Maurice Hyam (1978), and a guide to the Federal Archives Division, compiled by Terry Cook and G. T. Wright and entitled Historical records of the government of Canada ([2nd ed.], 1981). Collections at the PAC are listed in the Union list of manuscripts which it publishes, and it has also issued a provisional edition of a Guide to Canadian photographic archives (1979). Addenda to published inventories, unpublished inventories of manuscript and record groups at the PAC, and finding aids to individual collections are available at the PAC, which also makes available a large number of finding aids on microfiche.

The following inventories to materials in the

Manuscript and the Federal Archives divisions which were used in the preparation of volume XI have been published:

Catalogue of census returns on microfilm, 1666–1881 (1981).

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 1, MG 1-MG 10 (1971).

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 2, MG 11-MG 16 (1976) .

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 3, MG 17-MG 21 (1974) .

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 4, MG 22-MG 25 (1972).

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 5, MG 26-MG 27 (1972).

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 7, MG 29 (1975).

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 8, MG 30 (1977) .

General inventory series, no.1: records relating to Indian affairs (RG 10) (1975).

General inventory series, no.2: records of the R.C.M.P. (RG 18) (1975).

General inventory series, no.4: records of the Privy Council (RG 2) (1977).

General inventory series, no.6: records of Statistics Canada (RG 31) (1977).

General inventory series, no.8: records of the Department of Public Works (RG 11) (1977).

General inventory series: records of the Surveys and Mapping Branch (RG 88) (1979) .

An older series of inventories has been largely superseded by unpublished inventories available at the PAC, but the following are still useful:

Record Group I, Executive Council, Canada, 1764–1867 (1953).

Record Group 4, civil and provincial secretaries’ offices, Canada East, 1760–1867; Record Group S, civil and provincial secretaries’ offices, Canada West, 1788–1867 (1953).

Record Group 7, Governor general’s office (1953).

Record Group 8, British military and naval records (1954) .

Record Group 9, Department of Militia and Defence, 1776–1922 ([1957]).

The following were cited in volume XI:

MG 8: Documents relatifs à la Nouvelle-France et au Québec (XVIIe–XXe siècles)

F: Documents relatifs aux seigneuries et autres lieux

    77: Saint-Jean

MG 18: Pre-conquest papers

    H: New France

    6: Collection Taché

    25: Collection Peter Robinson

MG 19: Fur trade and Indians

A: Fur trade, general

2: Ermatinger estate

21: Hargrave family

29: Anderson, James

D: Fur trade, post records, and journals

12: Peel’s River House (Fort McPherson)

E: Red River Settlement

9: Rice, F. W.

MG 23: Late eighteenth-century papers

D: New Brunswick

1: Chipman, Ward, Sr and Jr

MG 24: Nineteenth-century pre-confederation papers

A: British officials and political figures

27: Durham, John George Lambton, 1st Earl of

33: Metcalfe, Charles Theophilus Metcalfe, Baron

B: North American political figures and events

2: Papiers Papineau

25: Bellingham, Sydney Robert

29: Howe, Joseph

30: Macdonald, John Sandfield

40: Brown, George

46: Chewier, Côme-Séraphin

51: Little, Philip Francis

54: Chauveau, Pierre-Joseph-Olivier

59: Dessaulles, Louis-Antoine

60: Daly, Thomas Mayne, Sr

68: Hincks, Sir  Francis

75: Buell, William

125: Coursol, Charles-Joseph

C: Correspondents of political figures

4: Thompson, Sir  John Sparrow

10: Graham, Christopher H.

D: Industry, commerce, and finance

7: Hamilton, George

8: Wright family

12: Dorwin, Jedediah Hubbell

16: Buchanan, Isaac, and family

21: Baring Brothers and Company

24: Bethune, Donald

36: Glyn Mills and Company

63: Gray family

79: Young, John

E: Transportation

1: Merritt, William Hamilton, and family

17: Watkin, Sir  Edward William

F: Military and naval figures

28: Bayfield, Henry Wolsey

G: Militia

45: Salaberry, famine de

H: Exploration, travel, and surveys

    25: Lefroy, Sir  John Henry

I: Immigration, land, and settlement

3: McGillivray family of Glengarry

8: Macdonell of Collachie

    9: Hill collection

    26: Hamilton, Alexander

    56: Taylor, John F.

    61: Joseph, Abraham

    63: Gosse, P. H.

    81: Association des comtés de L’Islet et de

    Kamouraska pour coloniser le Saguenay

    94: Glackmeyer, Louis-Édouard

    106: Keefer collection

    131: Nelles, Robert

    140: Thompson, Samuel, and family

K: Education and cultural development

    3: Painchaud, Abbé Charles-François

L: Miscellaneous

    3: Collection Baby

MG 26: Papers of the prime ministers

A: Macdonald, Sir  John Alexander

B: Mackenzie, Alexander

D: Thompson, Sir  John Sparrow David

E: Bowell, Sir  Mackenzie

F: Tupper, Sir  Charles

MG 27: Political figures, 1867–1950

I: 1867–96

B: Governors general

    3: Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple

    Blackwood, 1st Marquess of

C: Lieutenant governors

    3: Chapleau, Sir  Joseph-Adolphe

    4: Dewdney, Edgar

    6: McDougall, William

    8: Morris, Alexander

D: Cabinet ministers

    3: Carom Sir  Adolphe-Philippe

    4: Cartier, Sir  George-Étienne

    8: Galt, Sir  Alexander Tilloch

    11: Langevin, Sir  Hector

    13: O’Connor, John

    15: Tilley, Sir  Samuel Leonard

E: Members of the House of Commons and the


    13: Penny, Edward Goff

F: Provincial political figures

    3: Riel, Louis

    8: Ouimet, Gédéon

I: Correspondents of political figures

    19: Smith, Henry Hall

    27: Stuart, George O’Kill

J: Related political papers

    13: Watson, Samuel James


D: Cabinet ministers

    14: Scott, Richard William

    16: Tame, Joseph-Israël

F: Provincial political figures

    7: Latchford, Francis Robert

MG 28: Records of post-confederation corporate bodies

    I: Societies and associations

    37: Ottawa Protestant Orphan’s Home

44: Labour Council of Metropolitan Toronto

72: International Typographical Union

126: Royal Canadian Academy of Arts

II: Financial institutions

    3: Merchants’ Bank of Canada

III: Business establishments

    20: Canadian Pacific Railway

26: Bronsons and Weston Lumber Company

46: Hill and Hill

MG 29: Nineteenth-century post-confederation manuscripts

A: Economic

    2: Keefer, Samuel

B: Scientific

    1: Fleming, Sandford

    6: Smith, Marcus

    15: Bell, Robert

C: Social

10: Ferrier, A. D.

    34: Dougall, John, and family

    37: Allan, Hugh

D: Cultural

    29: Bibaud, Maximilien

    40: Fréchette, Louis-Honoré

    60: Dent, John Charles

    61: Morgan, Henry James

E: Professional and public life

    24: Higginson, William

    29: benison, George Taylor, III

    74: Campbell, John Colin Armour

MG 30: Manuscripts of the first half of the twentieth century

C: Social

    97: Kelso, John Joseph

D: Cultural

    1: Audet, Francis-Joseph

    37: Griffin, Martin Joseph

MG 40: Records and manuscripts from British repos-


    I: Admiralty Hydrographic Department

    2: Bayfield, Henry Wolsey

RG    1: Executive Council, Canada, 1764–1867

    E: State records

    l: Minute books (state matters)

    3: Upper Canada state papers

    7: Submissions to council

    L: Land records

    3: Upper Canada and Canada, petitions

RG 2: Privy Council Office

1: Minutes and orders in council

RG 4: Civil and provincial secretaries’ offices, Quebec, Lower Canada, and Canada East

B: Office records

28: Bonds, licenses, and certificates

29: Militia records

C: Provincial secretary’s correspondence

1: Numbered correspondence files

2: Letterbooks, Quebec, Lower Canada

RG S: Civil and provincial secretaries’ offices, Upper Canada and Canada West

A: Civil secretary’s office

l: Upper Canada sundries

B: Miscellaneous records

11: Miscellaneous records relating to education

C: Provincial secretary’s correspondence

l: Numbered correspondence files

RG    7: Governor general’s office

G1: Dispatches from the Colonial Office

G6: Dispatches from the British minister at Washington

G9: Drafts of dispatches to the Colonial Office

G 10: Drafts of secret and confidential dispatches to the Colonial Office

RG    8: British military and naval records

    I: C series (British military records)

RG    9: Department of Militia and Defence

    I: Pre-confederation records

C: Adjutant-general’s office, United Canada

4: General orders

5: Pensions and land grants

6: Register of officers

7: Officers’ commissions

8: Subject files

II: Post-confederation records

A: Deputy minister’s office

1: Correspondence

B: Adjutant-general’s office and headquarters

4: Registers and lists of officers and men

RG 10: Indian affairs

A: Administrative records of the imperial government

1: Records of the governor general and the lieutenant governors 1–7: Upper Canada, civil control

2: Records of the superintendent’s office

    8–21: Superintendent general’s office

4: Records of the chief superintendent’s office, Upper Canada 498–509, 749: Letterbooks

5: Records of the civil secretary’s office

    142–262, 752–60: Correspondence

    510–20: Letterbooks

    622–23: Drafts

6: General office files

    I 16–18: Departmental organization

    1011: Paudash papers

B: Ministerial administration records

2: Deputy superintendent general’s office

    521–27, 1078–133: Letterbooks

3: Central registry system

    1855–3554: Red (Eastern) series

    3555–4375: Black (Western) series

    7555–919: Central registry files

8: General headquarters administration


766–68A: G. M. Matheson, Notes and indices

C: Field office records

I: Superintendency records

3: Northern (Manitowaning) superinten-


6: Six Nations (Grand River) superinten-


    803–93: Correspondence

II: Agency records

    Duck Lake agency, Saskatchewan

    1591–92: Correspondence

1593–601, 9112–17: General administration files

RG 11: Department of Public Works

A: Board of Works records

1: Official correspondence

    1–39: Registered correspondence

B: Department of Public Works

l: Registry records

a: Official correspondence

149–597, 3974: Registered correspondence

b: Registers and indexes

    615–708: Subject registers

    752–54: Staff registers

d: Railway Branch records

    828–36: Records of the Intercolonial


e: 837–43: Commission of inquiry into matters relating to the construction of the Parliament Buildings

2: Registry records

b: Registers and indexes

    2117–20: General indexes

D: Chief architect’s office

2: Letterbooks

RG 13: Department of Justice

A: Central registry files

1: Indexes and registers

B: Special records

2: Records relating to Louis Riel and the

    North-West uprising

C: Branch records

1: Legal Branch

    1393–854: Capital case files

RG 14: Records of parliament

E: Senate

2: Letterbooks

RG 15: Department of the Interior

D: Dominion lands administration

    II: Dominion Lands Branch

    1: Correspondance, headquarters

RG 16: Department of National Revenue

    A: Customs

2: Correspondence and returns, Province of Canada

RG    18: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

    A: Comptroller’s office

1: Official correspondence series 1–606: Subject files

    B: Commissioner’s office

    7: Personnel records

RG 19: Department of Finance

    C: Agencies and acts administered by the

    Department of Finance

    1: Bank of Upper Canada

RG 30: Canadian National Railways

    120–32: Hamilton and North Western Rail-


    167–96: Northern Railway

    197–216: Northern and North Western Rail-


    326–31: Galt and Guelph Railway

    361–63: Hamilton and Toronto Railway

    1414: Toronto, Simcoe and Huron Union


    1596–98, 2028–29: Ontario, Simcoe and

    Huron Union Railroad

    10484–90: Montreal Telegraph Company

RG 31: Statistics Canada

    A: Census Division

    l: Census records

RG 42: Department of Marine

    I: Shipping registers

RG 43: Department of Railways and Canals

    B: Canal Branch

    4: Field office records

    b: Ottawa-St Lawrence canals

RG 45: Geological Survey of Canada

    123–77: Field notebooks

RG 48: Dominion Astronomical Observatories

    29–32: Records of Boundary Commissioner

    Captain  D. R. Cameron

RG 68: Department of the Registrar General

    1: Registration of proclamations, commissions,

    letters patent, warrants, and other instru-

    ments issued under the great seal of Canada

RG 93: Atmospheric Environment Service

    A: Registers and indexes

2: Registers of correspondence received and sent


description of the collections see Inventory of manuscripts in the Public Archives of Nova Scotia (Halifax, 1976).

