General Bibliography – Volume VIII

AAH    Archives of the Archdiocese of Halifax

AAQ    Archives de l’archidiocèse de Québec

AASJ    Archives of the Archdiocese of Saint


AAT    Archives of the Archdiocese of Toronto

ABHC    Atlantic Baptist Historical Collection

AC    Archives civiles

ACAM    Archives de la chancellerie de l’archevêché de


ACC    Anglican Church of Canada

AD    Archives départementales

ADB    Australian dictionary of biography

ANQ    Archives nationales du Québec

AO    Archives of Ontario

AP    Archives paroissiales

ASN    Archives du séminaire de Nicolet

ASQ    Archives du séminaire de Québec

ASSH    Archives du séminaire de Saint-


ASSM    Archives du séminaire de Saint-

    Sulpice, Montréal

ASTR    Archives du séminaire de Trois-


AUM    Archives de l’université de Montréal

AVQ    Archives de la ville de Québec

BCHQ    British Columbia Historical Quarterly

BE    Bureau d’enregistrement

BLHU    Baker Library, Harvard University

BNQ    Bibliothèque nationale du Québec

BRH    Le Bulletin des recherches historiques

BVM-G    Bibliothèque de la ville de Montréal,

    Salle Gagnon

CCHA    Canadian Catholic Historical Association

CCHS    Canadian Church Historical Society

CHA    Canadian Historical Association

CHR    Canadian Historical Review

CLA    Canadian Library Association

CTA    City of Toronto Archives

DAB    Dictionary of American biography

DCB    Dictionary of Canadian biography

DHB    Dictionary of Hamilton biography

DNB    Dictionary of national biography

DOLQ    Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du


GRO    General  Register Office

GS    Genealogical Society of the Church of

    Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

HBC    Hudson’s Bay Company

HBCA    Hudson’s Bay Company Archives

HBRS    Hudson’s Bay Record Society, Publications

HPL    Hamilton Public Library

MAC-CD    Ministère des Affaires culturelles,

    Centre de documentation

MCA    Maritime Conference Archives

MHGA    Maritime History Group Archives

MTL    Metropolitan Toronto Library

NLS    National Library of Scotland

NWC    North West Company

OH    Ontario History

PABC    Provincial Archives of British


PAC    Public Archives of Canada

PAM    Provincial Archives of Manitoba

PANB    Provincial Archives of New


PANL    Provincial Archives of Newfoundland

    and Labrador

PANS    Public Archives of Nova Scotia

PAPEI    Public Archives of Prince Edward


PCA    Presbyterian Church in Canada


PRO    Public Record Office

QUA    Queen’s University Archives

RHAF    Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française

RSC    Royal Society of Canada

SCHÉC    Société canadienne d’histoire de

    l’Église catholique

SGCF    Société généalogique canadienne-


SOAS    School of Oriental and African Studies

SPG    Society for the Propagation of the


SRO    Scottish Record Office

UCA    United Church Archives

UNBL    University of New Brunswick Library

USPG    United Society for the Propagation of

    the Gospel

UWOL    University of Western Ontario Library

General  Bibliography

The General Bibliography is based on the sources most frequently cited in the individual bibliographies of volume  VIII. It should not be regarded as providing a complete list of background materials for the history of Canada in the 19th century.

Section i describes the principal archival sources and is arranged by country. Section ii is divided into two parts: part a contains printed primary sources including documents published by the various colonial governments; part b provides a listing of the contemporary newspapers most frequently cited by contributors to the volume. Section iii includes dictionaries, indexes, inventories, almanacs, and directories. Section iv contains secondary works of the 19th and 20th centuries, including a number of general histories and theses. Section v describes the principal journals and the publications of various societies consulted.




Records of various churches were consulted, in particular the following:

St George’s Cathedral (Kingston)

ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA, DIOCESE OF QUEBEC ARCHIVES, Lennoxville, Que. For a description of this archives, see: A.  R.  Kelley, “The Quebec diocesan archives; a description of the collection of historical records of the Church of England in the Diocese of Quebec,” ANQ Rapport, 1946–47: 181–298; [A.] M.  Awcock, “Catalogue of the Quebec diocesan archives” (typescript, Shawinigan, Que., 1973; copy available at the archives).

The following materials were cited in volume  VIII:

    28: Letters patent setting apart burying ground in St John’s suburbs, Quebec

47–71: Parish reports, correspondence, and other material relating to the parishes

52: Gaspé, Granby, Grand River, Grimsby, Grosse-Île, Guelph

71: Toronto, St Thomas, Valcartier,

Waterloo, Waterville, Williamsburgh, Woodhouse, Yonge, Whitby

82–100: Copies of letters and papers referring to Diocese of Quebec

99: 1844–45

105: Stewart letters


Records of various churches were consulted, in particular those of the following:

Church of St Peter (Cobourg, Ont.)

St George the Martyr (Toronto)

ARCHIVES CIVILES.  See Québec, Ministère de la Justice

ARCHIVES DE LA CHANCELLERIE DE L’ARCHEVÊCHÉ DE MONTRÉAL.  A detailed inventory of many of the registers and files of this depository can be found in RHAF, 19 (1965–66): 652–64; 20 (1966–67): 146–66, 324–41, 669–700; 24 (1970–1971): 111–42

The following were used in the preparation of volume  VIII:


    255: Diocèses du Canada

    .102: Kingston

    .104: Toronto

    .109: Saint-Boniface

    295: Diocèses du Québec

    .101: Québec

    .103: Saint-Hyacinthe

    355: Paroisses en particulier

    .110: Saint-Joachim (Pointe-Claire)

    .114: L’Assomption

    400: Clergé

    401.130: Conférences ecclésiastiques

420: Prêtres en particulier

.048: Chartier, Étienne

.101: Kelly, J.-B

450: Prêtres étrangers au diocèse de Montréal

.904: “D”

465: Communautés d’hommes en particulier

.101: Compagnie de Saint-Sulpice

525: Communautés de femmes en particulier

.107: Filles de la Charité du Bon-Pasteur

576: Laïcs, “F”

901: Fonds Lartigue-Bourget

.017: Messieurs Maguire et Tabeau, prêtres; division de Québec et biens de Saint-Sulpice; missions à Rome; projet de journal ecclésiastique

.023: Mgr Lartigue; recensement; lettre de D.-B. et Jacques Viger; autres documents de Jacques Viger et Lennox

.025: Messieurs J.-G.  Rocque et J.-V.  Quiblier, p.s.s., à Mgr Lartigue et Mgr Bourget

.028: Mgr Lartigue; lettres de M.  Montgolfier; lettres de prêtres et d’amis; règlements divers et documents

.078: Mgr Bourget; lettres de Mgr J.-C.  Prince

.137: Notre-Dame et Saint-Sulpice

902: Fonds Fabre-Bruchési

.002: Mgr Fabre; lettres à sa famille et journal

RC: Registres de la chancellerie

RCD: Registres et cahiers divers

XXIX: É.-C.  Fabre; cahier de notes; études à Paris

RL: Registres de lettres

RLB: Registres des lettres de Mgr Bourget. An analytical inventory of the correspondence of Mgr Ignace Bourget* from 1837 to 1850 was published in ANQ Rapport, 1945–46: 137–224; 1946–47: 81–175; 1948–49: 343–477; 1955–57: 177–221; 1961–64: 9–68; 1965: 87–132; 1966: 191–252;1967:123–70; 1969: 3–146

RLL: Registres des lettres de Mgr Lartigue. The correspondence of Mgr Jean-Jacques Lartigue* from 1819 to 1840 is inventoried in ANQ Rapport, 1941–42: 345–496; 1942–43: 1–174; 1943–44: 207–334; 1944–45: 173–266; 1945–46: 39–134

ARCHIVES DE L’ARCHIDIOCÈSE DE QUÉBEC.  A guide to the collection is available in SCHÉC Rapport, 2 (1934–35): 65–73.

    Series cited in volume  VIII:

A: Évêques et archevêques de Québec

    12 A: Registres des insinuations ecclésiastiques

20 A: Lettres manuscrites des évêques de Québec

210 A: Registres des lettres expédiées. Inventories of the correspondence of a number of the bishops of Quebec, compiled by Ivanhoë Caron, are available in ANQ Rapport [section  iii].

    22 A: Copies de lettres expédiées

C: Secrétairerie et chancellerie

CB: Structures de direction

1 CB: Vicaires généraux

CD: Discipline diocésaine

515 CD: Séminaire de Nicolet

61 CD: Paroisses

69 CD: Visites pastorales

81 CD: Congrégations religieuses féminines

Diocèse de Québec (in process of reclassification)

CM: Église universelle

10 CM: Correspondance de Rome

7 CM: États-Unis

90 CM: Angleterre

CN: Église canadienne

30 CN: Terre-Neuve

301 CN: Îles-de-la-Madeleine

31 CN: Maritimes

310 CN: Île-du-Prince-Édouard

311 CN: Nouveau-Brunswick

312 CN: Nouvelle-Écosse

320 CN: Haut-Canada

330 CN: Rivière-Rouge

331 CN: Saint-Boniface

36 CN: Colombie-Britannique

60 CN: Gouvernement du Canada

CP: Église du Québec

26 CP: Diocèse de Montréal

E: Administration temporelle

    J: Société ecclésiastique Saint-Joseph

T: Papiers privés

U: Archives des missions, paroisses et institutions

ARCHIVES DE LA VILLE DE QUÉBEC.  A useful publication of this repository is État sommaire des Archives de la ville de Québec(Québec, 1977), edited by Murielle Doyle-Frenière

    Series cited in volume  VIII:

I: Juges

1: Procès-verbaux des Sessions spéciales relatives

    aux chemins et ponts

Il: Conseil de ville de la Corporation de la cité de


1: Procès-verbaux

a: Journal des procédés du Conseil de ville de la cité de Québec

b: Procès-verbaux du Conseil de ville Conseil et comités

V: Séries chemins

    B: Juges de paix

VII: Série finances

    E: Bureau des cotiseurs

    1: Rôles d’évaluation et d’imposition

IX: Série police

ARCHIVES DE L’UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL.  The Service des archives of the Université de Montréal has prepared an important series of publications relating to its collections; a list of these can be found in Bibliographie des publications du Service des archives (3e éd., Montréal, 1980), compiled by Jacques Ducharme and Denis Plante.

The following collections were cited in volume  VIII:

P 58: Collection Baby. The researcher may usefully consult the Catalogue de la collection François-Louis-Georges Baby, compiled by Camille Bertrand, with preface by Paul Baby and introduction by Lucien Campeau (2v., Montréal, 1971). Transcripts of the bulk of this collection, which is being classified at present, are located at the PAC.

    A: Documents d’ordre familial

    A2: Notes généalogiques et biographiques

    A3: Contrats de mariage

    A5: Successions et tutelles

    C: Colonisation

    C2: Ventes et échanges

    G: Commerce et finance

    G1: Grandes compagnies  – fourrures

    G2: Commerce, finance, affaires

    U: Correspondance générale

P 79: Fonds famille Lacoste

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE NICOLET, Nicolet, Qué. This repository, which is at present classifying its materials, has a catalogue index and both nominal and thematic card indexes.

The following series were cited in volume  VIII:

AO: Archives officielles



AP: Archives privées

G: Grandes collections

L.-É.  Bois

D: Documents historiques

G: Garde-notes

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE QUÉBEC.  Analytical and chronological card indexes as well as numerous inventories are available in the archives

Series cited in volume  VIII:

C: Livres de comptes du séminaire

28: 1814–23

31: 1823–36


    38: 1802–24

    39: 1810–21

    40: 1822–39

    41: 1825–43

    42: 1840–49

    43: 1844–49

    66: 1876–80

E: Cahiers et notes d’écoliers

Fichier des anciens

Fonds Plante

Fonds Viger–Verreau

    Cartons: Papiers de H.-A.-J.-B.  Verreau; Jacques Viger

Série O: Cahiers manuscrits

    01-C: Recensement des environs de Montréal

    015A: Pièce annexée par Jacques Viger au cahier intitulé “Chemins réparés à Montréal”

    018A: Tablettes statistiques du comté de Montréal

    021: Élection dans Montréal-Ouest, compilations et notes par Jacques Viger

    095–125: Ma saberdache de Jacques Viger

    0139–52: Ma saberdache de Jacques Viger

    0165–71: Journal personnel de Jacques Viger

    0189–96: Analyse des causes du juge George Pyke

    0521: Livre de comptes de la Compagnie du Nord-Ouest

Journal du séminaire


    S: 1663–1871

    T: 1731–1875


mss: Cahiers manuscrits divers

2: A.-J.-M.  Jacrau, Annales du petit séminaire

7: H.-F.  Gravé, Application des fondations

12: Grand livre du séminaire

13: Plumitif du Conseil du séminaire commencé en 1678

34: A.-E.  Taschereau, Journal du séminaire commence en 1849

431–32: A.-E.  Gosselin, Liste d’élèves, d’ordinations du grand séminaire

433: A.-E.  Gosselin, Officiers et professeurs du séminaire de Québec

436–-37: A.-E.  Gosselin, Prêtres du séminaire

mss-m: Cahiers de cours manuscrits

15: Cours de physique par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

16: Cours de physique par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

16a: Charles Tardif, Cours de physique par l’abbé L.-J.  Casault

16b: Cours de physique par l’abbé L.-J.  Casault

53: F.-G.  Drolet, Cours abrégé d’histoire du Canada par l’abbé Jean Holmes

66: Edward Daveluy, Cours de philosophie par l’abbé P.-F.  Turgeon

84: Hubert Hamel, Cours de physique et cours d’astronomie

86: Cours de botanique d’après M.  Guyart par l’ abbé Jérôme Demers

105: Cyrille Bochet et Octave Perron, Cours d’astronomie

109: Cours d’arithmétique par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

110: Cours de trigonométrie sphérique par l’ abbé Jérôme Demers

115: Louis Gravel, Cours de physique par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

129: Cours d’architecture par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

131: Cours d’architecture par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

144: Cours de physique, cours de géométrie et cours d’architecture par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

155: Félix Gatien, Cours de philosophie par l’abbé J.-B.  Castenet

159: Jean Holmes, Cours de philosophie par l’abbé Jérôme Demers et cours de théologie morale

160: É.-G.  Plante, Cours de philosophie par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

161: Edward Daveluy, Cours de philosophie (2e partie) par l’abbé P.-F.  Turgeon

162: Jean Holmes, Cours de philosophie et cours de grammaire par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

186: Cours de rhétorique et cours de philosophie par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

189: Cours de physique (vol.1) par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

190: Cours de physique (vol.2) par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

191: Cours de physique

192: Cours de physique

195: Cours de physique par l’abbé Ambroise Parent

197: Cours d’architecture, cours de géométrie et cours de physique par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

198: Cours de physique par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

214: Toussaint Papineau, Cours de philosophie et cours de grammaire par l’ abbé Jérôme Demers

215: Joseph Petitclerc, Cours de philosophie par l’abbé G.-H.  Besserer

219: François Morin, Cours de physique par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

232: Cours de physique et cours d’astronomie par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

266: Cours de physique (vol.2) par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

267: Cours d’arithmétique par l’abbé Jérôme Demers

433: Cahier de messe par l’abbé C.-E.  Paradis

676: L.-N.  Bégin, Cours de théologie morale

1014: Notes d’astronomie; définitions de la sphère, du soleil, des étoiles de l’abbé E.  Montminy

1015: Traité élémentaire de physique; définitions de la physique de l’attraction, du mouvement et de ses lois; des causes qui changent la direction du vent; caloïque par l’abbé E.  Montminy

1040–40a: Traité élémentaire de physique (4 vols. ) par l’ abbé Jérôme Demers

Polygraphie: Affaires surtout extérieures

Registre du grand séminaire

Registre du petit séminaire

S: Seigneuries du séminaire

    S-168: Terrier censier, Petite-Rivière, Baie-Saint-

    Paul, Saint-Urbain, Île-aux-Coudres

Séminaire: Affaires diverses


Saint-Hyacinthe, Qué.

    The following series were cited in volume  VIII:

Section A: Archives du séminaire

Série B: Relations avec les autorités ecclésiastiques, correspondance des évêques

Dossier 7: Prince, J.-C.

Série G: Personnel du séminaire

Dossier 1–13: Dossiers particuliers d’autres membres du personnel

Section C: Histoire religieuse, civile et politique

Série 1: Évêques et évêchés

Dossier l: Histoire religieuse du diocèse: les autorités

1.7: Prince, J.-C.

Série 2: Paroisses, cathédrale, monographies paroissiales

Dossier 1: Paroisse de Saint-Hyacinthe-le-Confesseur

1.8: Requête de Mgr J.-C.  Prince pour jugement de ratification, Cour supérieure de Montréal

Section F: Fonds particuliers

Fg-2: Chartier, Émile

Fg-41: Saint-Pierre, P.-A.

Dossier 5: Biographies

5.2: Blanchard, Meunier, Després

Fp-4: Chèvrefils, J.-O.

Fp-8: Prince, J.-C


    Sections cited in volume  VIII:

Section 1 bis: Démêlés relatifs aux biens

Section 8: Seigneuries, fiefs, arrière-fiefs et domaines

C: Autres fiefs, arrière-fiefs et seigneuries

Section 21: Correspondance générale

Section 24: Histoire et géographie, biographie, divers

Dossier 2: Biographies

Section 25: Séminaire de Saint-Sulpice

Dossier 2: Emplois

Section 27: Le séminaire, les évêchés et les paroisses

Section 36: Missions

Section 49: Prédication

ARCHIVES DU SÉMINAIRE DE TROIS-RIVIÈRES, Trois-Rivières, Qué. A summary inventory for this repository was compiled by Yvon Thériault and published in ANQ Rapport, 1961–64: 67–134. A general inventory including the new classification system is in preparation.

The following were used in the preparation of volume  VIII:

0009: Fonds Hart, famille

0032: Collection Montarville Boucher de la Bruère

0184: Fonds Dumoulin, famille

0296: Fonds J.-S.-N.  Dumoulin

0368: Trifluviens du 19e et du 20e siècle

ARCHIVES NATIONALES DU QUÉBEC.  In 1980 the archives undertook to establish a new uniform classification for its regional centres. Inventories, catalogues, guides, conversion tables, and useful finding aids on microfiche are available in all the regional centres of the ANQ.


The following materials were cited in volume VIII:

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CE: État civil

1: Québec

1: Notre-Dame de Québec

2: Notre-Dame de l’Annonciation (L’Ancienne-Lorette)

5: Notre-Dame de Miséricorde (Beauport)

6: La Visitation de Notre-Dame (Château-Richer)

7: Saint-Charles-Borromée (Charlesbourg)

15: Saint-François-de-Sales (Neuville)

17: Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures

20: Notre-Dame-de-Foy (Sainte-Foy)

21: Saint-Nicolas

22: Saint-Roch (Quebec)

61: Holy Trinity Cathedral (Quebec)

66: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Quebec)

67: St John’s Presbyterian Church (Quebec)

71: Garrison of Quebec Anglican Church (Quebec)

74: Anglican travelling missionaries, district of Quebec

75: Aubigny Anglican Church (Lévis)

91: Saint Sylvester’s Presbyterian Church (Saint-Sylvestre)

2: Montmagny

3: Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours (L’Islet)

4: Saint-Charles (Bellechasse)

5: Saint-Michel (Bellechasse)

6: Saint-Pierre-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud (Montmagny)

25: Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies

3: Kamouraska

1: Notre-Dame-de-Liesse (Rivière-Ouelle)

12: Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière (La Pocatière)

4: Saguenay

2: Saint-Louis (Île aux Coudres)

3: Saint-Étienne (La Malbaie)

5: Frontenac

13: Leeds Anglican Church

CN: Notaires

    1: Québec

    16: Bélanger, Jean

17: Bélanger, J.-C.

18: Belleau, R.-G.

27: Besserer, L.-T.

49: Campbell, Archibald

60: Chavigny de La Chevrotière, Ambroise

61: Chavigny de La Chevrotière, André

62: Chavigny de La Chevrotière, J.-O.-M.

64: Childs, John

66: Cinq-Mars, Charles

67: Clapham, J.  G.

80: DeFoy, C.-M.

92: Dumas, Alexandre

99: Faribault, Barthélemy

102: Filteau, Joseph

116: Glackmeyer, Edward

138: Hunt, Joseph

155: Larue, D.-E.

