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                  1 to 8 (of 8)
                  Michel-Delphis Brochu] and a member of the organizing committee for the
                  [see Michel-Delphis Brochu] and of its 1908 conference, and president
                  Hôtel-Dieu, with Rousseau presiding as chair. The initiative would be taken up the next year by the Hôpital Saint-Michel-Archange in Beauport (Quebec City). As dean, Rousseau also strongly encouraged the
                  du Nord [see Michel-Delphis Brochu], the Société Médicale de
                  [see Michel-Delphis Brochu]; he was its president from 1920 to 1922
                  BROCHU, MICHEL-DELPHIS (baptized Michel-Adolphus), doctor, professor, and asylum superintendent; b. 3
                  Française de l’Amérique du Nord [see Michel-Delphis Brochu] in 1920
                  About Duplicate Matches
                  1 to 8 (of 8)