Materials used in the preparation of volume XI


MG 1: Papers of families and individuals

    160A: William Marsters Brown, Genealogy

    277–311: Arthur W. H. Eaton, Documents

    550–58: Thomas McCulloch, Documents

    793: Simon B. Robie, Documents

    817–63: Thomas B. Smith, Genealogy

    963A: Martin Isaac Wilkins, Documents

MG 2: Political papers

    719–25: George Renny Young papers

    726–30: John Young papers

    731–82: Sir  William Young papers

MG 3: Business papers

272–75: Martin Isaac Wilkins, Pictou, N.S.

MG 4: Churches and communities

    37: Guysborough, History

    48: St Matthew’s Church, Halifax

    122: Onslow Township, Township book

MG 5: Cemeteries

MG 9: Scrapbooks

MG 15: Ethnic collections

6: Indians

MG 20: Societies and special collections

61–70: Charitable Irish Society, Halifax, collection

180: Halifax Poor Man’s Friend Society collection

230–73, 471, 475: North British Society collection

670–707: Nova Scotia Historical Society, unpublished papers

674, no.9: A. H. McKinnon, “William Young: member of the legislature for Inverness”

675, no.1: N. H. Meagher, “Sir  William Young”

MS file, Wilkins family, Genealogy

RG l: Bound volumes of Nova Scotia records for

    the period 1624–1867

60–110: Dispatches from the secretary of state to the governors of Nova Scotia

111–28: Dispatches from the governors of Nova Scotia to the secretary of state

    186–214 H: Council, Minutes

    224–65: Miscellaneous documents

    341–96c: Special subjects

    361½: Onslow, Town records

    443–54: Census and poll tax

    448–50: Nova Scotia census, 1838

    453: Halifax County census, 1851

RG 2: Records of the governors’ and lieutenant-

    governors’ offices

    Sect.2: Correspondence

RG 3: Records of the Executive Council of Nova


    3: Memorandum book, 1872–75

RG 5: Records of the Legislative Assembly of

Nova Scotia

E: Election writs

16: Polling lists, Antigonish County; Election returns, Antigonish and Guysborough counties GP: Governor’s petitions

2: Miscellaneous, 1850–54

11: Requests for appointment as notary public

P: Petitions

41–50: Miscellaneous “B”; Petitions re-

questing a grant of money

R: Reports and resolutions

RG 6: Secretary of state’s office

Sect.2: Letters from secretary of state for

Canada to lieutenant governors of Nova

Scotia 32: Confidential letterbook

RG 7: Records of the provincial secretary of Nova


1–142: Letters received

RG 14: Education

70: Provincial secretary of Nova Scotia, Correspondence

RG 18: Immigration and ship passenger lists

Ser.A: Naturalization of aliens and oaths of allegiance

RG 32: Vital statistics

132–69: Marriage bonds

RG 35A: Halifax city and county assessments

1–4: Halifax city assessments

RG 39: Supreme Court

C: Civil and criminal cases



Materials used in the preparation of volume XI


Bank of Prince Edward Island, Minute book

John Mackieson, Diaries

Natural History Society for Prince Edward Island


    Minute book

Edward Palmer papers

Palmer family papers

“Scrapbook containing papers relating to Joseph

    Pope, W. H. Pope, and J. C. Pope”

RG 1: Lieutenant  Governor, Commission books

RG 5: Executive Council, Minutes

RG 6: Court records

Supreme Court records


Court of Chancery records

Case papers


RG 15: Rent books

RG 16: Registry Office, Land registry records

    Conveyance registers

    Land title documents

RG 18: Census records, 1841, 1861

QUÉBEC, MINISTÈRE DE LA JUSTICE. The Archives civiles and the Archives judiciaires du Québec are now separate repositories under the jurisdiction of the Ministère de la Justice as a result of reclassification of the former Archives judiciaires. They are deposited at the court-houses in the administrative centres of the provincial judicial districts.

ARCHIVES CIVILES. These archives hold documents for the past 100 years, including the registers of births, marriages, and deaths, notaries’ minutiers (minute books), and records of surveyors active in the district; earlier documents are at the ANQ.

ARCHIVES JUDICIAIRES. The new Archives judiciaires contain the records of the various courts of justice; current documents, from about the past five years, are at the court-houses, while documents from the previous 25 years will be in one of the 13 record centres being organized by the Ministère de la Justice, and documents more than 30 years old will be in the regional centres of the ANQ.

BUREAU D’ENREGISTREMENT. The registry offices hold all property titles and contracts affecting real estate: sales, marriages, wills and estates, mortgages, conveyances, assignments, gifts, guardian- and trusteeships. At present there are 82 registry offices in the province. A list of the judicial districts and registry offices can be found in The Quebec legal telephone directory, ed. Andrée Frenette-Lecoq (Montreal, 1980).

QUÉBEC, MINISTÈRE DES AFFAIRES CULTURELLES, Centre de documentation, Québec. The Ministère des Affaires culturelles has consolidated the collection of all previously existing centres into one documentation centre, including that of the Inventaire des Biens culturels.

    The following were cited in volume XI:

Fonds Morisset

1: Architecture et oeuvres d’art par localité

    15868–84: Yamachiche, église

2: Artistes et artisans

    A517/L382: Amiot, Laurent

    B772.5/V64/1: Bourgeau, Victor

    F177/A634.7: Falardeau, Antoine-Sébastien

G492.5/C997.5: Gingras, Cyrille

    L169.5/A495.1: Lafrance, Ambroise-Adhémar

L445.2/A23.8/1–4: Leblanc, Augustin

    L673/P622: Lespérance, Pierre

    M379/F316: Martin, Félix

    085.3/J65.5: Ostell, John

    V775.5/Z16: Vincent, Zacharie

QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES, Kingston, Ont. For information on the collection see A guide to the holdings of Queen’s University Archives (Kingston, 1978). The Lorne and Edith Pierce collection is described in detail in A catalogue of Canadian manuscripts collected by Lorne Pierce and presented to Queen’s University (Toronto, 1946).

Collections consulted in the preparation of volume XI include:

Calvin Company records

Canada Steamship Lines Ltd. records

    La Compagnie du Richelieu


    Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company


Corporation of the City of Kingston

    City records

    Minutes of council

    Reports of committees

House of Industry records

Alexander Mackenzie papers

M. L. Magill papers

Charles Mair papers

Lorne and Edith Pierce collection of Canadian manuscripts

    Isabella Valancy Crawford, manuscripts

Queen’s University records

    Queen’s University letters

    Queen’s University medical faculty records

David Stirling, Notebook

UNITED CHURCH ARCHIVES, CENTRAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA, Toronto. The present-day United Church Archives is a descendant of 19th-and 20th-century archival collections of various Canadian Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, and Evangelical/United Brethren in Christ bodies. The collection is housed in the Central Archives of the United Church of Canada at Victoria University, Toronto. The Central Archives collection is national in scope. Material of local interest, including the official records of the conferences concerned, is housed in regional conference archives.

    Materials used in volume XI include:

Biography files

John Black, Correspondence

Church history files

Methodist Church of Canada records

    Missionary Society


    Toronto conference


Matthew Richey papers

Egerton Ryerson papers

Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada records

UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK LIBRARY, Archives and Special Collections Department, Fredericton.

    Materials used in volume XI include:

MG H: Historical

H12a: Gordon, Sir  Arthur Hamilton, 1st Baron Stanmore, Papers

UA: University archives

RG 109: University manuscripts

UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ARCHIVES, Toronto. Finding aids are available within the archives for its major collections.

Materials used in the preparation of volume XI include:

Daniel Wilson, Journal excerpts

    A70–0005: Senate, Minutes, 1850–73

A73–0015/001: Upper Canada, General  Board of

Education, Minutes, 14  June  1823–11  March


A73–0026: Department of Graduate Records


A74–0018: Upper Canada College records

UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO, D. B. Weldon Library, London, Ont. A description of the municipal record and personal manuscript collections is available on microfiche in Regional collection: the D. B. Weldon Library catalogue, ed. S. L. Sykes (4 fiches, London, 1977).

The following material was used in the preparation of volume XI:

H. C. R. Becher papers Fred Landon papers

Amelia Ryerse (Harris) papers

Thomas Swinyard papers


CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY ARCHIVES, London. For copies of materials in the PAC see General inventory, manuscripts, 3: MG 17-MG 21 (Ottawa, 1974).

The following were consulted for volume XI:

C: Committee of Correspondence (pre–1880)

C. 1: North West America mission, Rupert’s Land

I: Letterbooks, individual correspondence, outgoing, 1852–87

L: Letterbooks, despatches, outgoing, 1821–82

M: Mission books, incoming letters, 1822–76

O: Original letters, journals and papers, incoming, 1822–80

G 1: East Asia (Group 1) Committee (post–1880)

C.1: North West America mission, Rupert’s Land

P: Précis of letters, incoming, 1881–1924

PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, London. For an introduction to the holdings and arrangement of this archives see

Guide to the contents of the Public Record Office

(3v., London, 1963–68). For copies of PRO documents available at the PAC see General inventory, manuscripts, 2.

    Materials cited in volume XI include:


    Admiralty and Secretariat

ADM 1: Papers

ADM 9: Returns of officers’ services

ADM 11: Indexes and compilations, series II

    ADM 196: Records of officers’ services

    Navy Board

    ADM 107: Passing certificates

Colonial Office. [See R. B. Pugh, The records of the

    Colonial and Dominions offices (London, 1964).]

    Antigua and Monserrat

CO 7: Original correspondence British Columbia

CO 60: Original correspondence

    CO 398: Entry books


CO 42: Original correspondence

CO 43: Entry books New Brunswick

    CO 188: Original correspondence

    CO 189: Entry books

    CO 193: Miscellanea


    CO 194: Original correspondence

    CO 195: Entry books

    CO 197: Sessional papers

    Nova Scotia and Cape Breton

    CO 217: Original correspondence

    CO 218: Entry books

    Prince Edward Island

    CO 226: Original correspondence

    Vancouver Island

    CO 305: Original correspondence

Foreign Office. [See Records of the Foreign Office,

    1782–1939 (London, 1969).]

    General  Correspondence

FO 5: America, United States of, series II Confidential print

FO 414: America, North

Private collections

FO 362: Granville papers Maps and plans

FO 925: Maps and plans

Public Record Office

Documents acquired by gift, deposit, or purchase

    PRO 30/6: Carnarvon papers

PRO 30/48: Cardwell papers

War Office


    WO 1: In-letters


WO 25: Registers, various Ordnance office

WO 49: Accounts, various

UNITED SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL, London. The archives is in the process of reorganizing and reclassifying some material. Thus classifications used by Canadian archives holding USPG microfilm do not always correspond to those of the archives itself. Indexes are available at USPG, however, and most dated references are easily transferred. For copies of USPG archives documents in the PAC see General inventory, manuscripts, 3.

The following were consulted:

C/CAN: Unbound letters from Canada. A nominal card index is available at USPG.

Tor: Toronto

D: Original letters received from 1850, bound in volumes. Handlist of writers and places, not alphabetical, available at USPG.

E: Reports from SPG missionaries from 1856, bound in volumes. Handlist available at USPG.


BAKER LIBRARY, Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration, Boston.

The following material was consulted in the preparation of volume XI:

R. G. Dun collection

    Manuscript credit ledgers



ARCHIVES NATIONALES DU QUÉBEC, Québec. Rapport. 54 vols. 1920/21–77. There is an index to the contents of the first 42 volumes: Tables des matières des rapports des Archives du Québec, tomes 1 à 42 (1920–1964) ([Québec], 1965).

[BEGG, ALEXANDER.] Alexander Begg’s Red River

journal and other papers relative to the Red River resistance of 1869–1870. Edited with an introduction by William Lewis Morton. (Champlain Society publications, XXXIV.) Toronto, 1956; reprinted New York 1969.



Journals, used for 1872–90.

Sessional papers, used for 1872–90. The

sessional papers for 1872–75 are included in its Journals.


Journals, 1864–71.


For a bibliography of the publications of the government of British Columbia, see M. C. Holmes, Publications of the government of British Columbia, 1871–1947 .  .  . (Victoria, 1950).



Debates/Débats, used for 1867–90. Official publication of the House of Commons debates began in 1875. The debates for 1867– are being edited by Peter Busby Waite and those for 1867–70 have been published, 1967–79. [See also: “Parliamentary debates.”]

Journals/Journaux, used for 1867–90.


Sessional papers/Documents de la session, used for 1867–95.