157: Larue, F.-X.

178: Lelièvre, Roger

188: Lindsay, E.  B.

197: McPherson, L.  T.

198: Mercier, F.-X.

208: Panet, Louis

209: Panet, P.-L.

212: Parent, A.-Archange

213: Parent, A.-Ambroise

219: Petitclerc, Joseph

230: Planté, J.-B.

    232: Prévost, Louis

    253: Scott, W . F

    255: Sirois-Duplessis, A.-B.

    256: Stewart, Charles

    260: Tessier, Édouard

    261: Tessier, Michel

    262: Têtu, Félix

    265: Trudelle, J.-B.

    267: Vaillancourt, F.-X.

    285: Voyer, Jacques

    2: Montmagny

    30: Morin, Amable

    4: Saguenay

    8: Gagné, Jean

    9: Gauvreau, C.-H.

    10: Hudon-Beaulieu, Heli

    12: Huot, C.-P.

    13: Kang, John

    15: Lévesque, Isidore

    16: Néron, Jean

    19: Tremblay, Édouard

E: Pouvoir exécutif

    17: Justice

    6–52: Événements de 1837–38

    21: Terres et forêts

P: Fonds et collections privées

9: Bossange, Hector

52: Couillard Després, Azarie

68: Duvernay, Ludger

69: Fabre, É.-R.

75: Faribault, famille

81: Fraser, famille

92: Girouard, J.-J.

174: Marchand, F.-G.

193: Neilson, imprimerie

240: Seigneuries

316: Jobin, André

417: Papineau, famille

437: Société Saint-Vincent-de-Paul

P1000: Petits fonds

11–203: Black, George

22–399: Christie, Robert

25–456: Crémazie, Jacques

27–505: Deblois, J.-F.

28–541: Desandrouins, J.-N.

31–572: Dionne, Élézie

37–694: Fabre, Hector

65–1291: Lévesque, Guillaume

76–1540: O’Callaghan, E.  B.

T: Pouvoir judiciaire

11–1: Cour supérieure

Z: Copies de documents conservés en dehors des ANQ

Q: Québec (en dehors des ANQ)

6–45: État civil, Catholiques, Sainte-Marie-de-la-Nouvelle-Beauce

30076: Index des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures des protestants de la région de Québec, c. 1790–1815



Materials used in the preparation of volume  VIII include:

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CE: État civil

1: Trois-Rivières

    2: Saint-François-Xavier (Batiscan)

    4: La Nativité-de-Notre-Dame (Bécancour)

10: Saint-Joseph (Maskinongé)

13: Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Nicolet)

15: Saint-Antoine-de-la-Rivière-du-Loup


30: Saint-Grégoire-le-Grand (Nicolet)

48: Immaculée-Conception (Trois-Rivières)

52: Sainte-Anne (Yamachiche)

2: Arthabasca

72: Saint-Norbert (Norbertville)

CN: Notaires

1: Trois-Rivières

6: Badeaux, Joseph

7: Badeaux, J.-M.

I1: Rivard Bellefeuille, F.-A.

19: Craig, L.-D.

23: David, George

25: Defoy, Augustin

27: Deguise, Joseph

32: Dumoulin, J.-E.

35: Duvernay, J.-M.  Crevier

38: Gagnon, Antoine

47: Guillet, Valère

52: Labarre, D.-G.

56: Leblanc, A.-Z.

60: Leroy, Benoît

62: Lemaître Lottinville, Flavien

2: Arthabasca

15: Côté, Théophile

26: Pacaud, P.-N.


The following sources were consulted in the preparation of volume  VIII:

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CE: État civil

1: Sherbrooke

41: Hatley Anglican Church

2: Bedford

38: Dunham Anglican Church (Dunham)

42: Shefford Anglican Church (Waterloo)

CM: Testaments

1: Sherbrooke

CN: Notaires

    1: Sherbrooke

    23: Richardson, C.  A.

    24: Ritchie, William

T: Justice

12: Cours des sessions de la paix

501: Saint-François


Sources cited in volume  VIII include:

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CA: Arpenteurs

1: Montréal

17: Couillard-Després, Emmanuel

CC: Tutelles et curatelles

l: Montréal

CE: État civil

1: Montréal

2: La-Nativité-de-la-Très-Sainte-Vierge (Laprairie)

3: Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue (Saint-Antoine-sur-Richelieu)

5: Saint-Enfant-Jésus (Pointe-aux-Trembles)

6: Notre-Dame-de-Grâce (Montréal)

8: Saints-Anges (Lachine)

10: Sainte-Anne (Varennes)

12: Saint-Antoine (Longueuil)

16: Saint-Bruno (Saint-Bruno-de-


22: Sainte-Famille (Boucherville)

26: Saint-François-Xavier (Verchères)

28: Sainte-Geneviève (Montréal)

37: Saint-Joachim (Pointe-Claire)

39: Saint-Joseph (Chambly)

48: Saint-Martin (Laval)

51: Notre-Dame de Montréal

57: Sainte-Rose (Laval)

59: Saint-Vincent-de-Paul (Laval)

63: Christ Church Anglican (Montreal)

65: Garrison Anglican Church (Montreal)

67: Hudson Heights Anglican Church


68: St George’s Anglican Church (Montreal)

81: St Stephen’s Anglican Church


92: Evangelical Congregational Church


115: American Presbyterian Church (Montreal)

125: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Montreal)

126: St Gabriel’s Presbyterian Church (Montreal)

2: Saint-Hyacinthe

l: Saint-Hyacinthe-le-Confesseur (Saint-Hyacinthe)

10: Saint-Charles (Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu)

12: Saint-Denis (Saint-Denis, sur le Richelieu)

23: Saint-Paul (Abbotsford)

3: Sorel

1: Christ Church (Sorel)

2: Saint-Antoine (Baie-du-Febvre)

12: Immaculée-Conception (Saint-Ours)

4: Saint-Jean

10: Saint-Jean-l’Évangéliste (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu)

28: Anglican Episcopal Congregation (Iberville)

5: Joliette

l: Sainte-Geneviève-de-Berthier (Berthierville)

4: Saint-Joseph (Lanoraie)

8: Sainte-Mélanie

12: Saint-Roch-de-l’Achigan

14: Saint-Pierre-du-Portage (L’Assomption)

16: Purification-de-la-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie (Repentigny)

6: Saint-Jérôme

9: Saint-Benoît (Mirabel)

11: Saint-Eustache

25: Sainte-Thérèse de Blainville

65: Presbyterian Church (Sainte-Thérèse de Blainville)

CL: Licitations, adjudications, ventes par shérifs

CM: Testaments

    1: Montréal

CN: Notaires

    1: Montréal

7: Arnoldi, G.-D.

12: Barbeau, Louis

16: Barron, Thomas

23: Beaudry, Édouard

28: Bédouin, Thomas

29: Beek, J.  G.

32: Belle, Joseph

43: Boileau, René

46: Boucher de la Broquerie, Joseph

68: Cadieux, J.-M.

69: Cadieux, G.-H.

74: Chaboillez, Louis

87: Chénier, Félix

96: Constantin, J.-B.

102: Crawford, W.  N.

110: Daveluy, P.-É.

114: Decelles, A.-C.  Duclos

122: De Lorimier, F.-M.-C.

125: Demuy, Charles Daneau

126: Desautels, Joseph

127: Desève, Charles

128: Desève, J.-B.

134: Doucet, N.-B.

135: Doucet, Théodore

143: Duplessis, A.-C.  Le Noblet

167: Gauthier, J.-P.

175: Gibb, I.  J.

179: Girouard, J.-J.

182: Grant, J.  P.

187: Griffin, Henry

192: Guy, Étienne

194: Guy, Louis

208: Hunter, J.  S.

213: Isaacson, J.  H.

215: Jobin, André

216: Jobin, J.-H.

226: Lacoste, L.-R.

237: Laparre, Henry

243: Latour, Louis Huguet

269: Lukin, Peter (père)

270: Lukin, Peter (fils)

279: Mathieu, Pierre

295: Mondelet, J.-M.

304: Normandin, Louis

311: Papineau, C.-F.

312: Papineau, D.-É.

313: Papineau, Joseph

315: Paré, A.-P.

326: Pinet, Alexis

332: Prest, James

334: Prévost, Charles

353: Ross, William

372: Simonnet, François

375: Soupras, L.-J.

384: Trudeau, J.-F.

396: Weekes, George

2: Saint-Hyacinthe

22: Dessureau, F.-L.

29: Faribault, Barthélemy (père)

73: Séguin, Michel

80: Têtu, J.-F.

3: Sorel

    29: Crebassa, John George

    35: Desrosiers, Léopold

    81: Rousseau, Joseph

4: Saint-Jean

    15: Decoigne, L.-M.

    16: Démaray, P.-P.

    19: Faribault, J.-É.

    20: Gamelin, Pierre

5: Joliette

3: Archambault, Eugène

4: Archambault, J.-B.

11: Brunelle, Joseph

18: Faribault, J.-É.

24: Joliette, Barthélemy

30: Mercier, Pierre

36: Raymond, Louis

37: Raymond, J.-T.

42: Therrien, J.-A.

    6: Saint-Jérôme

15: Lemaire, F.-H.

29: Turgeon, Joseph

P: Fonds et collections privées

24: Viger, famille

76: Lacoste, famille

155: Landry, famille

P1000: Petits fonds

3–290: Viger, Louis

3–309: McGill, Peter

3–383: Viger, Jacques

5–516: Viger, Jacques

10–596: Fils de la liberté

20–709: Viger, Jacques

34–805: Rébellion 1837–38

49–1097: Viger, Jacques


The following was used in volume  VIII:

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CN: Notaires

1: Rimouski

5: Garon, Joseph


Materials used in volume  VIII were the following:

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CE: État civil

l: Chicoutimi

2: Saint-François-Xavier (Chicoutimi)

CN: Notaires

1: Chicoutimi

3: Chaperon, John

P: Fonds et collections privées

2: Tremblay, Victor

ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO, Toronto. Unpublished inventories, calendars, catalogue entries, guides, and other finding aids are available in the archives, which is also producing finding aids on microfiche.

Materials used in volume  VIII include:

Canada Company records

A: Administrative records

2: Court of Directors reports

3: Minutes of committees

4: Reports

5: Reports of the Court of Directors to the proprietors

6: Correspondence

l: Letter-books and general letters

2: Correspondence with the commissioners

3: Letters to the Court of Directors

B: Land business records

3: Registers and deed-books

C: Accounting section records

    l: Ledgers

J.  C.  B. and E.  O.  Horwood collection

MS: Microfilm Series

    2: Records of the registrar general, Home

District and Ingersoll

4: Robinson (John Beverley) papers

6: Crookshank–Lambert papers

25: Thompson (David) journals

35: Strachan (John) papers

74: Merritt (William Hamilton) papers

75: Russell family papers

78: Macaulay papers

88: Baldwin (William Warren and Robert)


107: Records of St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Williamstown, Ont.)

148: West Flamborough reminiscences

191: Welland Canal records

199: Diaries

211: Birdsall (Anthony and William) papers

266: Fraser (Alexander) papers

392: Hiram Walker Historical Museum collection

393: Baird (Nichol Hugh) papers

451: Cemetery records collection

497: Gilkison (William and Jasper Tough) papers

498: Baby family papers

500: Street (Samuel) papers

503: Nelles (Robert) papers

516: Mackenzie-Lindsey collection, Mackenzie correspondence

519: Stone (Joel) papers

522: Rogers papers

525: Galt (Sir  Alexander Tilloch) papers; Elmsley–Macaulay papers

    526: Berczy (William) papers

    535: Morris (Alexander) papers

    537: Ridout papers

    542: Kirby (William) collection

    564: Selected Canada Company records

MU: Manuscript Units

129: “Bethune family history,” comp. L.  B.  Bethune

138–273: Blake family papers

296: Brock Monument Committee papers

469–87: Campbell (Alexander) papers

500–15: Cartwright family papers

610: Company records

837: Dent (Charles R.) papers

842: Diaries collection

943–44: Douglas (H.  Townley) collection

1048–53: Fleming (Sir  Sandford Arnot) papers

1532–37: Jarvis-Powell papers

1729: Stewart (William) letter-books

1760: McDonald (C. & J.) papers

1770–71: MacDonell papers

1817–910: Mackenzie-Lindsey collection, Mackenzie newspaper clipping collection

1946–48: Mackenzie-Lindsey collection, C.  B.  Lindsey papers

1957–59: McLachlin papers

1967–73, 3389–90: McMartin (Alexander) papers

1978: McNab Township papers

2095–143: Miscellaneous collection

2197: Northwest Company trials

2322–29: Pinhey (Hamnett Kirkes) papers

2367–68: Radenhurst (Thomas M.) papers

2388: Riddell (Walter) papers

2553: Rogers (James) papers

2598: Archibald McNab historical sketch

2756: Shanly papers

2818: Gowan–Small papers

2863: Snyder (J.  M.) papers

2884–90: Stevenson (David Barker) papers

2923: Stuart family papers

2955: Teefy (Matthew) papers

2982: Thompson (David) papers

3815: Peterborough District scrap-book

RG 1: Records of the Ministry of Natural Resources

A: Offices of surveyor general and commissioner of crown lands

I: Correspondence

1: Letters received, surveyor general

2: Surveyor general’s letter-books (MS 627)

3: Surveyor general’s registers

5: Commissioner’s correspondence registers

6: Letters received, surveyor general and commissioner (MS 563)

II: Reports and statements

    l: Surveyor general’s reports

    2: Commissioners’ reports

    6: Statements

VII: Miscellaneous records

B: Financial Services Branch

II: Account-books

IV: Survey accounts

C: Lands Branch

I: Free grants

    1: Petitions and applications

    3: Fiats and warrants

    4: Locations

    5: Assignments

    8: Patents

III: Sales

    3: Sales of clergy reserves

    4: Sales of crown lands

IV: Township papers

CB: Surveys and Mapping Branch

1: Survey diaries and field notes

F: Timber agencies

I: Ottawa (Bytown agency)

8: Correspondence

RG 4: Records of the attorney general

A: Attorney general

I: Pre-confederation records

RG 8: Records of the provincial secretary

I-1: Main office

H: Magistrate books

P: Pre-confederation correspondence

I-6: Office of the registrar general

A: District marriage registers

RG 20: Records of the Ministry of Correctional


RG 21: Municipal records

RG 22: Court records

Court of General  Quarter Sessions of the Peace

ser.7: Register of payment of land taxes


ser.l2: Minutes

ser.l4: Case files

    ser.14a: Crown Office fee-book by account


ser.47: Minutes


ser.75: Minutes

Prince Edward District

ser.83: Minutes

Home District

ser.94: Minutes

    Western District

    ser.103: Minutes

Court of King’s Bench

    ser.125: Term-books

    ser.131: Judgement docket-books

    ser.134: Assize minute-books

    ser.143: High Treason (1814) records

    ser.144: Alien Act (1814) records

Court of Probate

    ser.155: estate files

Surrogate Court

    ser.l59: Kingston (Frontenac), estate files

    ser.164: Perth (Lanark), registers

ser.176: Brockville (Leeds and Grenville), registers

ser.179: Brockville, estate files

ser.l87: Cobourg (Northumberland and Durham), registers

ser.191: Cobourg, estate files

ser.198: Cornwall (Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry), estate files

ser.204: Hamilton (Wentworth), registers

ser.205: Hamilton, estate files

ser.211: Kitchener (Waterloo), registers

ser.214: Kitchener, estate files

ser.224: Ottawa (Carleton), registers

ser.235: St Catharines (Niagara North), estate files

ser.256: Cayuga (Haldimand), registers

ser.260: Cayuga, estate files

ser.264: Whitby (Ontario), estate files

ser.289: Welland (Niagara South), estate files

ser.302: Toronto (York), registers

ser.305: Toronto, estate files

ser.310: Windsor (Essex), registers

ser.321: London (Middlesex), estate files

RG 53: Records of the Department of the Provincial Secretary, recording office

ser.2-2: Index to patents by name

RG 55: Companies Division

ser.3: Toronto and York County, records of business partnership registration


Collections cited in volume  VIII include:

Edmund Burke papers

Thomas Louis Connolly papers

William Fraser papers

William Walsh papers


Collections cited in volume  VIII include:

Michael Anthony Fleming papers

John Thomas Mullock papers


Material from the following series was cited in the preparation of volume  VIII:

Series 1: Documents and letters relating to the history of the Catholic Church in the western part of the diocese of Upper Canada prior to the establishment of the diocese of Toronto, December  17th, 1841. An inventory of the series has been compiled by the Reverend

Gordon A.  Bean (typescript, Toronto, 1970).

A: Administration of Bishop  Alexander Macdonell

AB: Letters and papers of others, clergy and lay, involved in the history of the church

AC: Letters and other papers relating to

    various missions in the diocese

C: Supplementary material

    CA: Letters, arranged by sender

CB: Miscellaneous documents, arranged by place

ARCHIVES PAROISSIALES.  The more noteworthy holdings of parish archives in Quebec are the registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials; copies are deposited with the Archives civiles of the judicial district in which the parish is located [see Québec, Ministère de la Justice]. Parish archives usually contain many other documents, including parish account-books, records of the fabriques, registers of parish confraternities, notebooks of sermons, and sometimes correspondence.

ATLANTIC BAPTIST HISTORICAL COLLECTION, Acadia University, Wolfville, N.  S.  Although outdated, A catalogue of the Maritime Baptist Historical Collection in the library of Acadia University (Kentville,

N.S., 1955) provides useful information on the collection

Collections cited in volume. VIII include:

Edward Manning papers

Records of various churches


The following were cited in volume  VIII:

Collection Gagnon

Fonds Ægidius Fauteux


BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE DU QUÉBEC, DÉPARTEMENT DES MANUSCRITS, Montréal. A description of the collections held in this department is found in Catalogue des manuscrits (Montréal), the latest edition of which was published in 1978.

Sections cited in volume  VIII:


mss-101: Société historique de Montréal Collection La Fontaine. For a complete inventory of this collection see: Inventaire de la collection Lafontaine, Elizabeth [Abbott] Nish, compil. (Montréal, 1967)

BUREAU D’ENREGISTREMENT. See Québec, Ministère de la Justice


Materials used in the preparation of volume  VIII include:

CRC: Architectural plans

RG 1: City Council

A: Minutes

B: Papers

RG 4: Finance Department

D: Cash-books

E: General journals

F: General ledgers

RG 5: City Clerk’s Department

F: Assessment rolls

HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY, Special Collections Department, Hamilton, Ont

The following series were used:

Archives files

Clipping files

Hamilton  – biography


H.  F.  Gardiner

Historic houses in Hamilton

HUDSON’S BAY COMPANY ARCHIVES.  See Provincial Archives of Manitoba


The following were cited:

Jacob De Witt papers

Gerald Hart papers

McCord papers

John McDonald of Garth accounts

Molson family papers


MARITIME HISTORY GROUP ARCHIVES, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s. For information on the collections held at the archives see Preliminary inventory of records held at the Maritime History Group, comp. Roberta Thomas under the direction of Keith Matthews ([St John’s, 1978]); Check list of research studies pertaining to the history of Newfoundland in the archives of the Maritime History Group(7th ed., [St John’s], 1984); and An index to the name files .  .  .  , comp. Gert Crosbie under the direction of Keith Matthews ([St John’s], 1981). Various other indexes to individual collections at the archives are also available.

Materials cited in volume  VIII include:

Name file collection. This collection consists of some 20,000 files, arranged by surname, concerning anyone connected in any way with the Newfoundland trade or fisheries, 1640–1850. The files are compiled from a wide range of sources, and each entry includes a reference to the original source.

METROPOLITAN TORONTO LIBRARY.  Canadian History Department, Baldwin Room.  For information on the library’s manuscript holdings, see Guide to the manuscript collection in the Toronto Public Libraries (Toronto, 1954)

Manuscripts consulted for volume  VIII include:

William Allan papers

Robert Baldwin papers

William Warren Baldwin papers

John George Howard papers

Samuel Peters Jarvis papers

Henry Langley papers

William Dummer Powell papers

Toronto, Mechanics Institute papers


NEW BRUNSWICK MUSEUM, Saint John, N.B.  For a description of its holdings see New Brunswick Museum, Inventory of manuscripts, 1967 ([Saint John, 1967]).

