General Bibliography – Volume XIII

AAQ  Archives de l’Archidiocèse de Québec

AASB  Archives de l’Archevêché de Saint-Boniface

AC  Archives Civiles

ACC  Anglican Church of Canada

ADB  Australian dictionary of biography

ANQ  Archives Nationales du Québec

AO  Archives of Ontario

AP  Archives Paroissiales

ASJCF  Archives de la Compagnie de Jésus, Province du Canada Français

ASQ  Archives du Séminaire de Québec

AUL  Archives de l’Université Laval

AVM  Archives de la Ville de Montréal

BCARS  British Columbia Archives and Records Service

BCHQ  British Columbia Historical Quarterly

BE  Bureaux d’Enregistrement

BRH  Le Bulletin des recherches historiques

BSC  Bibliographical Society of Canada

CCHA  Canadian Catholic Historical Association

CHA  Canadian Historical Association

CHR  Canadian Historical Review

CIHM  Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions

CPG  Canadian parliamentary guide

CTA  City of Toronto Archives

DAB  Dictionary of American biography

DAF  Dictionnaire de l’Amérique française

DCB  Dictionary of Canadian biography

DHB  Dictionary of Hamilton biography

DNB  Dictionary of national biography

DNLB  Dictionary of Newfoundland and Labrador biography

DNZB  Dictionary of New Zealand biography

DOLQ  Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec

GA  Glenbow Archives

GRO  General Register Office

HPL  Hamilton Public Library

JCS  Journal of Canadian Studies

MTRL  Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library

MUA  McGill University Archives

NA  National Archives of Canada

NCWC  National Council of Women of Canada

PAM  Provincial Archives of Manitoba

PANB  Provincial Archives of New Brunswick

PANL  Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador

PANS  Public Archives of Nova Scotia

PARO  Public Archives and Records Office (Prince Edward Island)

PCC  Presbyterian Church in Canada

PRO  Public Record Office

QUA  Queen’s University Archives

RBMB  Register of baptisms, marriages, and burials

RBMS  Registre des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures

RHAF  Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française

RPQ  Répertoire des parlementaires québécois

RCAA  Royal Canadian Academy of Arts

RSC  Royal Society of Canada

SCR  Reports of the Supreme Court of Canada

SH  Social History

SPG  Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts

UCC  United Church of Canada

UNBL  University of New Brunswick Library

General Bibliography

The General Bibliography is based on the sources which are most frequently cited, usually in abbreviated form, in the individual bibliographies of volume XIII. It is not intended to provide a comprehensive listing of background materials for the history of Canada in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Section A describes the principal archival and manuscript collections and is arranged by country. Section B provides a listing of the Canadian newspapers most frequently cited by contributors to the volume. Section C lists various types of published materials: primary printed sources, including publications of the various colonial, provincial, and federal governments; reference works, including dictionaries, indexes, inventories, and almanacs; secondary works of the 19th and 20th centuries, including a number of general histories and theses; and the principal journals and the publications of various societies consulted.



ARCHIVES CIVILES. See Québec, Ministère de la Justice

ARCHIVES DE LA COMPAGNIE DE JÉSUS, PROVINCE DU CANADA FRANÇAIS, Saint-Jérôme, Que. The collections of the Jesuit archives constitute a valuable resource for the religious and political history of the latter half of the 19th century.

Materials consulted in the preparation of volume XIII include:

Série A: Fonds des missions du Nord-Ontario auprès des autochtones et des Blancs, 1844–1924

A–4–1:  Diarium du supérieur de la mission New


A–16–1: Mission de Fort-William

Série BO: Fonds personnels; papiers laissés par les jésuites à leur décès

BO–5: Vignon, Firmin

BO–19: Brodeur, Alphonse

BO–35: Jones, Arthur

BO–62: Proulx, Édouard

BO–72: Dugré, Adélard

BO–78: Désy, Édouard

Série D–7: Brefs curriculum vitae

Série MO: Mosaïques

MO–28: Portrait de G. O’Brien

Série R: Résidences diverses

R–11: Paroisse Immaculée-Conception à Montréal

R–21: Paroisse Notre-Dame-du-Chemin à Québec Fonds Immaculée-Conception. A collection of 4,285 numbered items, consisting primarily of miscellaneous correspondence.



Collections cited in volume XIII include:

Fonds Langevin, 1889–1915

Fonds Taché, 1846–87


The following series were consulted in volume XIII:

A: Évêques et archevêques de Québec

31–16 A: Papiers personnels de Mgr E.-A.


31–17 A: Papiers prives, cardinal L.-N. Bégin

C: Secrétairerie et chancellerie

CG: Relations interconfessionnelles et civiles

3 CG: Laïques, associations

CN: Église canadienne

310 CN: Île-du-Prince-Edouard


Collections cited in volume XIII include:

Dossiers historiques

D015: Conseil municipal

22: Membres

4: Listes, 1833–1949, 1950-

D016: Conseillers municipaux

4: Alexander, Charles

643: McGibbon, Alexander

758: Rolland, J.-D.

D025: Maires

24: Discours d’inauguration

D026: Maires

15: Grenier, Jacques

16: Hingston, W. H.

  23: Villeneuve, J.-O.

  25: Préfontaine, Raymond

D821: Médecins

2: Association des médecins de langue française

D1901: Parcs

1: Parc Étienne-Desmarteau

R3058: Rue de Bellechasse

2 (adresse civique 3430): Centre Étienne


ARCHIVES DE L’UNIVERSITÉ LAVAL, Quebec. The Service des Archives de l’Université Laval has published in printed and microfiche formats an important series of inventories relating to the collections in its custody, in particular État général des fonds d’archives institutionnelles (1987), Hélène Bernier, compil., État général des fonds et des collections d’archives privées (2e éd., 1984), Gilbert Caron et Rodrigue Leclerc, compil., and État général des_ fonds et des collections des Archives de folklore (1984), Hélène Bernier et Hélène Mercier, compil.

The following materials were cited in volume


P109: Collection René-Bureau

P121: Fonds Gérard-Malchelosse

P175: Collection Roland-Sanfaçon

P209: Collection Maurice-Brodeur

P217: Fonds J.-M.-A.-Denault

P220: Fonds Dunn

U–503: Conseil de l’université

U–506: Bureau du secrétaire général

Archives de folklore

76: Collection Madeleine Béland

359: Collection Émile Descoteaux

446: Collection Yvan Farley

798: Collection Lizé et Jobin

1133: Collection Yves Tremblay


Series consulted in volume XIII include:

Fichier des anciens Polygraphie: Affaires surtout extérieures

S: Seigneuries du séminaire

Séminaire: Affaires diverses


ARCHIVES JUDICIAIRES. See Québec, Ministère de la Justice

ARCHIVES NATIONALES DU QUÉBEC. Inventories, catalogues, guides, conversion tables, and useful finding aids on microfiche are available in all of the regional centres of the ANQ.

The following collections were cited in volume



C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CE: État civil

4: Kamouraska

  1: Notre-Dame-de-Liesse (Rivière-Ouelle)

  2: Saint-Jean-Baptiste (L’Isle-Verte)

  3: Saint-Louis (Kamouraska)

P: Fonds et collections privés

l: Tessier, U.-J.


C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CE: État civil

1: Sherbrooke

46: Sherbrooke Anglican Church

48: Stanstead Plain Anglican Church

2: Bedford

87: St Armand Methodist Church


C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CE: État civil

1: Montréal

1: Saint-Jacques, cathédrale de Montréal

10: Sainte-Anne (Varennes)

11: Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue (Montréal)

12: Saint-Antoine (Longueuil)

15: Sainte-Brigitte (Montréal)

22: Sainte-Famine (Boucherville)

26: Saint-François-Xavier (Verchères)

28: Sainte-Geneviève (Sainte-Geneviève et Pierrefonds)

33: Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur (Montréal)

35: Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Montréal)

41: Saint-Joseph (Soulanges)

50: Saint-Michel (Vaudreuil)

51: Notre-Dame de Montréal

52: St Patrick’s (Montreal)

57: Sainte-Rose (Laval)

58: Sainte-Trinité (Contrecœur)

59: Saint-Vincent-de-Paul (Laval)

63: Christ Church Anglican Cathedral (Montreal)

68: St George’s Anglican Church (Montreal)

70: St John the Evangelist Anglican Church (Montreal)

80: St Stephen’s (Anglican) Church (Lachine)

81: St Stephen’s (Montreal)

85: First Baptist Church (Montreal)

91: Emmanuel Congregational Church (Montreal)

105: Mountain Street Methodist Church (Montreal)

115: American Presbyterian Church (Montreal)

120: Crescent Presbyterian Church (Montreal)

121: Erskine Presbyterian Church (Montreal)

124: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Lachine)

125: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Montreal)

126: St Gabriel’s Presbyterian Church (Montreal)

132: Messiah Unitarian Church (Montreal)

  2: Saint-Hyacinthe

1: Saint-Hyacinthe-le-Confesseur (Saint-Hyacinthe)

5: Notre-Dame (Saint-Hyacinthe)

10: Saint-Charles (Saint-Hyacinthe)

25: Sainte-Rosalie

  3: Sorel

7: Saint-Pierre (Sorel)

  4: Saint-Jean

l: Sainte-Marguerite-de-Blairfindie (L’Acadie)

3: Saint-Athanase (Iberville)

7: Saint-Georges-de-Noyan (Henryville)

10: Saint-Jean-l’Évangéliste (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu)

  5: Joliette

l: Sainte-Geneviève (Berthier)

4: Saint-Joseph (Lanoraie)

12: Saint-Roch-de-l’Achigan

14: Saint-Pierre-du-Portage (L’Assomption)

16: Purification (Repentigny)

31: Saint-Jacques-de-l’Achigan

32: Saint-Félix-de-Valois

  6: Saint-Jérôme

13: Saint-Jérôme

25: Sainte-Thérèse-de-Blainville

34: St Andrew’s (Saint-Jérôme)

  CN: Notaires

  1: Montréal

58: Brodie, Hugh

208: Hunter, J. S.

235: Landry, J.-P.

295: Mondelet, J.-M. (fils)

438: Gushing, Charles

P: Fonds et collections privés

7: Famille Papineau

51: Barbeau, Marius

107: Séminaire de Sainte-Thérèse

124: Ordre des architectes du Québec

133: Fréchette, L.-H.

P 1000: Petits fonds

1–5: Allan, Andrew

1–15: Baby, L.-F.-G.


C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CE: État civil

1: Trois-Rivières

4: La Nativité-de-Notre-Dame (Bécancour)

7: La Visitation (Champlain)

9: Saint-Édouard (Gentilly)

13: Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Nicolet)

43: Saint-Stanislas-de-la-Rivière-des-Envies

48: L’Immaculée-Conception (Trois-Rivières)

2: Arthabaska

2: Saint-Christophe (Arthabaska)

4: Saint-Eusèbe-de-Stanfold (Princeville)


C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CN: Notaires

1: Hull

18: Tétreau, Nérée

P: Fonds et collections privés

137: Foran, famille


C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles

CE: État civil

1: Québec

l: Notre-Dame de Québec

2: Notre-Dame-de-l’Annonciation (L’Ancienne-Lorette)

7: Saint-Charles-Borromée (Charlesbourg)

8: Sainte-Famille (Cap-Santé)

15: Saint-François-de-Sales (Neuville)

17: Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures

19: Saint-Joseph-de-la-Pointe-Lévy

22: Saint-Roch (Québec)

61: Holy Trinity Cathedral (Quebec)

66: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Quebec)

67: St John’s Presbyterian Church (Quebec)

71: Garrison of Quebec Anglican Church (Quebec)

76: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Lévis)

94: Saint-Michel-Archange (Beauport)

97: Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Québec)

98: St Patrick’s (Quebec)

100: Notre-Dame-de-la-Victoire (Lévis)

2: Montmagny

3: Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours (L’Islet)

4: Saguenay

3: Saint-Étienne (La Malbaie)

6: Beauce

3: Saint-Anselme-de-Dorchester

6: Sainte-Claire-de-Dorchester

18: Saint-Isidore (Lauzon)

CM: Testaments

l: Québec

6: Testaments olographes et licitations

CN: Notaires

l: Québec

19: Benoit, P.-S.

51: Campbell, W. D.

67: Clapham, J. G.

85: Doyle, John

104: Fraser, Alexandre

113: Gauvreau, F.-L.

117: Glackmeyer, S. I.

128: Guay, Germain

139: Huot, François

150: Langlois, Fisher

180: Lemoine, Alexandre

181: Lemoine, Édouard

216: Pelchat, Joseph

234: Pruneau, J.-B.

255: Sirois-Duplessis, A.-B.

290: Austin, H. C.

292: Angers, É.-J.

294: Bignell, William

301: Falardeau, L.-P.

328: Tremblay, G.-T.

E: Pouvoir exécutif

4: Secrétariat provincial

13: Éducation

17: Registraire

30: École normale Laval

53: Archives nationales, fonds P.-G. Roy

104: Commission royale d’enquête sur les asiles d’aliénés, 1873–88

M: Microfilms

  186: Affaires culturelles (Fonds), Inventaire des œuvres d’art, artistes et artisans

P: Fonds et collections privés

16: Brousseau, Léger

18: Buies, Arthur

86: Fréchette, L.-H.

88: Gagnon, C.-A.-E.

124: Labelle, F.-X.-A.

134: Langevin, famille

149: Le Sage, Siméon

174: Marchand, F.-G.

351: Joly de Lotbinière, famille

683: Tardivel, J.-P.