Debates/Débats, used for 1867–90. Official publication of the Senate debates began in English in 1871 and in French in 1896. The volumes for 1867–70 have been edited by Peter Busby Waite and were published in 1968–77. The debates after 1871 are being republished with parallel English and French versions, edited by A. Pamela Hardisty, 1980–    .

Statutes of Canada/Statuts du Canada, used for

1871–91. In 1873 the title became Acts of the

parliament of the dominion of Canada/Actes du

parlement de la puissance du Canada.


For useful guides to the publications of the government of Canada, seeO. B. Bishop, Canadian official publications (Oxford and Toronto, 1981), and M. V. Higgins, Canadian government publications: a manual for librarians (Chicago, 1935).



Appendix to the .  .  . journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada/Appendice .  .  . des journaux de la province du Canada, 1841–59. Continued by Canada, Province of, Parliament/Parlement, Sessional papers/Documents de la session.

Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada/Journaux de l’Assemblie legislative de la province du Canada, 1841–66.


Parliamentary debates on the subject of the con-

federation of the British North American provinces, 3rd session, 8th provincial parliament of Canada/Débats parlementaires sur la question de la confédération des provinces de l’Amérique britannique du Nord, 3e session, 8e parlement provincial du Canada. Quebec, 1865; the Parliamentary debates were reprinted at Ottawa in 1951.

Sessional papers .  .  . of the Province of Canada Documents de la session .  .  . de la province du Canada, 1860–66. Supersedes Canada, Province of, Legislative Assembly/Assemblée législative, Appendix to the .  .  . journals/Appendice .  .  . des journaux.

Statutes of the Province of Canada .  .  . /Statuts de la province du Canada .  .  .  , 1841–66. The statutes were published under the title Provincial statutes of Canada/Les statuts provinciaux du Canada from 1841 to 1851.


For a critical bibliography of the English language publications of the Province of Canada, seeO. B. Bishop, Publications of the government of the Province of Canada, 1841–1867 (Ottawa, 1963). See also The Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada: an index to journal appendices and sessional papers, 1841–1866, comp. P. A. Damphouse (London, Ont., 1974).

The Canadian North-West, its early development and

legislative records; minutes of the councils of the Red River colony and the Northern Department of Rupert’s Land. Edited by Edmund Henry Oliver. (PAC publications, 9.) 2 vols. Ottawa, 1914–15.

CARROLL, JOHN [SALTKILL]. Case and his contemporaries; or, the Canadian itinerants’ memorial: constituting a biographical history of Methodism in Canada, from its introduction into the province, till the death of the Rev.  William Case in 1855.5 vols. Toronto, 1867–77.


50 vols. to date, exclusive of the Hudson’s Bay Company series [see HBRS], the Ontario series, and the unnumbered series. Issued only to elected members of the society who are limited in numbers.

XXVIII: Mactavish, Letters of Letitia Hargrave (MacLeod).

XXXIV: Begg, Red River journal (Morton).

Debates of the Legislative Assembly of United

Canada, 1841–1867. General editor, Elizabeth

[Nish] Gibbs. 11 vols. in 18 to date. Montreal,


Débats de la législature provinciale de la province de

Québec. 15 vols. Québec, 1879–95. Title varies:

[I]-[II], Débats de la législature provinciale de la

province de Québec; [III]–[XIII], Débats de la législature de la province de Québec; XIV-XV, Débats de l’Assemblée législative de la province de Québec. Editors: [I]–[III], G.-Alphonse Desjardins; [IV]–[XI], Alphonse Desjardins; [XII]–[XIII], N. Malenfant; XIV–XV, Louis-Georges Desjardins.

Débats de l’Assemblée législative. Marcel Hamelin, édit. 4 vols. parus. Québec, 1974–    .

[I]: 1relégislature, 1867–1870].

[II]: 2e législature, 1871–1875.

[III] : 3e législature, 1875–1878.

[IV]: 8e législature, 1893–1897.

Documentary history of education in Upper Canada from the passing of the Constitutional Act of 1791 to the close of Rev.  Dr.  Ryerson’s administration of the Education Department in 1876. Edited by John George Hodgins. 28 vols. Toronto, 1894–1910.

The Elgin-Grey papers, 1846–1852. Edited with notes and appendices by Arthur George Doughty. (PAC publication.) 4 vols. Ottawa, 1937.

GREAT BRITAIN, PARLIAMENT, HOUSE OF COMMONS PAPER, 1857 (session II), XV, 224, 260 (whole volume). Report from the select committee on the Hudson’s Bay Company; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index.


[HOWE, JOSEPH.] The speeches and public letters of Joseph Howe (based upon Mr.  Armand’s edition of 1858). Revised and edited by Joseph Andrew Chisholm. 2 vols. Halifax, 1909.


31 vols. to date. General editor for vols.I–XXII, Edwin Ernest Rich; vols.XXIII–XXV, Kenneth Gordon Davies; vols.XXVI–XXX, Glyndwr Williams; vols.XXXI–    , Hartwell Bowsfield. Vo1s.I–XII were issued in association with the Champlain Society [q.v.] and reprinted in 1968 in Nendeln, Liechtenstein.

XIX: [Colvile, Eden.] London correspondence inward from Eden Colvile, 1849–1852. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, assisted by Alice Margaret Johnson, with an introduction by William Lewis Morton. London, 1956.

XXI, XXII: Rich, Hist. of HBC [see section IV]. XXX: Hudson’s Bay miscellany, 1670–1870. Edited with introductions by Glyndwr Williams. Winnipeg, 1975.

Journal de l’instruction publique/journal of Education for Lower Canada. Quebec and Montreal. 1 (1857)–23 (1879). Official publications of the Department of Public Instruction, published variously at Quebec and Montreal. The two editions were completely independent, and neither was a translation of the other.

[MACDONALD, JOHN ALEXANDER.] The letters of Sir  John A. Macdonald. (PAC publications, The papers of the prime ministers series, I–II.) 2 vols. Ottawa, 1968–69. I: 1836–1857. Edited by James Keith Johnson. II: 1858–1861. Edited by James Keith Johnson and Carole B. Stelmack.

[MACTAVISH, LETITIA.] The letters of Letitia Hargrave. Edited with introduction and notes by Margaret Arnett MacLeod. (Champlain Society publications, XXVIII.) Toronto, 1947.



Journals, used for 1876–90.

MORRIS, ALEXANDER. The treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories, including the negotiations on which they were based, and other information relating thereto. Toronto, 1880; reprinted [ 1885?]; reprinted 1971.



Journal, used for 1852–79.

Reports of the debates, used for 1850–80. From 1874 the debates have the title Synoptic report of the proceedings.


Journal, used for 1870–85.


For a bibliography of the publications of the government of New Brunswick, see O. B. Bishop, Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, 1758–1952 (Ottawa, 1957).

NEWFOUNDLAND Blue book, used for 1832–90. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY

Journal, used for 1832–89.


Journal and proceedings, used for 1833–90.

Debates and proceedings, used for 1855–75. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL

Debates and proceedings, used for 1858–75.

Journal of the proceedings, used for 1854–86. PUBLICATIONS

For a bibliography of the publications of the government of Nova Scotia, see O. B. Bishop, Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, 1758–1852 (Ottawa, 1957).



Journals, used for 1867–90. LEGISLATURE

Sessional papers, used for 1870–90. PUBLICATIONS

For a bibliography of the publications of the government of Ontario during the period

covered by this volume, see O. B. Bishop, Publications of the government of Ontario, 1867–1900 (Toronto, 1976).

“Parliamentary debates.” Canadian Library Association project to microfilm the debates of the legislature of the Province of Canada and the parliament of Canada for the period 1846–74.



Debates and proceedings, used for 1855–90.

The title was The parliamentary reporter; or, debates and proceedings up to 1886.

Journal, used for 1835–91.


Debates and proceedings, used for 1860–73.

Journal, used for 1860–82.


For a bibliography of the publications of the government of Prince Edward Island, see O. B. Bishop, Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, 1758–1952 (Ottawa, 1957).

PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF CANADA, Ottawa. Report; Rapport. Begun in 1881. Annually until 1952; irregularly thereafter.



Journals/Journaux, used for 1867–68 to 1880.


Sessional papers/Documents de la session, used for 1869 to 1886.

Statutes of the province of Quebec/Statuts de la province de Québec, used for 1869 to 1886.


For a bibliography of the publications of the government of Quebec, see Répertoire des publications gouvernementales du Québec de 1867 à 1964. André Beaulieu et al., comp. (Québec, 1968).

ROSS, ALEXANDER. The Red River settlement: its rise, progress, and present state; with some account of the native races and its general history to the present day. London, 1856; reprinted Minneapolis, Minn., 1957, and Edmonton, 1972.


Numerous sources have been used to determine the various titles of newspapers and their dates of publication. The printed sources include, for all areas of the country: Canadian Library Assoc., Canadian newspapers on microfilm, catalogue (2pts. in 3, Ottawa, 1959–69), and Union list of Canadian newspapers held by Canadian libraries/Liste collective des journaux canadiens disponsibles daps les bibliothèques

canadiennes (Ottawa, 1977); for British Columbia: Madge Wolfenden, “The early government gazettes,” BCHQ, 7 (1943): 171–90; for Manitoba: J. W. Dafoe, “Early Winnipeg newspapers,” HSSM Papers, 3rd ser., no.3 (1947): 14–24, and D. M. Loveridge, A historical directory of Manitoba newspapers, 1859–1978 (Winnipeg, 1980); for New Brunswick: Harper, Hist. directory [see section III]; for Newfoundland: “Chronological list of Newfoundland newspapers in the public collections at the Gosling Memorial Library and Provincial Archives,” comp. Ian McDonald (copy deposited in the Reference Library, Arts and Culture Centre, St John’s); for Nova Scotia: D. C. Harvey, “Newspapers of Nova Scotia, 1840–1867,” CHR, 26 (1945): 279–301, and G. E. N. Tratt, A survey and listing of Nova Scotia newspapers, 1752–1957, with particular reference to the period before 1867 (Halifax, 1979); for Ontario: Catalogue of Canadian newspapers in the Douglas Library, Queen’s University, [comp. L. c. Ellison et al.] (Kingston, 1969), Early Toronto newspapers (Firth) [see section III], and W. S. Wallace, “The periodical literature of Upper Canada,” CHR, 12 (1931): 4–22; for Prince Edward Island: W. L. Cotton, “The press in Prince Edward Island,” Past and present of P.E.I. (MacKinnon and Warburton), 112–21 [see section IV], and R. L. Cotton, “Early press,” Historic highlights of Prince Edward Island, ed. M. C. Brehaut (Charlottetown, 1955), 40–45; and for Quebec: Beaulieu et J. Hamelin, La presse québécoise [ see section III] .

Acadian Recorder, Halifax. Began publication 16  Jan.  1813 as a weekly. A tri-weekly was also published from 5  Sept.  1863, and a daily from 1868. It ceased publication on 10  May  1930.

L’Avenir, Montréal. Published from 24  June  1847 to 22  Dec.  1857.

British Colonist, Halifax. Its full title initially was British Colonist: a Literary, Political and Commercial Journal. Published from 25  July  1848 until 31  Dec.  1874 as a tri-weekly; a weekly was added in January  1849 and a daily edition on 13  Dec.  1869. From 11  Sept.  1851 until 20  Jan.  1855, the title was British Colonist, and North American Railway Journal.

British Colonist, Toronto. Began as a weekly on 1  February  1838 and became a semi-weekly in August  1843. A daily edition, the Daily Colonist, began in November  1851 and a weekly, the News of the Week, or Weekly Colonist, in August  1852. In September  1860 the daily and semi-weekly editions were dropped, but the News of the Week continued until December  1861.

British Colonist, Victoria. See Daily Colonist

British Columbian, New Westminster, B.C. Published under a variety of titles from 13  Feb.  1861 to 25  July  1869 and from December  1881 to July

1950. Its frequency varied between weekly and semi-weekly, except from 16  March to 25  July  1869 when it was published as a daily in Victoria. In 1886 it became the weekly edition of the Columbian.

British Whig, Kingston, Ont. See Daily British Whig

Canadian Illustrated News, Montreal. Published from 30  Oct.  1869 to 22  Dec.  1883.

Canadian Monetary Times and Insurance Chronicle, Toronto. See Monetary Times

Le Canadien, Québec. Published from 22  Nov.  1806 to 11  Feb.  1893.