Materials cited in volume  VIII include:

C: Clipping files; folders and scrap-books of newspaper clippings

cb doc: Vertical files containing original and photocopied documents

F: Folders

F51: New Brunswick land grants, surveyed by

Charles Morris, 1784

F64: Miscellaneous correspondence

W.  F.  Ganong collection

H.  T.  Hazen collection

    Ward Chipman papers

N.B.  Hist. Soc. papers

Register of marriages for the city and county of Saint John, book A (1810–28)

SB 42: “Canadian history” scrap-book



Materials used in volume  VIII include:

St Gabriel Street Church (Montreal), Register of baptisms, marriages, and burials


FOUNDATION, Charlottetown. Various files were consulted in the preparation of volume  VIII for biographical and genealogical data on Island residents.

PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, Victoria Manuscript collections are being listed in PABC, Manuscript inventory, ed. Frances Gundry (3v. to date, [Victoria], 1976–    ).

The following were used in the preparation of volume  VIII:

AB20: McDonald, Archibald

    C72M: Fort Colvile, correspondence

    .1: Archibald McDonald correspondence

Ka3A: Fort Kamloops, correspondence

L2: Fort Langley, journal

    L3A: Fort Langley, correspondence

AB40: McDonald, Archibald

M 142: Correspondence outward

A/C/20: Fort Victoria, correspondence outward to HBC

A/C/30Si6c: “James Sinclair: an early colonizer of Oregon” (n.d.)

Add. mss 505: Helmcken, John Sebastian

520: Victoria, Christ Church Cathedral

635: Ross, Donald

C/AA/10: Vancouver Island, governor (Douglas)

.l/2: Despatches to London

.4/1: Correspondence outward

E/B/B62.3: Blinkhorn, Thomas, commission as justice of the peace and magistrate

E/B/Si6: James Sinclair, correspondence outward

PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF MANITOBA, Winnipeg. This repository puts at the disposal of researchers a central card index and unpublished preliminary inventories and finding aids.

Materials used in the preparation of volume  VIII:

MG 2: Red River settlement

A: Selkirk period

1: Selkirk, Thomas Douglas

5: Pelly, Robert Parker

B: Council of Assiniboia

2: Papers and financial records of

    Council of Assiniboia

3: Census

4: Court records

    4-1: Minutes of General  Quarterly Court

C: Individuals and settlement

3: Cary, George Marcus

14: Ross, Alexander, family

38: Garrioch, Peter

MG 3: Red River disturbance, Northwest rebellion, and related papers

D: Louis Riel

MG 4: Canada

D: Government departments and agencies

13: Department of the Interior, Dominion

    Lands Branch

MG 7: Church records and religious figures

B: Church of England

4: St Andrew’s Church

7: St John’s Cathedral

C: Presbyterian

12: Black, John

D: Roman Catholic

8: Saint-Boniface

MG 8: Immigration, settlement, and local histories

C: Genealogies

1: Lagimodière, Jean-Baptiste

MG 9: Literary manuscripts and theses

A: Manuscripts and related papers

76: MacLeod, M.  A.

78: Gunn, G.  H.

Hudson’s Bay Company Archives. The PRO and the PAC hold microfilm copies of the records for the years 1670 to 1870. For more information concerning the copies held at the PAC and the finding aids that are available, see General inventory, manuscipts, 3. The articles by R.  H.  G.  Leveson Gower, “The archives of the Hudson’s Bay Company,” Beaver, outfit 264 (December  1933): 40–42, 64, and by Joan Craig, “Three hundred years of records,” Beaver, outfit 301 (autumn 1970): 65–70, provide useful information to researchers. For series of HBCA documents published by the HBRS, see section ii.

Section A: London office records

A.1/: London minute-books

A.5/: London correspondence books outward – general

A.6/: London correspondence books outward –

HBC official

A.8/: London correspondence with the British government

A.9/: Memorial books

A.10/: London inward correspondence  – general

A.11/: London inward correspondence from HBC posts

A.12/: London inward correspondence from governors of HBC territories

A.16/: Officers’ and servants’ ledgers and account-books

A.21/: Officers’ and servants’ bill-books

A.31/: Lists of commissioned officers

A.32/: Servants’ contracts

A.33/: Commissioned officers’ indentures and agreements

A.34/: Servants’ characters and staff records

A.36/: Officers’ and servants’ wills

A.43/: Books of assignments of stock

A.44/: Register book of wills and administrations of proprietors, etc.

A.64/: Miscellaneous books

Section B: North America trading post records

B.3/a: Albany journals

B.3/b: Albany correspondence books

B.3/e: Albany reports on district

B.4/b: Fort Alexander outward correspondence

B.4/d: Fort Alexander account-books

B.14/a: Bedford House journals

B.24/a: Buckingham House journals

B.27/a: Carlton House (Saskatchewan) journals

B.34/a: Chesterfield House (Bow River) journals

B.42/a: Fort Churchill journals

B.49/a: Cumberland House journals

B.55/a: Duck Portage journals

B.60/a: Edmonton House journals

B.60/d: Edmonton House account-books

B.87/a: Hudson House journals

B.89/a: Île-à-la-Crosse journals

B.89/d: Île-à-la-Crosse account-books

B.97/a: Thompson’s River journal and correspondence

B.107/a: Lac Seul journals

B.107/b: Lac Seul correspondence outward

B.107/d: Lac Seul account-books

B.107/e: Lac Seul reports on district

B.107/z: Lac Seul miscellaneous items

B.110/c: Lake of Two Mountains correspondence

B.118/a: Loon River post journals

B.121/a: Manchester House journals

B.123/a: Martin Fall journals

B.129/a: Michipicoten journals

B.129/b: Michipicoten correspondence books

B.129/e: Michipicoten reports on district

B.134/c: Montreal correspondence inward

B.134/g: Montreal abstracts and servants’ accounts

B.135/c: Moose correspondence inward

B.135/k: Moose minutes of council, Southern department

B.148/a: Nipawi journals

B.149/a: Nipigon House journals

B.154/a: Norway House journals

B.157/a: Peel River journals

B.162/a: Pic journals

B.178/a: Reed Lake House journals

B.184/z: Rocky Mountain House miscellaneous

B.186/b: Rupert House correspondence books

B.194/a: Sault Ste Marie journals

B.194/b: Sault Ste Marie correspondence books

B.194/e: Sault Ste Marie reports on district

B.197/a: Setting River journals

B.198/e: Fort Severn reports on district

B.200/a: Fort Simpson (Mackenzie River) journals

B.200/b: Fort Simpson correspondence books

B.202/a: Snake Country journals

B.205/a: South Branch House journals

B.223/a: Fort Vancouver journals

B.223/b: Fort Vancouver outward correspondence books

B.231/a: Fort William journals

B.231/e: Fort William reports on district

B.235/a: Winnipeg journals

B.235/d: Winnipeg account-books

B.235/z: Winnipeg miscellaneous items

B.239/a: York Factory journals

B.239/b: York Factory outward correspondence books

B.239/c: York Factory correspondence inward

B.239/d: York Factory account-books

B.239/f: York Factory list of servants

B.239/z: York Factory miscellaneous items

Section C: Records of ships owned or chartered by the HBC

C.1/: Ships’ logs

C.3/: Portledge books

Section D: Governors’ papers

D.1/: William Williams outward correspondence books

D.2/: William Williams correspondence inward and miscellaneous items

D.4/: George Simpson outward correspondence books

D.5/: George Simpson correspondence inward

D.6/: George Simpson minutes and correspondence concerning will

Section E: Miscellaneous records

E.4/: Red River settlement church registers

E.5/: Red River settlement census returns

E.6/: Red River settlement land registers and records

E.7/: Red River settlement account-books

E.8/: Red River settlement deeds, agreements, Bathurst–Selkirk correspondence, and miscellaneous papers

E.10/: Colin Robertson papers

E.12/5: Isobel Finlayson journal

E.13/: John McLoughlin Jr papers

E.16/: Council of Assiniboia records

E.24/: John Stuart records

Section F: Records of allied and subsidiary companies

F.1/: North West Company minute-book

F.3/: North West Company correspondence

F.4/: North West Company account-books

F.8–F.26/: Puget’s Sound Agricultural Company papers

Section G: Maps, plans, charts

G.3/: Published maps

PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF NEW BRUNSWICK, Fredericton. The archives is in the process of reorganizing and reclassifying some material. As a result, individual references to PANB collections in volume  VIII will not always correspond to those currently in use at the archives, although the old references are still usable for the purposes of location and retrieval. The following description is an attempt to indicate the latest changes as the volume goes to press. For information on the manuscript holdings, A guide to the manuscript collections in the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, comp. A.  C.  Rigby (Fredericton, 1977) is useful.

Materials used in the preparation of volume  VIII include:

MBU: George Burchill & Sons papers

MC     1: Family history collection

    7: William Brydone Jack papers

58: Bishop  Inglis letters

69: Tobique Mill Company, minute-book

211: Raymond Paddock Gorham collection

216: Kathleen Williston collection

218: Wood family papers

288: New Brunswick Barristers’ Society papers

300: York-Sunbury Historical Society collection

MYY 262: Miramichi Fire Relief Committee records

“New Brunswick political biography.” Compiled by

J.  C.  and H.  B.  Graves. 11 vols., typescript.

RG 1: Records of the lieutenant governor

RS2: Sir  John Harvey

RS345: Sir  W.  MacB.  G.  Colebrooke

RS558: Lieut.  Gov. George Stracy Smyth

RG 2: Records of the central executive

RS6: Minutes and orders-in-council of the Executive Council

RS7: Executive Council records, Ottawa series

RS8: Executive Council records, New Brunswick series

Appointments and commissions

Banks and companies, including Central Bank of New Brunswick



Surveyor general

Unarranged Executive Council documents

RG 3: Records of the provincial secretary

    RS 13: Departmental correspondence

RG 4: Records of the New Brunswick General


    RS24: Legislative Assembly sessional records

RG 5: Records of the superior courts

    RS55: Court of Equity records, original jurisdiction

RG 7: Records of the probate courts

    RS64: Gloucester County

    RS68: Northumberland County

    RS69: Queen’s County

    RS71: Saint John County

    RS74: Westmorland County

    RS75: York County

RG 10: Records of the Department of Natural Resources

    RS 107: Crown Lands and Lands Branch records

    RS 108: Land petitions

RG 18: Records of the Department of Municipal Affairs

    RS 150: Kent County Council records

    RS 153: Northumberland County Council records

    RS427: Records of the city of Saint John

RS538: Records of warrants, appointments, and commissions

PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR, St  John’s. For information on the collections see Preliminary inventory of the holdings .  .  . and Supplement .  .  . (nos., St John’s, 1970–74).

The following materials were cited in volume  VIII:

GB: Government records  – Great Britain

    GB 2: Board of Ordnance, Royal Engineers

1: Newfoundland, general correspondence

GN: Government records  – Newfoundland

    GN 2: Department of the Colonial Secretary

1: Letter-books, outgoing correspondence

2: Incoming correspondence

GN 5: Court records

1: Surrogate Court

B: Northern District

l: Minutes

2: Supreme Court

A: Central Circuit

1: Minutes

4: Sessions Court

    B: Northern District

    1: Minutes

GN 9: Executive Council records

1: Minutes

P: Private records

    P1: Governors’ private papers

5: Duckworth papers

P4: Former designation for professionals

17: P.  T.  Mcgrath collection re Labrador

P7: Businesses

    A: Fishing related

    6: Slade & Sons, Fogo, ledgers

P8: Benevolent organizations

    A/11: Congregational Church

PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF CANADA, Ottawa. The PAC has published guides to its holdings in the various divisions, including General guide series 1983, Federal Archives Division, compiled by Terry Cook and Glenn T.  Wright (1983), and General guide series 1983, Manuscript Division, compiled by Grace Hyam and Jean-Marie LeBlanc (1984)

The following inventories to materials in the Manuscript and the Federal Archives divisions which were used in the preparation of volume  VIII have been published:

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 1, MG 1–MG 10 (1971)

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 2, MG 11–MG 16 (1976)

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 3, MG 17–MG 21 (1974)

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 4, MG 22–MG 25 (1972)

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 7, MG 29 (1975)

General inventory, manuscripts, volume 8, MG 30 (1977)

General inventory series, no.1: records relating to Indian affairs (RG 10)(1975)

General inventory series, no.6: records of Statistics Canada (RG 31)(1977)

General inventory series, no.8: records of the Department of Public Works (RG 11)(1977)

An older series of inventories has been largely superseded by unpublished inventories available at the PAC, but the following are still of some limited use:

Record group I, Executive Council, Canada, 1764–1867 (1953)

Record group 4, Civil and Provincial secretaries’ offices, Canada East, 1760–1867;

Record Group 5, Civil and Provincial secretaries’ offices, Canada West, 1788–1867 (1953)

Record group 7, Governor General’s Office (1953)

Record group 8, British military and naval records (1954)

Record group 9, Department of Militia and Defence, 1776–1922 ([1957])

Record groups, no.14: Records of parliament, 1775–1915; no.15: Department of the Interior; no.16: Department of National Revenue (1957)

Also useful are Census returns, 1666–1881, Public Archives of Canada (1982) and Checklist of parish registers (3rd ed., 1981). The catalogue of the holdings of the National Map Collection has been

printed in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario (16v., Boston, 1976).

The PAC publishes the Union list of mss [see section  iii] which lists holdings of the Federal Archives and Manuscript divisions. It has also issued a Guide to Canadian photographic archives, ed. Christopher Seifried (1984). Addenda to published inventories, unpublished inventories of manuscript and record groups, and finding aids to individual collections are available at the PAC, which also makes available a large number of finding aids on microfiche.

Material from the following collections was cited in volume  VIII:

MG 8: Documents relatifs à la Nouvelle-France et au Québec (XVIIe–XXe siècles)

F: Documents relatifs aux seigneuries et autres lieux

    99: McGinnis papers

MG 9: Provincial, local, and territorial records

C: Prince Edward Island

8: Church records

    5: Belfast, St John’s (Presbyterian) Church

D: Ontario

7: Church records

4: Dundas, Presbyterian Church

25: L’Orignal, Presbyterian Church

27: Hamilton, Knox Church Young Men’s Bible Class

35: Ottawa, St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

MG 11: Public Record Office, London, Colonial Office papers

[CO 42]. Q series. The Q transcripts were prepared by the PAC before the PRO reorganization of 1908–10 and include most of what is now in CO 42 up to the year 1841, plus material now found in CO 43, as well as items from other series. Documents for the period covered by volume  VIII are calendared in PAC Report, 1893, 1899–1901, 1941–42.

[CO 217]. Nova Scotia A; Cape Breton A.  From 1802 the transcripts in these series are from PRO, CO 217. Documents of Nova Scotia A for the period covered by volume  VIII have been calendared in PAC Report, 1947.

[CO 226]. Prince Edward Island A.  For the period prior to 1820 this is a composite series of transcripts derived primarily from sources now in PRO, CO 226, but also including material copied from the Dartmouth papers (PAC, MG 23, A1). Post-1820 documents are from CO 226

only. A calendar for vols.  1–16 (1763–1801) appears in PAC Report, 1895.

MG 19: Fur trade and Indians

A: Fur trade, general

2: Ermatinger estate

7: Mackenzie, Sir  Alexander

17: Macdonald of Garth, John

21: Hargrave family

35: McGillivray, Simon

41: Keith, James

44: McKenzie, Charles

B: Fur trade, companies and associations

1: North West Company

3: Beaver Club

C: Fur trade, collections

l: Masson collection

E: Red River settlement

1: Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of

2: Red River settlement

5: Bulger, Andrew

8: Cowan, William

F: Indians

1: Claus family

24: Vardon, George

MG 23: Late eighteenth-century papers

B: American revolution

3: Continental Congress

D: New Brunswick

l: Chipman, Ward, Sr and Jr

2: Winslow, Edward

4: Botsford, Amos

5: Crannell, Bartholomew

8: Gray, Joseph

GII: Quebec and Lower Canada: political figures

    10: Sewell, Jonathan, and family

    17: Prescott, Robert

HI: Upper Canada: political figures

4: Powell, William Dummer, and family

    HII: Upper Canada: merchants and settlers

    1: McDonald–Stone family

MG 24: Nineteenth-century pre-confederation papers

A: British officials and political figures

2: Ellice papers

3: Douglas papers

10: Grey of Howick papers

13: Bagot, Sir  Charles

17: Harvey, Sir  John

20: Head, Sir  Edmund Walker

21: Campbell, Sir  Archibald

27: Durham, John George Lambton, 1st Earl of

28: Russell, Lord  John

31: Colebrook, Sir  William MacBean George

40: Coleborne, Sir  John, 1st Baron Seaton

52: Vaughan, Sir  Charles Richard

B: North American political figures and events

1: Neilson collection

    2: Papineau, famille

    3: Ryland papers

    4: Young, John, and family

    6: Viger, Denis-Benjamin

    11: Baldwin, William Warren and Robert

    12: Stuart papers

    13: Jarvis, Edward James

    16: Cochran, Andrew Wilson

    18: Mackenzie, William Lyon

24: Rolph, John

25: Bellingham, Sydney Robert

29: Howe, Joseph

30: Macdonald, John Sandfield

37: Papiers Perrault

42: Theller, Edward Alexander

46: Cherrier, Côme-Séraphin

50: O’Callaghan, Edmund Bailey

101: Toronto election (1841)

141: Hoyle, Robert

147: Caldwell, William

C: Correspondents of political figures

3: Duvernay, Ludger

10: Graham, Christopher H

D: Industry, commerce, and finance

1: Woolsey family

8: Wright family

9: Carteret Priaulx and Company

16: Buchanan papers

24: Bethune, Donald

66: Stevenson, James

80: Young, John

84: Bayley, H.  C.

