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                  words of David Lewis Macpherson*, who handled the negotiations, McMaster was none the less “alarmed lest a cabinet should be formed with
                  in the Saint John law firm of Harrison and Burbidge and a leader at the bar. In addition to his routine tasks, Burbidge was secretary of the commission which drafted the 1877 edition of The
                  miles from human settlements. By 1901 the explorer David Theophilus
                  ), Robert Alexander Harrison*’s Common Law Procedure Act (1858) and New municipal manual (1859), William Fuller Alves
                  eroded his support. He was succeeded by David Howard Harrison, whose term lasted only weeks. On 19 Jan
                  Harrison*. Hardy became a solicitor in 1861 and was called to the bar in 1865. He practised first in partnership with his uncle, but in 1867 he set up
                  HARRISON, DAVID HOWARD, physician, businessman, rancher, and politician; b
                  unenviable. When the Norquay regime entered its final crisis, he was drawn into negotiations to establish a coalition government under David Howard
                  About Duplicate Matches
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