T: Pouvoir judiciaire

11: Cour supérieure

1: Québec

28–40: Déclarations et dissolutions de sociétés

105–2137: Dossiers de la cour

2248–306: Dossiers de la Cour du banc du roi (criminel)

4311–32: Registre de contrats de vente par le shérif

4451–79: Livres des sociétés

4511–17: Government account-books


Collection Mgr Victor Tremblay

SHS (Société historique du Saguenay)

ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO, Toronto. Information on the collections is provided in Guide to the holdings of the Archives of Ontario, ed. B. L. Craig and R. W. Ramsey (2v., 1985).

Materials cited in volume XIII include:

C: Special collections

C 11: J. C. B. and E. C. Horwood collection

F: Private papers

F 2: Edward Blake papers

F 3: Mowat family papers

F 4: A. S. Hardy family papers

F 5: Sir James P. Whitney papers

F 7: E. C. Drury papers

F 21: George Brown papers

F 23: Sir Alexander Campbell papers

F 24: Cartwright family papers

F 26: Charles Clarke papers

F 28: Sir James and Ogle Gowan papers

F 36: William McDougall papers

F 37: Mackenzie-Lindsey papers

F 44: Sir John Beverley Robinson papers

F 47: Simcoe family papers

F 49: Clarke Wallace family papers

F 51: Alexander Morris papers

F 58: Aikins-Sutherland papers

F 65: Sir James D. Edgar family papers

F 67: William Bain Scarth papers

F 70: William Alexander Foster papers

F 73: John Dryden papers

F 101: Political miscellaneous papers

F 117: George Brown papers

F 129: Canada Company papers

F 171: Commercial records collection papers

F 229: T. Eaton records

F 238: Roderick R. McLennan papers

F 243: Ignatius Cockshutt papers

F 248: Lumberman’s Association of Ontario papers

F 256: John Mather papers

F 262: Thomas S. Shenston papers

F 265: Collins Inlet Lumber Company papers

F 276: Hendrie and Company papers

F 277: Genealogies collection

F 282: Ballantyne family papers

F 644: John C. Bailey papers

F 647: Francis Shanty papers

F 662: W. H. Merritt family papers

F 730: William C. Caldwell papers

F 773: Biographical sketches

F 775: Miscellaneous collection

F 885: Woman’s Christian Temperance Union papers

F 976: Egerton Ryerson Young papers

F 977: Cemetery records collection

F 980: Henry J. Cody papers

F 982: Marriage records collection

F 983: John Strachan papers

F 1003: Miscellaneous – ecclesiastical papers

F 1006: William Henry Withrow papers

F 1008: Dawson family papers

F 1011: Alexander Kirkwood papers

F 1027: Sir Æmilius Irving papers

F 1032: Osler family papers

F 1052: Royal Canadian Institute papers

F 1076: William Kirby papers

F 1139: Ontario Historical Society papers

F 1140: Ontario Society of Artists papers

F 1293: Small and Gowan papers

F 1390: William Canniff papers

F 1398: Homewood Sanitarium papers

F 1401: John G. Howard papers

F 1403: Ontario Association of Architects records

F 1418: Cape Croker Indian Reserve papers

F 1535: Belleville, municipal records

F 2104: Toronto Mechanics’ Institute papers

F 2132: John and James Reynolds family papers

RG: Record Groups – government records

RG 2: Education

ser.C: Department of Public Instruction

6-C: Incoming general correspondence

ser.D: Department of Education, office of the minister

7: Minister’s correspondence

ser.F: Elementary education records

3-B: Local superintendents and boards of trustees, annual reports

ser.H: Teacher education records

l: Normal and model school records

ser.P: Registrar’s branch

2: Select files

RG 4: Attorney General

ser.26: Deputy attorney general, letter-books

ser.32: Central registry files

RG 8: Provincial Secretary

I–1: Main office

ser.D: General correspondence

I–6: Office of the registrar general

ser.A: District marriage registers

ser.B: County marriage registers

RG 10: Health

20: Mental health operations branch

ser.C: London Psychiatric Hospital

l: Case-books RG 15: Public Works

ser.E: Architectural design section

1: Correspondence, subject files

6: Drawings and plans

ser.S: Central registry files

6: Miscellaneous files

RG 21: Municipal records

RG 22: Court records

Surrogate courts

Barrie (Simcoe)

ser.315: Estate files

Belleville (Hastings)

ser.340: Estate files

Brantford (Brant)

ser.322: Estate files

Brockville (Leeds and Grenville)

ser.176: Registers

ser.179: Estate files

Cobourg (Northumberland and Durham)

ser.191: Estate files

ser.194: Registers

Cornwall (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry)

ser.l98: Estate files

Goderich (Huron)

ser.298: Estate files

Guelph (Wellington)

ser.318: Estate files

Hamilton (Wentworth)

ser.204: Registers

ser.205: Estate files

Kingston (Frontenac)

ser.159: Estate files

Kitchener (Waterloo)

ser.211: Registers

London (Middlesex)

ser.321: Estate files

L’Orignal (Prescott and Russell)

ser.353: Estate files

Ottawa (Carleton)

ser.225: Non-contentious business books

ser.354: Estate files

Pembroke (Renfrew)

ser.364: Estate files

Perth (Lanark)

ser.l64: Registers

ser.l68: Estate files

St Catharines (Niagara North)

ser.235: Estate files

Saint Ste Marie (Algoma)

ser.360: Estate files

Thunder Bay (Thunder Bay)

ser.398: Estate files

Toronto (York)

ser.305: Estate files

Walkerton (Bruce)

ser.284: Registers

ser.358: Estate files

Supreme Court of Ontario

ser.290: Judges’ bench books

RG 24: Lieutenant Governor

ser.8: Mowat, Sir Oliver

RG 31: Consumer and Commercial Relations

ser.21: Insurance branch, loan and trust companies regulatory files

RG 53: Official Documents Section (Recording


  Records of appointments and commissions

  ser.20: King’s/queen’s counsel appointments

  ser.21: Justices of the peace, commissions

RG 55: Companies Division, Consumer and Commercial Relations

I–2: Companies branch

B: Company charters

  Company partnership records

RG 63: Inspector of Asylums, Prisons and Public Charities

A: Correspondence and subject files

ser.l: Asylum correspondence

ser.l l: Brantford School for the Blind

C: Investigations

ser.2: Brantford School for the Blind

RG 75: Cabinet Office

ser.57: Orders in council

RG 80: Registrar General

ser.5: Marriage registrations

ser.8: Death registrations

ARCHIVES PAROISSIALES. The most noteworthy holdings of parish archives in Quebec are the registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials (RBMB/RBMS), copies of which are deposited at the Archives Civiles of the judicial district in which the parish is located [see Québec, Ministère de la Justice]. Parish archives usually contain many other documents, including parish account-books, records of the fabriques, registers of parish confraternities, notebooks of sermons, and sometimes correspondence.

BRITISH COLUMBIA ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE, Victoria. In 1975 the archives began a new cataloguing system for its private manuscript holdings. Manuscripts catalogued since then have been assigned Additional Manuscript (Add. mss) numbers. A partial listing of Add. mss and microfilm collections has been published by the archives (under its former name, the Provincial Archives of British

Columbia) as Manuscript inventory, ed. Frances Gundry (3 nos. to date, 1976–  ). Manuscripts catalogued under the old system are gradually being converted to the new one and given Add. mss numbers. Educational records are detailed in BCARS, The school record: a guide to government archives relating to public education in British Columbia, 1852–1946, comp. P. A. Dunae ([ 1992]).

  Collections cited in volume XIII include:

Ace.: Accessions

  90-017: Holbrook, Henry

Add. mss: Additional Manuscripts

54: Crease, Henry Pering Pellew, legal papers

55: Crease family papers

101: Wing Chong Company, Victoria

120: Stamp’s Mill, Burrard Inlet

248: O’Reilly family letters

412: O’Reilly family papers

431: Children’s Aid Society of Victoria

470: Mallandaine, Edward

503: Hayward family collection

520: Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria

794: Brown, Robert

1912: Anderson, James Robert

1950: Genn collection

2431: McKenzie family collection

D–19: Vertical files (available to researchers only on microfilm)

GR: Government Records

148: British Columbia, Department of Education, teachers’ examinations and certificates

328: Great Britain, Colonial Office, correspondence and dispatches re settlement of Vancouver Island

429: British Columbia, Attorney General, correspondence inward

443: Lieutenant Governor, dispatches

450: British Columbia, Superintendent of Education, correspondence outwards

482: British Columbia, commission on the Provincial Lunatic Asylum, 1894

486: British Columbia, Department of Agriculture, Minister, Begg-Turner letter-book

494: British Columbia, Provincial Secretary

504: British Columbia, Provincial Secretary, correspondence and petitions relating to Indian lands

526: British Columbia, Provincial Secretary, correspondence inward

693: Report and evidence taken by the commission to inquire into the management of the Provincial Asylum for the Insane, New Westminster, 1883

731: British Columbia, Commission on the Hospital for the Insane at New Westminster, 1901

983: British Columbia, Lands and Works Department, miscellaneous correspondence re roads

1052: British Columbia, Supreme Court (Victoria), central will registry

1069: Herald Street collection

1169: Vancouver Island, Colonial Surveyor, correspondence re Alberni and Barclay Sound

1304: British Columbia, Supreme Court (Victoria), probate files

1327: British Columbia, Attorney General, inquisitions/inquests

1372: Colonial correspondence. An artificial series created from the letters inward to departments of the colonial governments of British Columbia and Vancouver Island from both individuals and other government departments. The letters are filed under the names of the senders.

1415: British Columbia, Supreme Court (Vancouver), probate files

1445: British Columbia, Superintendent of Education, correspondence inwards

1465: Victoria School Board, minutes

1467: Vancouver Island, General Board of Education, minutes and correspondence

1468: British Columbia, Board of Education, minute-book

1727: British Columbia, Supreme Court, judges’ bench books

2635: British Columbia, Department of Lands,

Sayward Land District lot register

2636: British Columbia, Department of Lands,

Sayward Land District land register

2637: British Columbia, Department of Lands, Sayward Land District township register

Old Classification

Class A: Early exploration: fur trade

A/C/20Vi: Fort Victoria correspondence

A/D/20/Q31: Quesnel correspondence inwards

A/E/C86: Crease collection

C86: Sir H. P. P. Crease, diaries

A/E/Or3: O’Reilly collection

A/E/P87: Israel Wood Powell collection

Class C: Government records

C/AA: Colony of Vancouver Island

30: Departmental – at the capital

.1: Colonial secretary

.7: Lands and Works

C/AB: British Columbia – colony

30: Departmental – at the capital

.7: Lands and Works

Class E: Private papers

EB/C38: Charles, William, diaries

EB/D342: Deans, James, “Settlement of Vancouver Island”


EB/L951: Lowe, James, correspondence outwards

EB/M45: Mayne, Richard Charles, journal kept in HMS


EB/M91: Muir, Andrew, diary

EB/P31: Pearse, Benjamin William, “Early settlement of

Vancouver Island” (1900)

EB/Sa9: Sayward, W. P., correspondence outward

E/C/G763: Grahame, J. A.

E/C/M 181: McIntosh, James

E/D/J68: Joly de Lotbinière – Richard McBride


E/E/Y2: Yates, William, “Reminiscences” (n.d.)

Class G: Geography and history by place

G/V27N27.1: Vancouver Island Exploring Expedition, James

Deans application

Class J: Transportation, communication

J/G/T61D: Blenkinsop, George, examination of Indian reservations on Barkley Sound

Class L: Labour and labouring classes, trade unions, strikes and lockouts

L/L/P31: Pearse, Benjamin W., grant of log pond, Burrard Inlet

Class S: Literature and journalism

S/B/D34: Deans, James, “Rustic rhymes by a rural rhymster”

Class W: Biography

W/D3415: Blakey Smith, Dorothy, “James Deans at

Craigflower, 1853–1858” (typescript, 1966)

W/A: Collective biography

G76: Fisher, Henry, “Grahame family” (n.d.)

BUREAUX D’ENREGISTREMENT. See Québec, Ministère de la Justice


  Series consulted in the preparation of volume


RG  1: City Council

  A: Minutes

  B: Papers

RG  4: Finance Department

RG  5: City Clerk’s Department

  F: Assessment rolls

RG 266: Toronto Industrial Association papers

GLENBOW ARCHIVES, Calgary. Information on the collections is provided in Glenbow Archives: a guide to the holdings, comp. S. M. Kooyman and Bonnie Woelk ([1993]), available on microfiche. Copies of a two-volume printed version have been deposited in various Canadian libraries and archives.

Materials cited in volume XIII:

M: Manuscript collections

  M314: Jessie Degear

  M320: Edgar Dewdney

  M477: Richard Hardisty

  M546: William Roper Hull

  M572: William Jackson

  M656: John Lee Laurie

  M699: Samuel Brigham Lucas

  M740: Alexander McGibbon

M 1281: John Ware

M 1395: Faithful Companions of Jesus

M1938: Spencer Gumming (law firm)

M2286: Canadian Pacific Railway, western division, Riel rebellion telegrams

M2452: Western Stock Growers’ Association

M4051: Samuel B. Lucas, “Reminiscences of life in the Wetaskiwin area, 1879–1964”

M4379: William B. Fraser

M4390: John Lee Laurie, “The Stony Indians of Alberta” (4v., typescript, 1957–59)

M6734: Allan Macdonald

M7988: Edward J. F. Hills

M8119: Sheilagh S. Jameson

HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY, Special Collections Department, Hamilton, Ont.