101: Stewart, William

E: Transportation

1: Merritt papers

F: Military and naval figures

50: Antrobus, Edmund William Romer

G: Militia

3: Ryerse, Samuel

39: Crooks, James

H: Exploration, travel, and surveys

10: Bell, William

I: Immigration, land, and settlement

3: McGillivray family of Glengarry

8: Macdonell of Collachie family

9: Hill collection

14: Pinhey family

26: Hamilton, Alexander

31: Kerby, James

33: Keefer family

54: British American Land Company

61: Joseph, Abraham

65: Sherwood, Adiel

J: Religious figures

13: Macdonell, Alexander

K: Education and cultural development

2: Coventry, George

36: Bois, Louis-Édouard

L: Miscellaneous

3: Collection Baby

6: Delancy–Robinson collection

MG 25: Genealogy

14: Brouse family

62: Kipling, Clarence

97: De Pencier family

MG 26: Papers of the prime ministers

A: Macdonald, Sir  John Alexander

MG 27: Political figures, 1867–1950

I: 1867–96

E: Members of the House of Commons and the Senate 30: Ferguson collection

III: 1921–50

C: Members of the House of Commons and Senate

1: Good, William Charles

MG 28: Records of post-confederation corporate bodies

II: Financial institutions

2: Bank of Montreal

III: Business establishments

18: Robin, Jones and Whitman, Limited

57: Molson’s Brewery

MG 29: Nineteenth-century post-confederation manuscripts

B: Scientific

6: Smith, Marcus

D: Cultural

61: Morgan, Henry James

MG 30: Manuscripts of the first half of the twentieth century

D: Cultural

1: Audet, Francis-Joseph

6: Morris, Edmund Montague

49: Tyrrell, Joseph Burr

101: Shortt, Adam

MG 32: Political figures, 1950–

A: Governors general

1: Massey family papers

MG 40: Records and manuscripts from British repositories

B: Letters patent, commissions, instructions

17: Warrants, colonial

MG 55: Miscellaneous documents

RG     1: Executive Council: Quebec, Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Canada, 1764–1867

E: State records

1: Minute-books (state matters)

3: Upper Canada: submissions to the Executive Council on state matters

14: Executive Council office: correspondence and records of the clerk

L: Land records

1: Minute-books (land matters)

3: Upper Canada and Canada: petitions for land grants and leases

3L: Quebec and Lower Canada: land petitions and related records

6: Departmental records

B: Surveyor general’s records, Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Canada

7: Miscellaneous records

RG    4: Civil and Provincial secretaries’ offices:

Quebec, Lower Canada, and Canada East

A: Secretaries’ correspondence, 1764–1841

1: S series

B: Office records

8: Notaries and advocates: applications for licences as

15: Land records

20: Pardons, petitions for

28: Bonds, licences, and certificates

30: School records

36: Municipal records

37: Rebellion records

46: Miscellaneous records relating to Lord  Selkirk’s colony and the Red River disturbances

58: Customs records

C: Provincial secretary’s correspondence, 1841–67

    l: Numbered correspondence

RG    5: Civil and Provincial secretaries’ offices:

Upper Canada and Canada West

A: Secretaries’ correspondence

1: Upper Canada sundries

B: Miscellaneous records

3: Petitions and addresses

9: Bonds, licences, and certificates

11: Education, records relating to

25: Election returns, Upper Canada and Canada West

26: Statistical returns

36: Records of the London District magistrates relating to the treason hearings

C: Provincial secretary’s correspondence

1: Numbered correspondence files

2: Letter-books

RG    7: Governor General’s Office

G1: Dispatches from the Colonial Office

G7: Dispatches from the lieutenant governors to

the governor general

G8B: Records from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick

G12: Letter-books of dispatches to the Colonial Office

G14: Miscellaneous records

G20: Civil secretary’s correspondence

RG    8: British military and naval records

    I: C series (British military records)

IV: Vice-Admiralty Court records

RG    9: Department of Militia and Defence

    I: Pre-confederation records

A: Adjutant General’s Office, Lower Canada

5: Registers of officers

6: Officers’ commissions

7: Nominal rolls and paylists

B: Adjutant General’s Office, Upper Canada

1: Correspondence

2: Returns and nominal orders

5: Registers of officers

7: Nominal rolls and paylists

C: Adjutant-General’s Office

1: Correspondence

RG 10: Indian affairs

A: Administrative records of the imperial government

1: Records of the governor general and the lieutenant governors

1–7: Upper Canada, civil control

486–87: Lower Canada, civil control

712–13: Petitions

2: Records of the Superintendent’s Office

8–21: Superintendent General’s Office

22–25: Chief Superintendent’s Office correspondence

26–46: Deputy Superintendent General’s Office, correspondence

3: Record of the military

488–97: Military Secretary’s Office, Montreal

4: Records of the Chief Superintendent’s Office, Upper Canada

47–77: Correspondence

124–39, 739, 748, 751: Jarvis correspondence

498–509, 749: Letter-books

5: Records of the Civil Secretary’s Office

    142–262, 752–60: Correspondence

    263–72: General administration records

    510–20: Letter-books

6: General office files

718–19: Macaulay report

720–21: Commissions of inquiry

1011: Paudash papers

B: Ministerial administration records

8: General headquarters administration records

802: J.  B.  Clench

999A: Census records

C: Field Office records

I: Superintendency records

2: Western (Sarnia) superintendency

442–47A: General administration files

569–71: Letter-books

10017: Blue books

D: Indian land records

    10: Treaties and surrenders

    661, 769: Surrenders

RG 11: Department of Public Works

A: Board of Works records

1: Official correspondence

1–39: Registered correspondence

40–77, 148: Correspondence in subject files

2: Registers and indexes

93–95: Subject registers

3: Minutes, letter-books, and reports

116–31: Letter-books

RG    16: Department of National Revenue

A: Customs, excise, and inland revenue

    l: Correspondence and returns

RG    19: Department of Finance

RG    30: Canadian National Railways

    1–22: Great Western Railway

    361–63: Hamilton and Toronto Railway

    484–88: Toronto and Guelph Railway

    1000–55: Grand Trunk Railway, minutes

    1596–98, 2028–29: Ontario, Simcoe and

    Huron Union Railroad

RG    31: Statistics Canada

A: Census Division

l: Census records

RG    42: Marine Branch

    I: Shipping registers

RG    43: Department of Railways and Canals

C: Canal Branch records

V: St Lawrence canals

1: Commission for Improving the Navigation on the River St Lawrence

VI: Welland Canal

2: Welland Canal

C: General and departmental correspondence

RG     68: Registrar general

PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF NOVA SCOTIA, Halifax. For a description of the collections see Inventory of manuscripts in the Public Archives of Nova Scotia (Halifax, 1976)

Materials used in the preparation of volume  VIII include:

MG    1: Papers of families and individuals

226–27: Enos Collins papers

238: Elizabeth [Ruggles] Coward documents

334: Sir  Brenton Halliburton papers

544: T.  H.  Lodge collection, genealogies

550–58: Thomas McCulloch papers

753: Harry Piers papers

793: Simon B.  Robie documents

797B: Sargent family documents

799–805: Shannon family papers

817–63: Thomas B.  Smith, genealogy

914B: Thomas Trotter papers

926: Richard J.  Uniacke papers

979–80: Peleg Wiswall documents

1490: James Boyle Uniacke papers

1595–1613: Bliss family papers

1729: McLelan papers

1769: Crofton James Uniacke papers

MG    2: Political papers

719–25: George Renny Young papers

726–30: John Young papers

731–83: Sir  William Young papers

1250–55: John Howard Sinclair papers

MG    3: Business papers

28: John Quirk, Bridgetown, register

295–98: Joseph Rudolf, Rudolf’s Cove, account-books, ledgers

299: William Rudolf, Rudolf’s Cove, daybook

300: William Crane, Sackville, ledger

MG    4: Churches and communities

James Presbyterian Church (New Glasgow), records (mfm. )

94–105: Lunenburg County genealogies, comp. E.  A.  Harris

190–215: Universalist Unitarian Church (Halifax), records

MG    5: Cemeteries

MG    9: Scrap-books

no.45: Scrap-book on counties

no.225: History of the Nova Scotia Light and Power Co.  Ltd., no.1

MG    12: Great Britain, Army

HQ: Headquarters papers, Nova Scotia

1–94: General orders

MG    15: Ethnic collections

3–7: Indians

MG    20: Societies and special collections

153: Free Church College

MG    100: Documents, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous items

RG    1: Bound volumes of Nova Scotia records for

    the period 1624–1867

    29–185: Documents relating to the government

    of Nova Scotia: dispatches, letter-

    books, and commission books

    186–214½H: Council, minutes

    215–218DDD: Legislative Council, journals

    219–85: Miscellaneous documents

    286–300: Legislative Council, selections from the files

    301–14: Legislative Assembly, selections from the files

    410–17: Papers of the settlement of Halifax

    430–32: Indians

    438–39: Schools and school lands

    440–42: Nova Scotia militia

    443–54: Census and poll tax

RG    5: Records of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia

    A: Assembly papers

    E: Election writs

    GP: Governor’s petitions

    P: Petitions

    U: Unpassed bills

RG    7: Records of the provincial secretary of Nova


    1–142: Letters received

RG    8: Records of the Central Board of Agriculture of Nova Scotia

RG     13: Customs

    22–28: Halifax port records

RG     14: Education

RG    20: Lands and Forests

    A: Land grants and petitions

    B: Cape Breton land papers

    C: Crown lands

13–50, 85–93: Land grants, county papers

RG     22: Nova Scotia, military records

RG     24: Post Office records of Nova Scotia

RG     25: Public health

RG     28: Railways

RG     31: Treasury

    102–20: Impost, excise, and revenue

RG     32: Vital statistics

    6–86: Deaths

    132–69: Marriage bonds

RG     34: Court of General  Sessions of the Peace

    312: Halifax County

RG     35A: Halifax city and county assessments

    1–4: Halifax city assessments

RG     36: Chancery Court

RG     39: Supreme Court

    J: Judgement books

    M: Miscellaneous


Materials used in the preparation of volume  VIII include:

Acc. 2316: P.E.I. letter-books, Robert Bruce Stewart and David Stewart

2353: John Mackieson, diaries

2524: Miscellaneous documents

2552: Miscellaneous documents

2664: Copies of MacDonald family papers in possession of Jean and Colin MacDonald, St Peters, P.E.I.

    2685: Port Hill papers

    2702: Smith-Alley collection

    2716: Correspondence donated by Niel

    Morison, Tobermory, Scotland

    2810: Ira Brown papers

    2825: MacNutt family papers

    2849: Palmer family papers

    3466: P.E.I.  Heritage Foundation collection

RG    l: Lieutenant  Governor, commission books

RG    3: House of Assembly, journals

RG    5: Executive Council



RG    6: Courts

    Court of Chancery

    Supreme Court

RG    8: Warrant books

RG     15: Crown lands, leases

RG     16: Registry Office, land registry records

    Conveyance registers

RG     18: Census records

RG     20: City of Charlottetown records

QUÉBEC, MINISTÈRE DE LA JUSTICE.  The Archives civiles and the Archives judiciaires du Québec, which are under the joint jurisdiction of the courts and the Ministère de la Justice, are now separate repositories as a result of the reclassification of the former Archives judiciaires. They are deposited at the court-houses in the administrative centres of the 34 judicial districts of Quebec.

ARCHIVES CIVILES.  These archives retain documents for the last 100 years, including registers of births, marriages, and deaths, notaries’ minutiers (minute-books), and records of surveyors active in the district. Earlier documents are held by the ANQ.

BUREAU D’ENREGISTREMENT.  The registry offices hold all property titles and contracts affecting real estate: sales, marriages, wills and estates, mortgages, conveyances, assignments, gifts, guardian- and trusteeships. At present there are 82 registry offices in Quebec.

A list of the judicial districts and registry offices can be found in The Quebec legal telephone directory, ed. Andrée Frenette-Lecoq (Montreal, 1980).

QUÉBEC, MINISTÈRE DES AFFAIRES CULTURELLES, CENTRE DE DOCUMENTATION, Québec. The Ministère des Affaires culturelles has consolidated into one documentation centre the collections of all its previously existing centres, including that of the Inventaire des biens culturels.

The following materials were used in the preparation of volume  VIII:

Fonds Morisset

1: Architecture et oeuvres d’art par localité

2695: Journal de François Baillairgé

2: Artistes et artisans

B157/T454: Baillairgé, Pierre-Florent

B853.5/P662.97: Brien, dit Desrochers, Urbain

F249/G537.5: Fassio, Gerome

H243/J27.5/2: Hanna, James

H243.1/J27.5/2: Hanna, James Godfrey

M829.2/P324: Morand, Paul

N845/F825: Normand, François

P219.7/A555/2: Paquet, dit Lavallée, André

R754/P324: Rollin, Paul

V855.5/L: Vivant, Laurent

QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES, Kingston, Ont. For information on the collection see A guide to the holdings of Queen’s University Archives (Kingston, 1978).

Materials used in volume  VIII include:

William Bell papers

John Solomon Cartwright papers

John Macaulay papers

William Morris papers

Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with

    the Church of Scotland, Synod papers

Queen’s University records

    Queen’s University letters

UNITED CHURCH ARCHIVES.  The present-day United Church Archives is a descendant of 19th- and 20th-century archival collections of various Canadian Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregational, and Evangelical/United Brethren in Christ bodies. The Central Archives of the United Church of Canada at Victoria University, Toronto, is national in scope. Material of local interest, including the official records of the conferences concerned, is housed in regional conference archives.


Materials used in volume  VIIIinclude:

Bible Christian Church in Canada records

Biography files

James Croil papers, diary, 1866–67

  Glasgow Colonial Society, correspondence


Official records, especially those of the following bodies, were used in volume  VIII:

Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia (United Secession), synod and presbytery minutes

Wesleyan Methodist Church, Eastern British America Conference, conference and district minutes

UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK LIBRARY, Archives and Special Collections Department, Fredericton.

Materials used in volume  VIII include:

MG H: Historical

H 1: Bailey papers

H 2: Winslow family papers

H 11: Saunders papers

H 28: Fredericton Emigrant Society minute-book

H 33: W.  I.  Bedell letter-book

UA: University archives

RG 42: Petitions and memorials

RG 109: University manuscripts

UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO, the D.  B.  Weldon Library, London, Ont. Regional Collection. A description of the municipal record and personal manuscript collections is available on microfiche in Regional Collection: the D.  B.  Weldon Library catalogue, ed. S.  L.  Sykes (4 fiches, London, 1977).

Various municipal record and personal manuscript collections proved useful in the preparation of volume  VIII.


ARCHIVES DÉPARTEMENTALES.  For a list of analytical inventories see: France, Direction des archives, État des inventaires des archives nationales, départementales, communales et hospitalières au 1er janvier 1937 (Paris, 1938); Supplément, 1937–1954 [by R.-H.  Bautier] (Paris, 1955); and Catalogue des inventaires, répertoires, guides de recherche et autres instruments de travail des archives départementales, communales et hospitalières .  .  . à la date du 31  décembre  1961 (Paris, 1962). For copies of documents held by the PAC see General inventory, manuscripts, 1: 87–99. There is a uniform system of classification for all departmental archives. A list of the various series may be found in DCB, 2: 683–84.


GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE, London. Death and marriage records for various individuals were consulted in the preparation of volume  VIII.

GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE FOR SCOTLAND, Edinburgh. Information concerning the parish registers held by the GRO is available in the Detailed list of old parochial registers of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1872). Registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials for several Scottish parishes were used in the preparation of volume  VIII.

NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND, Department of Manuscripts, Edinburgh. Information on the manuscript collections is available in Catalogue of manuscripts acquired since 1925 (5v. to date [1–4, 6], Edinburgh, 1938–    ), and in Summary catalogue of the Advocates’ manuscripts (Edinburgh, 1971). Descriptions of some materials concerning Canada appear in A guide to manuscripts relating to America in Great Britain and Ireland, ed. J.  W.  Raimo (Westport, Conn., 1979), and in Britain and the Dominions: a guide to business and related records in the United Kingdom concerning Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa, comp. C.  A.  Jones (Boston, 1978).

Materials used in the preparation of volume  VIII include:

Advocates’ manuscripts

Adv. mss 46.1.1–46.10.2: Murray papers


Deposit no. 298: Church of Scotland, Overseas Council records


mss 2264–505, 2568–608, 3022: Cochrane papers

mss 3430–49: Lee papers

mss 4007–131: Blackwood’s letter file

mss 15001–195: Ellice papers

PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, London. For an introduction to the holdings and arrangement of this archives see Guide to the contents of the Public Record Office (3v., London, 1963–68). For copies of PRO documents available at the PAC see General inventory, manuscripts, 2.

The following series were used in the preparation of volume  VIII: Admiralty

Accounting departments

    ADM 24: Officers, Full pay

    ADM 36: Ships’ musters, ser. i

    ADM 37: Ships’ musters, ser. ii

Admiralty and Secretariat

    ADM 1: Papers

    ADM 7: Miscellanea

    ADM 11: Indexes and compilations, ser. i

    ADM 51: Captains’ logs

    ADM 52: Masters’ logs

    ADM 53: Ships’ logs

Medical departments

    ADM 99: Minutes

Navy Board

    ADM 106: Navy Board records

    ADM 107: Passing certificates

Board of Customs and Excise

CUST 65: Outport records, Dartmouth, England

Board of Trade

Registrar general of shipping and seamen

BT 107: Ships’ registers

Colonial Office. [See R.  B.  Pugh, The records of the Colonial and Dominions offices (London, 1964).] Canada

    CO 42: Original correspondence

    CO 43: Entry books

    CO 47: Miscellanea


    CO 71: Original correspondence

Fernando Po

    CO 82: Original correspondence


    CO 101: Original correspondence


    CO 158: Original correspondence

    CO 159: Entry books

New Brunswick

    CO 188: Original correspondence

    CO 189: Entry books

    CO 193: Miscellanea


CO 194: Original correspondence

CO 195: Entry books

CO 199: Miscellanea

Nova Scotia and Cape Breton

CO 217: Original correspondence

CO 218: Entry books

Prince Edward Island

CO 226: Original correspondence

CO 227: Entry books

CO 229: Sessional papers

Sierra Leone

CO 267: Original correspondence

Vancouver Island

CO 305: Original correspondence

Colonies General

CO 323: Original correspondence

CO 324: Entry books, series I


CO 384: Original correspondence


CO 537: Correspondence

Exchequer and Audit Department

Claims, American loyalists

AO 13: Series ii

Foreign Office. [See Records of the Foreign Office,

1782–1939 (London, 1969).]

General correspondence

FO 54: Muscat

Home Office

Channel Islands, Scotland, Ireland, etc.

HO 100: Ireland, correspondence

Public Record Office

Documents acquired by gift, deposit, or purchase

PRO 30/22: Russell papers

Prerogative Court of Canterbury (formerly held at

Somerset House)

PROB 11: Registered copy wills

Registrar General

RG 4/959: Authenticated register, Dartmouth Presbyterian Church

RG 4/1209: Authenticated register, Glenorchy Chapel, Withycombe Raleigh

RG 4/1718: Register of births, Bethesda Meeting House, Nottingham


In-letters and files

T 1: Treasury Board papers

War Office


WO 1: In-letters


WO 13: Muster books and pay lists: militia and volunteers

WO 17: Monthly returns

WO 25: Registers, various

Ordnance office

WO 54: Registers

WO 55: Miscellanea

SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES LIBRARY, University of London. The archival collections of several missionary societies are deposited in the library.

The following collections were used in the preparation of volume  VIII:

Council for World Mission Archives. The library has published a general guide to the collection: C.  S. Craig, The archives of the Council for World

Mission (incorporating the London Missionary Society): an outline guide (London, 1973).

London Missionary Society

Correspondence, Canada

Methodist Missionary Society Archives. Canadian material was microfilmed by the PAC in 1955, when the originals were held by the Methodist Missionary Society; see PAC, General inventory, manuscripts, 3.

Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society Correspondence, North America

SCOTTISH RECORD OFFICE, Edinburgh. A comprehensive listing of materials relating to Canada is provided by the SRO’s “List of Canadian documents” (typescript, 1977, with updates to 1983). An appendix records Canadian documents in private archives as surveyed by the National Reg. of Arch. (Scotland). This guide is based on an earlier compilation, A source list of manuscripts relating to the U.S.A. and Canada in private archives preserved in the Scottish Record Office (Edinburgh, 1970), and is available at the PAC, all provincial archives, and other selected Canadian institutions. Some items are also described in A guide to manuscripts relating to America in Great Britain and Ireland, ed. J.  W.  Raimo (Westport, Conn., 1979), and Britain and the Dominions: a guide to business and related records in the United Kingdom concerning Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa, comp. C.  A.  Jones (Boston, 1978).

The following were cited in volume  VIII:

CH: Church of Scotland

CH1: General  Assembly papers

2: Bound volumes of papers submitted to the General  Assembly

CH2: Records of lower courts (synods, presbyteries, and kirk sessions) prior to 1929

    70: Kirk session minutes, Coll

GD: Gifts and deposits

GD1: Miscellaneous gifts and deposits

92: James Aitchison, letters

GD45: Dalhousie muniments

    GD50: John MacGregor muniments

GD 112: Breadalbane muniments

RD: Registers of Deeds of the Court of Session

RD5: Deeds

RS: Registers of sasines

RS 14: Particular register of sasines for the shire of Ayr and bailieries of Kyle, Carrick and Cunninghame

SC: Scottish Sheriff Courts

SC70: Sheriff Court of Lothians and Peebles (commissary business)

UNITED SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL, London. The archives is in the process of reorganizing and reclassifying some material. Thus classifications used by Canadian archives holding USPG microfilm do not always correspond to those of the archives itself. For information about materials relating to Canada, see William Westfall and Ian Pearson, “The archives of the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and Canadian history,” CCHS Journal, 25 (1983): 16–24. For copies of USPG documents available at the PAC, see General inventory, manuscripts, 3.

The following were consulted:

C/CAN: Unbound letters from Canada, 1752–1860. Letters from New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Quebec groupings were used. A nominal card index is available at USPG

D: Original letters received from 1850, bound in volumes. A handlist of writers and places is available at USPG.

E: Reports from SPG missionaries from 1856, bound in volumes. A handlist is available at USPG.

X: Miscellaneous volumes and papers, 18th–20th centuries

Journal of proceedings of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Comprises bound and indexed volumes of the proceedings of the general meetings held in London from 1701, and four appendices, A, B, C, D (1701–1860).


BAKER LIBRARY, Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration, Boston.

The following material was consulted in the preparation of volume  VIII:

R.  G.  Dun collection

    Manuscript credit ledgers, Canada

GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, Salt Lake City, Utah. As a result of the Mormons’ international microfilming program, over a million rolls of microfilmed records of genealogical interest, including parish registers, land grants, deeds, probate records, marriage bonds, and cemetery records, are available in the church’s central library and through its branch libraries, as well as at various archives.