Cariboo Sentinel, Barkerville, B.C. Published from 6  June  1865 to 30  Oct.  1875 although publication was suspended for several short periods. The paper was published at various times as a weekly, a semi-weekly, and a semi-monthly.

Christian Guardian, Toronto. Published as a weekly at York (Toronto) from 21  Nov.  1829 until 10  June  1925 when it was superseded by the New Outlook, which was in turn succeeded by the United Church Observer on 1  March  1939. A general index of the Christian Guardian for the years 1829–67 is available at the UCA. A selective index for church news and general historical information is in preparation for the period after 1867.

Chronicle & Gazette, Kingston, Ont. See Daily News

Chronicle and News, Kingston, Ont. See Daily News

Le Courrier de Saint-Hyacinthe, Saint-Hyacinthe, Qué. Began publication on 24  Feb.  1853.

Le Courrier du Canada, Québec. Published from 2  Feb.  1857 to 11  April  1901.

Daily British Colonist, Victoria. See Daily Colonist

Daily British Colonist and Victoria Chronicle. See Daily Colonist

Daily British Whig, Kingston, Ont. Began publication as the semi-weekly British Whig in February  1834. The paper also appeared under the titles British Whig and General  Advertiser for the Midland District and British Whig and General  Advertiser for Canada West. On 1  Jan.  1849 it became the Daily British Whig, and the Weekly British Whig was also published. On 1  Dec.  1926 the paper merged with the Daily Standard to became the Whig-Standard.

Daily Colonist, Victoria. Published under various titles from 11  Dec.  1858 to the present. Until 28  July  1860 the full name was the British Colonist; from 31  July  1860 to 23  June  1866, it was the Daily British Colonist. On 25  June  1866 it absorbed the Victoria Daily Chronicle (1862–66) and from then to 6  Aug.  1872 was known as the Daily British Colonist and Victoria Chronicle; from 7  Aug.  1872 to 31  Dec.  1886 the name was the Daily British Colonist, and from 1  Jan.  1887 to the present, the Daily Colonist. The paper began as a weekly, then on 16  May  1859 a tri-weekly issue was added (the weekly continuing as the Weekly British Colonist).

The paper published five issues per week beginning on 31  July  1860, and after 4  Feb.  1861 became a full-scale daily.

Daily Evening Mercury, Quebec. See Quebec Daily Mercury

Daily Free Press, Winnipeg. See Manitoba Free Press

Daily Mail and Empire, Toronto. See Mail

Daily News, Kingston, Ont. Published from 7  Oct.  1851 to 1908, it was sometimes issued as the Kingston Daily News, the Kingston News, and the News and Times. In April  1908 it became the Daily Standard and on 1  Dec.  1926 merged with the Daily British Whig to form the Whig-Standard. From 1847 to about 1899 a weekly edition, the Chronicle and News, was published. The predecessors of the latter were the Kingston Gazette (1810–18), the Kingston Chronicle (1819–33), and the semi-weekly Chronicle & Gazette (29  June  1833–1847), which had as its full title Chronicle & Gazette and Kingston Commercial Advertiser until 1840 when the sub-title was dropped.

Daily Standard, Kingston, Ont. See Daily News

Daily Sun, Saint John, N.B. Published from 29  July  1878 as the Daily Sun, from 2  June  1887 as the St. John Daily Sun, and from 5  May  1906 as the Sun. On 14  March  1910 it merged with the Daily Telegraph to become the Daily Telegraph and the Sun (later the Telegraph-Journal).

Daily Telegraph, Saint John, N. B. See Telegraph

Daily Witness, Montreal. See Montreal Daily Witness

L’Étendard, Montréal. Published from 1  May  1883 to 20  March  1893.

L’Événement, Québec. Published from 13  May  1867 to 3  March  1967.

Evening Express, Halifax. Published as a tri-weekly from 4  Jan.  1858 to 30  Dec.  1872 as the Evening Express and Commercial Record, in 1873 it became a daily as the Evening Express, Daily Edition. On 16  July  1874 it became the Evening Express and apparently ceased publishing on 31  Dec.  1874.

Evening Mercury, St John’s. Published as a daily from 1882 to 31  Dec.  1889 when it was superseded by the Evening Herald which was published until about 1920.

Evening Star, Montreal. See Montreal Star

Evening Telegram, St John’s. Published as a daily from 3  April  1879 to the present.

Evening Telegram, Toronto. Published daily from 18  April  1876 to 30  Oct.  1971, first as the Evening Telegram, and then as the Telegram.  After 25  Feb.  1949 it was called the Toronto Telegram.

Examiner, Charlottetown. Published under a variety of titles from 7  Aug.  1847 until 1922; the Examiner began as a weekly which lasted until at least the end of December  1876. For a brief period from 23

Feb.  1850 to 7  April  1851 it published as a semi-weekly under the title Examiner and Semi-Weekly Intelligencer. A daily edition was published from 17  May  1877 until June  1922, and a Weekly Examiner was issued from 30  Nov.  1877 until about 1906.

Examiner, Toronto. Published as a weekly from 3  July  1838 until 29  Aug.  1855 when it merged with the Globe.

Free Press, Ottawa. Published as a daily from December  1869, it became the Ottawa Free Press on 13  Aug.  1888.

Gazette, Montreal. Began publication on 3  June  1778.

La Gazette de Montréal. See Gazette

La Gazette du commerce et littéraire, pour la ville et district de Montréal. See Gazette

La Gazette littéraire pour la ville et district de Montréal. See Gazette

Globe, Toronto. Began as a weekly on 5  March  1844, became a semi-weekly 4  Nov.  1846, a tri-weekly 3  July  1849, and a daily 3  Oct.  1853. A second weekly series began 6  July  1849 and continued to 28  Jan.  1914. On S Jan.  1877 it amalgamated with the Canada Farmer, and its title changed to Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer. A second semi-weekly series was published from 19  Oct.  1853 to 2  July  1855 when it became a tri-weekly which lasted until 1864. There was a second daily, the Evening Globe, from 19  Dec.  1861 to 20  July  1908. The Western Globe, published weekly in Toronto but issued from London, Canada West, lasted from 16  Oct.  1845 until at least 1851. The title became the Globe and Mail when it merged with the Daily Mail and Empire on 23  Nov.  1936 and publication continues under this title to the present.

Halifax Herald. Published from 14  Jan.  1875 until it merged with the Halifax Chronicle to form the Halifax Chronicle-Herald on 1  Jan.  1949. Until 31  Dec.  1891 its title was the Morning Herald; thereafter it was called the Halifax Herald.

Hamilton Spectator, Hamilton, Ont. Published from 15  July  1846 to the present, first as a semi-weekly, the Spectator and Journal of Commerce, then on 10  May  1852 as the Daily Spectator and Journal of Commerce. On 31  March  1865 it became the Spectator, on 12  Aug.  1867 the Daily Spectator, and in 1876–77 the Spectator again. By 30  April  1883 it was known as the Hamilton Daily Spectator, the name it retained until 21  March  1890 when the format changed and the title became the Hamilton Spectator.

Herald, Montreal. Published from 19  Oct.  1811 to 18  Oct.  1957. This paper published, at least from 1867 to 1913, a weekly edition under the title Montreal Weekly Herald.

Islander, Charlottetown. Published as a weekly from 2  Dec.  1842 until June  1874. Its full title was the

Islander, or Prince Edward Weekly Intelligencer and Advertiser until 21  Jan.  1853 when it became the Islander, or Prince Edward Island Weekly Intelligencer and Advertiser, and in December  1872 the Prince Edward Islander: a Weekly Newspaper of General  Intelligence. It was absorbed by the Weekly Patriot in July  1874.

Le Journal de Québec, Québec. Published from 1  Dec.  1842 to 1  Oct.  1889.

Le Journal des Trois-Rivières. Published from 19  May  1865 to 19  March  1891. A Journal des Trois-Rivières was also published from 29  Aug.  1847 to 31  Dec.  1853.

Kingston Chronicle, Kingston, Ont. See Daily News

Leader, Toronto. A semi-weekly edition began on 1  July  1852 and a weekly edition on 7  July  1852. A daily edition was added on 11  July  1853. The semi-weekly ceased publication in 1864, but the daily and weekly editions continued until 1878.

Mail, Toronto. Began publication as a daily on 30  March  1872. Its name was changed to the Toronto Daily Mail on 2  Aug.  1880. The paper merged with the Empire (Toronto) to become the Daily Mail and Empire on 7  Feb.  1895. The Daily Mail and Empire merged with the Globe to become the Globe and Mail on 23  Nov.  1936.

Manitoba Daily Free Press, Winnipeg. See Manitoba Free Press

Manitoba Free Press, Winnipeg. Founded on 30  Nov.  1872 as a weekly, it became the Daily Free Press on 6  July  1874 and the Manitoba Daily Free Press on 8  April  1876. Its title was changed to the Manitoba Morning Free Press on 5  June  1894 and the Manitoba Free Press on 27  Jan.  1915. It became the Winnipeg Free Press on 2  Dec.  1931 and publication has continued under this title to the present.

La Minerve, Montréal. Published from 9  Nov.  1826 to 27  May  1899.

Moncton Times, Moncton, N.B. Began publication on 10  Dec.  1868 as a weekly. A daily edition was added on 11  Aug.  1877 and is still being published. There have been several slight variations in the title.

Le Monde, Montréal. See Le Monde canadien

Le Monde canadien, Montréal. Published from 19  Sept.  1867 to 5  July  1900.

Monetary Times, Toronto. Published from 15  Aug.  1867 as the weekly Canadian Monetary Times and Insurance Chronicle, it became the Monetary and Commercial Times, Insurance Chronicle on 25  March  1870 and the Monetary Times and Trade Review, Insurance Chronicle on 8  July  1871. After some further name changes it became the Monetary Times in June  1931. It was issued as a monthly from 1943 until it was absorbed in September  1970 by the Executive.

Montreal Daily Herald. See Herald

Montreal Daily Star. See Montreal Star

Montreal Daily Witness. Published from 13  Aug.  1860 to 11  July  1913. The weekly edition, Montreal Witness, appeared from 5  Jan.  1846 to May  1938.

Montreal Gazette. See Gazette

Montreal Gazette and Commercial Advertiser. See Gazette

Montreal Herald. See Herald

Montreal Herald and Daily Commercial Gazette. See Herald

Montreal Herald for the Country. See Herald

Montreal Star. Published from 16  Jan.  1869 to 25  Sept.  1979.

Montreal Weekly Herald. See Herald

Montreal Witness. See Montreal Daily Witness

Morning Chronicle, Halifax. Published under various titles from 24  Jan.  1844 to the present. It began as a tri-weekly which lasted until 1877; a daily was added on 3  Aug.  1864, and a weekly was also printed from 1844 until 1912. The paper became the Halifax Chronicle on 22  Jan.  1927, and on 1  Jan.  1949 it merged with the Herald to become the Halifax Chronicle-Herald, and the Chronicle-Herald after 26  Dec.  1959.

Morning Chronicle, Quebec. See Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph

Morning Herald, Halifax. See Halifax Herald

Morning News, Saint John, N.B. Published from 16  Sept.  1839 until 8  April  1884 under a variety of titles. It began as a tri-weekly, and became a daily on 2  Jan.  1869.

Morning Telegraph, Saint John, N. B. See Telegraph

New Brunswick Courier, Saint John, N. B. A weekly, it began publication on 2  May  1811 and continued to 1865.

New Brunswick Reporter and Fredericton Advertiser. Published from 23  Nov.  1844 to December  1902. It was a weekly, except from May  1882 to March  1888, when it was issued semi-weekly. On 6  Oct.  1888 the title changed to Reporter and Fredericton Advertiser.

Newfoundlander, St John’s. Published from 1806 until 1884 although issues are only available from 1827. The paper was a weekly until 3  May  1852 when it became a semi-weekly.

New Outlook, Toronto. See Christian Guardian

Nor’Wester, Winnipeg. The first newspaper published in the Red River Settlement, it appeared from 28  Dec.  1859 to 24  Nov.  1869.

Le Nouveau Monde, Montréal. See Le Monde canadien

Novascotian, Halifax. Published under various titles from 1824 to 25  Dec.  1925. Its full title initially was the Novascotian or Colonial Herald, but on 2  Jan.  1840 it became just the Novascotian. It was called the Nova Scotian and Weekly Chronicle from 1892 until 13  Oct.  1922. At that time the format changed and it was published as the Nova Scotian:

Nova Scotia’s Farm and Home Journal until it ceased publication.

L’Opinion publique, Montréal. Published from 1  Jan.  1870 to 27  Dec.  1883.