Series cited in volume XIII include: Archives files Clipping files Hamilton city records

RG 1: City Council minutes

RG 10: Police Department records Scrapbooks

MCGILL UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES, Montreal. Information on the various archival collections at McGill University is provided in Guide to archival resources at McGill University, comp. Marcel Caya et al. (3v., 1985).

Series cited in volume XIII:

Private archives

MG 1022: Dawson, J. W.

MG 1053: Montreal Ladies’ Educational Association

MG 2046: Logan, W. E.

MG 4000: Macfarlane, Thomas Archival records of McGill University

RG 7: Office of the registrar

RG 32: Faculty of arts

RG 38: Faculty of medicine

RG 95: Royal Victoria Hospital


Information on the library’s manuscript holdings appears in Guide to the manuscript collection in the Toronto Public Libraries (Toronto, 1954).

Materials from various collections were consulted for volume XIII.

NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF CANADA, Ottawa. The NA has published general guides to the services it offers and to its collections. The holdings of the Manuscript Division, responsible for all the manuscript groups as well as a few record group collections including RG 1 and RG 5, are described in Main entry catalogue and general inventory (1987), available on microfiche. This publication supersedes the earlier series General inventory, manuscripts (7v. [vols.l–5, 7–8], 1971–77). Inventories for all the record groups under the jurisdiction of the Government Archives Division are available at the NA, and a number of these have been published in the archives’ General inventory series. Also useful are Catalogue of census returns on microfilm, 1666–1891 (1987) and Catalogue of census returns on microfilm, 1901 (1993), both compiled by Thomas A. Hillman, and Checklist of parish registers, 1986, rev. Patricia Birkett (4th ed., 1987). Maps and plans in the Cartographic and Audio-Visual Archives Division (formerly the National Map Collection) are listed in the Catalogue of the National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario (16v., Boston, 1976).

The NA’s publications also include the Union list of manuscripts in Canadian repositories, ed. E. G. Maurice [Hyam] et al. (2v., 1975), and 4 supps. [ 1976–1981 /82] (1976–85), which list holdings in the Government Archives and Manuscript divisions, the Guide to Canadian photographic archives, ed. Christopher Seifried (1984), and numerous finding aids to its individual collections issued on microfiche.

Collections cited in the preparation of volume XIII include:

Cartographic and Audio-Visual Archives Division

C–34685: Insurance plan by Charles E. Goad of the

  CPR grain elevator, Port Arthur [Thunder

  Bay], Ont., 1905

Manuscript Division

MG 9: Provincial, local, and territorial records

MG 17: Ecclesiastical archives

B: Church of England (Anglican Church)

2: Church Missionary Society

4: Colonial and Continental Church Society

MG 19: Fur trade and Indians

A: Fur trade, general

2: Ermatinger estate

E: Red River settlement

8: Cowan, William

MG 23: Late eighteenth-century papers

HI: Upper Canada: political figures

1: Simcoe, John Graves

MG 24: Nineteenth-century pre-confederation papers

B: North American political figures and events

2: Papineau family

14: La Fontaine, Sir Louis-Hippolyte

  29: Howe, Joseph

  30: Macdonald, John Sandfield

  40: Brown, George

  D: Industry, commerce, and finance

  2: Hayes family

  8: Wright, Philemon, and family

  16: Buchanan, Isaac, and family

  115: Mackay, Joseph, and family

  E: Transportation

  1: Merritt, William Hamilton

  17: Watkins, Sir Edward William

  H: Exploration, travel, and surveys

  35: Rae, John

  L: Miscellaneous

  3: Collection Baby

MG 25: Genealogy

G 93: Murray family

  G 255: Canniff family

  G 438: Wurtele family

MG 26: Papers of the prime ministers

  A: Macdonald, Sir John Alexander

  B: Mackenzie, Alexander

  C: Abbott, Sir John Joseph Caldwell

  D: Thompson, Sir John Sparrow David

  E: Bowell, Sir Mackenzie

  F: Tupper, Sir Charles

  G: Laurier, Sir Wilfrid

  J: King, William Lyon Mackenzie

  K: Bennett, Richard Bedford

MG 27: Political figures, 1867–1950

  I: 1867–96

  B: Governors general

4: Lorne, Sir John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Marquess of

  7: Stanley of Preston, Lord

C: Lieutenant governors

  4: Dewdney, Edgar

  6: McDougall, William

D: Cabinet ministers

  1: Aikins, James Cox

  3: Carom Sir Adolphe-Philippe

  4: Cartier, Sir George-Étienne

  5: Costigan, John

  15: Tilley, Sir Samuel Leonard

E: Members of the House of Commons and the Senate

  10: Miller, William

  17: Gowan, Sir James Robert

F: Provincial political figures

  8: Ouimet, Gédéon

I: Correspondents of political figures

  62: Bourinot, Sir John George

11: 1896–1921

B: Governors general

l: Minto, Sir Gilbert John Elliot, 4th Earl of

D: Cabinet ministers

14: Scott, Richard William

15: Sifton, Sir Clifford

16: Tarte, Joseph-Israël

MG 28: Records of post-confederation corporate bodies

I: Societies and associations

4: Canadian Historical Association 44: Labour Council of Metropolitan Toronto

126: Royal Canadian Academy of Arts

129: Society for the Protection of Women and Children

164: Montreal Council of Women

165: Canadian Psychiatric Association

171: Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada

198: Young Women’s Christian Association of Canada

240: Montreal Young Women’s Christian Association

277: Engineering Institute of Canada

388: Summerhill Homes

405: Weredale House

III: Business establishments

20: Canadian Pacific Railway

23: Canadian Pacific Steamship Line

26: Bronson Company

56: Toronto Board of Trade

100: Dominion Bridge (AMCA International)

102: James Shearer

MG 29: Nineteenth-century post-confederation manuscripts A: Economic

15: Wright, Alexander W.

B: Scientific

  34: McIlwraith, Thomas

C: Social

  13: Murdoch, George

  60: Caldwell, William Clyde

  67: Dawson, Simon James

  89: Famille La Rocque

D: Cultural

5: Suite, Benjamin

6: Verreau, Hospice-Anthelme[-J.-B.]

15: Moylan, James

22: Jones, Peter Edmund

25: Brymner, Douglas

27: Lusignan, Alphonse

34: Jarvis, George Murray

36: Pacaud, Ernest

38: Grant, George Monro

40: Fréchette, Louis-Honoré

61: Morgan, Henry James

69: Smith, Goldwin

71: Thompson, Thomas Phillips

72: LeMoine, James MacPherson

77: Godfrey, Henry Herbert

91: Kirby, William

E: Professional and public life

29: benison, George Taylor, iii

106: Reed, Hayter

114: Burgess, Alexander Mackinnon

MG 30: Manuscripts of the first half of the twentieth century

A: Economic

28: Harper, Henry Albert

88: Drummond family

C: Social

49: Lemieux, Lucien

97: Kelso, John Joseph

D: Cultural

1: Audet, Francis-Joseph

29: Willison, John Stephen

129: Roy, Pierre-Georges

E: Professional and public life

112: Thompson, William F.

242: Otter, Sir William Dillon

MG 31: Manuscripts of the second half of the twentieth century

A: Transport and communication

10: Merrilees, Andrew Audubon

MG 32: Political figures, 1950-

  A: Governors general

  1: Massey family collection

  C: Members of the House of Commons and the Senate

  26: Brewin, Francis Andrew

RG 1: Executive Council, 1764–1867

  L: Land records

  3: Upper Canada and Canada: peti-

  tions for land grants and leases

RG 5: Provincial and Civil Secretary’s offices

B: Miscellaneous records

9: Bonds, certificates, and applications for licences

C: Provincial secretary’s correspondence

1: Numbered correspondence files

Government Archives Division

RG 2: Privy Council Office

RG 9: Militia and Defence

I: Pre-confederation records

C: Adjutant general’s office, United Canada

4: General orders

6: Register of officers

II: Post-confederation records

A: Deputy minister’s office

1: Correspondence

5: Medals

B: Adjutant general’s office and headquarters

1: Correspondence

3: Militia general orders

RG 10: Indian Affairs

B: Ministerial administration records

3: Central registry system

C: Field office records

I: Superintendency records

3: Northern (Manitowaning) superintendency

D: Indian land records

  10: Treaties and surrenders

RG 11: Public Works

RG 12: Department of Transport

RG 13: Department of Justice

A: Central registry records

2: Central registry files

3: Letter-books

5: Extradition files

B: Legal branch

l: Capital case files

RG 15: Department of the Interior

RG 17: Agriculture Canada

A: Department of Agriculture

I: Records of the minister, deputy minister,

and secretary

II: Arts and agriculture branch

RG 18: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

RG 19: Department of Finance

RG 23: Department of Fisheries and Oceans

RG 27: Department of Labour

RG 29: Department of National Health and Welfare

RG 30: Canadian National Railways

RG 31: Statistics Canada

C: Census field

1: Census returns

RG 32: Public Service Commission

RG 35: Interdepartmental committees

ser.l: Departmental commission on public

records, 1897

RG 37: National Archives of Canada

RG 38: Veterans’ Affairs

RG 42: Marine branch

E: Ship registration

  1: Shipping registers

RG 43: Department of Railways and Canals

RG 46: Canadian Transport Commission

C: Board of Railway Commissioners and

Board of Transport Commissioners

RG 68: Registrar General

RG 72: Canadian government exhibition committee

NEW BRUNSWICK MUSEUM, Saint John. Information on the museum’s archival holdings is provided in its Inventory of manuscripts, 1967, although some collections have been reorganized or transferred to other repositories since the inventory’s publication. Legal materials throughout the museum’s archival holdings are detailed in Guide to the legal manuscripts in the New Brunswick Museum, comp. D. G. Bell and Carol Rosevear (1990).

Materials cited in volume XIII include:

Files of miscellaneous original and photocopied documents relating to New Brunswick, designated A (original record books) and CB and CB DOC (vertical files)

Tilley family papers

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND MUSEUM AND HERITAGE FOUNDATION, Charlottetown. The holdings of the genealogical division (cited in volume XIII under P.E.I. Museum) were transferred in the autumn of 1992 along with its staff to the PARO (q.v.). Various genealogical files, including cemetery transcriptions, licence books, and marriage books, were consulted in the preparation of volume XIII.


Series cited in the preparation of volume XIII: ATG: Attorney General

  25: Winnipeg Surrogate Court

  GR: Government records

553: Norquay, John

1662: Greenway, Thomas

MG l: Indians, exploration, and fur trade

C: Fur trade, post records, and journals

  6: Fort Ellice

MG 2: Red River settlement

B: Council of Assiniboia

3–2: Census, 1870

4–1: General Quarterly Court minutes

C: Individuals and settlement

14: Ross, Alexander, family

22: Inkster, John, family.

36: Corbett, G. O.

MG 3: Red River disturbance, North-West rebellion, and related


B: Individuals re Red River disturbance and Red River expedition

6: Boyd, Alfred

11: Woodington, Henry

14: Ritchot, N.-J.

15: Winship, G. B.

D: Louis Riel

MG 6: Military records and law enforcement

A: North-West Mounted Police

1: Walsh, J. M.

B: Military District no.10

  1: Military District no.10

MG 7: Church records and religious figures

A: Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land

3: Matheson, S. P.

B: Church of England in Canada

7: St John’s Cathedral

D: Roman Catholic

  8: Saint-Boniface

  12: Saint-Norbert

MG 8: Immigration, settlement, and local histories

C: Genealogies

25: Somerset, J. B.

MG 9: Literary manuscripts and theses

A: Manuscripts and related papers

107: Sanderson, G. W., “Through memories[’] windows”

MG 10: Associations and institutions

F: Historical societies and museums

l: La Société Historique Métisse

3: Jewish Historical Society of Western Canada

MG 11: Industry and commerce

E: Financial, legal, and professional

1: O’Reilly, John

MG 12: Lieutenant governors

A: Archibald, A. G.

B: Morns, Alexander

1: Lieutenant governor’s collection

2: Ketcheson collection

C: Cauchon, J.-É.

E: Schultz, J. C.

MG 14: Public life

B: Political and judicial figures

4: Waugh, R. D.

  5: MacArthur, Duncan

26: Dubuc, Joseph

33: Luxton, W. F.

48: Mulvey, Stewart

57: Colcleugh, James

C: Individuals

14: Burrows, C. A.

15: Bryce, George

21: MacArthur, David

66: Barber, E. L.

MG 15: City and municipal records

B: Winnipeg

4: Police Court records

P: Private sector records

339/PRL–84–7: Machray, Robert

348–49/PRL–84–36: Synod, journals of proceedings

350–54/PRL–84–37: Diocese of Rupert’s Land

366–70/PRL–84–82: Metropolitans’ papers

465–73: Aikins, J. C.

2116: Davis, R. A.

3756: Fonseca, W. G.

4347–48: Manitoba Historical Society

RG 17: Department of Mines and Natural Resources

C: Surveys and mapping branch

l: Dominion land surveyor field notebooks

RG 18: Department of Public Works

A: Minister’s office correspondence inward

2: Wagner, Wilhelm

RG 19: Department of Education

A: Board of Education

3: Bernier, T.-A.

HUDSON’S BAY COMPANY ARCHIVES. With the exception of maps, the records of the Hudson’s Bay Company for 1670–1870 and for part of the period 1871–1904 have been made available on microfilm. A copy of the microfilm series is available in NA, MG 20, and a description of its contents is provided in the NA’s Main entry catalogue and general inventory (Ottawa, 1987), published on microfiche. The microfilm series is also available through an interlibrary loan program administered by the HBCA; copies of the series list have been deposited in a number of repositories across Canada.