GS microfilms cited in volume  VIII consist primarily of copies of Ontario land registry office records available at the AO.  These references are entered under the name of the Land Registry Office where the original documents are located; when the location of the original record is not known, a reference to the GS microfilm roll is entered under the name of the repository in which it was consulted.




    PUBLICATIONS [see also section  iii]

Rapport. 54 vols.  1920/21–1976/77. There is an index to the contents of the first 42 volumes: Table des matières des rapports des Archives du Québec, tomes 1 à 42 (1920–1964) ([Québec], 1965)


Report. 22 vols.  1903–33.

The Arthur papers; being the Canadian papers ,mainly confidential, private, and demi-official of Sir  George Arthur, K.C.H., last lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada, in the manuscript collection of the Toronto Public Libraries. Edited

by Charles Rupert Sanderson. 3 vols. Toronto, 1957–59.


Les bourgeois de la Compagnie du Nord-Ouest: récits de voyages, lettres et rapports inédits relatifs au Nord-Ouest canadien. Louis-[François-]Rodrigue Masson, édit. 2 vols. Québec, 1889–90; réimpr., New York, 1960.


Appendix to the .  .  . journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada/Appendice .  .  . des journaux de la province du Canada, 1841–59. Continued by Canada, Province of, Parliament/Parlement, Sessional papers/Documents de la session. See also The Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada: an index to journal appendices and

sessional papers, 1841–1866. Compiled by Patricia A.  Damphouse. London, Ont, 1974.

Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada/Journaux de l’Assemblée législative de la province du Canada, 1841–59.


Journals of the Legislative Council of the Province of Canada/Journaux du Conseil législatif de la province du Canada, 1841–61.


Sessional papers/Documents de la session, 1860–66.

Statutes of the Province of Canada .  .  ./Statuts de la province du Canada .  .  .  , 1841–57. The statutes were published under the title Provincial statutes of Canada/Les statuts provinciaux du Canada from 1841 to 1851.


For a critical bibliography of the English-language publications of the Province of Canada, see Bishop, Pubs. of government of Prov. of Canada [section  iii].

Canada Gazette. Kingston; Montreal; Toronto; Quebec; Ottawa. Official publication of the government of the Province of Canada, published weekly from 2  Oct.  1841 to 26  June  1869. The journal moved to follow the seat of government.

The Canadian North-West, its early development and legislative records; minutes of the councils of the Red River colony and the Northern Department of Rupert’s Land. Edited by Edmund Henry Oliver. (PAC publications, 9.) 2 vols. Ottawa, 1914–15.

Catholic Church records of the Pacific northwest: Vancouver, volumes I and  II, and Stellamaris mission. Translated by Mikell de Lores Wormell Warner and annotated by Harriet Duncan Munnick. St Paul, Oreg., 1972.


53 vols. to date, exclusive of the Hudson’s Bay Company series [see HBRS], the Ontario series, and the unnumbered series. Issued only to elected members of the society who are limited in numbers

13–15, 17: Select British docs. of War of 1812 (Wood)

22: Docs. relating to NWC (Wallace).

24: Hargrave, Hargrave corr. (Glazebrook).

28: Mactavish, Letters of Letitia Hargrave (MacLeod)


11 vols. to date. Available for sale to the general public.

1: Valley of the Trent (Guillet).

5: Town of York, 1793–1815 (Firth).

8: Town of York, 1815–34 (Firth).

COX, ROSS. Adventures on the Columbia River, including the narrative of a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains, among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown: together with a journey across the American continent. 2 vols. London, 1831. Another edition. 1 vol. New York, 1832.

[CROIL, JAMES.] A historical and statistical report of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland, for the year 1866. Montreal, 1867. 2nd edition. 1868.

Debates of the Legislative Assembly of United Canada, 1841–1867. General editor, Elizabeth Abbott [Nish] Gibbs. 12 vols. in 23 to date. Montreal, 1970–    .

“Les dénombrements de Québec faits en 1792, 1795, 1798  et  1805.” Joseph-Octave Plessis, compil. ANQ Rapport, 1948–49: 1–250

Documentary history of education in Upper Canada from the passing of the Constitutional Act of 1791 to the close of Rev.  Dr.  Ryerson’s administration of the Education Department in 1876. Edited by John George Hodgins. 28 vols. Toronto, 1894–1910.

The documentary history of the campaign upon the Niagara frontier. .  .  . Edited by Ernest [Alexander] Cruikshank. (Lundy’s Lane Historical Society publication.) 9 vols. Welland, Ont., [1896]–1908

Documents relating to the constitutional history of Canada. .  .  . Edited by Adam Shortt et al. (PAC publication.) 3 vols. Ottawa, 1907–35

[1]: 1759–1791. Edited by Adam Shortt and Arthur George Doughty. 2nd edition. (PAC, Board of Historical Publications.) 2 parts. 1918.

[2]: 1791–1818. Edited by Arthur George Doughty and Duncan A.  McArthur.

[3]: 1819–1828. Edited by Arthur George Doughty and Norah Story.

Documents relating to the North West Company. Edited by William Stewart Wallace. (Champlain Society publications, 22.) Toronto, 1934.

The Elgin-Grey papers, 1846–1852. Edited with notes and appendices by Arthur George Doughty. (PAC publication.) 4 vols. Ottawa, 1937.

Gentleman’s Magazine. London, 1731–1907. Monthly

“Grants of crown lands, etc., in Upper Canada, 1792–1796.” AO Report, 1929: 1–177

HARGRAVE, [JAMES]. The Hargrave correspondence, 1821–1843. Edited with introduction and notes by George Parkin de Twenebrokes Glazebrook. (Champlain Society publications, 24.) Toronto, 1938.

HARMON, DANIEL WILLIAMS.  Sixteen years in the Indian country: the journal of Daniel Williams Harmon, 1800–1816. Edited with an introduction by William Kaye Lamb. Toronto, 1957.

HELMCKEN, JOHN SEBASTIAN.  The reminiscences of

Doctor  John Sebastian Helmcken. Edited by Dorothy Blakey Smith with an introduction by William Kaye Lamb. [Vancouver], 1975.



33 vols. General editor for vols. l–22, Edwin Ernest Rich; vols.23–25, Kenneth Gordon Davies; vols.26–30, Glyndwr Williams; vols.  31–33, Hartwell Bowsfield. Vols.1–12 were issued in association with the Champlain Society [q.v.] and reprinted in 1968 in Nendeln, Liechtenstein; vol.13 was reprinted in Nendeln in 1979.

1: Simpson, George. Journal of occurrences in the Athabasca Department by George Simpson, 1820 and 1821, and report. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by Chester [Bailey] Martin. Toronto, 1938.

2: Robertson, Colin. Colin Robertson’s correspondence book, September  1817 to September  1822. Edited with an introduction by Edwin Ernest Rich, assisted by Robert Harvey Fleming. Toronto, 1939.

3: Minutes of Council, Northern Department of RupertLand, 1821–31. Edited by Robert Harvey Fleming, with an introduction by Harold Adams Innis. Toronto, 1940.

4: McLoughlin, John. The letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the governor and committee, first series, 1825–38. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by William Kaye Lamb. London, 1941.

6: McLoughlin, John. The letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the governor and committee, second series, 1839–44. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by William Kaye Lamb. London, 1943

7: McLoughlin, John. The letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the governor and committee, third series, 1844–46. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by William Kaye Lamb. London, 1944.

10: Simpson, George. Part of dispatch from George Simpson, esqr, governor of Ruperts Land, to the governor & committee of the Hudson’s Bay Company, London, March  1,  1829; continued and completed March  24 and June  5,  1829. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, with an introduction by William Stewart Wallace. Toronto, 1947.

13: Ogden, Peter Skene. Peter Skene Ogden’s Snake country journals, 1824–25 and 1825–26. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, assisted by Alice Margaret Johnson, with an introduction by Burt Brown Barker. London, 1950.

18: [Black, Samuel]. A journal of a voyage from Rocky Mountain Portage in Peace River to the

sources of Finlays Branch and North West Ward in summer 1824. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, assisted by Alice Margaret Johnson, with an introduction by R.  M.  Patterson. London, 1955.

19: Colvile, Eden. London correspondence inward from Eden Colvile, 1849–1852. Edited by Edwin Ernest Rich, assisted by Alice Margaret Johnson, with an introduction by William Lewis Morton. London, 1956.

21, 22: Rich, Hist. of HBC [see section  iv]

23: Ogden, Peter Skene. Peter Skene Ogden’s Snake country journal, 1826–27. Edited by Kenneth Gordon Davies, assisted by Alice Margaret Johnson, with an introduction by Dorothy O.  Johansen. London, 1961.

26: Saskatchewan journals and correspondence; Edmonton House, 1795–1800, Chesterfield House, 1800–1802. Edited with an introduction by Alice Margaret Johnson. London, 1967.

28: Ogden, Peter Skene. Peter Skene Ogden’s Snake country journals, 1827–28 and 1828–29. Edited by Glyndwr Williams, with an introduction and notes by David Eugene Miller and David H.  Miller. London, 1971.

29: Simpson, George. London correspondence inward from Sir  George Simpson, 1841–42. Edited by Glyndwr Williams, with an introduction by John S.  Galbraith. London, 1973.

30: Hudson’s Bay miscellany, 1670–1870. Edited with introductions by Glyndwr Williams. Winnipeg, 1975.

32: Fort Victoria letters, 1846–1851. Edited by Hartwell Bowsfield, with an introduction by Margaret Anchoretta Ormsby. Winnipeg, 1979.

“The journals of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada .  .  . [1792–1824].” AO Report, 1909, 1911–14. The journals for part of 1794 and for 1795–97, 1809, 1813, and 1815 are missing.


HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY/CHAMBRE D’ASSEMBLÉE Journals/Journaux. Quebec, 1792/93–1837.

SPECIAL COUNCIL/CONSEIL SPÉCIAL Journals/Journaux. Quebec, 1838–41. Ordinances/Ordonnances. Quebec, 1838–41

Provincial statutes/Les statuts provinciaux. Quebec, 1792/93–1837.

For further information see Thériault, Les pub. parl. [section iii].

[MacTAVISH] HARGRAVE, LETITIA.  The letters of Letitia Hargrave. Edited with an introduction and notes by Margaret Arnett MacLeod. (Champlain Society publications, 28.) Toronto, 1947.

[MURPHY] JAMESON, [ANNA BROWNELL]. Winter studies and summer rambles in Canada. 3 vols. London, 1838; reprinted Toronto, 1972. [New edition.] Edited by James John Talman and Elsie McLeod Murray. 1 vol. Toronto, 1943.


The Acts of the General  Assembly of her majesty’s province of New Brunswick, from the twenty sixth year of the reign of King  George the Third to the sixth year of the reign of King  William the Fourth [1786–1836]. Revised and corrected by George F.  S.  Berton. Fredericton, 1838.


    Journal. Fredericton, 1816–53.


Journal. Fredericton, 1831–50. The pre-1831 journals were published as Journal of the Legislative Council of the province of New Brunswick .  .  . [1786–1830] . 2 vols. Fredericton, 1831.


Blue book, 1836.


    Journal, 1832–57.


Journal, 1837–49.

New light on the early history of the greater northwest: the manuscript journals of Alexander Henry, fur trader of the Northwest Company, and of David Thompson, official geographer and explorer of the same company, 1799–1814. .  .  . Edited by Elliott Coues. 3 vols. New York, 1897; reprinted 3 vols. in 2, Minneapolis, Minn., [1965].


Acts of the General  Assembly. Halifax, 1829–48. Title varies; see Bishop, Pubs. of governments of N.S., P.E.I., N.B. [section  iii].


    Journal and proceedings. Halifax, 1800–54.


Debates and proceedings. Halifax, 1858–60.

Journal and proceedings. Halifax, 1836–60.

“Parliamentary debates.” Canadian Library Association project to microfilm the debates of the legislature of the Province of Canada and the parliament of Canada for the period 1846–74.

Presbyterian: a Missionary and Religious Record of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in Connection with the Church of Scotland. Montreal. 1 (1848)–28 (1875).



    Journal. Charlottetown, 1812–61.


Journal. Charlottetown, 1827–60.



Docs. relating to constitutional hist., 1759–91

(Shortt and Doughty; 1918).

NUMBERED PUBLICATIONS [see also section iii]

9: Canadian North-West (Oliver).

OTHER PUBLICATIONS [see also section  iii]

Docs. relating to constitutional hist., 1791–1818 (Doughty and McArthur).

Docs. relating to constitutional hist., 1819–28 (Doughty and Story).

Elgin-Grey papers (Doughty).

Report/Rapport. 1881–19    . Annually, with some omissions, until 1952; irregularly thereafter. For indexes, see section  iii.

[RAMSAY, GEORGE, 9TH EARL OF] DALHOUSIE.  The Dalhousie journals. Edited by Marjory Whitelaw. 3 vols. [Ottawa], 1978–82.

Le répertoire national, ou recueil de littérature canadienne. James Huston, compil. 4 vols. Montréal, 1848–50; réimpr., 1982. 2e éd. 1893.

ROBB, JAMES, AND ELLEN [COSTER] ROBB.  The letters of James and Ellen Robb; portrait of a Fredericton family in early Victorian times. Edited by Alfred Goldsworthy Bailey. Fredericton, 1983.

ROSS, ALEXANDER.  Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River: being a narrative of the expedition fitted out by John Jacob Astor, to establish the “Pacific Fur Company”; with an account of some Indian tribes on the coast of the Pacific. London, 1849; reprinted Ann Arbor, Mich., [1966].

Select British documents of the Canadian War of 1812. Edited with an introduction by William [Charles Henry] Wood. (Champlain Society publications, 13–15, 17.) 3 vols. in 4. Toronto, 1920–28; reprinted New York, 1968.

SIMPSON, GEORGE. “The `Character book’ of Governor George Simpson, 1832.” In HBRS, 30 (Williams), 151–236.

––––––Fur trade and empire: George Simpson’s journal, “Remarks connected with the fur trade in the course of a voyage from York Factory to Fort George and back to York Factory, 1824–1825.  .  .  .” Edited with an introduction by Frederick Merk. (Harvard historical studies, 31.) Cambridge, Mass., and London, 1931. Revised edition. Edited with a new introduction by Frederick Merk. Cambridge, 1968.

Statistical account of Upper Canada, compiled with a view to a grand system of emigration. Compiled by Robert [Fleming] Gourlay. 2 vols. London, 1822; reprinted East Ardsley, Eng., and New York, 1966. Abridged and with an introduction by Stanley Robert Mealing. (Carleton library series, 75.) 1 vol. Toronto, 1974.

The town of York, 1793–1815: a collection of documents of early Toronto. Edited by Edith Grace Firth. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, 5.) Toronto, 1962.

The town of York, 1815–1834: a further collection of documents of early Toronto. Edited by Edith Grace Firth. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, 8.) Toronto, 1966.

“United Empire Loyalists: enquiry into the losses and services in consequence of their loyalty; evidence in the Canadian claims.” AO Report, 1904.



Appendix to the journal, 1835–1839/40.

Journal, 1821, 1825–1839/40. For the period from 1792 to 1824, see “Journals of Legislative Assembly of U.C.,” AO Report, 1909, 1911–14.


Journal, 1828–1839/40. The earlier journals are available in “The journals of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada .  .  . [1792–1824],” AO Report, 1910, 1915.

Statutes, 1802–38

The valley of the Trent. Edited with an introduction by Edwin Clarence Guillet. (Champlain Society publications, Ontario series, l.) Toronto, 1957.



Collections. 31 vols.  1854–1931.


The following newspapers were particularly useful in the preparation of volume  VIII.  Numerous sources have been used to determine their various titles and their dates of publication. The printed sources include, for all areas of the country: CLA, Canadian newspapers on microfilm, catalogue (2 pts. in 3, Ottawa, 1959–69), Union list of Canadian newspapers held by Canadian libraries/Liste collective des journaux canadiens disponibles dans les bibliothèques canadiennes (Ottawa, 1977), and, for pre-1800 newspapers, Marie Tremaine, A bibliography of Canadian imprints, 1751–1800 (Toronto, 1952); for New Brunswick: J.  R.  Harper, Historical directory of New Brunswick newspapers and periodicals (Fredericton, 1961); for Newfoundland: “Chronological list of Newfoundland newspapers in the public collections at the Gosling Memorial Library and Provincial Archives,” comp. Ian MacDonald (copy in the Provincial Reference Dept., Nfld. Public Library Services, St John’s), and Serials holdings in the libraries of Memorial University of Newfoundland and St.  John’s Public Library: alphabetical list, comp. C.  D.  Evans (8th ed., 2v., St John’s, 1973); for Nova Scotia: D.  C.  Harvey, “Newspapers of Nova Scotia, 1840–1867,” CHR, 26 (1945): 279–301, G.  E.  N.  Tratt, A survey and listing of Nova Scotia newspapers, 1752–1957, with particular reference to the period before 1867 (Halifax, 1979), and An historical directory of Nova Scotia newspapers and journals before confederation, comp. T.  B.  Vincent (Kingston, Ont., 1977); for Ontario: Catalogue of Canadian newspapers in the Douglas Library,

Queen’s University, [comp. L.  C.  Ellison et al.] (Kingston, 1969), Early Toronto newspapers (Firth) [see section  iii], and W.  S.  Wallace, “The periodical literature of Upper Canada,” CHR, 12 (1931): 4–22; for Prince Edward Island: W.  L.  Cotton, “The press in Prince Edward Island,” Past and present of Prince Edward Island .  .  .  , ed. D.  A.  MacKinnon and A.  B. Warburton (Charlottetown, [1906]), 112–21, and R.  L.  Cotton, “Early press,” Historic highlights of Prince Edward Island, ed. M.  C.  Brehaut (Charlottetown, 1955), 40–45; and for Quebec: Beaulieu et Hamelin, La presse québécoise, vols.1–2 [see section iii]. Bishop, Pubs. of governments of N.S., P.E.I., N.B. [see section  iii], gives information on official gazettes in the Maritime provinces.

L’Abeille. Québec. Published from 27  July  1848 to 23  June  1881.

Acadian Recorder. Halifax. Published from 16  Jan.  1813 to 26  June  1869 as a weekly. A tri-weekly began on 5  Sept.  1864, and was joined by a daily on 1  Dec.  1868. Both editions ceased publication in May  1930.

L’Avenir. Montréal. Published from 24  June  1847 to 22  Dec.  1857.

Bathurst Courier. Perth, Ont. Published as a weekly under various titles from 8  Aug.  1834 to the present. Until 7  Aug.  1835 its full title was the Bathurst Courier and Ottawa Gazette; it continued as the Bathurst Courier and Ottawa General  Advertiser until 30  June  1846, when the second half of the title was dropped. On 13  Nov.  1857 it became the Perth Courier.

British Colonist. Halifax. Its full title initially was British Colonist: a Literary, Political and Commercial Journal. Published from 25  July  1848 until 31  Dec.  1874 as a tri-weekly; a weekly was added in January  1849 and a daily on 13  Dec.  1869. From 11  Sept.  1851 until 20  Jan.  1855, the title was British Colonist, and North American Railway Journal.

British Colonist. Toronto. Began as a weekly on 1  Feb.  1838 and became a semi-weekly in August  1843. The Daily Colonist began in November  1851 and the News of the Week, or Weekly Colonist in August  1852. The daily and semi-weekly editions had ceased publication by September  1860, but the News of the Week continued until December  1861.

British Whig. Kingston, Ont. Began publication as a semi-weekly in February  1834. The paper became the British Whig, and General  Advertiser for the Midland District on 25  Jan.  1835, and by the 1840s it was the British Whig, and General  Advertiser for Canada West. A weekly from January  1849 (when a daily edition also began publication [see Daily British Whig]) until 1897, it assumed the title Weekly British Whig on 15  June  1849.

Brockville Recorder. Brockville, Ont. Published

weekly from 16  Jan.  1821 until 22  Feb.  1957, it was issued as the Brockville Recorder, and the Eastern, Johnstown, and Bathurst Districts Advertiser until 15  July  1847, as the Brockville Recorder and Advertiser, for the Eastern, Johnstown, and Bathurst Districts from 22  July  1847 to 26  Dec.  1850, and as the Brockville Recorder and Advertiser from 9  Jan.  1851 to 25  Aug.  1853; beginning with the issue of 1  Sept.  1853 it became simply the Brockville Recorder.