Ottawa Citizen. Began in 1844 as the Packet, a weekly, but became the Ottawa Citizen on 22  Feb.  1851. A semi-weekly edition was added on 4  Oct.  1859 which by 15  May  1865 had become a daily. From 18  Aug.  1871 to 25  June  1890 it was called the Ottawa Daily Citizen, and between 26  June  1890 and 13  May  1892 it was the Daily Citizen. Thereafter it was known as the Ottawa Citizen, under which title it is still published.

Ottawa Free Press. See Free Press

La Patrie, Montréal. Published from 24  Feb.  1879 to 9  Jan.  1978. This paper became a weekly from 15  Nov.  1957.

Patriot, Charlottetown. Began as a weekly on 8  July  1865, becoming a semi-weekly in 1867 and absorbing the Islander in June  1874. The Weekly Patriot was added in July  1874, and on 4  April  1881 the semi-weekly edition became the Daily Patriot; it continues as the Evening Patriot. The paper is sometimes said to have begun publication on 5  July  1859 because it was numbered consecutively from the Protestant and Evangelical Witness, but for various reasons, including religious affiliation and financial support, it is not strictly correct to assume that the Patriot was a continuation of the Protestant.

Patriot, Kingston, Ont., and Toronto. Began publication as a weekly in Kingston in 1828 as the Patriot and Farmer’s Monitor. Moved to York (Toronto) on 7  Dec.  1832. A semi-weekly edition began in November  1833 and continued to April  1852; in March  1834 the title was changed to the Patriot, and in 1839 to the Toronto Patriot. In April  1850 a daily edition was added, entitled the Toronto Daily Patriot and Express; it continued to 1855 and was absorbed, for a time, by the Leader (Toronto). The weekly ceased publication in 1878.

Patriot, St John’s. Published as a weekly from 1833 to June  1890. In 1842 the name was changed from the Newfoundland Patriot to the Patriot & Terra Nova Herald. In 1877 it became the Patriot and Catholic Herald for four issues only. In 1878 it was the Patriot and Terra Nova Advocate.

La Presse, Montréal. Began publication on 20  Oct.  1884.

Public Ledger, St John’s. Published from about 1820 to 1882 as a semi-weekly, then as a tri-weekly, and finally, in 1859, as a daily. Its full title was the Public Ledger and Newfoundland General  Advertiser until 3  Feb.  1875 when it became the Public Ledger.

Quebec Chronicle. See Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph

Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph. Began publication on 18  May  1847.

Quebec Daily Evening Mercury. See Quebec Daily Mercury

Quebec Daily Mercury. Published from 5  Jan.  1805 to 17  Oct.  1903.

Quebec Mercury. See Quebec Daily Mercury

Quebec Morning Chronicle. See Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph

Royal Gazette, Charlottetown. Published from 1791 to the present. This paper began as a semi-monthly entitled Royal Gazette, and Miscellany of the Island of Saint John published by the king’s or queen’s printer. Subsequently it became a weekly.

Royal Gazette, St John’s. Published from 27  Aug.  1807 as a weekly. Its full title was the Royal Gazette and Newfoundland Advertiser. In October  1924 the paper became the Newfoundland Gazette.

St. John Daily Sun. See Daily Sun

St. John Daily Telegraph and Morning Journal. See Telegraph

Saint John Globe, Saint John, N.B. Began publication in 1858 as the Daily Evening Globe; on 26  Sept.  1866 it became the Saint John Globe. It merged with the Evening Times-Star in January  1927 to form the Evening Times-Globe which is still published.

Le Sauvage, Montréal. See L’Avenir

Telegraph, Saint John, N.B. Begun as a tri-weekly, the Morning Telegraph, on 20  Sept.  1862, this paper became the Weekly Telegraph one week later, and a daily, the St. John Daily Telegraph and Morning Journal, on 1  July  1869. Its title was

changed to the Daily Telegraph on 8  Sept.  1873 and after absorbing the Saint John Sun to the Daily Telegraph and the Sun from 14  March  1910 to 14  July  1923. On 16  July  1923 the paper merged with the Daily Journal and became the Telegraph-Journal, which is still published. This paper appeared under many variant titles. The titles appearing in this volume include the Daily Telegraph, Morning Telegraph, St. John Daily Telegraph and Morning Journal, and Weekly Telegraph.

Times and General  Commercial Gazette, St John’s. Published from 15  Aug.  1832 until 23  March  1895. It was a weekly until 25  Dec.  1844, and thereafter a semi-weekly.

Toronto Daily Mail. See Mail

Toronto Daily Patriot and Express. See Patriot

Toronto Patriot. See Patriot

Toronto World. Published as a daily from August  1880 until 9  April  1921 when it was absorbed by the Daily Mail and Empire. From 24  May  1891 it published a weekly, the Sunday World, which the Daily Mail and Empire continued to publish until 8  Nov.  1924.

Victoria Daily Standard. Published as a daily from 20  June  1870 to 31  Aug.  1889. The title was Evening Standard after 4  Aug.  1888.

Weekly British Whig, Kingston, Ont. See Daily British Whig

Weekly Globe, Toronto. See Globe

Weekly Telegraph, Saint John, N.B. See Telegraph


ACHINTRE, AUGUSTE. Manuel électoral; portraits et dossiers parlementaires du premier parlement de Québec. Montréal, 1871; réimprimé 1871.


B. AKRIGG. 1001 British Columbia place names. Vancouver, 1969. 2nd edition, 1970. 3rd edition, 1973.


biographique du clergé canadien-français. 6 vols.

Montréal et Saint-Hyacinthe, Qué., 1908–34.

[I]: Les anciens. Montréal, 1910.

[II]: Les contemporains. Saint-Hyacinthe, 1908.

[III]: [Suppléments.] 6 parts in 1 vol. Montréal, 1910–19.

[IV]: Le clergé canadien-français: revue mensuelle ([Montréal]), 1 (1919–20). Only one volume of this journal was published.

[V]: Compléments. 6 parts in 1 vol. Montréal, 1928–32.

[VI]: Untitled. Saint-Hyacinthe, 1934.

ALMANACS. The almanacs have been listed under this

heading to facilitate their identification. Because titles within series vary and publishers or editors often change, the almanacs have in the main been listed under a general title, with the specifics found on title-pages following. The information in square brackets is given as a guide and may not be completely accurate.

Belcher’s farmer’s almanack, [published in Halifax from 1824 to 1930). Edited by Clement Horton Belcher from 1824 to 1870 when its publication was taken over by the firm of McAlpine and Barnes, later the McAlpine Publishing Company. From 1824 to 1831 its title was The farmer’s almanack .  .  . ;in 1832 it became Belcher’s farmer’s almanack .  .  .  , a title it retained with minor variations until its disappearance.

Montreal pocket almanack, [from 1842 to 1891]. Published by Jos. Starke and Company, 1842–79; J. Theo. Robinson, 1880–91. From 1842 to 1854 and in 1856, the title was The Montreal

pocket almanack, and general register .  .  . ;in 1855, 1857, and 1859, The Montreal pocket almanack .  .  . ;in 1858, 1860, and 1861, from 1864 to 1872, and from 1880 to 1891, Starke’s pocket almanac and general register .  .  . ;in 1862 and 1863, Starke’s pocket almanack .  .  . ; from 1873 to 1879, Starke’s pocket almanac, advertiser and general register.  .  .  .

New-Brunswick almanac, [published in Saint John, N.B., from at least 1825 to 1885 (last issue used in vol. XI)]. In 1828 its title was An almanack .  .  .  , but by 1832 it had become The New Brunswick almanack.  .  .  . In 1849 it became The New-Brunswick almanac, and register .  .  . prepared by the Fredericton Athenœum.

Quebec almanac/Almanach de Québec, [published from 1780 to 1841, except for 1781, 1790, and 1793]. Publishers: William Brown, 1788; Samuel Neilson, 1791; John Neilson, 1794–1823; Neilson and Cowan, 1824–36; S. Neilson, 1837; W. Neilson, 1838–41. From 1780 to 1791, its title was Almanach de Québec .  .  . ;from 1794 to 1796, Almanac de Québec .  .  . ; in 1797 and 1798, Almanac de Québec .  .  . /The Quebec almanac .  .  . ;from 1803 to 1812, Almanach de Québec; et état civil et militaire de l’Amirique-britannique .  .  . /The Quebec almanac; and British American royal kalendar .  .  . ; from 1813 to 1841, The Quebec almanac; and British American royal kalendar.  .  .  .

ARMSTRONG, FREDERICK HENRY. Handbook of Upper Canadian chronology and territorial legislation. London, Ont., 1967.

AUDET, FRANCIS-JOSEPH. Les députés de Montréal (ville et comtés), 1792–1867. Montréal, 1943.

—— Les députés de Saint-Maurice (1808–1838) et de Champlain (1830–1838). (Pages trifluviennes, sér. A, 12.) Trois-Rivières, 1934.

—— Les députés des Trois-Rivières (1808–1838).

(Pages trifluviennes, sér. A, 11.) Trois-Rivières, 1934.

Australian dictionary of biography. 7 vols. to date. Melbourne, 1966– . General editor for vols. I–V, Douglas Pike; vol. VI, Bede Nairn; vols. VII–    , Bede Nairn and Geoffrey Serle.

BEAULIEU, ANDRÉ, et JEAN HAMELIN. La presse québécoise des origines à nos fours. [2e éd.] 4 vols. parus. Québec, 1973–  .

Belcher’s farmer’s almanack. See ALMANACS

A bibliography of Canadians, being items in the Public Library of Toronto, Canada, relating to the early history and development of Canada. Edited by Frances Maria Staton and Marie Tremaine. Toronto, 1934; reprinted 1965.

A bibliography of Canadians: first supplement.  .  .  . Edited by Gertrude Mabel Boyle with Marjorie Colbeck. Toronto, 1959; reprinted 1969.

A bibliography of the Prairie provinces to 1953 with biographical index. Compiled by Bruce Braden Peel. 2nd edition. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1973.

BISHOP, OLGA BERNICE et al. Bibliography of Ontario history, 1867–1976: cultural, economic, political, social. (Ontario historical studies series.) 2 vols. Toronto, 1980.

BORTHWICK, JOHN DOUGLAS. History and biographical gazetteer of Montreal to the year 1892. Montreal, 1892.

—— Montreal, its history, to which is added biographical sketches, with photographs, of many of its principal citizens. Montreal, 1875.

British Museum general catalogue of printed books.

Photolithographic edition to 1955. 263 vols. London, 1959–66. A new catalogue, The British Library catalogue of printed books to 1975, began publication in 1980.

Business and general directory of Newfoundland. See DIRECTORIES

Canada, an encyclopœdia of the country: the Canadian dominion considered in its historic relations, its natural resources, its material progress, and its national development. Edited by John Castell Hopkins. 6 vols. and index. Toronto, 1898–1900.

Canada directory. See DIRECTORIES

The Canadian biographical dictionary and portrait gallery of eminent and self-made men. 2 vols. Toronto, 1880–81.

The Canadian directory of parliament, 1867–1967.

Edited by James Keith Johnson. (PAC publication.) Ottawa, 1968.

The Canadian men and women of the time: a handbook of Canadian biography. Edited by Henry James Morgan. 1 st edition. Toronto, 1898. 2nd edition. 1912.

The Canadian parliamentary companion. Published in Quebec in 1862 and 1863, in Montreal from 1864 to 1874, and in Ottawa from 1875 to date. Appeared irregularly from 1862, then usually annually from 1871. The 1898–99 edition has the title The parliamentary guide .  .  . and the volumes from 1901 to date The Canadian parliamentary guide.  .  .  . Editors: Henry James Morgan from 1862 to 1864, in 1869 and from 1871 to 1874; Charles Herbert Mackintosh from 1877 to 1881; John Alexander Gemmill from 1883 to 1897.

Canadian Religious Conference. Abridged guide to the archives of religious communities in Canada/ Guide sommaire des archives des communautés au Canada. Ottawa, 1974.

Canadians, 1867–1900: monographs; Canada’s national bibliography/canadiana, 1867–1900: monographies; la bibliographie rationale du Canada. Microfiche edition. Ottawa, 1980–  .

Catalogue of pamphlets in the Public Archives of Canada/Catalogue des brochures aux Archives publiques du Canada. [1493–1931.] Compiled by Magdalen Casey. (PAC publications, 13.) 2 vols. Ottawa, 1931–32.