Section A: Headquarters records

A.10/: London inward correspondence – general

A.11/: London inward correspondence from HBC posts

A.12/: London inward correspondence from governors of HBC territories

A.32/: Servants’ contracts

Section B: North America trading post records

B.93/: Island Lake records

B.134/: Montreal records

B.156/: Oxford House records

B.185/: Fort Rupert records

B.220/: Trout Lake records

B.2261: Fort Victoria records

Section D: Governors’ papers and commissioned officers’ records

D.5/: George Simpson correspondence inward

Section E: Records from a private source

E.78/: Augusta E. Morris collection

PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF NEW BRUNSWICK, Fredericton. Information on the manuscript holdings is provided in A guide to the manuscript collections in the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, comp. A. C. Rigby (1977), although a new classification system has been adopted since its publication.

The following materials were cited in the preparation of volume XIII:

MC: Manuscript Collections

  64: James Hannay collection

164: Mott, Myles and Chatwin architectural collection

216: Kathleen Williston collection

223: Anglican diocese of Fredericton records

243: Arthur Hill Gillmor papers

288: New Brunswick Barristers’ Society papers

300: York-Sunbury Historical Society collection

1156: Graves New Brunswick political biography collection

1246: George Burchill and Sons collection

RG: Record Groups

RG 5: Records of the superior courts

RS: Record Series

RS6: Executive Council: minutes and orders in council

RS9: Executive Council: cabinet meeting records

RS 13: Provincial Secretary: correspondence

RS24: Legislative Assembly: sessional records

RS32: Supreme Court minutes

RS62: Carleton County Probate Court records

RS68: Northumberland County Probate Court records

RS71: Saint John County Probate Court records

RS75: York County Probate Court records

RS 105: Minister of Natural Resources and Energy records

RS 113: Board of Education records

RS 115: Teachers licensing and appointment records

RS 153: Northumberland County Council records

RS 184: New Brunswick Museum records

RS266: Provincial Secretary: population returns and statistics (census)

RS315: Saint John Board of Health records

RS557: Provincial Secretary: Indian administration records

RS570: Provincial Secretary: bounties administration


Photograph Section

P5: George Thomas Taylor collection

P42: 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment collection

PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR, St John’s. Information on the government holdings of the PANL is provided in A guide to the government records of Newfoundland, comp. Margaret Chang (1983), and its supplement, Inventory of the government records collection of the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador, comp. Shelley Smith (1988).

Series cited in volume XIII:

GN: Government records of Newfoundland

GN 1: Governor’s Office

3/A: Local and miscellaneous correspondence

GN 2: Colonial Secretary

2:. Incoming correspondence

15/A: Non-series records, miscellaneous

22/A: Miscellaneous reports and petitions

GN 6: Royal commissions

GN 9: Executive Council

1: Minute-books

GN 21: Department of Education

7: Council of Higher Education

GN 30: Registrar General/Registry of Vital Statistics

MG: Manuscript Groups

MG 17: Reid Newfoundland Company

MG 271: Sir Alfred Bishop Morine

MG 339: Moses Harvey scrapbooks

MG 619: Newfoundland Medical Board


lottetown. (Known until 1990 as the Public Archives

of Prince Edward Island.)

Collections cited in volume XIII include:

Acc. 2334: Miscellaneous documents

/2–3: Agricultural exhibition lists

Acc. 2453: William Scott Ferguson, biographical information

Acc. 2654: Richard Hunt papers

Acc. 2702: Smith-Alley collection

Acc. 2741: Photographs of premiers and governors of Prince Edward Island

Acc. 2851: Letters from W. B. Wellner to George W. Howlan

Acc. 2874: Unnamed collection of miscellaneous photographs

Acc. 3043: Unnamed collection of biographical notes

Acc. 3147: Charlottetown Board of Trade records

Acc. 3156: Charlottetown Roman Catholic cemetery transcriptions

Acc. 3271: Roman Catholic Church records

Acc. 3373: St Peter’s Anglican Cathedral (Charlottetown) records

Acc. 3466: Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation collection

Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation, genealogical division files (transferred from the P.E.I. Museum [q.v.] in 1992)

RG 1: Lieutenant Governor, commission books

RG 5: Executive Council

RG 6: Courts

RG 10: Education

RG 15: Crown lands

RG 16: Registry Office

RG 19: Vital Statistics records

RG 20: Records of the city of Charlottetown

RG 25: Premiers

  ser.19: Donald Farquharson

  ser.20: Arthur Peters

Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island, estates division records (available on microfilm). The original records are scheduled for transfer from the estates division to the PARO.


a description of the collections see Inventory of manuscripts in the Public Archives of Nova Scotia (1976). Also useful is the Nova Scotia genealogical sources, county guide series being published by the PANS (8v. to date, 1988–  ), which when completed will contain listings of both published and archival

materials of genealogical interest in the archives for each of the 18 counties and for the city of Halifax.

  Materials used in the preparation of volume


MG 1: Personal and family papers

  12–14: Almon, William Bruce, documents

145–49: Bourinot, Sir John George, scrapbooks

167–75: Cantley, Thomas, documents

25913: DeWolf, James, documents

315–17: Forrest, Nancy, collection

470–71: Hind, Henry Youle, papers

475–76: Howe, Joseph, documents, copies of speeches and letters collected by Joseph Chisholm

523: Jones, Alfred Gilpin, documents

772–88: Regan, John W., documents

1056A–57C: Stewart family papers

1176: Edwards, Muriel, collection

1308: Jones, Alfred Gilpin, collection

1504: Akins, Thomas Beamish, documents

1619–50: Stayner, Charles St Clair, collection

1693: Haliburton family papers

1800–915: Fergusson, C. Bruce, documents

2155: Fraser, Graham, collection

3000–128: Blakeley, Phyllis Ruth, documents

3197–200: Frost, James D., documents

3250: Stairs family archive, Stairs family fonds

3265–77: Stairs family archive, William

Stairs, Son and Morrow records

MG 2: Papers of politicians/Records of political parties

224–368: Carmichael, James William

422–541, 784–90(B): Fielding, William Stevens

  1245: Scrapbook of newspaper clippings

MG 3: Business records

267–68: Alexander Forrest, New Glasgow, day-books

632–38, 3872, 3874–75, 3877, 3918–74, 5005–16, 5024–28: William Stairs, Son and Morrow, Halifax, records

MG 4: Churches and communities

73: Hants County, history by Elizabeth Frame

137: River Philip, township book

156: Wallace, Methodist Chapel, daily journal of accounts and meetings

253–58: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Halifax, records

MG 5: Cemeteries

MG 9: Scrapbooks

MG 12: Great Britain, army

MG 20: Records of corporate bodies (societies,

organizations, etc.)

181: Halifax Medical Society

226–29: Nova Scotia Institute of Science

513–19: Society for the Prevention of Cruelty

642: Nova Scotia Historical Society, minutes

670–707: Nova Scotia Historical Society collection

2000–161, 2500–938: Masonic collection

MG 100: Miscellaneous manuscripts collection

RG l: Nova Scotia public records, 1624–1867

301–14: Selections from the files of the

Legislative Assembly

384: Emigration statistics for Nova Scotia, 1861

443–54: Census returns

RG 2: Governor’s and Lieutenant Governor’s offices

RG 3: Executive Council

RG 5: Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia

GP: Governor’s petitions

P: Petitions

RG 7: Provincial Secretary

RG 14: Education

R: School registers

S: School for the Blind

RG 18: Immigration and passenger lists

A: Naturalization of aliens

RG 21: Department of Mines

RG 22: Nova Scotia military records

RG 25: Department of Health

A-B: Victoria General Hospital

C: Miscellaneous

RG 32: Vital statistics

M: Marriage licences

WB: Registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials

RG 34: Court of General Sessions of the Peace

312: Halifax County

RG 35: Elective municipal government

102: Halifax City municipal records

33A: Poorhouse records

53A: Board of School Commissioners, letter-books

RG 39: Supreme Court

CB: Cape Breton County

M: Miscellaneous

HX: Halifax County

C: Civil and criminal cases

M: Miscellaneous

RG 40: Court of Vice-Admiralty

RG 73: Registry of joint stock companies

RG 83: Provincial Medical Board

QUÉBEC, MINISTÈRE DE LA JUSTICE, Québec. The Archives Civiles and the Archives Judiciaires of Quebec, which are under the joint jurisdiction of the courts and the Ministère de la Justice, constitute two separate repositories. The Archives Judiciaires are deposited at the courthouses in the administrative centres of the provincial judicial districts. The Ministère de la Justice also has responsibility for the records deposited in the Bureaux d’Enregistrement.

A list of the judicial districts can be found in Relevé alphabétique des toponymes populaires du Québec, Commission Toponymique du Québec, compil. (Québec, 1989).

ARCHIVES CIVILES. These archives retain documents for the last 100 years, including registers of births, marriages, and deaths, notaries’ minutiers (minute-books), and records of surveyors active in the various districts. Earlier documents are held by the ANQ.

ARCHIVES JUDICIAIRES. These repositories hold the records of the various courts: documents still current, roughly those of the last five years, remain at the court-houses; semi-active material from about the last 25 years is placed in one of the 13 centres organized by the Ministère de la Justice, where some preliminary archival work is undertaken; documents more than 30 years old are placed in the regional repositories of the ANQ.

BUREAUX D’ENREGISTREMENT. The registry offices hold all property titles and contracts affecting real estate: sales, marriages, wills and estates, mortgages, conveyances, assignments, gifts, guardianships, and trusteeships.

QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES, Kingston, Ont. Information on the manuscript collections is provided in A guide to the holdings of Queen’s University Archives, ed. Anne MacDermaid et al. (2nd ed., 2v., 1986–87).

Materials from various collections were consulted in the preparation of volume XIII.

UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA ARCHIVES. The present-day archives of the United Church consist of the 19th- and 20th-century archival collections of various Canadian Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregational, and Evangelical/United Brethren in Christ denominations which came together to form the United Church of Canada. The Central Archives of the United Church is housed at Victoria University, Toronto, along with the university’s archives, and the records of conferences, presbyteries, and congregations in Ontario. Records of congregations, presbyteries, and congregations outside Ontario are housed in regional conference archives.

UNITED CHURCH ARCHIVES/VICTORIA UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES, Toronto. Information on the United Church collections is provided in A record of service: a guide to holdings of the Central Archives of the United Church of Canada, comp. Ruth Dyck Wilson with P. D. James (1992).

The following collections were cited in the preparation of volume XIII:

United Church Archives

Fonds 6: Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada

ser.l: Records of the General Conference

Fonds 13: Methodist Church (Canada) General


ser.5: Records of the Court of Appeal

Fonds 14: Methodist Church (Canada) Missionary


ser.2: Correspondence of the general secretaries

2: Correspondence of Alexander Sutherland

4: Incoming correspondence of the general

secretary, Alexander Sutherland

ser.3: Records re foreign missions

l: West China Mission collection

Fonds 40: Methodist Church (Canada) Hamilton


ser.2: Records of the districts

Fonds 122: Presbyterian Church in Canada Board

of Foreign Missions

ser.l: Records of the central committees and boards

ser.2: Correspondence with applicants

ser.7: Records pertaining to the Formosa Mission

ser.8: Records pertaining to the Central India Mission

Fonds 127: Presbyterian Church in Canada Women’s

Missionary Society Western Division

Fonds 513: United Church of Canada Board of Publications collection

ser.l: Methodist publishing records

  Biographical files

  Church records

Personal papers

Fonds 3022: Albert Carman

Fonds 3162: Thomas Webster

Fonds 3170: Francis Huston Wallace

Fonds 3182: Alexander Sutherland

Fonds 3188: Frederick George Stevens

Fonds 3292: Joseph Alfred George Lousley

Victoria University Archives

  acc. 87.042V: Board, minutes

  acc. 87.143V: Arts faculty, student registers

  acc. 87.144V: Medical department

UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK LIBRARY, Archives and Special Collections Department, Fredericton.

Series cited in volume XIII:

MG H: Historical

H9: Lilian Mary Beckwith Maxwell papers

H22: Edwin Tappan Adney papers

H25: Henry Harvey Stuart papers

H82: James Brown papers

H117: Vincent Erickson collection

MG L: Literary

L 10: Charles George Douglas Roberts papers

L 12: Theodore Goodridge Roberts papers

RA: Rufus Hathaway collection

UA: University archives

RG 81: Burton Seeley Keirsteadcollection


GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE, London (GRO-L). Birth, marriage, and death records for various individuals were consulted in the preparation of volume XIII.

GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE FOR SCOTLAND, Edinburgh (GRO-E). Information concerning the parish registers held by the GRO is available in Detailed list of old parochial registers of Scotland (1872). Birth, baptismal, and marriage records for several Scottish parishes were used in the preparation of volume XIII.

PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, London. An introduction to the holdings and arrangement of this archives is provided in Guide to the contents of the Public Record Office (3v., 1963–68), continued on microfiche as Current guide to the contents of the Public Record Office . . . (1983–  ). For copies of PRO documents available at the NA see its Main entry catalogue and general inventory (Ottawa, 1987), published on microfiche.

Series consulted in the preparation of volume XIII:


Accounting departments

ADM 38: Ships’ musters, series III

ADM 139: Continuous service engagement books Colonial Office [See R. B. Pugh, The records of the Colonial and Dominions offices (1964).]


