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                  41 to 46 (of 46)
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                  Sutherland of Walkerton, Ont., and Abraham Beverley Walker* of Saint John had qualified before him
                  government of Sir John A. Macdonald*. He opted for the Manitoba Rights League, which protested against the monopoly and called
                  a large central training base near Petawawa, Ont., and in 1909 it was from this base that John Alexander Douglas
                  . In 1872 Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald* offered the young but accomplished Blake the position of junior vice
                   Low*. Bell officially retired from the survey at the end of November 1908. He spent two years (1912–14) in Europe before settling down to a
                  BEARE, JOHN, farmer and mill-owner; b. 14 Nov. 1820 in Bideford, England, son of Joseph Beare and Anne
                  41 to 46 (of 46)
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