Bytown Gazette, and Ottawa and Rideau Advertiser. Ottawa. Published from 9  June  1836 until around 1861 under various titles.

Canadian Freeman. Toronto. Published weekly from 1825 until August  1834.

Le Canadien. Québec. Published from 22  Nov.  1806 to 11  Feb.  1893.

Christian Guardian. Toronto. Published as a weekly from 21  Nov.  1829 until 10  June  1925 when it was superseded by the New Outlook, which was in turn succeeded by the United Church Observer on 1  March  1939. A general index of the Christian Guardian for the years 1829–67 is available at the UCA.

Chronicle & Gazette. Kingston, Ont. Published as a weekly from 29  June  1833 to 1834, as a semi-weekly from 1835 to 1847, and again as a weekly to about 1899. Its full name was Chronicle & Gazette and Kingston Commercial Advertiser until 1840 when the last part of the title was dropped, and from 1847 it was the Chronicle and News. A daily edition was issued from 7  Oct.  1851 to 1908 as the Daily News and other titles. The paper’s predecessors were the weekly Kingston Gazette (25  Sept.  1810–29  Dec.  1818) and the Kingston Chronicle (1  Jan.  1819–22  June  1833)

Chronicle and News. Kingston, Ont. See Chronicle & Gazette

Church. Cobourg, [Ont.]; Toronto; Hamilton, [Ont.]. Published as a weekly from 6  May  1837 to 25  July  1856, first at Cobourg, and then at Toronto from 11  July  1840 to 30  June  1843, at Cobourg again from 14  July  1843 to 3  July  1846, at Toronto from 17  July  1846, and finally at Hamilton from 3  Aug.  1855. Between 5  Aug.  1852 and 16  June  1853 the title was the Canadian Churchman.

Cobourg Star. Cobourg, Ont. Published weekly from 11  Jan.  1831, it became a daily on 15  Nov.  1856, and continued until 1879. Its full title was the Cobourg Star and Newcastle District Gazette until 22  Sept.  1841 when the subtitle was dropped.

Colonial Advocate. Queenston, [Ont.]; Toronto. A weekly founded on 18  May  1824, it moved to York [Toronto] in November  1824. Its full title was Colonial Advocate and Journal of Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce until 7  Oct.  1824

when it became the Colonial Advocate; in December 1833 it became the Advocate, and on 4  Nov.  1834 it amalgamated with the Canadian Correspondent to form the Correspondent and Advocate.

Correspondent and Advocate. Toronto. See Colonial Advocate

Le Courrier du Canada. Québec. Published from 2  Feb.  1857 to 11  April  1901.

Daily British Whig. Kingston, Ont. Began publication on 1  Jan.  1849. On 1  Dec.  1926 it merged with the Daily Standard to form the Whig-Standard, which continues to the present. [See also its predecessor, the British Whig (1834–48).]

Daily Colonist. Toronto. See British Colonist

Daily Leader. Toronto. See Leader

Daily News. Kingston, Ont. See Chronicle & Gazette

Daily Spectator, and Journal of Commerce. Hamilton, Ont. See Hamilton Spectator

L’Ère nouvelle, journal du district des Trois-Rivières. Trois-Rivières, [Qué.]. Published from 9  Dec.  1852 to 1865.

Examiner. Charlottetown. Published under a variety of titles, it began on 7  Aug.  1847 as a weekly. For a brief period from 23  Feb.  1850 to 7  April  1851 it appeared as a semi-weekly, the Examiner and Semi-Weekly Intelligencer, and from 1877 both daily and weekly editions were published.

Examiner. Toronto. Published as a weekly from 3  July  1838 until 29  Aug.  1855 when it merged with the Globe.

La Gazette de Québec. See Quebec Gazette

Gleaner. Miramichi, N.  B.; Chatham, N.  B.  Published from 28  July  1829 to 1880, it superseded the Miramichi Mercury (1826–29). Its title until 1  Sept.  1835 was Gleaner: and Northumberland Schediasma, and it continued under various other titles, including that of Gleaner: and Northumberland, Kent, Gloucester and Restigouche Commercial and Agricultural Journal in the 1840s and 1850s. The paper appeared weekly except for the period from 23  July to 31  Dec.  1853 when it was issued twice a week.

Globe. Toronto. Began as a weekly on 5  March  1844, became a semi-weekly on 11  Nov.  1846, a tri-weekly on 3  July  1849, and a daily on 3  Oct.  1853. A second weekly series began on 6  July  1849 and continued to 28  Jan.  1914. A second semi-weekly series was published from 19  Oct.  1853 to 2  July  1855 and became a tri-weekly which lasted until 1864. The Western Globe, published weekly in Toronto but issued from London, Upper Canada, lasted from 16  Oct.  1845 until at least 1851. The title became the Globe and Mail when the paper merged with the Daily Mail and Empire on 23  Nov.  1936 and publication continues under this title to the present.

Hamilton Spectator. Hamilton, Ont. Began on 15  July  1846 as the semi-weekly Hamilton Spectator, and Journal of Commerce, and then from July  1855 to December  1864 appeared as the Semi-Weekly Spectator. The Weekly Spectator was added on 23  May  1850, and continued under various titles until December  1894. A daily edition was launched on 10  May  1852 as the Daily Spectator, and Journal of Commerce and appeared under this title until 29  March  1865; after several title changes it became the Hamilton Spectator on 21  March  1890, which continues to the present.

Herald. Toronto. A semi-weekly, published from 28  June  1837 to 1841 as the Commercial Herald and then until 1846 as the Toronto Herald; the paper was issued as the Herald from 1846 until it ceased publication on 30  June  1848.

Islander. Charlottetown. Published as a weekly from 2  Dec.  1842 until June  1874. Its full title was the Islander, or Prince Edward Island Intelligencer and Advertiser until 21  Jan.  1853, when it became the Islander, or Prince Edward Island Weekly Intelligencer and Advertiser, and then in December  1872 the Prince Edward Islander: a Weekly Newspaper of General Intelligence. It was absorbed by the Weekly Patriot in July  1874.

Le Journal de Québec. Published from 1  December  1842 to 1  Oct.  1889

Kingston Chronicle. Kingston, Ont. See Chronicle & Gazette

Kingston Gazette. Kingston, Ont. See Chronicle & Gazette

Lambton Observer, and Western Advertiser. Sarnia, Ont. See Sarnia Observer, and Lambton Advertiser

Leader. Toronto. Began publication as the Weekly Leader on 7  July  1852; the Semi-Weekly Leader followed on 13  July  1852, and the Daily Leader was added on 11  July  1853. All three editions adopted the title Leader in November  1855, although the weekly reverted to Weekly Leader in 1859. The semi-weekly ceased publication on 30  Sept.  1864, but the daily and weekly editions continued until 1878.

Mackenzie’s Weekly Message. Toronto. Published from 27  Jan.  1853 until 15  Sept.  1860. On 15  Aug.  1856 it became the Toronto Weekly Message, and from July  1859 to IS Sept.  1860 it appeared as Mackenzie’s Toronto Weekly Message.

Mélanges réligieux. Montréal. Published from 14  Dec.  1840 to 6  July  1852.

La Minerve. Montréal. Published from 9  Nov.  1826 to 27  May  1899.

Montreal Gazette. First issued on 3  June  1778 as La Gazette du commerce et littérature, pour la ville et district de Montréal. A bilingual continuation of this paper, the Montreal Gazette/La Gazette de

Montréal, began on 3  Aug.  1785. From August  1822 to the present it has appeared only in English, with several changes in title and frequency.

Montreal Herald. Published from 19  Oct.  1811 to 18  Oct.  1857.

Montreal Transcript. Published from 4  Oct.  1836 until around 1865.

Morning Chronicle. Halifax. Published under various titles from 24  Jan.  1844 to the present. It began as a tri-weekly which lasted until 1877; a daily was added on 3  Aug.  1864, and a weekly was also printed from 1844 until around 1926 [see Novascotian]. On 1  Jan.  1949 it merged with the Halifax Herald to become the Chronicle-Herald.

Morning Chronicle. Quebec. Began publication on 18  May  1847.

Morning News. Saint John, N.B.  Began publication on 16  Sept.  1839 as the Commercial News and General  Advertiser, becoming the Morning News on 3  April  1840. It continued until 8  April  1884 under a variety of titles, of which Morning News was the most common. The paper began as a tri-weekly, a weekly edition being added on 15  Dec.  1847, and a daily on 2  Jan.  1869.

New-Brunswick Courier. Saint John, N.  B.  A weekly, it was launched on 2  May  1811 and continued until 1865.

New Brunswick Reporter and Fredericton Advertiser. Began publication on 23  Nov.  1844 as the New Brunswick Reporter, with the subtitle being added in 1845. From 17  March to 29  Sept.  1888 it was published jointly with the Temperance Journal and appeared under various combined titles. On 6  Oct.  1888 it became the Reporter and Fredericton Advertiser. It was a weekly except for the period between 3  May  1882 and 10  March  1888 when it was issued semi-weekly.

New-Brunswick Royal Gazette. Saint John; Fredericton. See Royal Gazette

Newfoundlander. St John’s. Published from 1827 until 1884. The paper was a weekly until 29  April  1852, then became a semi-weekly until it ceased publication.

Newfoundland Mercantile Journal. St John’s. A weekly, published from 1816 to 1827.

Newfoundland Patriot. St John’s. See Patriot

Novascotian. Halifax. Published weekly under various titles from 29  Dec.  1824 until some time in 1926, although no issues after 25  Dec.  1925 appear to have survived. Its full title initially was the Novascotian, or Colonial Herald, but on 2  Jan.  1840 it dropped the subtitle. After 1844 it was the weekly edition of the Morning Chronicle.

Nova-Scotia Royal Gazette. Halifax. Published under this title from 3  Jan.  1801 to 9  Feb.  1843. A weekly, it began as the Halifax Gazette on 23  March  1752. It

was continued under various titles, including the Royal Gazette and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser (7  April  1789–30  Dec.  1800). On 16  Feb.  1843the paper became the Royal Gazette, which continues to the present.

L’Opinion publique. Montréal. Published from 1  Jan.  1870to 27  Dec.  1883.

Ottawa Citizen. Ottawa. Began publication on 17  April  1844as the weekly Bytown Packet, becoming the Ottawa Citizen on 22  Feb.  1851. A semi-weekly edition also appeared from 4  Oct.  1859and the daily Ottawa Citizen from 15  May  1865; the latter has continued, with a number of title changes, to the present.

Packet. Ottawa. See Ottawa Citizen

La Patrie. Montréal. Published from 24  Feb.  1879to 9  Jan.  1978.

Patriot. Kingston, [Ont.]; Toronto. Began publication in Kingston on 12  Nov.  1829as the weekly Patriot and Farmer’s Monitor. The paper moved to York [Toronto] on 7  Dec.  1832, became a semi-weekly in November  1833, and was changed to the Patriot on 21  March  1834and the Toronto Patriot on 3  Jan.  1840. A second weekly edition was begun around 1849and continued under various titles until October  1878. The Daily Patriot and Express was published from 16  April  1850to November  1855when it was absorbed by the Leader, becoming its evening edition.

Patriot. St John’s. Published from 1833to June  1890as a weekly; issues are available only from 1834. Its full title was the Newfoundland Patriot until 1842, when it became the Patriot & Terra Nova Herald.

Patriot and Farmer’s Monitor. Kingston, [Ont.]; Toronto. See Patriot

Patriot & Terra Nova Herald. St John’s. See Patriot

Le Pays. Montréal. Published from 15  Jan.  1852to 26  Dec.  1871.

Perth Courier. Perth, Ont. See Bathurst Courier

Pilot. Montreal. Published from 5  March  1844to 25  March  1862.

Prince Edward Island Gazette. Charlottetown. See Royal Gazette

Prince Edward Island Register. Charlottetown. See Royal Gazette

Public Ledger. St John’s. Published from about 1820to 1882first as a semi-weekly, then as a tri-weekly, and finally, in 1859, as a daily. Its full title was originally the Public Ledger and Newfoundland General  Advertiser; it later appeared under various other titles, including the Daily Ledger, Public Ledger, and Public Ledger and Newfoundland Daily Advertiser.

Quebec Gazette/La Gazette de Québec. Published from 21  June  1764, the paper remained bilingual from 2  May  1832until 30  April  1842, but the

French and English editions were published separately. From 29  Oct.  1842to 30  Oct.  1874only the English edition appeared

Quebec Mercury. Published from 5  Jan.  1805to 1  Oct.  1903.

Royal Gazette. Charlottetown. Published weekly from 24  Aug.  1830to the present, becoming an official government gazette in 1851. Its predecessors include the Weekly Recorder of Prince Edward Island, published from 1810to perhaps 1813, the Prince Edward Island Gazette, published on an irregular basis from 1814to about 1821, and the Prince Edward Island Register, which appeared weekly from 23  July  1823to 17  July  1830.

Royal Gazette. Saint John, N.B.; Fredericton. Published weekly from 11  Oct.  1785to the present, first in Saint John until around February  1814, and then in Fredericton. It appeared originally as the Royal Gazette, and the New-Brunswick Advertiser; since 1  Dec.  1802it has been called simply the Royal Gazette, except from 1808to 1814when it was the Royal Gazette, and New-Brunswick Advertiser and from April  1814to 12  May  1828when it was the New-Brunswick Royal Gazette.

Royal Gazette and Newfoundland Advertiser. St John’s. Published from 27  Aug.  1807as a weekly. In October  1924the paper became the Newfoundland Gazette, the official government gazette which continues to the present.

Royal Gazette and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser. Halifax. See Nova-Scotia Royal Gazette

Sarnia Observer, and Lambton Advertiser. Sarnia, Ont. A weekly, it was published from 16  Nov.  1853to 20  Nov.  1856as the Lambton Observer, and Western Advertiser. On 10  Jan.  1879the title was shortened to Sarnia Observer. A daily edition began publication in 1895and has continued to the present under various titles, including Canadian Observer (1917–57).

Semi-Weekly Leader. Toronto. See Leader

Semi-Weekly Spectator. Hamilton, Ont. See Hamilton Spectator

Times. Halifax. Published weekly from 3  June  1834to 27  June  1848.

Times. London. Published daily from 1785to the present. Its title from 1785to 1788was the Daily Universal Register.

Times and General Commercial Gazette. St John’s. Published from 15  Aug.  1832until 23  March  1895. It was a weekly until 25  Dec.  1844, and thereafter a semi-weekly.

Toronto Herald. See Herald

Toronto Mirror. A weekly, it was published from I July  1837 to 1842 as the Mirror and continued to about 1866.

Toronto Patriot. See Patriot

Upper Canada Gazette. Newark, later Niagara

[Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.]; Toronto. Began 18  April  1793 and moved to York [Toronto] after the issue of 25  Aug.  1798. Irregular until 1800, when it became a weekly. Its full title to 28  March  1807 was the Upper Canada Gazette; or American Oracle, from 15  April  1807 to the end of 1816 the York Gazette, and after 1817 the Upper Canada Gazette once more. It is believed to have ceased publication in 1849.

Weekly British Whig. Kingston, Ont. See British Whig

Weekly Recorder of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown. See Royal Gazette

Weekly Spectator. Hamilton, Ont. See Hamilton Spectator

Western Mercury. Hamilton, Ont. Published weekly and then semi-weekly from 20  Jan.  1831 until about 1835.

York Gazette. Newark [Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.]; Toronto. See Upper Canada Gazette


ALLAIRE, JEAN-BAPTISTS-ARTHUR.  Dictionnaire biographique du clergé canadien-français. 6 vols. Montréal et Saint-Hyacinthe, Qué., 1908–34.

[1]: Les anciens. Montréal, 1910.

[2]: Les contemporains. Saint-Hyacinthe, 1908.

[3]: [Suppléments.]6 parts in 1 vol. Montréal, 1910–19.

[4]: Le clergé canadien français: revue mensuelle ([Montréal]), 1 (1919–20). Only one volume of this journal was published.

[5]: Compléments. 6 parts in 1 vol. Montréal, 1928–32.

[6]: Untitled. Saint-Hyacinthe, 1934.

ALMANACS.  The almanacs have been listed under this heading to facilitate their identification. Because titles within series vary and publishers or editors often change, the almanacs have in the main been listed under a general title, with the specifics found on title-pages following. The information in square brackets is given as a guide and may not be completely accurate.

Belcher’s farmer’s almanack. [Halifax, 1824–1930. ] Edited by Clement Horton Belcher from 1824 to 1870 when its publication was taken over by the firm of McAlpine and Barnes, later the McAlpine Publishing Company. From 1824 to 1831 its title was The farmer’s almanack .  .  . ; in 1832 it became Belcher’s farmer’s almanack .  .  .  , a title it retained with minor variations until its disappearance.

Canadian almanac. Toronto, 1848– . Publishers: Scobie & Balfour, 1848–50; Hugh Scobie, 1851–54; Maclear & Co., 1855–61; W.  C.  Chewett & Co., 1862–69; Copp, Clark & Co., 1870 to the present. From 1848 to 1850 its title was Scobie & Balfour’s Canadian almanac, and repository of useful knowledge .  .  . and from 1851 to 1854 Scobie’s Canadian almanac, and repository of useful knowledge .  .  .  ; it has continued under various other titles, adopting its present name, The Canadian almanac and directory .  .  .  , in 1948.

Cunnabell’s Nova-Scotia almanac. Halifax, 1834–68. Published by J.  S.  Cunnabell, 1834–36; William Cunnabell, 1837–68. From 1834 to 1841 its title was the Nova-Scotia almanack .  .  .  , in 1842 it became Cunnabell’s Nova-Scotia almanac .  .  .  , and in 1851 Cunnabell’s Nova-Scotia almanac, and farmer’s manual.  .  .  .

Halifax almanac. [Published in Halifax from 1790 to at least 1821. ] Its actual title was An almanack .  .  . calculated for the meridian of Halifax, in Nova-Scotia. .  .  . Published by John Howe, 1790–1815; David Howe, 1816; John Munro, 1821.

Montreal almanack. [Montreal, 1829–72.] Publishers: Robert Armour, 1829–31; H.  C.  McLeod, 1839–42; Starke’s, 1867–72. Its title varies: Montreal almanack, or Lower Canada register .  .  .  , 1829–31; Montreal almanack .  .  .  , 1833–72.

New-Brunswick almanac. [Published at Saint John from 1812 into the 20th century.] Compiled by Bernard Kieran from 1812 to 1824, by Uranophilus from 1825 to 1828, and prepared under the supervision of the Fredericton Athenæum from 1849 to 1851. Published by Henry Chubb, and later by his firm, from 1812 to 1864. From 1812 to 1830 its title was An almanack .  .  .  ; in1832 it became the New-Brunswick almanack .  .  .  ; and in 1849, the New-Brunswick almanac and register.  .  .  .

Newfoundland almanack. [St John’s, 1844–1932.] Compilers: J.  Templeman, 1844; Philip Tocque, 1849; Joseph Woods from around 1856 until 1878. The earlier title varied between almanack and almanac.

Prince Edward Island calendar. [Charlottetown, 1841–73]. Publishers include: James D.  Haszard, 1836; George T.  Haszard, 1855–60.

Quebec almanac/Almanach de Québec. Quebec, 1780–1841 (except for 1781, 1790, and 1793). Publishers: William Brown, 1780–89; Samuel Neilson, 1791–92; John Neilson, 1794–1823;

Neilson and Cowan, 1824–36; S.  Neilson, 1837; W.  Neilson, 1838–41. Title varies as to spelling and also as to language, but from 1813 to 1841 it was published in English only as The Quebec almanack; and British American royal kalendar.  .  .  .


P.-G.  Roy, Inv. Concessions.

––––––Les juges de la prov. de Québec.

ARMSTRONG, FREDERICK HENRY.  Handbook of Upper Canadian chronology and territorial legislation. (University of Western Ontario, Lawson Memorial Library publication.) London, 1967.

AUDET, FRANCIS-JOSEPH.  Les députés de Trois-Rivières (1808–1838) (“Pages trifluviennes,” sér. A, 11.) Trois-Rivières, Qué., 1934.

––––––“Les législateurs du Bas-Canada de 1760 à 1867.” Manuscript held by the Morisset Library, University of Ottawa, 3 vols., 1940.