CO 42: Original correspondence


CO 194: Original correspondence

CO 199: Miscellanea (esp. Blue books of statistics)

Prince Edward Island

CO 231: Miscellanea

Vancouver Island

CO 305: Original correspondence


CO 537: Correspondence Home Office


HO 107: Census papers, population returns,

1841 and 1851

Public Record Office

Documents acquired by gift, deposit, or purchase

PRO 30/6: Carnarvon papers Registrar General

Census papers

RG 9: Population returns, 1861

War Office


WO 25: Registers, various

WO 97:  Out-pensions records, Royal Hospital

  Chelsea, soldiers’ document


  WO 33: Reports and miscellaneous papers


BAKER LIBRARY, Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration, Boston.

Materials cited in volume XIII: R. G. Dun collection

Manuscript credit ledgers. Microfilm copies of the credit ledgers for Canada for the period 1843–81 are available (subject to restrictions) at NA, MG 26, III 106, and are described briefly in the NA’s Main entry catalogue and general inventory (Ottawa, 1987), published on microfiche. For published Canadian credit ratings, see Mercantile agency reference book [section C].


The following Canadian newspapers were particularly useful in the preparation of volume XIII. Further details, including additional title variants and locations of copies, are available in National Library of Canada, Union list of Canadian newspapers (microfiche ed., [Ottawa], 1991), and in the following provincial and territorial listings: Alberta newspapers, 1880–1982; an historical directory, comp. G. M. Strathern (Edmonton, 1988); Union catalogue of British Columbia newspapers, comp. Hana Komorous and Kenneth Field (microfiche ed., Vancouver, 1987); Manitoba Library Assoc., Manitoba newspaper checklist with library holdings, 1859–1986 ([Winnipeg], 1986); N.B. newspaper directory (Craig) [see section C]; Historical directory of Newfoundland and Labrador newspapers, 1807–1987, comp. Suzanne Ellison (St John’s, 1988); Nova Scotia newspapers: a directory and union list, 1752–1988, comp. Lynn Murphy et al. (2v., Halifax, 1990); Inventory of Ontario newspapers, 1793–1986, comp. J. B. Gilchrist (Toronto, 1987) and Dict. Of Toronto printers (Hulse) [see section C]; PARO, “Checklist and historical directory of Prince Edward Island newspapers, 1787–1986,” comp. Heather Boylan (photocopied typescript, Charlottetown, 1987); J. Hamelin et al., La presse québécoise [see section C]; Historical directory of Saskatchewan newspapers, 1878–1983, comp. Christine MacDonald (Regina and Saskatoon, 1984); and Yukon Arch., “Checklist of Yukon newspapers, 1898–1905,” comp. Amanda Wearmouth (photocopied typescript, [Whitehorse], 1987).

Acadian Recorder. Halifax. 16 Jan. 1813–10 May 1930, under various titles.

British Columbian. New Westminster. 13 Feb.

1861–27 Feb. 1869 and 4 Jan. 1882–15 Nov. 1983, under various titles. Published at Victoria from 16 March to 25 July 1869 under the title Daily British Columbian.

Calgary Herald. 2 July 1885 to the present, under various titles; this one in effect from 13 Feb. 1939.

Le Canada. Montréal. 9 April 1903–17 Nov. 1954.

Le Canadien. Québec. 22 Nov. 1806–4 Dec. 1891. Continued at Montreal to 11 Feb. 1893 and from 22 Dec. 1906 to 11 Dec. 1909.

Catholic Register. Toronto. 5 Jan. 1893 to date, with some changes in title. Place of publication varies: Kingston, Ont., 28 Feb. 1942–21 Feb. 1970.

Charlottetown Guardian. At least 16 Dec. 1890 to the present, under various titles, including Morning Guardian (28 Jan. 1891–23 Sept. 1904) and Charlottetown Guardian (24 Sept. 1904–9 Nov. 1945).

Christian Guardian. Toronto. 21 Nov. 1829–3 June 1925.

Christian Messenger. Halifax. 6 Jan. 1837–31 Dec. 1884. Title varies: Christian Messenger: and Repository of Religious, Political, and General Intelligence, for Nova Scotia and New Brunswick (to 26 Dec. 1855).

Le Courrier du Canada. Québec. 2 Feb. 1857–11 April 1901.

Daily British Whig. Kingston, Ont. 1 Jan. 1849–30 Nov. 1926.

Daily Colonist. Victoria. 31 July 1860–31 Aug. 1980, under various titles.

Daily Echo. Halifax. 1 Feb. 1888–31 Dec. 1919.

Daily Examiner. Charlottetown. See Examiner

Daily Gleaner. Fredericton. 25 Nov. 1889 to the present.

Daily Mail and Empire. Toronto. 7 Feb. 1895–21 Nov. 1936. Title varies: Mail and Empire (from September 1929). See also Globe

Daily News. Amherst, N.S. 5 Dec. 1893 to the present, under various titles, including Evening News (to 31 Oct. 1895) and Daily News (2 Nov. 1895–11 March 1914).

Daily News. St John’s. 15 Feb. 1894–4 June 1984.

Daily Patriot. Charlottetown. See Patriot

Daily Telegraph. Saint John, N.B. 8 Sept. 1873–12 March 1910. Continues the St. John Daily Telegraph and Morning Journal (1 July 1869–6 Sept. 1873).

Daily Times. Hamilton, Ont. 1 Jan. 1858-November 1920.

Le Devoir. Montréal. 10 Jan. 1910 to the present.

Eastern Chronicle. New Glasgow, N.S. 23 Aug. 1843–24 Sept. 1953. Place of publication varies: Pictou, N.S., 1843–66.

L’Électeur. Québec. 15 July 1880–26 Dec. 1896.

L’Étoile du Nord. Joliette, Qué. 15 June 1884–14 April 1965.

L’Évangéline. 23 Nov. 1887–27 Sept. 1982, with some changes in title. Place of publication varies: Digby, N.-É., 23 Nov. 1887–5 Dec. 1889; Weymouth Bridge, N.-É., 12 Dec. 1889–25 May 1905; Moncton, N.-B., 1 June 1905–27 Sept. 1982.

L’Événement. Québec. 13 May 1867–3 March 1967.

Evening Herald. St John’s. 13 Jan. 1890–31 Dec. 1920. Continues the Evening Mercury (4 Jan. 1882–31 Dec. 1889).

Evening Mail. Halifax. 23 Oct. 1879–16 Sept. 1930.

Evening Mercury. St John’s. See Evening Herald

Evening Telegram. St John’s. 3 April 1879 to the present.

Evening Telegram. Toronto. 18 April 1876–30 Oct. 1971, under various titles; this one in effect to 19 Feb. 1949.

Examiner. Charlottetown. 7 Aug. 1847 to at least 29 May 1922, under various titles, including Daily Examiner (23 May 1881–8 Oct. 1906 and 2 Jan. 1908–30 Nov. 1911).

Farmer’s Advocate and Home Magazine. London, Ont. 1866–28 July 1965. Title varies: Farmer’s Advocate and Canadian Countryman (after September 1951).

Gazette. Montreal. 25 Aug. 1785 to the present. Title varies: Montreal Gazette (to 1 June 1867).

Globe. Toronto. 5 March 1844–21 Nov. 1936. On 23 Nov. 1936 it merged with the Daily Mail and Empire [q.v.] to form the Globe and Mail, which continues to the present.

Halifax Herald. 2 Jan. 1892–31 Dec. 1948. Continues the Morning Herald (14 Jan. 1875–31 Dec. 1891).

Hamilton Spectator. Hamilton, Ont. 15 July 1846 to the present, under various titles.

Independent. Vancouver. 31 March 1900–22 Aug. 1904.

Islander. Charlottetown. 2 Dec. 1842 to at least 26 Dec. 1873, under various titles.

Le Journal de Québec. 1 Dec. 1842–1 Oct. 1889.

London Advertiser. London, Ont. 28 Oct. 1863–30 Oct. 1936, under various titles; this one in effect 4 Dec. 1880–27 Nov. 1922.

London Free Press. London, Ont. S May 1855 to the present, under various titles.

Mail. Toronto. See Toronto Daily Mail

Manitoba Free Press. Winnipeg. 6 July 1874 to the present, under various titles, including Manitoba Morning Free Press (5 June 1893–26 Jan. 1915) and Winnipeg Free Press (2 Dec. 1931 to date).

Manitoba Weekly Free Press. Winnipeg. 30 Nov. 1872-June 1983, under various titles; this one in effect 25 May 1878–25 April 1906.

La Minerve. Montréal. 9 Nov. 1826–27 May 1899.

Monetary Times. Toronto. 15 Aug. 1867-September 1970, under various titles.

Le Moniteur acadien. Shédiac, N.-B. 8 July 1867–14 Jan. 1926. Revived 14 June 1984 and has continued to the present, under various titles.

Montreal Daily Herald. 19 Oct. 1811–18 Oct. 1957, under various titles, including Montreal Herald (1811–79) and Montreal Herald and Daily Commercial Gazette (1880-August 1890).

Montreal Daily Star. 16 Jan. 1869–25 Sept. 1979, under various titles; this one in effect 1877–18 Oct. 1957.

Morning Chronicle. Halifax. 24 Jan. 1844–21 Jan. 1927.

Morning Guardian. Charlottetown. See Charlottetown Guardian

Morning Herald. Halifax. See Halifax Herald

Newfoundlander. St John’s. July 1827 to around 30 Dec. 1884.

News. Toronto. 2 May 1881–26 March 1919, under various titles, including Evening News (2 May 1881–17 Jan. 1903) and News (19 Jan. 1903–4 Nov. 1914).

Nor’Wester. Winnipeg. 28 Dec. 1859–23 Nov. 1869, under various titles.

Novascotian. Halifax. 29 Dec. 1824–12 Feb. 1926, with some changes in title.

L’Opinion publique. Montréal. 1 Jan. 1870–27 Dec. 1883.

Ottawa Citizen. 22 Feb. 1851 to the present, under various titles.

Ottawa Evening Journal. 10 Dec. 1885–27 Aug. 1980. Title varies: Ottawa Journal (from July 1949).

La Patrie. Montréal. 24 Feb. 1879–9 Jan. 1978.

Patriot. Charlottetown. 1 July 1864 to the present, under various titles, including Patriot (to 6 April 1881) and Daily Patriot (7 April 1881–14 Nov. 1910); issues are available only from 4 July 1867.

Presbyterian Witness. 8 Jan. 1848–11 June 1925. Place of publication varies: Halifax, 8 Jan. 1848–1904 and 1909–20; Pictou, N.S., January 1905–3 July 1909; Toronto, 6 Jan. 1921–11 June 1925. Title varies: Presbyterian Witness, and Evangelical Advocate (to 25 Dec. 1897).

La Presse. Montréal. 20 Oct. 1884 to the present.

Public Ledger. St John’s. From about 1820 to 26

Dec. 1882, under various titles; issues are available only from 2 Jan. 1827.

Quebec Chronicle. Quebec. 18 May 1847–30 June 1925, under

various titles; this one in effect 17 Oct. 1898–30 April 1924.

Royal Gazette and Newfoundland Advertiser. St John’s.

27 Aug. 1807–30 Sept. 1924.

Saint John Globe. Saint John, N.B. 26 Sept. 1866–15 Jan. 1927.

Le Soleil. Québec. 28 Dec. 1896 to the present.

St. John Daily Sun. Saint John, N.B. 2 June 1887–4

May 1906. Continued as the Sun (5 May 1906–12 March 1910).

St. John Daily Telegraph and Morning Journal. Saint John, N.B. See

Daily Telegraph

Sun. Saint John, N.B. See St. John Daily Sun

Toronto Daily Mail. 30 March 1872–6 Feb. 1895. Title varies: Mail (to 31 July 1880). On 7 Feb. 1895 it merged with the Toronto Empire to form the Daily Mail and Empire [q.v.].

Toronto Daily Star. 3 Nov. 1892 to the present. Title varies: Evening Star (to 24 Jan. 1900); Toronto Daily Star (25 Jan. 1900–5 Nov. 1971); subsequently Toronto Star.

Vancouver Daily Province. 26 March 1898 to the present, under various titles; this one in effect 20 Jan. 1900–16 Feb. 1952.

Vancouver Daily World. 29 Sept. 1888-March 1924.

Victoria Daily Times. 9 June 1884–30 Aug. 1980.

Week. Toronto. 6 Dec. 1883–20 Nov. 1896.

Winnipeg Free Press. See Manitoba Free Press

Winnipeg Tribune. 28 Jan. 1890–27 Aug. 1980, under various titles, including Winnipeg Daily Tribune (28 Jan. 1890–27 June 1903) and Winnipeg Tribune (29 June 1903–6 Jan. 1915 and 30 May 1930–27 Aug. 1980).

World. Toronto. 19 Aug. 1880–9 April 1921.


Acadiensis: a Quarterly Devoted to the Interests of the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Saint John, N.B. 1 (1901)–8 (1908).

Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region/Revue de l’histoire de la region atlantique. Fredericton. 1 (1971–72)–

ALLAIRE, J[EAN]-B[APTISTE]-A[RTHUR]. Dictionnaire biographique du clergé canadien français. 6 vols. Montréal et Saint-Hyacinthe, Qué., 1908–34. Title and format vary.

Almanacs. Because their titles vary, and compilers and publishers frequently change, the Canadian almanacs used in the preparation of volume XIII have been grouped together under this heading and cited under general series titles. The dates and titles of the relevant issues follow. Most individual almanacs published up to 1901 have been made available on microfiche by the CIHM and are listed in its Reg.