CENTRE D’ÉTUDES ACADIENNES, UNIVERSITÉ DE MONCTON. Inventaire général des sources documentaires sur les Acadiens. 3 vols. Moncton, N.-B., 1975–77.

CHADWICK, EDWARD MARION. Ontarian families; genealogies of United-Empire-Loyalist and other pioneer families of Upper Canada. 2 vols. Toronto, 1894–98; reprinted 2 vols. in 1, Lambertville, N.J., 1970. Vol. 1 reprinted with an introduction by William Felix Edmund Money, Belleville, Ont., 1972.

CHAFE, LEVI G. Chafes sealing book: a history of the Newfoundland seal fishery from the earliest available records down to and including the voyage of 1923. Edited by Harris Munden Mosdell. 3rd edition. St John’s, 1923. The first two editions were published as Report of the Newfoundland seal-fishery, from 1863, “the first year of the steamers, “ to 1894, in 1894, and Report of the Newfoundland seal fishery from 1863 (the first year of the steamers) to 1905, in 1905.

Commemorative biographical record of the county of York, Ontario; containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and many of the early settled families. Toronto, 1907.

COOKS, ALAN, and CLIVE HOLLAND. The exploration of northern Canada, 500 to 1920: a chronology. Toronto, 1978.

CORNISH, GEORGE HENRY. Cyclopœdia of Methodism in Canada, containing historical, educational, and statistical information.  .  .  . 2 vols. Toronto and Halifax, 1881–1903.

A cyclopœdia of Canadian biography, being chiefly men of the time.  .  .  . Edited by George MacLean Rose. (Rose’s national biographical series, I-II.) 2 vols. Toronto, 1886–88.

DENT, JOHN CHARLES. The Canadian portrait gallery. 4 vols. Toronto, 1880–81.

DESJARDINS, JOSEPH. Guide parlementaire historique de la province de Québec, 1792 à 1902. Québec, 1902.

Dictionary of American biography. Edited by Allen Johnson et al. 20 vols., index, and 2 supplements [to 1940]. New York, 1928–58; reprinted 22 vols. in –11 and index, [1946?–58]. 4 additional supplements [to 1960]. Edited by Edward Topping James et al. [ 1973–80. ] Concise DAB. [ 1964. ] 2nd edition. 1977. 3rd edition. 1980.

Dictionary of national biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. 63 vols., 3 supplements, and index and epitome [to 1900]. London, 1885–1–903 . 6 additional supplements [to 1960]. Edited by Sidney Lee et al.

1912–71. Concise DNB. 2 vols. [1953]–61. Corrections and additions to the “Dictionary of national biography.” Boston, 1966.

Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec. Maurice Lemire et al., éditeurs. 2 vols. parus [à 1939]. Montréal, 1978–    .

DIRECTORIES. Issued initially as single works, these frequently became regular, usually annual, publications in the 19th century. Because titles within series varied greatly and editors or compilers frequently changed, the directories most often used in the preparation of volume XI have been listed below by region and under a general title, with the dates of the relevant years following. Details of various titles and publishers given on title pages, as well as of the places of publication of these directories, can be found in Ryder, Checklist of Canadian directories.

Canada directory, [1851–66]. Used in volume XI were The Canada directory .  .  .  , ed. R. W. S. Mackay (Montreal, 1851); The Canada directory for 1857–58 .  .  . (Montreal, [1857]); Mitchell & Co.’s Canada classified directory for 1865–66 (Toronto, [1865]); Lovell’s Canadian dominion directory for 1871 .  .  . (Montreal, [1871]).

Halifax directory. Used in vol. XI were Nugent’s business directory of the city of Halifax for 1858–9 (Halifax, 1858); The Halifax, N.S. business directory, for 1863 .  .  .  , comp. Luke Hutchinson (Halifax, 1863); McAlpine’s Halifax city directory .  .  .  , for 1869–70 to 1886–87.

Hamilton directory. Used in volume XI were City of Hamilton directory .  .  . (Hamilton, 1853; 1856; 1858); Hutchinson’s Hamilton directory for 1862–63 .  .  . (Hamilton, 1862); Sutherland & Co.’s Hamilton city directory for 1866 (Ingersoll, Ont., 1866); Sutherland’s city of Hamilton and county of Wentworth directory .  .  . (Hamilton, 1867–68; 1868–69); Sutherland’s city of Hamilton directory .  .  . (Hamilton, 1869; 1870); City of Hamilton directory for 1871–2 .  .  . (Hamilton, 1871); Cherrier & Kirwin’s Hamilton directory for 1872–73 .  .  . (Montreal, [1872]); McAlpine’s Hamilton city and county of Wentworth directory, 1875 .  .  . (Montreal, [1875]); City of Hamilton annual alphabetical, general, street, miscellaneous and subscribers’ classified business directory .  .  . (Hamilton), from 1874 to 1889–90.

Montreal directory, [1842–43 to 1893–94] . Montreal. Edited by Robert Walter Stuart Mackay, 1842–54; Mrs R. W. S. Mackay, 1855–63; John Lovell, 1853-[93]. Title varies: The Montreal directory .  .  .  , 1842–43 to 1855; Mackay’s Montreal directory .  .  .  , 1856–57 to

1867–68; Montreal directory .  .  .  , 1868–69 to 1874–75; Lovell’s Montreal directory .  .  .  , 1875–76 to 1893–94.

Newfoundland directory. Used in volume XI were Lovell’s province of Newfoundland directory for 1871 .  .  . (Montreal, 1871); Business and general directory of Newfoundland, 1877 .  .  .  , compiled by John A. Rochfort (Montreal, 1877).

Nova Scotia directory. Used in Volume XI were Hutchinson’s Nova Scotia directory for 1864–65 .  .  . (Halifax, [1864]); Hutchinson’s Nova Scotia directory for 1866–67 .  .  . (Montreal, [1866]); McAlpine’s Nova Scotia directory for 1868–69 .  .  . (Halifax, [1868]); McAlpine’s Nova Scotia directory for 1890–1897 .  .  . (Halifax, [1890]); Province of Nova Scotia directory for 1871 .  .  .  , comp. John Lovell (Montreal, [1871]).

Ottawa directory. Used in vol. XI were “The Ottawa Citizen” directory of Ottawa, 1863 .  .  . (Ottawa, 1863); Ottawa city and counties of Carleton and Russell directory, 1866–67, comp. James Sutherland (Ottawa, 1866); Sutherland’s city of Ottawa directory .  .  . (Ottawa, 1868; 1869–70); Hunter, Rose and Co.’s city of Ottawa directory .  .  . for 1870–71 .  .  .  , comp. W. H. Irwin (Ottawa, 1870); Chewier & Kirwin’s Ottawa directory for 1872–73 .  .  . (Montreal, 1872); City of Ottawa alphabetical, general, miscellaneous and subscribers’ classified business directory, August  1873 to August  1874 .  .  . (Ottawa, 1873); Ottawa directory for 1874–75 .  .  . (Ottawa, 1874): Ottawa directory, 1875, and dominion guide .  .  . (Ottawa, 1875); City of Ottawa and central Canada directory .  .  . (Ottawa, 1876); City of Ottawa .  .  . directory and dominion guide .  .  . (Ottawa), from 1875 to 1884.

Quebec directory. Some of the directories used in vol. XI were Quebec directory and strangers’ guide to the city and environs, 1844–45, comp. Alfred Hawkins (Quebec, 1844); The Quebec directory, and city and commercial register, 1847–48, comp. Alfred Hawkins (Montreal, 1847); Mackay’s Quebec directory for 1848–49 .  .  . (Quebec, 1848; 1850; 1852); Quebec business directory, compiled in June and July, 1854 .  .  .  , comp. Samuel McLaughlin (Quebec, 1854); McLaughlin’s Quebec directory .  .  . (Quebec, 1855; 1857); The Quebec directory for 1858–59 .  .  .  , comp. G. H. Cherrier and P. M. Hamelin (Quebec, 1858); The Quebec directory .  .  . (Quebec), for 1860–61 to 1889–90, first published by Georges-Hippolyte Cherrier* and then by A.-Benjamin Cherrier, with slightly varying titles.

Saint John directory. Used in vol. XI were Hutchinson’s St. John directory for 1863–64 .  .  . (Saint John, N.B., 1863); McAlpine’s St. John directory .  .  . (Saint John), for 1872–73 to 1887–88.

Toronto directory. Toronto. Used in vol. XI were York commercial directory, street guide, and register, 1833–4 .  .  .  , comp. George Walton ([1833]); The city of Toronto and the Home District commercial directory and register with almanack and calendar for 1837 .  .  .  , comp. George Walton ([1837]); The Toronto directory, and street guide, for 1843–4, comp. Francis Lewis (1843); Brown’s Toronto City and Home District directory, 1846–7 .  .  . (1846); Rowsell’s city of Toronto and county of York directory, for 1850–1 .  .  .  , ed. J. Armstrong (1850); Brown’s Toronto general directory, 1856 .  .  . ([1856]), also issued for 1861; Caverhill’s Toronto city directory, for 1859–60 .  .  .  , comp. W. C. F. Caverhill ([1859]); Hutchinson’s Toronto directory, 1862–63 .  .  .  , comp. Thomas Hutchinson ([1862]); Mitchell’s Toronto directory, for 1864–5 .  .  . (1864); City of Toronto illustrated business directory for 1865 .  .  . (1865); Mitchell do Co.’s general directory for the city of Toronto, and gazetteer of the counties of York and Peel, for 1866 (1866); City of Toronto directory, for 1867–8 .  .  .  , comp. James Sutherland (1867); W. C. Chewett & Co’s Toronto city directory, 1868–9 .  .  . (1868); Robertson & Cook’s Toronto city directory for 1870 .  .  .  , comp. W. H. Irwin and E. F. Owen (1870; 1871); Toronto city directory, May, 1873 to May, 1874 .  .  .  , comp. W. H. Irwin (1873); Fisher & Taylor’s Toronto directory, for the year 1874 .  .  . ([1874]); Toronto directory .  .  .  , 1875 to 1882; Toronto city directory .  .  .  , 1883 to 1890.

A directory of the members of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, 1758–1958. Introduction by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publications, Nova Scotia series, II.) Halifax, 1958.

The dominion annual register and review .

[1878–86]. Edited by Henry James Morgan et al. 8 vols. Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto, 1879–87.

Early Toronto newspapers, 1793–1867: a catalogue of newspapers published in the town of York and the city of Toronto from the beginning to confederation. Edited by Edith Grace Firth, with an introduction by Henry Cummings Campbell. Toronto, 1961.

Encyclopedia Canadiana. Edited by John Everett Robbins et al. 10 vols. Ottawa, [1957–58]. [Revised edition.] Edited by Kenneth H. Pearson et al. Toronto, [1975] .

FAUTEUX, ÆGIDIUS. Patriotes de 1837–1838. Montréal, 1950.

GREAT BRITAIN, ADMIRALTY. The navy list.  .  .  . London, 1846–86.

——WAR OFFICE. A list of the general and field officers as they rank in the army.  .  .  . [London, 1754–1868.]

——A list of the officers of the army and of the Corps of Royal Marines on full, retired, and half pay.  .  .  . London, 1849–64.

——The monthly army list. London, 1798–1940. See also HART, HENRY GEORGE. The new annual army list.  .  .  .

Guide des sources d’archives sur le Canada français, au Canada. (PAC publication.) Ottawa, 1975.

Guide to the reports of the Public Archives of Canada, 1872–1972. Compiled by Françoise

Caron-Houle. (PAC publication.) Ottawa, 1975.

The Halifax, N.S. business directory. See DIRECTORIES

Hamilton directory. See DIRECTORIES

Handbook of North American Indians. General editor:

William C. Sturtevant. 3 vols. to date. Washington,

1978–  .

HARPER, JOHN RUSSELL. Early painters and engravers in Canada. [Toronto], 1970.

——Historical directory of New Brunswick newspapers and periodicals. Fredericton, 1961.

HART, HENRY GEORGE. The new annual army list.  .  .  . London, 1839–1916. The cover-title is Hart’s army list.

Hutchinson’s Nova Scotia directory. See DIRECTORIES

Hutchinson’s St. John directory. See DIRECTORIES

[LANGELIER, JEAN-CHRYSOSTOME.] List of lands granted by the crown in the province of Quebec from 1763 to 31st December  1890. Quebec, 1891. Published in French as Liste des terrains concédés par la couronne dans la province de Québec de 1763  au  31  décembre  1890. 1891.