Australian dictionary of biography. Edited by Douglas Pike et al. 9 vols. to date. Melbourne, [1966]–    . Arranged alphabetically, vols.1–2 cover the years 1788–1850; vols.3–6, 1851–90; and vols.7–9, “A to Las” for 1891–1939.

BEAULIEU, ANDRÉ, ET JEAN HAMELIN.  La presse québécoise des origines à nos jours. [2e édition.] 6 vols. to date [1764–1934]. Québec, 1973–    .

Belcher’s farmer’s almanack. See ALMANACS

BIBAUD, [FRANÇOIS-] MAXIMILIEN.  Le Panthéon canadien; choix de biographies. Nouvelle édition, revue, augmentée et complétée par Adèle et Victoria Bibaud. Montréal, 1891.

A bibliography of Canadiana, being items in the Public Library of Toronto, Canada, relating to the early history and development of Canada. Edited by Frances Maria Staton and Marie Tremaine. Toronto, 1934; reprinted 1965.

A bibliography of Canadiana: first supplement. .  .  . Edited by Gertrude Mabel Boyle with Marjorie Colbeck. Toronto, 1959; reprinted 1969

Birmingham directory. See DIRECTORIES

BISHOP, OLGA BERNICE.  Publications of the government of the Province of Canada, 1841–1867. (National Library of Canada publication.) Ottawa, 1963.

––––––Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, 1758–1952. (National Library of Canada publication.) Ottawa, 1957.

BOASE, FREDERIC.  Modern English biography: containing many thousand concise memoirs of persons who have died between the years 1851–1900, with an index of the most interesting matter. 3 vols. and 3 supplements. Privately printed in Truro, Eng., 1892–1921; reprinted [London], 1965.

BORTHWICK, JOHN DOUGLAS.  History and biographi-

cal gazetteer of Montreal to the year 1892. Montreal, 1892.

British Museum general catalogue of printed books. Photolithograhic edition to 1955. 263 vols. London, 1959–66. A new catalogue, The British Library general catalogue of printed books to 1975, began publication in 1979.

BURKE, JOHN.  A general and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the United Kingdom.  London, 1826. 105th edition. Edited by Peter Townend. 1970.

“Calendar of state papers addressed by the secretaries of state for the colonies to the lieutenant-governors or officers administering the government of the Province of Upper Canada, [1821–1841].” PAC Report, 1935: 171–398; 1936: 399–598; 1937: 599–802.

Canada directory. See DIRECTORIES

Canadian almanac. See ALMANACS

The Canadian biographical dictionary and portrait gallery of eminent and self-made men. 2 vols. Toronto, 1880–81.



1: Rayburn, Geographical names of P.E.I.

2: Rayburn, Geographical names of N.B.

CARON, IVANHOË. “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Bernard-Claude Panet, archevêque de Québec.” ANQ Rapport, 1933–34: 235–421; 1934–35: 341–420; 1935–36: 157–272.

––––––“Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Jean-Olivier Briand, évêque de Québec.” ANQ Rapport, 1929–30:47–136.

––––––“Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Joseph Signay, archevêque de Québec.” ANQ Rapport, 1936–37: 125–330; 1937–38: 23–146; 1938–39: 182–357.

––––––“Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Joseph-Octave Plessis, archevêque de Québec, 1797–1825.” ANQ Rapport, 1927–28: 215–316; 1928–29: 89–208; 1932–33: 3–244.

––––––“Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Pierre Denaut, évêque de Québec.” ANQ Rapport, 1931–32:129–242.

CHADWICK, EDWARD MARION.  Ontarian families: genealogies of United-Empire-Loyalist and other pioneer families of Upper Canada. 2 vols. Toronto, 1894–98; reprinted, 2 vols. in 1, Lambertville, N.J., [1970]. Vol. 1 reprinted with an introduction by William Felix Edmund Morley, Belleville, Ont., 1972.

Chatham directory. See DIRECTORIES

COOKE, ALAN, AND CLIVE HOLLAND.  The exploration of northern Canada, 500 to 1920: a chronology. Toronto,1978.

CORNISH, GEORGE HENRY.  Cyclopœdia of Methodism

in Canada: containing historical, educational, and statistical information, dating from the beginning of the work in the several provinces of the Dominion of Canada, and extending to the annual conferences of 1880. 2 vols. Toronto and Halifax, 1881–1903.

Cunnabell’s Nova Scotia almanac. See ALMANACS

A cyclopœdia of Canadian biography. .  .  . Edited by George MacLean Rose and Hector [Willoughby] Charlesworth. (Rose’s national biographical series, 1–3.) 3 vols. Toronto, 1886–1919. Vols. 1–2 were edited by Rose, vol.  3 by Charlesworth. Subtitles and series titles vary.

DESJARDINS, JOSEPH.  Guide parlementaire historique de la province de Québec, 1792 à 1902. Québec, 1902.

DESROSIERS, LOUIS-ADÉLARD. “Inventaire de la correspondance de Mgr Jean-Jacques Lartigue.” ANQ Rapport, 1941–42: 347–496; 1942–43: 3–174; 1943–44: 212–334; 1944–45: 175–226.

Dictionary of American biography. Edited by Allen Johnson et al. 20 vols., index, and 2 supplements [to 1940]. New York, 1928–[58]; reprinted, 22 vols. in 11 and index, [1946?–58]. 5 additional supplements to date [to 1965]. Edited by Edward Topping James et al. [1973]–    . Concise DAB. [1964.] 2nd edition. [1977.] 3rd edition. [1980.]

Dictionary of Hamilton biography. Edited by Thomas Melville Bailey et al. 1  vol. to date [to 1875]. Hamilton, Ont., 1981–    .

Dictionary of national biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. 63 vols., 3 supplements, and index and epitome [to 1900]. London, 1885–1903; reissued without index, 22 vols., 1908–9. 7 additional supplements to date [to 1970]. Edited by Sidney Lee et al. 1912–    . Concise DNB. 2 vols. [ 1953]–61. Corrections and additions to the Dictionary of national biography. Boston, 1966.

A dictionary of Toronto printers, publishers, booksellers, and the allied trades, 1798–1900. Compiled by Elizabeth Hulse. Toronto, 1982.

Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec. Maurice Lemire et al., éditeurs. 4 vols. to date [to 1969]. Montréal, [1978]–    .

DIRECTORIES.  Issued initially as single works, these frequently became regular, usually annual, publications in the 19th century. Because titles within series varied greatly and editors or compilers frequently changed, the directories used in the preparation of volume  VIII have been listed below by region and under a general title, with the dates of the relevant years following. Details of various titles and publishers given on title pages, as well as of the places of publication of the Canadian directories cited, can be found in D.  E.  Ryder, Checklist of Canadian directories, 1790–1950/

Répertoire des annuaires canadiennes (Ottawa, 1979). ForBritish directories, the following sources proved useful: British Museum general catalogue and J.  E.  Norton, Guide to the national and provincial directories of England and Wales, excluding London, published before 1856 (London, 1950).

Birmingham directory. Cited in vol. VIII was Chapman’s annual directory of Birmingham & its vicinity. Birmingham, Eng., 1808.

Canada directory. Issues used in vol. VIII include: The Canada directory .  .  .  , ed. R.  W.  S.  Mackay (Montreal, 1851); The Canada directory for 1857–58 .  .  . (Montreal, [1857]); and Mitchell’s Canada gazetteer and business directory for 1864–65 (Toronto, 1864).

The Chatham directory and county gazetteer, for

1885–6. Compiled by James Soutar. Chatham, Ont., 1886.

City of Hamilton directory.  .  .  . Hamilton, [Ont.], 1858.

Glasgow directory. Glasgow. Cited in vol. VIII were issues for 1826–60. The titles include Glasgow Post-Office directory.  .  .  , The Post Office annual directory .  .  .  , and Post Office Glasgow directory.  .  .  .

London directory. Used in vol. VIII was The Post-Office annual directory. .  .  . London, 1815.

Montreal directory. Montreal. Issues cited in vol. VIII were An alphabetical list of the merchants, traders, and housekeepers, residing in Montreal; to which is prefixed, a descriptive sketch of the town, comp. Thomas Doige (1819; repr. 1899; 2nd ed., 1820); and the Montreal directory, 1842–60. Edited by Robert Walter Stuart Mackay, 1842–54; Mrs R.  W.  S.  Mackay, 1855–63. Title varies: The Montreal directory .  .  . from 1842–43 to 1855; Mackay’s Montreal directory .  .  . from 1856–57 to 1867–68.

Port Hope directory for 1856–57. Port Hope, [Ont.], 1856.

Quebec directory, used for 1822 to 1891. Issues cited were The Quebec directory, for 1822, containing an alphabetical list of the merchants, traders, and housekeepers, & c., within the city .  .  .  , comp. T.  H.  Gleason (Quebec, 1822); The Quebec directory, or strangers’ guide to the city, for 1826; comprising an alphabetical list of the merchants, traders and house keepers within the city .  .  .  , comp. John Smith (Quebec, 1826); The Quebec directory and strangers’ guide to the city and environs, 1844–45, comp. Alfred Hawkins (Quebec, 1844); The Quebec directory, and city and commercial register, 1847–48, comp. Alfred Hawkins (Montreal, 1847); Mackay’s Quebec directory .  .  . (Quebec), for 1848–49 to

1852; Quebec business directory, compiled in June and July, 1854 .  .  .  , comp. Samuel McLaughlin (Quebec, 18543; McLaughlin’s Quebec directory .  .  . (Quebec,1855; 1857); The Quebec directory for 1858–59 .  .  .  , ed. G.-H.  Cherrier and P.-M.  Hamelin (Quebec, 1858); The Quebec directory .  .  . (Quebec), for 1860–61 to 1889–90, first published by Georges-Hippolyte Cherrier and then by A.-Benjamin Cherrier, with slightly varying titles; and The Quebec and Levis directory .  .  . /L’indicateur de Québec et Lévis .  .  .  , ed. T.-L.  Boulanger and Edward Marcotte (Quebec), 1889–90 to 1890–91.

Toronto directory. Toronto. Issues cited in volume  VIII include: York commercial directory, street guide, and register, for 1833–4 .  .  .  ,comp. George Walton (York [Toronto], [1833]); The city of Toronto and the Home District commercial directory and register with almanack and calendar for 1837 .  .  .  ,comp. George Walton (1837); The Toronto directory, and street guide, for 1843–4, comp. Francis Lewis (1843); Brown’s Toronto City and Home District directory, 1846–7 .  .  . (1846); Rowsell’s city of Toronto and county of York directory, for 1850–51 .  .  .  , ed. J.  Armstrong (1850); Brown’s Toronto general directory .  .  .(1856; 1861); Caverhill’s Toronto City directory, for 1859–60 .  .  .  , comp. W.  C.  F.  Caverhill ([ 1859]); Hutchinson’s Toronto directory, 1862– 63 .  .  .  , comp. Thomas Hutchinson ([1862]); and Mitchell & Co.’s general directory for the city of Toronto, and gazetteer of the counties of York and Peel, for 1866 (1866).

A directory of the members of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, 1758–1958. Introduction by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publications, Nova Scotia series, 2.) Halifax, 1958.

Early Toronto newspapers, 1793–1867: a catalogue of newspapers published in the town of York and the city of Toronto from the beginning to confederation. Edited by Edith Grace Firth, with an introduction by Henry Cummings Campbell. Toronto, 1961.

Encyclopædia Britannica. [14th edition.] Edited by Warren E.  Preece et al. 23 vols. and index. Chicago and Toronto, [ 1966]. 15th edition. 30 vols. [1977].

Encyclopedia Canadiana. Edited by John Everett Robbins et al. 10 vols.Ottawa, [1957–58]. [Revised edition.] Edited by Kenneth H.  Pearson et al. Toronto, [1975].

Encyclopedia of music in Canada. Edited by Helmut Kallmann et al. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., [1981].

FAUTEUX, ÆGIDIUS.  Patriotes de 1837–1838. Montréal, 1950.

Glasgow directory. See DIRECTORIES

Grand Larousse encyclopédique. 10 vols.Paris, [1960]–64. Nouvelle édition. 1973. 2 supplements to date. 1969–    .

GREAT BRITAIN, ADMIRALTY.  The navy list. .  .  . London, 1815–    . Issues for 1815 to 1858 were used in vol. VIII.

––––––WAR OFFICE.  A list of the general and field-officers, as they rank in the army. .  .  . [London, 1754–1868.] See also Hart, The new annual army list.

Guide to the reports of the Public Archives of Canada, 1872–1972. Compiled by Françoise Caron-Houle. (PAC publication.) Ottawa, 1975.

Halifax almanac. See ALMANACS

Hamilton directory. See DIRECTORIES

Handbook of American Indians north of Mexico. Edited by Frederick Webb Hodge. 2 parts. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin, 30.) Washington, 1907–10; reprinted New York, 1971. The Canadian material in this work has been revised and republished as an appendix to the tenth report of the Geographical Board of Canada, entitled Handbook of Indians of Canada (Ottawa, 1913; repr. New York, 1969).

Handbook of North American Indians. Edited by William C.  Sturtevant et al. (Smithsonian Institution publication.) 6 vols. to date [5–6, 8–10, 15]. Washington, 1978–    .

HARPER, JOHN RUSSELL.  Early painters and engravers in Canada. [Toronto, 1970].

HART, HENRY GEORGE.  The new annual army list. .  .  . London, 1840–1916. The title on the cover is Hart’s army list. Issues for 1840 to 1857 were used in vol. VIII.

Index to reports of Canadian archives from 1872 to 1908. (PAC publications,  1.) Ottawa, 1909.

LEBŒUF, JOSEPH-[AIMÉ-]ARTHUR. Complément au dictionnaire généalogique Tanguay. (Société généalogique canadienne-française publications, 2, 4, 6.) 3 séries. Montréal, 1957–64. See also Tanguay, Dictionnaire.

LE JEUNE, LOUIS[-MARIE]. Dictionnaire général de biographie, histoire, littérature, agriculture, commerce, industrie et des arts, sciences, mœurs, coutumes, institutions politiques et religieuses du Canada. 2 vols. Ottawa, [1931].

London directory. See DIRECTORIES

Montreal almanack. See ALMANACS

Montreal directory. See DIRECTORIES

MORGAN, HENRY JAMES.  Bibliotheca Canadensis: or, a manual of Canadian literature. Ottawa, 1867; reprinted Detroit, 1968.

––––––Sketches of celebrated Canadians, and persons connected with Canada, from the earliest period in the history of the province down to the present time.

Quebec and London, 1862; reprinted Montreal, 1865.

The national union catalog, pre-1956 imprints. .  .  . 754 vols. London and Chicago, 1968–81.

New-Brunswick almanac. See ALMANACS

Newfoundland almanack. See ALMANACS

O’BYRNE, WILLIAM RICHARD. A naval biographical dictionary; comprising the life and services of every living officer in her majesty’s navy, from the rank of the fleet to that of lieutenant, inclusive. .  .  . London, 1849. New and enlarged edition, 1 volume published and 4 parts of a second. London, 1861, [ 1859–62].

Officers of the British forces in Canada during the War of 1812–15. Compiled by L.  Homfray Irving. (Canadian Military Institute publication.) [Welland, Ont.], 1908.

Place-names and places of Nova Scotia. Introduction by Charles Bruce Fergusson. (PANS publications, Nova Scotia series, 3.) Halifax, 1967; reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1976.

Places in Ontario: their name origins and history. Compiled by Nick and Helma Mika. (Encyclopedia of Ontario, 2.) 3 parts. Belleville, Ont., 1977–83.

Political appointments and elections in the Province of Canada, 1841 to 1860. Compiled by Joseph-Olivier Coté. Quebec, 1860. .  .  . from 1841 to 1865. 2nd edition. Ottawa, 1866.

Port Hope directory. See DIRECTORIES

Prince Edward Island calendar. See ALMANACS



1: Index to reports of PAC.

OTHER PUBLICATIONS [see also section ii]

Guide to reports of PAC (Caron-Houle).

Inventories of holdings in the manuscript division [see section i].

Union list of MSS (Gordon et al.; Maurice).

Union list of MSS, suppl. (Maurice et al.).



2: Directory of N.S.  MLAs

3: Place-names of N.S.

Quebec almanac. See ALMANACS

Quebec directory. See DIRECTORIES

RAYBURN, ALAN.  Geographical names of New Brunswick. (Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, Toponymy study, 2.) Ottawa, 1975.

––––––Geographical names of Prince Edward Island. (Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, Toponymy study, 1.) Ottawa, 1973.

ROY, PIERRE-GEORGES.  Les avocats de la région de Québec. Lévis, Qué., 1936.

––––––Fils de Québec. 4 séries [4 vols.] Lévis, 1933.

––––––Inventaire des concessions en fief et seigneurie,

fois et hommages et aveux et dénombrements, conservés aux Archives de la province de Québec. (ANQ publication.) 6 vols. Beauceville, Qué., 1927–29.

––––––Les juges de la province de Québec. (ANQ publication.) Québec, 1933.

SCOTT, HEW et al., Fasti ecclesiœ scoticanœ, the succession of ministers in the Church of Scotland from the Reformation. 3 vols. in 6, Edinburgh, 1866–71. New edition. 9 vols. to date, 1915–    .

SMITH, WILLIAM HENRY.  Canada: past, present and future; being a historical, Geographical, geological and statistical account of Canada West. 2 vols.Toronto, [1852]; reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1973–74. Also issued in a subscription edition, 10 parts, [ 1851–52].


Handbook of American Indians (Hodge).

Handbook of North American Indians (Sturtevant et al.).

“State papers  – Upper Canada, [1791–1841].” PAC Report, 1891: 1–177; 1892: 286–399; 1893: 1–50; 1896: 1–79; 1897: 81–179; 1898: 181–329; 1899: 331–90; 1900: 391–540; 1901: 541–601; 1943: 1–186; 1944: 1–154; 1945: 1–200. From 1943 to 1945 the calendars appeared under the title “Calendar of series Q: a series of state papers composed of the official correspondence of the governors, lieutenant-governors, administrators and other officials of Quebec and Lower and Upper Canada for the years 1760–1841.”

TANGUAY, CYPRIEN.  Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. 7 vols. [Montréal], 1871–90; réimpr., [New York, 1969]. See also Lebœuf, Complément.

––––––Répertoire général du clergé canadien par ordre chronologique depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. Québec, 1868. [2e édition.] Montréal, 1893.

TERRILL, FREDERICK WILLIAM.  A chronology of Montreal and of Canada from A.D. 1752 to A.D. 1893, including commercial statistics, historic sketches of commercial corporations and firms and advertisements, arranged to show in what year the several houses and corporate bodies originated; together with calendars of every year from A.D. 1752 to A.D. 1925. Montreal, 1893.

THÉRIAULT, YVON.  Les publications parlementaires du Québec d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. (Vie parlementaire, 2.)Québec, 1978. 2e édition. 1982.

Toronto directory. See DIRECTORIES

TURCOTTE, GUSTAVE.  Le Conseil législatif de Québec, 1774–1933. Beauceville, Qué., 1933.

Union list of manuscripts in Canadian repositories/

Catalogue collectif des manuscrits des archives canadiennes. Edited by Robert Stanyslaw Gordon et al. (PACpublication.) Ottawa, 1968. Revised edition. Edited by E.  Grace Maurice. 2 vols. 1975. Supplement/Supplément. Edited by E.  Grace Maurice et al. 3vols. to date. 1976–    .

WALBRAN, JOHN THOMAS.  British Columbia coast names, 1592–1906, to which are added a few names in adjacent United States territory: their origin and history. .  .  . (GeographicalBoard of Canada publication.) Ottawa, 1909; reprinted with an introduction by G.  P.  V.  Akrigg, Vancouver, 1971; reprinted Seattle, Wash., and London, 1972.


dictionary of Canadian biography. Edited by William Angus McKay. 4th edition. Toronto, [1978]. First published as The dictionary of Canadian biography (1926).

WATTERS, REGINALD EYRE.  A check list of Canadian literature and background materials, 1628–1950. .  .  . 2nd edition. [.  .  . 1628–1960]. Toronto [and Buffalo, N.Y., 1972].

When was that? A chronological dictionary of important events in Newfoundland down to and including the year 1922; together with an appendix, “St. John’s over a century ago,” by the late J.  W.  Withers. Compiled by Harris Munden Mosdell. St John’s, 1923.


