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                  first 30 years’ service in the west. In 1757, as liaison officer with Indian auxiliaries accompanying Montcalm
                  Roman Catholic absolutism. As Parkman put it in Montcalm and Wolfe (1884): “It was the strife, too, of the past against the future . . . of barren absolutism against a
                  French forces converging on Fort Oswego (Chouaguen). Arriving on 12 August, he was ordered to assist Montcalm
                  * – Montcalm*, who had not witnessed the event, later ventured to say that Le Mercier had “caused M. de Dieskau’s defeat and capture.” During the French army’s retreat Le Mercier had the rear
                  following year by Montcalm*’s forces, securing control of the Great Lakes. In 1757 Fort George (Fort William Henry; now Lake George, N.Y
                  movements and the events in which he participated. The following summer Malartic took part in Montcalm*’s expedition against Oswego
                  with Montcalm*, the new commander formed a favourable impression of him. Pellegrin’s services were not in great demand, however
                  priest of Quebec, Abbé Resche, officiated at Montcalm’s burial on the evening of 14 Sept. 1759
                  of 14,500 livres. He was to rent it to Montcalm* during the general’s stay at Quebec. It was a good investment for Brassard
                  , Montcalm*, was hastily entrenching his force of some 3,500 men behind a rough breastwork of fallen trees. Led to believe that the French expected substantial reinforcement shortly, and advised by his
                  to be somewhat hasty by his superior officers. Montcalm* called him “hot-headed” but thought he had winning ways and the potential
                  Montcalm* at the siege of Fort William Henry (also called Fort George, now Lake George, N.Y.) in August. The fall of Fort Frontenac (Kingston, Ont.) in
                  Montcalm* gained a noted victory over James Abercromby*. Through hearsay and experience La Pelouze was initiated into the Indians’ style
                  capitulation of Quebec on 18 Sept. 1759, Hertel retired with the remnants of Montcalm’s army to a
                  or the Acadians, he had decided to surrender without offering any resistance. Montcalm remarked about Villeray: “He is the less guilty of the two commandants; but they wanted to sacrifice him
                  Montcalm*’s defeat, Ramezay returned to town and resumed command of his troops. He asked Pierre-André Gohin
                  Montcalm*, endures: Mortem virtus communem / Famam historia / Monumentum posteritas dedit (Their courage gave them a common death, history a common fame, posterity a common memorial). The
                  Montcalm* and Martin embarked on a large-scale biographical study of him; it was not until 1867, however, that Le Marquis de Montcalm et les dernières années de la colonie française au Canada
                  reconsidered his decision and Perrault was able to pursue his career. In the 1890s Perrault was assigned to the École Montcalm, where A
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