LE JEUNE, LOUIS[-MARIE]. Dictionnaire général de biographie, histoire, littérature, agriculture, commerce, industrie et des arts, sciences, mœurs, coutumes, institutions politiques et religieuses du Canada. 2 vols. Ottawa, [1931].

Lovell’s Canadian dominion directory. See DIRECTORIES

Lovell’s province of Newfoundland directory. See DIRECTORIES

LOWTHER, BARBARA JOAN [SONIA HORSFIELD], and MURIEL LAING. A bibliography of British Columbia: laying the foundations, 1849–1899. Victoria, 1968.

McAlpine’s Halifax city directory. See DIRECTORIES

McAlpine’s Nova Scotia directory. See DIRECTORIES

McAlpine’s St. John city directory. See DIRECTORIES

MANITOBA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Pioneers and early citizens of Manitoba: a dictionary of Manitoba biography from the earliest times to 1920.

[Compiled by Marjorie Money et al.] Winnipeg, [1971].

Mitchell & Co.’s Canada classified directory. See DIRECTORIES

Montreal directory. See DIRECTORIES

Montreal pocket almanack. See ALMANACS

MORGAN, HENRY .TAMES. Bibliotheca Canadensis: or, a manual of Canadian literature. Ottawa, 1867; reprinted Detroit, 1968.

———Sketches of celebrated Canadians, and persons connected with Canada, from the earliest period in the history of the province down to the present time. Quebec and London, 1862; reprinted Montreal, 1865.

The national union catalog, pre-1956 imprints.  .  .  .

710 vols. to date. London and Chicago, 1968–    .

New-Brunswick almanac. See ALMANACS

New Brunswick history: a checklist of secondary sources/Guide en histoire du Noveau-Brunswick: une liste de contrôle des sources secondaires.

Compiled by Hugh A. Taylor. (Publication of

PANB.) Fredericton, 1971.  .  .  . first supplement.

Compiled by Eric L. Swanick. (N.B., Legislative Library publication.) Fredericton, 1974.

The new encyclopœdia Britannica. Edited by Warren E. Preece et al. 15th edition. 30 vols. Chicago and Toronto, 1979.

Newfoundland directory. See DIRECTORIES


Portraits of British Americans, with biographical sketches. 3 vols. Montreal, 1865–68.

Nova Scotia directory. See DIRECTORIES

Nugent’s business directory of the city of Halifax.


Ottawa directory. See DIRECTORIES

Place-names and places of Nova Scotia. Introduction by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publications, Nova Scotia series, III.) Halifax, 1967; reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1976.

Political appointments and elections in the Province of Canada from 1841 to 1860. Compiled by Joseph-Olivier Coté. Quebec, 1860.  .  .  . from 1841 to 1865. 2nd edition. Ottawa, 1866.  .  .  . and appendix from 1st January, 1866, to 30th June, 1867, and index, edited by Narcisse-Omer Coté, Ottawa, 1918.

Political appointments, parliaments and the judicial bench in the dominion of Canada, 1867 to 1895. Edited by Narcisse-Omer Coté. Ottawa, 1896.

Quebec almanac. See ALMANACS

Quebec directory. See DIRECTORIES

READ, DAVID BREAKENRIDGE. The lives of the judges of Upper Canada and Ontario, from 1791 to the present time. Toronto, 1888.

Répertoire des parlementaires québécois, 1867–

1978. André Lavoie et al., compilateurs. Québec, 1980.

ROY, PIERRE-GEORGES. Les avocats de la région de Québec. Lévis, Qué., 1936.

——Les juges de la province de Québec. (ANQ publication. ) Québec, 1933.

RYDER, DOROTHY E. Checklist of Canadian directories, 1790–1950/Répertoire des annuaires canadiens. Ottawa, 1979.

Saint John directory. See DIRECTORIES

A standard dictionary of Canadian biography: the Canadian who was who. Editors: Charles George Douglas Roberts and Arthur Leonard Tunnell. 2 vols. Toronto, 1934–38.

A statutory history of the steam and electric railways of Canada, 1836–1937, with other data relevant to operation of Department of Transport. Compiled by Robert Dorman. Ottawa, 1938.

STORY, NORAH. The Oxford companion to Canadian history and literature. Toronto, 1967. Supplement.  .  .  . General editor: William Toye. Toronto, 1973.

TERRILL, FREDERICK WILLIAM. A chronology Of Montreal and of Canada from A.D. 1752 to A.D. 1893, including commercial statistics, historic sketches of commercial corporations and firms and advertisements, arranged to show in what year the several houses and corporate bodies originated; together with calendars of every year from A.D. 1752 to A.D. 1925. Montreal, 1893.

THÉRIAULT, MICHEL. The institutes of consecrated

life in Canada from the beginning of New France up

to the present: historical notes and referenceslLes

instituts de vie consacrée au Canada depuis les

débuts de la Nouvelle-France jusqu’à aujourd’hui:

notes historiques et références. Ottawa, 1980.

Toronto directory. See DIRECTORIES

TURCOTTE, GUSTAVE. Le conseil législatif de Québec,

1774–1933. Beauceville, Qué., 1933.

Union list of manuscripts in Canadian repositories/ Catalogue collectif des manuscrits des archives canadiennes. Edited by Robert Stanyslaw Gordon et al. (PAC publication.) Ottawa, 1968. Revised edition. Edited by E. Grace Maurice Hyam. 2 vols. and 2 supplements. 1975–79.

WALBRAN, JOHN THOMAS. British Columbia coast names, 1592–1906, to which are added a few names in adjacent United States territory: their origin and history.  .  .  . Ottawa, 1909; reprinted Vancouver, 1971; reprinted Seattle, Wash., and London, 1972.


dictionary of Canadian biography. 4th edition.

Edited by William Angus McKay. Toronto, [1978].

WATTERS, REGINALD EYRE. A checklist of Canadian literature and background materials, 1628–1960.  .  .  . 2nd edition. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., [1972].


ABBOTT, MAUDE ELIZABETH [SEYMOUR]. History of medicine in the province of Quebec. Toronto, 1931; Montreal, 1931.

ATHERTON, WILLIAM HENRY. Montreal, 1535–1914. 3 vols. Montreal, 1914.

AUDET, LOUIS-PHILIPPE. Histoire de l’enseignement au Québec.  .  .  . [1608–1971.] 2 vols. Montréal et Toronto, 1971.

——Le système scolaire de la province de Québec.

6 vols. Québec, 1950–56.

BECK, JAMES MURRAY. The government of Nova Scotia. (Canadian government series, 8.) Toronto, 1957.

BELISLE, ALEXANDRE. Histoire de la presse franco-américaine; comprenant l’historique de l’émigration des Canadiens français aux États-Unis, leur développement, et leurs progrès. Worcester, Mass., 1911.

BERNARD, JEAN-PAUL. Les Rouges: libéralisme, nationalisme et anticléricalisme au milieu du XIXesiècle. Montréal, 1971.

The book of Newfoundland. Edited by Joseph Roberts Smallwood. 6 vols. St John’s, 1937–75.

BOON, THOMAS CHARLES BOUCHER. The Anglican Church from the Bay to the Rockies: a history of the

ecclesiastical province of Rupert’s Land and its dioceses from 1820 to 1950. Toronto, 1962.

CAMPBELL, ROBERT. A history of the Scotch Presbyterian Church, St. Gabriel Street, Montreal. Montreal, 1887.

Canada and its provinces: a history of the Canadian people and their institutions. Edited by Adam Shorn and Arthur George Doughty. 23 vols. Toronto, 1913–17.

Canada’s smallest province: a history of P.E.I. Edited by Francis William Pius Bolger. [Charlottetown], 1973.

CARELESS, JAMES MAURICE STOCKFORD. Brown of “The Globe.” 2 vols. Toronto, 1959–63; reprinted 1972.

——The union of the Canadas: the growth of Canadian institutions, 1841–1857. (Canadian centenary series, 10.) Toronto, 1967.

CHAPAIS, THOMAS. Cours d’histoire du Canada. 8 vols. Québec, 1919–34; Montréal, 1919–34; réimprimé Trois-Rivières, 1972.

CORNELL, PAUL GRANT. The alignment of political groups in Canada, 1841–1867. (Canadian studies in history and government, 3.) Toronto, 1962.


the young politician. Toronto, 1952; reprinted 1965.

——John A. Macdonald, the old chieftain.

Toronto, 1955; reprinted 1965.

——The road to confederation; the emergence of Canada: 1863–1867. Toronto, 1964.

CURRIE, ARCHIBALD WILLIAM. The Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Toronto, 1957.

DAVID, LAURENT-OLIVIER. Les Patriotes de 1837–1838. Montréal, [1884]; réimprimé, [1937].

DENISON, MERRILL. Canada’s first bank: a history of the Bank of Montreal. 2 vols. Toronto and Montreal, 1966–67. Translated into French by Paul A. Horguelin and Jean-Paul Vinay as La première banque au Canada: histoire de la Banque de Montréal. 2 vols. Toronto and Montreal, 1966–67.

DENT, JOHN CHARLES. The last forty years: Canada since the union of 1841. 2 vols. Toronto, 1881. An abridged edition, edited by Donald [Wayne] Swainson, was published at Toronto in 1972 as The last forty years: the union of 1841 to confederation (Carleton library, 62).

DÉSILETS, ANDRÉE. Hector-Louis Langevin: un Père de la Confédération canadienne (1826–1906). (Université Laval, Institut d’histoire, Cahiers, 14.) Québec, 1969.

DEVINE, PATRICK K. Ye olde St. John’s, 1750–1936. [St John’s, 1936]; republished as Ye olde St. John’s, 1750–1939. [St John’s, 1939.]

GERVAIS, GAÉTAN. “L’expansion du réseau ferroviaire québécois (1875–1895).” Thèse de phd, université d’Ottawa, 1978. .

GUNN, GERTRUDE E. The political history of Newfoundland, 1832–1864. (Canadian studies in history and government, 7.) Toronto, 1966.

HAMELIN, JEAN, et YVES ROBY. Histoire économique du Québec, 1851–1896. (Histoire économique et sociale du Canada français.) Montréal, 1971.

HAMELIN, MARCEL., Les premières années du parlementarisme québécois (1867–1878). (Université Laval, Institut d’histoire, Cahiers, 19.) Québec, 1974:

HANNAY, JAMES. History of New Brunswick. 2 vols. Saint John, N.B., 1909.

HARPER, JOHN RUSSELL. Painting in Canada: a history. [Toronto], 1966. 2nd edition. Toronto and Buffalo, N. Y., 1977. Translated as La peinture au Canada des origines à nos fours. [Québec], 1966.

HEAGERTY, JOHN JOSEPH. Four centuries of medical history in Canada and a sketch of the medical history of Newfoundland. 2 vols. Toronto, 1928.

History of Toronto and county of York, Ontario; containing an outline of the history of the dominion of Canada; a history of the city of Toronto and the county of York, with the townships, towns, villages, churches, schools; general and local statistics; biographical sketches, etc., etc. 2 vols.

Toronto, 1885.

HODGETTS, JOHN EDWIN. Pioneer public service: an administrative history of the united Canadas, 1841–1867. (Canadian government series, 7. ) Toronto, 1955.

LAREAU, EDMOND. Histoire de la littérature canadienne. Montréal, 1874.

McKILLOP, ALEXANDER BRIAN. A disciplined intelligence: critical inquiry and Canadian thought in the Victorian era. Montreal, 1979.

MacKINNON, FRANK [FRANCIS PERLEY TAYLOR]. The government of Prince Edward Island. (Canadian government series, 5.) Toronto, 1951; reprinted 1974.

MacNUTT, WILLIAM STEWART. New Brunswick, a history: 1784–1867. Toronto, 1963.

MASTERS, DONALD CAMPBELL. The rise of Toronto, 1850–1890. Toronto, 1947.

MIDDLETON, JESSE EDGAR. The municipality of Toronto: a history. 3 vols. Toronto and New York, 1923.

MONET, JACQUES. The last cannon shot: a study of French-Canadian nationalism, 1837–1850. Toronto, 1969; reprinted Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1976.

MONIÈRE, DENTS. Le développement des idéologies au Québec: des origines à nos fours. Montréal, 1977. Translated into English by Richard Howard as Ideologies in Quebec: the historical development. Toronto, 1981.

MORTON, WILLIAM LEWIS. Manitoba: a history. Toronto, 1957. 2nd edition. 1967.

ORMSBY, MARGARET ANCHORETTA. British Columbia: a history. [Toronto], 1958. [Revised edition.] 1971.