ABBOTT, MAUDE ELIZABETH [SEYMOUR]. History of medicine in the province of Quebec. Toronto, 1931; Montreal, 1931.

ALLAIRE, JEAN-BAPTISTE-ARTHUR.  Histoire de la paroisse de Saint-Denis-sur-Richelieu (Canada). Saint-Hyacinthe, Qué., 1905.

AUDET, LOUIS-PHILIPPE.  Le système scolaire de la province de Québec [1635–1840].6 vols. Québec, 1950–56.

BECK, JAMES MURRAY.  The government of Nova Scotia. (Canadian government series, 8.) Toronto, 1957.

––––––Joseph Howe, 2 vols. Kingston, Ont., and Montreal, 1982–83.

1: Conservative reformer, 1804–1848.

2: The Briton becomes Canadian, 1848–1873.

BILL, INGRAHAM EBENEZER.  Fifty years with the Baptist ministers and churches of the Maritime provinces of Canada. Saint John, N.B., 1880.

BUCHANAN, ARTHUR WILLIAM PATRICK.  The bench and bar of Lower Canada down to 1850. Montreal, 1925.

CAMPBELL, ROBERT.  A history of the Scotch Presbyterian Church, St.  Gabriel Street, Montreal. Montreal, 1887.

Canada’s smallest province: a history of P.E.I.Edited by Francis William Pius Bolger. [Charlottetown, 1973.]

CANNIFF, WILLIAM.  The medical profession in Upper Canada, 1783–1850: an historical narrative, with original documents relating to the profession, including some brief biographies. Toronto, 1894; reprinted 1980.

CARELESS, JAMES MAURICE STOCKFORD. The union of the Canadas: the growth of Canadian institutions, 1841–1857. (Canadian centenary series, 10.) Toronto, 1967.

CARROLL, JOHN [SALTKILL]. Case and his contemporaries; or, the Canadian itinerants’ memorial:

constituting a biographical history of Methodism in Canada, from its introduction into the province, till the death of the Rev.  Wm.  Case in 1855. 5 vols. Toronto, 1867–77.

CHABOT, RICHARD.  Le curé de campagne et la contestation locale au Québec (de 1791 aux troubles de 1837–38): la querelle des écoles, l’affaire des fabriques et le problème des insurrections de 1837–38. Montréal, 1975.

CHAPAIS, [JOSEPH-AMABLE-]THOMAS.  Cours d’histoire du Canada [1760–1867].8 vols. Québec, 1919–34. Another edition. 8 vols. Montréal, [1944–45]; réimpr., [Trois-Rivières, Qué., 1972].

CHAUSSÉ, GILLES. Jean-Jacques Lartigue, premier évêque de Montréal. Montréal, 1980.

CHOQUETTE, CHARLES-PHILIPPE. Histoire du séminaire de Saint-Hyacinthe depuis sa fondation jusqu’à nos jours. 2 vols. Montréal, 1911–12.

CHOUINARD, FRANÇOIS-XAVIER et al. La ville de Québec, histoire municipale. (Cahiers d’histoire, 15, 17, 19, 35.) 4 vols. Québec, 1963–83.

CHRISTIE, ROBERT.  A history of the late province of Lower Canada, parliamentary and political, from the commencement to the close of its existence as a separate province. .  .  .6 vols. Quebec and Montreal, 1848–55. [2nd ed.]. Montreal, 1866.

CORNELL, PAUL GRANT.  The alignment of political groups in Canada, 1841–1867. (Canadian studies in history and government, 3.) Toronto, 1962.

[COWDELL] GATES, LILLIAN FRANCES.  Land policies of Upper Canada. (Canadian studies in history and government, 9.) Toronto, 1968.

CRAIG, GERALD MARQUIS.  Upper Canada: the formative years, 1784–1841. (Canadian centenary series, 7.) [Toronto], 1963.

DAVID, LAURENT-OLIVIER.  Les gerbes canadiennes. Montréal, 1921.

––––––Les Patriotes de 1837–1838. Montréal, [1884]; réimpr., [1937].

DENISON, MERRILL. Canada’s first bank: a history of the Bank of Montreal. 2 vols. Toronto and Montreal, 1966–67. Translated into French by Paul A.  Horguelin and Jean-Paul Vinay as La première banque au Canada: histoire de la Banque de Montréal. 2 vols. Toronto et Montréal, 1966–67.

DEVINE, PATRICK K. Ye olde St.  John’s, 1750–1936. [St John’s, 1936]; republished as Ye olde St.  John’s, 1750–1939, [St John’s, 1939.]

DOUVILLE, JOSEPH-ANTOINE-IRÉNÉE. Histoire du collège-séminaire de Nicolet, 1803–1903, avec les listes complètes des directeurs, professeurs et élèves de l’institution. 2 vols. Montréal, 1903.

EATON, ARTHUR WENTWORTH HAMILTON. The history of Kings County, Nova Scotia, heart of the Acadian land; giving a sketch of the French and their expulsion; and a history of the New England planters who came in their stead; with many genealogies, 1604–1910. Salem, Mass., 1910; reprinted as The history of Kings County,Belleville, Ont., 1972.

FILTEAU, GÉRARD.  Histoire des Patriotes. Montréal, 3 vols.  1938–42. [Nouv. éd.]. 1975.

FRENCH, GOLDWIN [SYLVESTER]. Parsons & politics: the rôle of the Wesleyan Methodists in Upper Canada and the Maritimes from 1780 to 1855. Toronto, 1962.

GREGG, WILLIAM.  History of the Presbyterian Church in the Dominion of Canada, from the earliest times to 1834; with a chronological table of events to the present time, and map. Toronto, 1885.

GUILLET, EDWIN CLARENCE.  The lives and times of the Patriots; an account of the rebellion in Upper Canada, 1837–1838, and the Patriot agitation in the United States, 1837–1842. Toronto, 1938; reprinted 1963; reprinted 1968.

GUNN, GERTRUDE E.  The political history of Newfoundland, 1832–1864. (Canadian studies in history and government, 7.) Toronto, 1966.

Histoire de la corporation de la cité de Montréal depuis son origine jusqu’à nos jours. .  .  . Jean-Claude Lamothe et al., édit. Montréal, 1903.

History of the county of Middlesex, Canada, from the earliest time to the present; containing an authentic account of many important matters relating to the settlement, progress and general history of the county. .  .  .Toronto and London, Ont., 1889; reprinted with introduction and corrections by Daniel [James] Brock and index by Muriel Moon, Belleville, Ont., 1972.

HOWLEY, MICHAEL FRANCIS.  Ecclesiastical history of Newfoundland. Boston, 1888; reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1979.

JOHNSON, LEO A.  History of Guelph, 1827–1927. (Guelph Historical Society publication.) Guelph, Ont., 1977.

JOHNSTON, ANGUS ANTHONY.  A history of the Catholic Church in eastern Nova Scotia. 2 vols.

Antigonish, N.S., 1960–71.

1: 1611–1827.

2: 1827–1880; with a brief appendix surveying the years 1880–1969.

JOHNSTON, CHARLES MURRAY. The head of the Lake; a history of Wentworth County. Hamilton, Ont., 1958. 2nd ed., 1967.

LABARRÈRE-PAULÉ, ANDRÉ.  Les instituteurs laïques au Canada français, 1836–1900. Québec, 1965.

LAMBERT, JAMES HAROLD. “Monseigneur, the Catholic bishop: Joseph-Octave Plessis; church, state, and society in Lower Canada: historiography and analysis.” d. ès l. thesis, Université Laval, Québec, [1981].

LAREAU, EDMOND.  Histoire de la littérature canadienne. Montréal, 1874.

LAURIN, CLÉMENT.  J.-J.  Girouard & les Patriotes de 1837–38: portraits. Montréal, 1973.

LAWRENCE, JOSEPH WILSON.  The judges of New Brunswick and their times. Edited and annotated by Alfred Augustus Stockton [and William Odber Raymond]. [Saint John, N.  B., 1907.]

LEMIEUX, LUCIEN.  L’établissement de la première province ecclésiastique au Canada, 1783–1844. (Histoire religieuse du Canada, 1.) Montréal et Paris, [1968].

LEVY, GEORGE EDWARD.  The Baptists of the Maritime provinces, 1753–1946. Saint John, N.  B., 1946.

LINDSEY, CHARLES.  The life and times of Wm.  Lyon Mackenzie; with an account of the Canadian rebellion of 1837, and the subsequent frontier disturbances, chiefly from unpublished documents. 2 vols. Toronto, 1862; reprinted 1971.

Literary history of Canada: Canadian literature in English. Edited by Carl Frederick Klinck et al. Toronto, 1965. New edition. 3 vols.  1976. Translated by Maurice Lebel as Histoire littéraire du Canada: littérature canadienne de langue anglaise, Québec, 1970.

MACNUTT, WILLIAM STEWART.  The Atlantic provinces: the emergence of colonial society, 1712–1857. (Canadian centenary series, 9.) Toronto, 1965.

––––––New Brunswick, a history: 1784–1867. Toronto, 1963.

MACRAE, MARION, AND ANTHONY ADAMSON. Cornerstones of order: courthouses and town halls of Ontario, 1784–1914. Toronto, 1983.

MACRAE, MARION, et al. Hallowed walls: church architecture of Upper Canada. Toronto and Vancouver, 1975.

MAURAULT, OLIVIER.  Le collège de Montréal, 1767–1967. 2e édition. Antonio Dansereau, éditeur. Montréal, 1967. The first edition was published in Montreal in 1918 under the title Le petit séminaire de Montréal.

MEILLEUR, JEAN-BAPTISTE. Mémorial de l’éducation

du Bas-Canada. Montréal, 1860. 2e éd. Québec, 1876.

MIDDLETON, JESSE EDGAR.  The municipality of Toronto: a history. 3 vols. Toronto and New York, 1923.

MILLMAN, THOMAS REAGH.  The life of the Right Reverend, the Honourable  Charles James Stewart, D.D., Oxon., second Anglican bishop of Quebec. London, Ont., 1953.

MONET, JACQUES.  The last cannon shot: a study of French-Canadian nationalism, 1837–1850. Toronto, 1969; reprinted Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1976. Translated by Richard Bastien as La première révolution tranquille: le nationalisme canadien-français (1837–1850),Montréal, 1981.

MORGAN, ROBERT J “Orphan outpost: Cape Breton colony, 1784–1820.” phd thesis, University of Ottawa, 1973.

MORISSET, GÉRARD. Coup d’œil sur les arts en Nouvelle-France. Québec, 1941; réimpr., 1942.

O’NEILL, PAUL. The story of St.  John’s, Newfoundland. 2 vols. Erin, Ont., 1975–76.

[1]: The oldest city.

[2]: A seaport legacy.

OUELLET, FERNAND. Le Bas-Canada, 1791–1840: changements structuraux et crise. (Université d’Ottawa, Cahiers d’histoire, 6.) Ottawa, 1976. Translated and adapted by Patricia Claxton as Lower Canada, 1791–1840: social change and nationalism (Canadian centenary series, 15), Toronto, 1980.

PATTERSON, GRAEME HAZLEWOOD. “Studies in elections and public opinion in Upper Canada.” phd thesis, University of Toronto, 1969.

POULIOT, LÉON. Monseigneur Bourget et son temps. 5 vols. Montréal, 1955–77.

PROWSE, DANIEL WOODLEY. A history of Newfoundland from the English, colonial, and foreign records. London and New York, 1895. 2nd edition. London, 1896. 3rd edition. With additions by James Raymond Thoms and Frank Burnham Gill. St John’s, 1971. Reprint of 1895 edition, Belleville, Ont., 1972.

READ, COLIN [FREDERICK]. The rising in western Upper Canada, 1837–8: the Duncombe revolt and after. Toronto, 1982

RICH, EDWIN ERNEST. The history of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1670–1870. (HBRS, 21–22.) 2 vols. London, 1958–59. [Trade edition.] 3 vols. Toronto, 1960. A copy of this work available at the PAC contains notes and bibliographical material omitted from the printed version.

Robertson’s landmarks of Toronto; a collection of historical sketches of the old town of York from 1792 until 1833, and of Toronto from 1834 to

(1914]. Edited by John Ross Robertson. 6 series. Toronto, 1894–1914; vols.  1 and 3 reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1976, 1974.

ROSA, NARCISSE. La construction des navires à Québec et ses environs; grèves et naufrages. Québec, 1897; réimpr., Montréal, 1973.

ROSS, VICTOR, AND ARTHUR ST L.TRIGGE. A history of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, with an account of the other banks which now form part of its organization. 3 vols. Toronto, 1920–34.

Roy, CHRISTIAN.  Histoire de L’Assomption. L’Assomption, Qué., 1967.

Roy, JEAN-LOUIS.  Édouard-Raymond Fabre, libraire et Patriote canadien (1799–1854): contre l’isolement et la sujétion. Montréal, 1974.

Roy, JOSEPH-EDMOND.  Histoire de la seigneurie de Lauzon [1608–1840]. 5 vols. Lévis, Qué., 1897–1904; réimpr. 1984.

–––––Histoire du notariat au Canada depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu’à nos jours. 4 vols. Lévis, Qué., 1899–1902.

ROY, PIERRE-GEORGES.  Toutes petites choses du Régime anglais. 2 sér. Québec, 1946.

RUMILLY, ROBERT.  Papineau et son temps. 2 vols. Montréal, 1977.

SCADDING, HENRY.  Toronto of old: collections and recollections illustrative of the early settlement and social life of the capital of Ontario. Toronto, 1873. Republished as Toronto of old, abridged and edited by Frederick Henry Armstrong. Toronto, 1966.

SMITH, THOMAS WATSON.  History of the Methodist Church within the territories embraced in the late conference of Eastern British America, including Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Bermuda. 2 vols. Halifax, 1877–90.

SULTE, BENJAMIN. Mélanges historiques. .  .  . GérardMalchelosse, édit. 21 vols. Montréal, 1918–34. The volumes in this series consist of articles and monographs.

TAFT MANNING, HELEN. The revolt of French Canada, 1800–1835; a chapter in the history of the British Commonwealth. Toronto, 1962.

TULCHINSKY, GERALD J.  J. The river barons: Montreal businessmen and the growth of industry and transportation, 1837–53. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1977.

UPTON, LESLIE FRANCIS STOKES. Micmacs and colonists; Indian-white relations in the Maritimes, 1713–1867. Vancouver, 1979.

VAN KIRK, SYLVIA. “Many tender ties”: women in fur-trade society in western Canada, 1670–1870. Winnipeg, [1980].

WYNN, GRAEME. Timber colony: a historical geography of early nineteenth century New Brunswick. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1981.


Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region/Revue de l’histoire de la région atlantique. Fredericton. Published by the Department of History of the University of New Brunswick. 1 (1971–72)–    .

Beaver: Magazine of the North. Winnipeg. Published by the HBC. 1 (1920–21)–    . Index: 1(1920–21)–outfit 284 (June  1953–March  1954). Title varies.

British Columbia Historical Quarterly. Victoria. Published by the PABC in cooperation with the British Columbia Historical Association. 1 (1937)–21 (1957–58). Author/title and subject indexes are provided by A two-part index to the “British Columbia Historical Quarterly,” volumes I–XXI .  .  .  , published by Camosun College ([Victoria], 1977).

Le Bulletin des recherches historiques. Published usually in Lévis, Qué. Originally the organ of the Société des études historiques, it became in March  1923 the journal of the Bureau des archives de la province de Québec (now the ANQ). 1 (1895)–70 (1968). Index: 1(1895)–31 (1925) (4v., Beauceville, Qué., 1925–26). For subsequent years there is an index on microfiche at the ANQ-Q.

Les Cahiers des Dix. Montréal et Québec. Published by “Les Dix.” 1 (1936)–    .

CANADIAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIÉTÉ CANADIENNE D’HISTOIRE DE L’ÉGLISE CATHOLIQUE, Ottawa. Publishes simultaneously a Report in English and a Rapport in French, of which the contents are entirely different. 1 (1933–34)–    .

Index: 1(1933–34)–25 (1958). Title varies: Study sessions/Sessions d’ étude from 1966.

CANADIAN CHURCH HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Toronto. Journal. Place of publication varies. 1 (1950–52)–    . Index: 1(1950–52)–21 (1979) in 23 (April  1981).

CANADIAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIÉTÉ HISTORIQUE DU CANADA, Ottawa. Annual report. 1922–    . Index: 1922–51; 1952–68. Title varies: Historical papers/Communications historiques from 1966.

Canadian Historical Review. Toronto. 1 (1920)–    . Index: 1(1920)–10 (1929); 11 (1930)–20 (1939); 21 (1940)–30 (1949); 31 (1950)–51 (1970). Université Laval has also published an index: Canadian Historical Review, 1950–1964: index des articles et des comptes rendus de volumes, René Hardy, compil. (Québec, 1969). A continuation of the Review of Historical Publications relating to Canada: 1(1895–96)–22 (1917– 18); Index: 1(1895–96)–10 (1905); 11 (1906)–20 (1915).

Canadian Magazine. Toronto. 1 (March–October  1893)–91 (January–April  1939). Index: 1(March–October  1893)–25 (May–October  1905) in 25. Title varies: Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature to 63 (May  1924–January  1925); Canadian Magazine, 64 (February–December  1925)–87 (January–June  1937); Canadian, 88 (July–December  1937)–91 (January–April  1939).

Historic Kingston. Kingston, Ont. Published by the Kingston Historical Society. No.l (1952)–    ; nos.l–10 reprinted in lv., Belleville, Ont., 1972. Index: no.1 (1952)–no.20 (1972).

NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Halifax. Collections. 1(1878)–40 (1980). Beginning with vol.41 (1982) the Society became the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society. Vols.1–8 reprinted, 2v., Belleville, Ont., 1976–77. Index: 1(1878)–32 (1959) in 33 (1961).

Ontario History. Toronto. Published by the Ontario Historical Society. I (1899)– ; vols.l–49 (1957) reprinted Millwood, N.Y., 1975. An index to volumes 1 (1899) to 64 (1972) appears in Index to the publications of the Ontario Historical Society, 1899–1972 (1974). Title varies: Papers and Records to 1946.

Revue canadienne. Montréal. 1 (1864)–53 (1907); nouvelle série, 1 (1908)–27 (1922). Vols.17 (1881)–23 (1887) are also numbered nouvelle série, 1–7; vols.24 (1888)–28 (1892) are also called 3e série, 1–[5]. Tables générales: 1(1864)–53 (1907).

Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française. Montréal. Published by the Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française. 1 (1947–48)–    . Index: 1(1947–48)–10 (1956–57); 11 (1957–58)–20 (1966–67); 21 (1967–68)–30 (1976–77).

La Revue du Barreau de la province de Québec. Montréal. 1 (1941)–    . Title varies: La Revue du Barreau du Québec from 28 (1967).

ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA/SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DU CANADA, Ottawa. Proceedings and Transactions/ Mémoires et comptes rendus. 1st ser., 1 (1882–83)–12 (1894); 2nd ser., 1 (1895)–12 (1906); 3rd ser., 1 (1907)–56 (1962); 4th ser., 1 (1963)–    . General index: 1st ser.–2nd ser.; Subject index: 3rd ser., 1 (1907)–31 (1937); Author index: 3rd ser., 1 (1907)–35 (1941); Index: 1st series–3rd series, 37 (1943). The CLA has published A subject index to the Royal Society of Canada Proceedings and Transactions: third series, vols. I–XXXI, 1907–1937, comp. M.  A.  Martin (Reference publications, 1, Ottawa, 1947).


SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉALOGIQUE CANADIENNE-FRANÇAISE, Montréal. Mémoires. 1(1944–45)–    . The society’s numbered publications include 2, 4, 6: Lebœuf, Complément [see section iii].

Washington Historical Quarterly. Seattle. 1 (1906–7)–26 (1935). Continued under the title Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 27 (1936)–. Index: 1

(1906–7)–10 (1919); 11 (1920)–20 (1929); 1 (1906–7)–29 (1938); 45 (1954)–47 (1956).

WATERLOO HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Kitchener, Ont. Annual report. 1913–    . Place of publication or printing varies: at Berlin [Kitchener], 1913–15, at Kitchener, 1916–24 and 1931–    , at Toronto, 1925–26, and at Waterloo, Ont., 1927–30. Title varies: Annual volume, 1957–64; since 1965 the reports have been untitled, appearing simply under the Society’s name.