Belcher’s farmer’s almanack. . . . Halifax, 1824–1930, with some changes in title. Issues for 1850–1901 were used in vol. XIII. Editor: Clement Horton Belcher, 1824–70.

Canadian almanac. Toronto, 1848 to the present, with numerous changes in title. Issues for 1853–68 were consulted. Title variants include:

Scobie’s Canadian almanac, and repository . . . (1851–54); Maclear & Co.’s Canadian almanac, and repository . . . (1855–56); and The

Canadian almanac, and repository . . . (1857–94). The issues for 1848–1970 have been made available in a microfiche edition by Micromedia Limited ([Toronto], 1972).

Harvie’s Prince Edward Island almanack . . . .

Charlottetown, 1868–81.

Newfoundland year book. See A year book and almanac of Newfoundland

The Prince Edward Island calendar. . . . Char-

lottetown, 1829, 1836–73.

A year book and almanac of Newfoundland . . . .

St John’s, 1887–1932. Used for 1890–96, 1900, and 1903.


NELLES. The revenge of the Methodist bicycle company: Sunday streetcars and municipal reform in Toronto, 1888–1897. Toronto, 1977.

ATHERTON, WILLIAM HENRY. Montreal, 1535–1914.

3 vols. Montreal, 1914.

Atlantic Advocate. Fredericton. 47 (1956–57)–82 (1991–92), no.5.

Continues the voluming of Busy East, later Busy East of Canada

(Saint John, N.B., etc.), which began publication in 1910, and its

successor, the Maritime Advocate and Busy East (Sackville,


Australian dictionary of biography. Edited by Douglas Pike et

al. 12 vols. and index to date [ 1788–1939]. Melbourne, 1966–  

Beaver. Winnipeg. 1 (1920–21)–  . Subtitle varies.

BECK, J[AMES] MURRAY. Politics of Nova Scotia. 2 vols. Tantallon, N.S., 1985–88.

BENOIT, JEAN. “Le développement des mécanismes de crédit et la croissance économique dune communauté d’affaires; les marchands et les industriels de la vine de Québec au XIXe siècle.” Thèse de phd, université Laval, Québec, 1986.


Bibliography of Newfoundland. Compiled by Agnes C. O’Dea. Edited by Anne Alexander. 2 vols. Toronto, 1986.

Biographical review; this volume contains biographical sketches of leading citizens of the province of New Brunswick. Edited by I[saac] Allen Jack. Boston, 1900.

BORTHWICK, J[OHN] DOUGLAS. History and biographical gazetteer of Montreal to the year 1892. Montreal, 1892.

Bradstreet’s commercial reports. New York. August 1857–March 1933. Credit rating guide to Canadian companies, issued by J. M. Bradstreet and Son, later the Bradstreet Company. Title varies: Bradstreet’s commercial reports . . . (to 1899); Bradstreet’s commercial ratings . . . (January and March 1900); Bradstreet’s book of commercial ratings of bankers, merchants, manufacturers, etc., in the United States and Canada (July 1900–March 1933). Canadian coverage taken over from July 1933 by Dun & Bradstreet Canada Limited: see Mercantile agency reference book, infra.

BRITISH COLUMBIA. Information about official publications is available in M. C. Holmes, Publications of the government of British Columbia, 1871–1947 (Victoria, [1950]). For pre-confederation legislative journals, see Journals of colonial legislatures of Vancouver Island and B.C. (Hendrickson), infra.


Journals. Victoria, 1872–  .

Sessional papers. Victoria, 1872–  . The sessional papers for 1872–75 are included in the Journals.

British Columbia Executive Council appointments, 1871–1986. Compiled by Judith Antonik Bennett and Frederike Verspoor. [Victoria], 1989.

British Columbia Historical Quarterly. Victoria. 1 (1937)–21 (1957–58).

BC Studies. Vancouver. No. l (winter 1968–69)–  .

BRYCE, GEORGE. A history of Manitoba; its resources and people. Toronto and Montreal, 1906.

Le Bulletin des recherches historiques. Published usually in Lévis, Qué. 1 (1895)–70 (1968).

Les Cahiers des Dix. Montréal. No. 1 (1936)–  . Published at Québec from no.36 (1971)–  .

CANADA. For details concerning the publications of

the government of Canada, seeO. B. Bishop, Canadian official publications (Oxford, 1981), and Marion Villiers Higgins, Canadian government publications: a manual for librarians (Chicago, 1935). Information on royal commissions is provided in Federal royal commissions in Canada, 1867–1966: a checklist, comp. G. F. Henderson (Toronto, 1967).

Canada Gazette. Ottawa, 1 July 1867–  .


Debates/Débats. Ottawa, 1867/68–  ; official publication begins in 1875. The Library of Parliament is reconstructing the debates for 1867–74 from unofficial reports [“Parl. debates” and Parl. debates (Cotton), q.v.] and publishing them in both English and French (3v. to date [ I 867/68–70], ed. P. B. Waite, Ottawa, 1967–  ).

Journals/Journaux. Ottawa, 1867/68–  .


Sessional papers/Documents de la session.

Ottawa, 1867/68–1925.




Report/Rapport. 5 vols. in 6. Ottawa, 1889. Selections from the report have been published as Canada investigates industrialism: the royal commission on the relations of labor and capital, 1889 (abridged), ed. G. [S.] Kealey (Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1973).


Debates/Débats. Ottawa, 1867/68–  ; official publication in English begins in 1871 and in French in 1896. The Library of Parliament has reconstructed the volumes for I 867/68–70 from unofficial reports [“Parl. debates” and Parl. debates (Cotton), q.v.] and published them in both languages (3v., ed. P. B. Waite, Ottawa, 1968–77); the debates for 1871–95 are being republished with parallel English and French texts ( I v. to date [ 1871 ], ed. A. P. Hardisty, Ottawa, 1980–  ).

Journals/Journaux. Ottawa, 1867/68–  .

Statutes/Statuts. Ottawa, 1867/68–  . Title varies:

Acts/Actes, 1873–1951.

CANADA, PROVINCE OF/PROVINCE DU. Further information on the English-language publications of the Province of Canada is provided in O. B. Bishop, Publications of the government of the Province of Canada, 1841–1867 (Ottawa, 1963 [i.e. 1964]).


Appendix to the . . . journals/Appendice. . . des journaux. Various places of publication, 1841–59. Continues as PARLIAMENT/PARLE-

MENT, Sessional papers/Documents de la session, 1860–66.

Statutes/Statuts. Various places of publication, 1841–66. Title varies: The provincial statutes of Canada/Les statuts provinciaux du Canada, 1841–51.

Canada, an encyclopædia of the country: the Canadian dominion considered in its historic relations, its natural resources, its material progress, and its national development. Edited by John] Castell Hopkins. 6 vols. and index. Toronto, 1898–1900.

Canada and its provinces: a history of the Canadian people and their institutions. Edited by Adam Shorn and Arthur George] Doughty. 23 vols. Toronto, 1913–17.

Canada Lancet. Toronto. 3 (1870–71)–56 [i.e. 55] (1921–22), no.10. Final volume published at Stouffville, Ont. Subtitle varies. Continues the voluming of the Dominion Medical Journal (Toronto), 1 (1868–69)–2 (1869–70).

Canada Law Journal. Toronto. 4 (1868)–58 (1922). Vols.4–14 (1878) are called new series; continues the voluming of the Upper Canada Law Journal (Toronto), new ser., 1 (1865)–3 (1867).

Canadiana, 1867–1900, monographs: Canada’s national bibliography/Canadiana, 1867–1900: monographies: la bibliographie nationals du Canada. Microfiche edition. Ottawa, 1980-

The Canadian album: men of Canada; or, success by example. . . . Edited by W[illiam] Cochrane and J[ohn] Castell Hopkins. 5 vols. Brantford, Ont., and Toronto, 1891–96. Vols.l–4 were prepared by Cochrane, vol.5 by Hopkins.

The Canadian annual review of public affairs.

Toronto. 35 vols. 1901–37/38. Edited by John] Castell Hopkins, 1901–22. The volume for 1901 was originally published in 1902 as Morang’s annual register of Canadian affairs and reissued around 1904 as The Canadian annual review of public affairs, 1901.

Canadian Architect and Builder. Toronto. 1 (1888)–22 (1908). Subtitle varies.

The Canadian biographical dictionary and portrait gallery of eminent and self-made men. 2 vols. Toronto, 1880–81.

CANADIAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/ SOCIÉTÉ CANADIENNE D’HISTOIRE DE L’ÉGLISE CATHOLIQUE, Ottawa. Publishes simultaneously a Report in English and a Rapport in French, the contents of which are entirely different. 1 (1933–34)–  . Titles vary. English report: Study sessions, 33 (1966)–50 (1983); Canadian Catholic historical studies, 51 (1984)–56 (1989); Historical studies, 57 (1990)–  . French report: Sessions d’étude, 33 (1966)–56 (1989); Études d’histoire religieuse, 57

(1990)–  .

Canadian Churchman. Toronto. 1(1875)–114

(1988); no copies of vols. 1 and 10 (1884) appear to have survived. Title varies: Dominion Churchman to 15 (1899). Subtitle varies.

The Canadian directory of parliament, 1867–1967.

Edited by J[ames] K[eith] Johnson. Ottawa, 1968.

The Canadian encyclopedia. Edited by James H[arley] Marsh et al. 2nd edition. 4 vols. Edmonton, 1988.

CANADIAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION/SOCIÉTÉ HISTORIQUE DU CANADA, Ottawa. Report of the annual meeting. . . . 1922–  . Title varies: Annual report, 1922–24; Report of the annual meeting . . . /Rapport de l’assemblée annuelle . . . , 1951–65; Historical papers . . . /Communications historiques . . . , 1966–89; Journal/Revue, new ser., 1 (1990)–  .

Canadian Historical Review. Toronto. 1 (1920)–  .

CANADIAN INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL MICROREPRO-DUCTIONS/INSTITUT CANADIEN DE MICROREPRO-DUCTIONS HISTORIQUES, Ottawa. Canada: the printed record: a bibliographic register with indexes to the microfiche series/Catalogue d’imprimés canadiens: répertoire bibliographique avec index de la collection de microfiches. Microfiche edition. Ottawa, 1981–  .

Canadian Magazine. Toronto. 1 (March-October 1893)–91 (January-April 1939). Title varies: Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature to 63 (May 1924-January 1925); Canadian, 88 (July-December 1937)–91.

The Canadian men and women of the time; a handbook of Canadian biography. Edited by Henry James Morgan. Toronto, 1898. 2nd edition. 1912.

The Canadian parliamentary guide. Quebec, 1862–63; Montreal, 1864–74; Ottawa, 1875–1988; Toronto, 1989–  . Editor varies. Title varies: The Canadian parliamentary companion to 1897. Bilingual from 1982/83: Canadian parliamentary guide/Guide parlementaire canadien.

CARELESS, JAMES] M[AURICE] S[TOCKFORD]. Brown of “The Globe”. 2 vols. Toronto, 1959–63; reprinted 1972.

CHADWICK, EDWARD MARION. Ontarian families: genealogies of United-Empire-Loyalist and other pioneer families of Upper Canada. 2 vols. Toronto, 1894–98; reprinted 2 vols. in 1, Lambertville, N.J., [1970]. Vol.1 reprinted with an introduction by William F[elix] E[dmund] Money, Belleville, Ont., 1972.

CHARLESWORTH, HECTOR [WILLOUGHBY]. Candid chronicles: leaves from the note book of a Canadian journalist. Toronto, 1925.

Commemorative biographical record of the county of York, Ontario; containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and many of the early settled families. Toronto, 1907.

COOK, RAMSAY. The regenerators: social criticism in late Victorian English Canada. Toronto, 1985.

CORNISH, GEORGE H[ENRY], Cyclopœdia of Methodism in Canada: containing historical, educational, and statistical information, dating from the beginning of the work in the several provinces . . . and extending to the annual conferences of 1880. 2 vols. Toronto and Halifax, 1881–1903.

A cyclopædia of Canadian biography . . . . Edited by G[eorge] Maclean Rose and Hector [Willoughby] Charlesworth. 3 vols. Toronto, 1886–1919. Vols. 1–2 were edited by Rose, vol.3 by Charlesworth.

Dalhousie Review. Halifax. 1 (1921–22)–  .

Death notices of Ontario. Compiled by William D. Reid. Lambertville, N.J., 1980.

DENT, JOHN CHARLES. The Canadian portrait gallery. 4 vols. Toronto, 1880–81.

DÉSILETS, ANDRÉE. Hector-Louis Langevin: un Père de la Confédération canadienne (1826–1906). Québec, 1969.

DESJARDINS, JOSEPH. Guide parlementaire historique de la province de Québec, 1792 à 1902. Québec, 1902.

Dictionary of American biography. Edited by Allen Johnson et al. 20 vols., index, and 2 supps. [to 1940]. New York, 1928–58; reprinted, 22 vols. in 11 and index, [ 1946?]–58. 6 additional supps. to date [to 1970]. Edited by Edward Topping] James et al. 1973–  Comprehensive index; complete through supplement eight. 1990.

Dictionary of Hamilton biography. Edited by Thomas Melville Bailey et al. 3 vols. to date [to 1939]. Hamilton, Ont., 1981–  .