OUELLET, FERNAND. Histoire économique et sociale du Québec, 1760–1850: structures et conjoncture. (Histoire économique et sociale du Canada français.) Montréal et Paris, 1966; réimprimé en 2 vols. Montréal, 1971. Translated as Economic and social history of Quebec, 1760–1850: “structures” and “conjonctures.” [Toronto), 1980.

Past and present of Prince Edward Island; embracing a concise review of its early settlement, development and present conditions, written by the most gifted authors of the province; to which is appended a compendium of life sketches of representative men and families of the island. Advisory editors, Donald Alexander MacKinnon and Alexander Bannerman Warburton. Charlottetown, [1906).

PROWSE, DANIEL WOODLEY. A history of Newfoundland from the English, colonial, and foreign records. London and New York, 1895. 2nd edition. London, 1896. 3rd edition. Edited by James Raymond Thorns and Frank Burnham Gill. St

John’s, 1971. Reprint of 1895 edition. Belleville, Ont., 1972.

RICH, EDWIN ERNEST. The history of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1670–1870. (HBRS publications, XXI, XXII) 2 vols. London, 1958–59. Another edition. 3 vols. Toronto, 1960. A copy of this work available at PAC contains notes and bibliographical material omitted from the printed version.

ROBERTSON, IAN Ross. “Religion, politics and education in Prince Edward Island from 1856 to 1877.” Unpublished ma thesis, McGill University, Montreal, 1968.

Robertson’s landmarks of Toronto: a collection of historical sketches of the old town of York from 1792 until 1833, and of Toronto from 1834 to [1914]. Edited by John Ross Robertson. 6 series [6 vols.]. Toronto, 1894–1914; vols. I and III reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1976, 1974 respectively.

ROSS, VICTOR, arid ARTHUR ST L. TRIGGE. A history of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, with an account of the other banks which now form part of its organization. 3 vols. Toronto, 1920–34.

Roy, JOSEPH-EDMOND. Histoire du notariat au Canada depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos fours. 4 vols. Lévis, Qué., 1899–1902.

RUMILLY, ROBERT. Histoire de la province de Québec. 41 vols. pares. Montréal, [1940]–  . 2e édition pour les vol. I à IX, s.d.; 3e édition pour les vol. I à VI, s.d.; réimpression en cours de la 1re édition, 13 vols. pares, Montréal, 1971–  .

——Histoire de Montréal. 5 vols. Montréal, 1970–74.

SACK, BENJAMIN G. History of the Jews in Canada from the earliest beginnings to the present day. [Translated by Ralph Novek.] Montreal, 1945. Only one volume published. [2nd edition] with title History of the Jews in Canada. [Edited by Maynard Gertler. ] 1965 .

SISSONS, CHARLES BRUCE. Egerton Ryerson, his life and letters. 2 vols. Toronto, 1937–47.

STANLEY, GEORGE FRANCIS GILMAN. The birth of western Canada: a

history of the Riel rebellions.

London and Toronto, 1936. [2nd edition.] [Toronto], 1960.

——Louis Riel. Toronto, 1963.

SWAINSON, DONALD [WAYNE]. “The personnel of politics: a study of the Ontario members of the second federal parliament.” Unpublished phd thesis, University of Toronto, 1968.

SYLVAIN, PHILIPPE. “Libéralisme et ultramontanisme au Canada français: affrontement idéologique et doctrinal (1840–1865),” The shield of Achilles: aspects of Canada in the Victorian age. Edited by William Lewis Morton. Toronto and Montreal, 1968, 111–38, 220–55.

THOMSON, DALE C. Alexander Mackenzie, Clear Grit. Toronto, 1960.

Les travailleurs québécois, 1851–1896. Jean Hamelin, éditeur. (Collection Histoire des travailleurs québécois, 2.) Montréal, 1973. 2e édition. 1975.

TULCHINSKY, GERALD J. J. The river barons: Montreal businessmen and the growth of industry and transportation, 1837–53. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1977.

TURCOTTE, LOUIS-PHILIPPE. Le Canada SODS l’Union, 1841–1867.2 vols. Québec, 1871–72. 2e édition. 1882.

WRITE, PETER BUSBY. Canada, 1874–1896: arduous destiny. (Canadian centenary series, 13.) Toronto and Montreal, 1971.

——The life and times of confederation, 1864–1867: politics, newspapers, and the union of British North America. [Toronto], 1962. 2nd edition, with corrections. 1962.

WALLACE, WILLIAM STEWART. A history of the University of Toronto, 1827–1927. Toronto, 1927.

WELLS, ELIZABETH A. “The struggle for responsible government in Newfoundland, 1846–1855.” Unpublished ma thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, 1966.

ZASLOW, MORRIS. Reading the rocks: the story of the Geological Survey of Canada, 1842–1972 . Toronto and Ottawa, 1975.


Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region/Revue de l’histoire de la région atlantique. Fredericton. Published by the Department of History of the University of New Brunswick. 1 (1971–72)–  .

BC Studies. Vancouver. 1 (winter 1968–69)–  .

Beaver: a Magazine of the North. Winnipeg. Published by the HBC. 1 (1920–21)–    . Index: 1 (1920–21)-outfit 284 (June  1952–March  1954).

British Columbia Historical Quarterly. Victoria. Published by the PABC in cooperation with the British Columbia Historical Association. 1 (1937)–21 (1957–58).

Le Bulletin des recherches historiques. Published

usually in Lévis, Que. Originally the organ of the

Société des études historiques, it became in March

1923 the journal of the Archives de la province

de Québec (now the ANQ). 1 (1895)–70 (1968).

Index: 1 (1895)–31 (1925) (4v., Beauceville, Qué., 1925–26). For subsequent years there is an index on microfiche at the ANQ-Q.

Les Cahiers des Dix. Montréal et Québec. Published by “Les Dix.” 1 (1936)–  .

Canada Law Journal. Toronto. 1 (1855)–10 (1864); new series, 1 (1865)–58 (1922). Title varies: 1 (1855)-new series, 3 (1876), have the title Upper Canada Law Journal.

Canadian Banker. Toronto and Montreal. 1 (1893–94)–  . Title varies: Journal of the Canadian Bankers’ Association, 1 (1893–94)–43 (1935–36); Canadian Banker, 44 (1936–37)–80 (1973); Canadian Banker & ICB Review, 81 (1974)– .

Index: 1 (1893–94)–30 (1922–23); 31 (1923–24)–71 (1964); 72 (1965)–78 (1971).

CANADIAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/ SOCIÉTÉ CANADIENNE D’HISTOIRE DE L’ÉGLISE CATHOLIQUE, Ottawa. Publishes simultaneously a Report in English and a Rapport in French, of which the contents are entirely different. 1 (1933–34)–  . Index: 1 (1933–34)–25 (1958). Title varies: Study Sessions/Sessions d’étude from 1966.

CANADIAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIÉTÉ HISTORIQUE DU CANADA, Ottawa. Annual Report. 1922–  . Index: 1922–51; 1952–68 . Title varies: Historical Papers/Communications historiques from 1966.

Canadian Historical Review. Toronto. 1 (1920)–  .

Index: 1 (1920)–10 (1929); 11 (1930)–20 (1939); 21 (1940)–30 (1949); 31 (1950)–51 (1970). The Université Laval has also published an index: Canadian Historical Review, 1950–1964: index des articles et des comptes rendus de volumes, René Hardy, compil. (Québec, 1969). A continuation of the Review of Historical Publications relating to Canada: 1 (1895–96)–22 (1917–18); Index: 1 (1895–96)–10 (1905); 11 (1906)–20 (1915).

Canadian Journal. Toronto. Publication of the Canadian Institute which became the Royal Canadian Institute in 1914. Began as the Canadian Journal: a Repertory of Industry, Science and Art; and a Record of the Proceedings of the Canadian Institute, 1 (1852–53)–3 (1854-55). Title was modified to the Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art, new series, 1 (1856)–11 (1866–67), and to the Canadian Journal of Science, Literature and History, new series, 12 (1868–70)–15 (1876–78). Superseded by the Proceedings of the Canadian Institute, Toronto, being a Continuation of “The Canadian Journal of Science, Literature and History,” third series, 1 (1879–83)–7 (1888–89). Merged for a few years with the Canadian Institute, Transactions, then published irregularly for a time as Canadian Institute, Proceedings, new series, 1 (1895–98). Published as

Royal Canadian Institute, Proceedings, third series or series IIIa, 1 (1935–36)–

Canadian Methodist Magazine. Toronto and Halifax. 1 (January–June 1875)–64 (July–December 1906). Title varies: 1 (January–June 1875)–28 (July–December 1888), Canadian Methodist Magazine; 29 (January–June 1889)–42 (July–December 1895), Methodist Magazine; 43 (January–June 1896)–64 (July–December 1906), Methodist Magazine and Review.

Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. Montreal. See Canadian Naturalist and Quarterly Journal of Science

Canadian Naturalist and Quarterly Journal of Science. Montreal. 1 (1856–57)–8 (1863); new series, 1 (1864)–10 (1883). Vols. 1 (1856–57)new series, 3 (1866–68), have the title Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. Continued by Canadian Record of Science.

Dalhousie Review. Halifax. Published by Dalhousie University. 1 (1921–22)–    .

Historic Kingston. Kingston, Ont. Published by the Kingston Historical Society. 1 (1952)–    .

HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA, Winnipeg. This society has had numerous publications. These include Report, 1 (1880)–27 (1906); several series known as Transactions, 1 (October  1882)–72 (November  1906); new series, 1 (November 1924)–5 (July  1930); 3rd series, 1 (1944–45)–35 (1978–79) (the title of these transactions varies: Publication, 1–2, 4–6; Transactions, 3, 7–72; new series; Papers, 3rd series); Manitoba History, 1 (1946–49); Manitoba Pageant, 1 (1956)–24 (1978–79); and Manitoba History, 1 (1980)– .

Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes. Peterborough, Ont. Published by Trent University. 1 (1966)–    .

Literary and Historical Society of Quebec/Société littéraire et historique de Québec, Québec. Transactions. [1st series], 1 (1824–29)–5 (1861–62); new series, 1 (1862–63)–30 (1924).

Methodist Magazine. Toronto. See Canadian Methodist Magazine

NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Halifax. Collections. 1 (1878)– . An index for 1 (1878)–32 (1959) is in 33 (1961).

Ontario History. Toronto. Published by the Ontario Historical Society. 1 (1899)– . An index to volumes 1 (1899) to 64 (1972) appears in Index to the publications of the Ontario Historical Society, 1899–1972 (1974). Title varies: Papers and Records to 1946.

Queen’s Quarterly. Kingston, Ont. Published by Queen’s University. 1 (1893–94)–  . Index: 1 (1893–94)–60 (1953); 61 (1954)–75 (1968).

Revue canadienne. Montréal. 1 (1864)–53 (1907);

nouvelle série, 1 (1908)–27 (1922). Volumes 17 (1881)–23 (1887) are also called nouvelle série, v. l–7; vols. 24 (1888)–28 (1892) also called 3e série, v.1-[S]. Index: 1 (1864)–53 (1907).

Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française. Montréal. Published by the Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française. 1 (1947–48)–  . Index: 1 (1947–48)–10 (1956–57); 11 (1957–58)–20 (1966–67); 21 (1967–68)–30 (1976–77).

ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA/SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DU CANADA, Ottawa. Proceedings and Transactions/ Mémoires et comptes rendus. 1st series, 1 (1882–83)–12 (1894); 2nd series, 1 (1895)–12 (1906); 3rd series, 1 (1907)–56 (1962); 4th series, 1 (1963)–  . General index: 1st series–2nd series;

Subject index: 3rd series, 1 (1907)–3rd (1937); Author index: 3rd series, 1 (1907)–35 (1941); Index: 1st series –3rd series, 37 (1943).

SHORTT, ADAM. “The history of Canadian currency, banking and exchange,” Canadian Bankers’ Association, Journal, 7 (1899–1900): 209–26, 311–32; 8 (1900–1): 1–15, 145–64, 227–43, 305–26; 9 (1901–2): 1–21, 101–21, 183–202, 271–89; 10 (1902–3), no.1: 21–40; no.2: 25–45, no.3: 11–28; no.4: 12–29; 11 (1903–4): 13–20, 106–23, 199–218, 308–27; 12 (1904–5): 14–35, 193–216, 265–82; 13 (1905–6): 11–28, 95–115, 184–208, 272–88; 14 (1906–7): 7–27.

Social History, a Canadian Review/Histoire sociale, revue canadienne. Ottawa. 1 (April  1968)–  .