Dictionary of national biography. Edited by Leslie. Stephen and Sidney Lee. 63 vols., 3 supps., and index and epitome [to 1900]. London, 1885–1903; reissued without index, 22 vols., 1908–9. 9 additional supps. to date [to 1985]. Edited by Sidney Lee et al. London; Oxford, 1912–  . Missing persons [additional biographies from the beginning to 1985]. Edited by C[hristine] S[tephanie] Nicholls. Oxford and New York, 1993.

Dictionary of Newfoundland and Labrador biography.

Edited by Robert H. Cuff et al. St John’s, 1990.

The dictionary of New Zealand biography. 2 vols. to date [ 1769–1900]. Wellington, 1990–  .

A dictionary of Scottish emigrants to Canada before confederation. Compiled by Donald Whyte. Toronto, 1986.

A dictionary of Toronto printers, publishers, booksellers, and the allied trades, 1798–1900. Compiled by Elizabeth Hulse. Toronto, 1982.

Dictionnaire de lAmérique française; francophonie nord-américaine hors Québec. Charles Dufresne et al., éditeurs. Ottawa, 1988.

Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires du Québec. Sous

la direction de Maurice Lemire. 5 vols. Montréal, 1978–87. 2e édition. Vols. l–2. 1980–87.

Dictionnaire des parlementaires du Québec,

1792–1992. Gaston Deschênes et al., compilateurs. Sainte-Foy, Qué., 1993. See also RPQ, infra.

DIRECTORIES. Issued initially as single works, Canadian directories frequently became regular, usually annual, publications during the 19th century. Because titles within series vary greatly, and editors or compilers frequently change, the directories used in the preparation of vol. XIIIhavebeen cited under the general entry Directory and identified by region. Individual titles and publication information are detailed in Checklist of Canadian directories, 1790–1950, comp. D. E. Ryder (Ottawa, 1979) and Canadian directories, 1790–1987: a bibliography and place-name index, comp. M. E. Bond (3v., Ottawa, 1989), with the exception of the following item:

Peel & Halton directory, 1866–1867. Revised edition. [Georgetown, Ont.], 1983. Originally published by O. L. Fuller as Fuller’s counties of Peel and Halton directory for 1866 & 1867 . . . (Toronto, 1866).

The dominion annual register and review. . . . [1878–86]. Edited by Henry J[ames] Morgan et al. 8 vols. Montreal, etc., 1879–87.

Dominion Churchman. Toronto. See Canadian Churchman

EATON, ARTHUR WENTWORTH HAMILTON. The history of Kings County, Nova Scotia, heart of the Acadian land; giving a sketch of the French and their expulsion; and a history of the New England planters who came in their stead; with many genealogies, 1604–1910. Salem, Mass., 1910; reprinted as The history of Kings County, Belleville, Ont., 1972.

Elections in New Brunswick, 1784–1984/Les élections au Nouveau-Brunswick, 1784–1984. Fredericton, 1984.

Electoral history of British Columbia, 1871–1986. Victoria, 1988.

Encyclopedia of music in Canada. Edited by Helmut Kallmann et al. Toronto, 1981. 2nd edition. 1992.

Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador. Edited by Joseph R[oberts] Smallwood et al. 3 vols. to date. St John’s, 1981–  .

Essays in the history of Canadian law. Edited by David H. Flaherty et al. 4 vols. to date. [Toronto], 1981–  . Volume titles and editors vary.

Farm and Dairy. Toronto. 28 (1909)–53 (1934), no.10. Continues the voluming of a series of agricultural journals including Farming. Title varies: Farm and Dairy and Rural Home to 37 (1918), no.44. Place of publication varies: Peterborough, Ont., to 35 (1916), no.42.

Farming. Toronto. 13 (1895–96)–17 (1899–1900), no.34. Continues the voluming of the Canadian Stock-Raisers’ Journal (Hamilton, Ont.), which began publication in 1883, and its successor, the

Canadian Live-Stock Journal, later Canadian Live-Stock and Farm Journal (Hamilton; Toronto). Voluming continues until 1934 under several further titles, including Farm and Dairy.

Guide to Canadian ministries since confederation, July 1, 1867-February 1, 1982. [Ottawa], 1982.

HALL, D[AVID] J[OHN]. Clifford Sifton. 2 vols. Vancouver and London, 1981–85.

HAMEL, RÉGINALD, et al. Dictionnaire des auteurs de langue française en Amérique du Nord. Montréal, 1989.

HAMELIN, JEAN, et al. La presse québécoise, des origines à nos fours. 10 vols. [1764–1975]. Québec, 1973–90. Vols. l–2 [ 1764–1879] were prepared by André Beaulieu and Jean Hamelin. Index cumulatifs (tomes I à VII) (1764–1944). 1987.

HAMELIN, MARCEL. Les premières années du parlementarisme québécois (1867–1878). Québec, 1974.

HANNAY, JAMES. History of New Brunswick. 2 vols. Saint John, N.B., 1909.

HARPER, J[OHN] RUSSELL. Early painters and engravers in Canada. Toronto, 1970.

HILLER, J[AMES] K[ELSEY]. “A history of Newfoundland, 1874–1901.” phd thesis, University of Cambridge, Eng., 1971.

History of Toronto and county of York, Ontario; containing an outline of the history of the Dominion of Canada; a history of the city of Toronto and the county of York. . . . 2 vols. Toronto, 1885.

Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes. Peterborough, Ont. 1 (1966)–  .

Journals of the colonial legislatures of the colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, 1851–1871. Edited by James E[mil] Hendrickson. 5 vols. Victoria, 1980.

KEALEY, GREGORY S[EAN]. Toronto workers respond to industrial capitalism, 1867–1892. Toronto, 1980; reprinted 1991.

——AND BRYAN D. PALMER. Dreaming of what might be: the Knights of Labor in Ontario, 1880–1900. Cambridge, Eng., 1982. Canadian edition. Toronto, 1987.

KERB, J[OHN] B[LAINE]. Biographical dictionary of well-known British Colombians, with a historical sketch. Vancouver, 1890.

Labour/Le Travail. Halifax. 1 (1976)–  . Published at St John’s from vol.8/9 (1981–82). French title varies: Le Travailleur to vol.12 (1983).

LAMOTHE, J[OSEPH-]CLÉOPHAS. Histoire de la corporation de la cité de Montréal depuis son origine jusqu’à nos jours . . . . Montréal, 1903.

The Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, 1758–1983: a biographical directory. Edited by Shirley B[urnham] Elliott. [Halifax], 1984.

Legislators and legislatures of Ontario: a reference guide. Compiled by Debra Forman. 4 vols. [1792–1991]. [Toronto, 1984–92].

LE JEUNE, L[OUIS-MARIE]. Dictionnaire général de biographie, histoire, littérature, agriculture, commerce, industrie et des arts, sciences, mœurs, coutumes, institutions politiques et religieuses du Canada. 2 vols. Ottawa, [ 1931 ].

LINTEAU, PAUL-ANDRÉ. Histoire de Montréal depuis la Confédération. Montréal, 1992.

Literary history of Canada: Canadian literature in English. 2nd edition. 4 vols. Toronto, 1976–90. Vols.l–3 edited by Carl F[rederick] Klinck et al.; vol.4 edited by W[illiam] H[erbert] New et al.

LOOSMORE, THOMAS ROBERT. “The British Columbia labor movement and political action, 1879–1906.” ma thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 1954.

McCormack, A[NDREW] Ross. Reformers, rebels, and revolutionaries: the western Canadian radical movement, 1899–1919. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1977; reprinted 1991.



Journals/Journaux. Winnipeg, 1871–  . Published in separate English and French editions until 1888/89; in English only, 1890–1984/85; bilingual from 1985/86. The journals for 1871–1914 include appendices; title varies: “Appendix”/“Appendice,” 1871–85; “Sessional papers,” 1886–1914/”Documents de la session,” 1886–89.

Statutes/Statuts. Winnipeg, 1871–  . Published in separate English and French editions until 1888/89; in English only, 1890–1983, but with some French content after 1980. English title varies: Acts from 1890. Bilingual from 1984/85 as Acts/Lois.

MAURAULT, [JEAN-LÉON-] OLIVIER. Le collège de Montréal, 1767–1967. Antonio Dansereau, éditeur. 2e édition. Montréal, 1967.

The mercantile agency reference book . . . . Montreal, etc. 1864 to date. Credit rating guide to Canadian companies, issued by R. G. Dun & Company, 1864–65 and 1893-March 1933; Dun, Wiman & Company, 1866–92; Dun & Bradstreet Canada Limited, July 1933–  . Title varies: The mercantile agency reference book for the British provinces . . . to 1866; in 1868 it became The mercantile agency reference book, (and key,) for the Dominion of Canada . . . ;its present name is Dun & Bradstreet reference book. Ratings of Canadian companies for 1859–60 appear in The mercantile agency reference book (and key,) containing ratings . . . throughout the United States and Canada . . . (New York); no issues appeared for 1861–63. See also the manuscript R. G. Dun & Company credit ledgers in the Baker Library [section A] and the Bradstreet commercial report series of credit ratings, supra.

MIDDLETON, JESSE EDGAR, AND FRED LANDON. The province of Ontario: a history, 1615–1927. 5 vols. Toronto, 1927-[28].

MORGAN, HENRY J[AMES]. Bibliotheca canadensis: or a manual of Canadian literature. Ottawa, 1867; reprinted Detroit, 1968.

MORRIS, ALEXANDER. The treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories, including the negotiations on which they were based, and other information relating thereto. Toronto, 1880; reprinted [ 1885?] and 1971.

MORTON, WILLIAM] L[EWIS]. Manitoba: a history. Toronto, 1957. 2nd edition. 1967.

NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN OF CANADA. The year book. . . . Ottawa, etc. (usually published in Ottawa or Toronto). 1894–  . Title varies: Women workers of Canada: being a report of the proceedings of the . . . annual meeting and conference, 1894–98; Verbatim report of the . . . annual meeting, 1899; Report of the . . . annual meeting, 1900–11; The year book . . . , 1912 to the present.

National encyclopedia of Canadian biography. Edited by Jesse Edgar Middleton and W[infield] Scott Downs. 2 vols. Toronto, 1935–37.

The national union catalog, pre–1956 imprints . . . .

754 vols. London and Chicago, 1968–81.

NAYLOR, R[OBIN] T[HOMAS]. The history of Canadian business, 1867–1914. 2 vols. Toronto, 1975.

NELLES, H[ENRY] V[IVIAN]. The politics of development: forests, mines & hydro-electric power in Ontario, 1849–1941. Toronto, 1974.

NEW BRUNSWICK. For a bibliography of New Brunswick government publications, see O. B. Bishop, Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, 1758–1952 (Ottawa, 1957).

Acts. Saint John or Fredericton, 1786–  .


Journal. Saint John, 1786–1814; Fredericton, 1816–92. Some variations in title. Continued by the Journal of the unicameral Legislative Assembly.

Reports of the debates. Fredericton, etc., 1837/38–70. A French translation of the debates for 1870 exists (Shédiac, N.-B., 1870). No debates were published, 1871–73. Continued by Synoptic report of the proc.

Synoptic report of the proceedings. Saint John, etc., 1874–92. Issued by the unicameral Legislative Assembly from 1893 on.


Synoptic report of the proceedings. Fredericton, 1893–  . Name of issuing body continues to appear on the title-page as House of Assembly, 1893–94.


Journal. Fredericton, 1786–1892.

New Brunswick newspaper directory, 1783–1988/ Répertoire des journaux du Nouveau-Brunswick, 1783–1988. Compiled by Helen [Caroline] Craig. Fredericton, 1989.

NEWFOUNDLAND. Information on publications of the colonial and provincial governments of Newfoundland appears in the Biblio. of Nfld (O’Dea and Alexander), supra.

Acts. St John’s, 1833–  . Title varies: Statutes since 1949.

Blue books. St John’s, 1821–1902/3. Contain general statistical information on the administration of Newfoundland. Issued in manuscript only prior to 1895/96 and from 1901/2; duplicate originals are preserved in PRO, CO 199/20–98 and at the PANL. No issues appeared for 1824 or 1842. Published Blue books of Newfoundland (St John’s) were issued from 1895/96 to 1900/1.


Journal. St John’s, 1833–1933. Issued by the unicameral General Assembly, 1843–46. No assemblies took place in 1842 or 1847.

Sessional papers. St John’s. Published separately only for 1839/40 and 1887–89; otherwise issued as appendices to the Journal.

Newfoundland in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: essays in interpretation. Edited by James [Kelsey] Hiller and Peter [F.] Neary. Toronto, 1980.

Newfoundland men: a collection of biographical sketches, with portraits, of sons and residents of the island who have become known in commercial, professional, and political life. Edited by Henry Youmans Mott. Concord, N.H., 1894.

Newfoundland Quarterly. St John’s. I (1901–2)–  .

“Newspaper Hansard.” See Ont., Legislature, Debates, infra

The newspaper reference book of Canada; embracing facts and data regarding Canada and biographical sketches of representative Canadian men for use by newspapers. Toronto, 1903.

NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. For information on territorial publications to 1905, see Publications of the governments of the North-West Territories, 1876–1905, and of the province of Saskatchewan, 1905–1952, comp. Christine MacDonald (Regina, 1952).


Journals. Regina, 1888–1904.

A not unreasonable claim: women and reform in Canada, 1880s–1920s. Edited by Linda Kealey. Toronto, 1979.

NOVA SCOTIA. A bibliography of Nova Scotia government publications is available in O. B. Bishop, Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, 1758–1952 (Ottawa, 1957).


Debates and proceedings. Halifax, 1855–1916. Title varies.

Journal and proceedings. Halifax, 1761 to the present. This title in effect from 1789.


Debates and proceedings. Halifax, 1858–1922. Title varies.

The statutes of Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1798 to the present. Title varies; this one in effect from 1851/52.

Nova Scotia Historical Quarterly. Halifax. 1 (1971)–10 (1980). Continued as the N. S. Hist. Rev.

Nova Scotia Historical Review. Halifax. 1 (1981)–  .


Nova Scotia vital statistics from newspapers . . . .

Compiled by Terrence Michael Punch and Jean M. Holder. 9 vols. to date [ 1769–1854]. Halifax, 1978–  . All vols. except [1]: 1813–1822 and [3]: 1769–1812 compiled by Holder. Cover title as above, but title on title-page varies.

ONTARIO. Further information concerning Ontario government publications is available in the following: O. B. Bishop, Publications of the government of Ontario, 1867–1900 (Toronto, 1976); H. I. MacTaggart, Publications of the government of Ontario, 1901–1955 (Toronto, 1964); Royal commissions and commissions of inquiry for the provinces of Upper Canada, Canada and Ontario, 1792 to 1991: a checklist of reports, comp. Dawna Petsche-Wark and Catherine Johnson (Toronto, 1992); and Select committees of the assemblies of the provinces of Upper Canada, Canada and Ontario, 1792 to 1991: a checklist of reports, comp. Richard Sage and Aileen Weir (Toronto, 1992).


A history of the electoral districts, legislatures and ministries of the province of Ontario, 1867–1968. Compiled by Roderick Lewis. Centennial edition. Toronto, [1969]. Originally published as A statistical history of all the electoral districts of the province of Ontario since 1867, comp. Roderick Lewis (Toronto, [ 1960]).


Debates. Toronto, 1867/68–  ; official publication begins in 1944. The debates for 1867–1943 were reconstructed from unofficial newspaper reports and made available on microfilm by the AO in 1964 under the title “Newspaper Hansard.”

Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the province of Ontario. Toronto, 1867/68-

Name of issuing body varies: Parliament of Ontario to 1878, and 1952 to date; Legislature of Ontario, 1879–1951.

Sessional papers. Toronto, 1868/69–1948. Ontario Gazette. Toronto, 7 March 1868-

Statutes of the province of Ontario. Toronto, 1867/68-

Ontario History. Toronto. 1 (1899)–  ; vols.1–49 (1957) reprinted Millwood, N.Y., 1975. Title varies: Ontario Historical Society, Papers and Records to 1946.

Ontario marriage notices. Compiled by Thomas B. Wilson. Lambertville, N.J., 1982.

“Parliamentary debates.” Canadian Library Association microfilm of the debates of the legislature of the Province of Canada and the parliament of Canada for the period 1846–74, based on scrapbooks compiled by the Library of Parliament from unofficial newspaper reports of the debates and commonly known as the “Scrapbook debates.”

Parliamentary debates, Dominion of Canada. [Compiled by John Cotton.] 3 vols. Ottawa, 1870–72. Unofficial reports of the debates of both the House of Commons and the Senate, commonly known as the Cotton debates.

Past and present of Prince Edward Island; embracing a concise review of its early settlement, development and present conditions. Advisory editors, D[onald] A[lexander] MacKinnon and A[lexander] B[annerman] Warburton. Charlottetown, [1906].

Pioneers and early citizens of Manitoba: a dictionary of Manitoba biography from the earliest times to 1920. Compiled by Marjorie Money et al. Winnipeg, 1971.

Political appointments, parliaments, and the judicial bench in the Dominion of Canada, 1867 to 1895. Edited by N[arcisse]-Omer Coté. Ottawa, 1896. Supplement . . . 1896 to 1903. 1903.

POULIN, PIERRE. “Déclin portuaire et industrialisation: l’évolution de la bourgeoisie d’affaires de Québec à la fin du XIXe et au début du XXe siècle.” Thèse de ma, université Laval, Québec, 1985.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Acts and proceedings. Toronto, 1875–  .

Presbyterian Record. Montreal. 1 (1876)–  . Title varies: Presbyterian Record for the Dominion of Canada to 16 (1891). Place of publication varies: Toronto, 52 (1927), no.2–91 (1966), no.7/8; Don Mills, now North York, Ont., from 91, no.9.

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Further information concerning Prince Edward Island government publications is available in O. B. Bishop, Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, 1758–1952 (Ottawa, 1957).

The acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown, 1790–  ; not printed, 1798–1805.


Debates and proceedings. Charlottetown, 1860–93. Title varies: The parliamentary reporter; or, debates and proceedings to 1886.

Journal. Charlottetown, 1788–1893, except 1798–1805 when none were printed. Title varies. Superseded by the Journal of the unicameral Legislative Assembly.


Journal. Charlottetown, 1894–  .


Journal. Charlottetown, 1827–93.

Prominent men of Canada: a collection of persons distinguished in professional and political life, and in the commerce and industry of Canada. Edited by G[raeme] Mercer Adam. Toronto, 1892.

PROWSE, D[ANIEL] W[OODLEY]. A history of Newfoundland from the English, colonial, and foreign records. London and New York, 1895; reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1972. 2nd edition. London, 1896.

QUEBEC. For further information on Quebec government publications, see Répertoire des publications gouvernementales du Québec de 1867 à 1964, André Beaulieu et al., compil. (Québec, 1968), and Yvon Thériault, Les publications parlementaires d’hier et d’aujourd’hui ([2e éd.], Québec, 1982), also issued in English as The parliamentary publications, past and present (1983).

ASSEMBLÉE LÉGISLATIVE/LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Débats. 1867/68–1967 (continued by the Débats of the Assemblée Nationale, 1968–  ); official publication begins in 1964. Reports speeches by members in the language in which they were given. A semi-official series of debates for the period June 1879–February 1893 was published as Débats de la législature provinciale de la province de Québec, G.-A. Desjardins et al., édit. (15v., Québec, 1879–95). Titles and editors vary. The Débats de l’Assemblée législative for 1867/68–78 and 1893–1963 are being reconstructed by the Assemblée Nationale from unofficial reports (16v. parus [1867/68–78 and 1893–1909], Marcel Hamelin et al., édit., Québec, 1974–  ). Editors vary.

Journaux/Journals. 1867/68–1967/68. Issued in separate French and English editions until 1941.


Documents de la session/Sessional papers.

1869–1936. Issued in separate French and English editions. French title varies: Documents parlementaires from 1924.

Quebec Official Gazette/Gazette officielle de Qué-

bec. Bilingual 16 Jan. 1869–1977; issued in

French only from 1978.

Statuts de la province de Québec/Statutes of the

province of Quebec. 1868–  . Title varies. Issued in separate English and French editions until 1941 and from 1978 to 1988; bilingual, 1942–77; French only from 1989.

REID, JOHN G[RAHAM]. Mount Allison University: a history, to 1963. 2 vols. Toronto, 1984.

Répertoire des parlementaires québécois, 1867–1978. Sous la direction d’André Lavoie. Québec, 1980. See also Dict. des parlementaires du Québec (Deschênes et al.), supra

Reports of the Supreme Court of Canada. Reported by George Duval et al. 64 vols. [ 1876/77–1922]. Ottawa, 1878–1923. Commonly abbreviated in legal style to Canada Supreme Court Reports or S.C.R.

Revue canadienne. Montréal. 1 (1864)–80 (1922).

Vols.17 (1881)–23 (1887) are also numbered as nouvelle série,

1–7; 24 (1888)–28 1892) are also called 3e série, 1–4 [i.e. 5]; and

54 (janvier juin 1908)–80 are also numbered as nouvelle série,


Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française. Montréal. 1 (1947–48)–  .

ROBERTSON, IAN R[OSS]. “Religion, politics, and education in Prince Edward Island from 1856 to 1877.” ma thesis, McGill University, Montreal, 1968.

Robertson’s landmarks of Toronto: a collection of historical sketches of the old town of York from 1792 until 1833, and of Toronto from 1834 to [1914]. . . . Edited by J[ohn] Ross Robertson. 6 vols. Toronto, 1894–1914. Vols.l–3 reprinted Belleville, Ont., 1976, 1987, 1974.

ROBIN, MARTIN. Radical politics and Canadian labour, 1880–1930. Kingston, Ont., 1968.

ROY, PIERRE-GEORGES. Les avocats de la région de Québec. Lévis, Qué., 1936 [i.e. 1937].

——Les juges de la province de Québec. Québec, 1933.

Royal Canadian Academy of Arts/Académie Royale des Arts du Canada: exhibitions and members, 1880–1979. Compiled by Evelyn de Rostaing McMann. Toronto, 1981.

ROYAL NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Halifax. Collections. 1 (1878)–  ; vols. l–8 ( I 892–94) reprinted in 2 vols., Belleville, Ont., 1976–77. Vols.1–40 (1980) were issued under the society’s original name, the Nova Scotia Historical Society.

ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA/SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DU CANADA, Ottawa. Proceedings and Transactions/Mémoires et comptes rendus. 1st ser., 1 (1882/83)–12 (1894); 2nd ser., 1 (1895)–12 (1906); 3rd ser., 1 (1907)–56 (1962); 4th ser., 1 (1963)–22 (1985); 5th ser., 1 (1986)–  .

RUMILLY, ROBERT. Histoire de la province de Québec. 41 vols. Montréal et Paris, 1940–69. 2e édition. Vols.l–9. s.d. 3e édition. Vols.l–6. s.d.

Réimpression des vols.l–15 de la 1re édition, Montréal, 1971–80.

——Histoire de Montréal. 5 vols. Montréal, 1970–74.

——Honoré Mercier et son temps. 2 vols. Montréal, 1975.

Saskatchewan History. Saskatoon. 1 (1948)–  .

Saturday Night. Toronto. 3 Dec. 1887–  . Title varies: Toronto Saturday Night to 15 July 1911; Canadian Saturday Night, August 1962–June/July 1963.

SCHOLEFIELD, E[THELBERT] O[LAF] S[TUART], AND F[REDERICK] W[ILLIAM] HOWAY. British Columbia from the earliest times to the present. 4 vols. Vancouver, 1914. Vol.1 was written by Scholefield and vol.2 by Howay; vols.3 and 4 consist of biographies.

Science and technology in Canadian history: a bibliography of primary sources to 1914. Compiled by R. Alan Richardson and Bertrum H. MacDonald. Microfiche edition. Thornhill, Ont., 1987.

SNELL, JAMES G., AND FREDERICK VAUGHAN. The Supreme Court of Canada: history of the institution. [Toronto], 1985.

Social History/Histoire sociale. Ottawa. [No.] 1 (April 1968)–  .

A standard dictionary of Canadian biography: the Canadian who was who. Edited by Charles G[eorge] D[ouglas] Roberts and Arthur L[eonard] Tunnell. 2 vols. Toronto, 1934–38.

STANLEY, GEORGE F[RANCIS] G[ILMAN]. The birth of western Canada: a history of the Riel rebellions. London, 1936. [2nd edition.] Toronto, 1960.

TERRILL, F[REDERICK] W[ILLIAM]. A chronology of Montreal and of Canada from A.D. 1752 to A.D. 1893, including commercial statistics, historic sketches of commercial corporations and firms and advertisements. . . . Montreal, 1893.

THOMAS, LEWIS HERBERT. The struggle for responsible government in the North-West Territories, 1870–97. Toronto, 1956. 2nd edition. 1978.

TORONTO. BOARD OF TRADE. “A souvenir”: a history of the growth of the Queen City and its board of

trade, with biographical sketches of the principal members thereof. Montreal and Toronto, 1893.

Types of Canadian women and of women who are or have been connected with Canada. Edited by Henry James Morgan. Toronto, 1903. Called vol. 1, but no more volumes were published.

L’Union médicale du Canada. Montréal. 1 (1872)–  .

Vital statistics from New Brunswick newspapers . . . .

Compiled by Daniel F. Johnson. 55 vols. to date. [1784–1881]. Saint John, N.B., 1982–  . Vols.l–5 [ 1784–1834] were issued by the New Brunswick Genealogical Society as New Brunswick vital statistics from newspapers, comp. D. F. Johnson et al. (Fredericton, 1982–84).

WRITE, P[ETER] B[USBY]. The man from Halifax: Sir John Thompson, prime minister. Toronto, 1985.

WALBRAN, JOHN T[HOMAS]. British Columbia coast names, 1592–1906, to which are added a few names in adjacent United States territory: their origin and history. . . . Ottawa, 1909; reprinted with an introduction by G[eorge] P[hillip] V[ernon] Akrigg, Vancouver, 1971; reprinted Seattle, Wash., and Vancouver, 1972.

WALLACE, W[ILLIAM] STEWART. The Macmillan dictionary of Canadian biography. Edited by W[illiam] A[ngus] McKay. 4th edition. Toronto, 1978.

When was that? A chronological dictionary of important events in Newfoundland down to and including the year 1922; together with an appendix, “St. John’s over a century ago,” by the late J. W. Withers. Compiled by H[arris] M[unden] Mosdell. St John’s, 1923; reprinted 1974.

Who was who, [1897–1990]: a companion to “Who’s who,” containing the biographies of those who died during the period [1897–1990]. 8 vols. to date and index. London, 1920–  . Subtitle varies.

WILLISON, JOHN [STEPHEN]. Reminiscences, political and personal. Toronto, 1919.

ZASLOW, MORRIS. Reading the rocks: the story of the Geological Survey of Canada, 1842–1972. Toronto and Ottawa, 1975.