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                  461 to 480 (of 522)
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                  nevertheless quite possible that he came as early as 1623. Indeed Champlain, in his Voyages, speaks in that
                  Godefroy arrived in New France about 1626, together with his elder brother, Jean Godefroy. After serving Champlain
                  and served under Champlain in the capacity of interpreter. After the capture of Quebec by the
                  FOUCHER, manager on the farm of Champlain
                  –83. Les voyages avantureux du Capitaine Ian Alfonce (Poitiers, 1559),. Champlain, Œuvres (Laverdière). Anthiaume, Cartes marines, I, passim (see Alfonse
                  FLÉCHÉ, JESSÉ, also called Jossé Flesche (Biard), Josué Fleche (Champlain), Fleuchy
                  , Capt. de Traversy and M. de Chazy [see Agariata] and the capture of other Frenchmen, including M. Canchy de Lerole, all of whom had been stationed at Fort Sainte-Anne on Lake Champlain
                  at Champlain. Fillion, the son of André Fillion and of Gabrielle Senler (Senlet or Sanlerg), arrived in Canada before 10 April 1654
                  PRO, C.O. 1/5, 41 (summary in CSP, Col, 1574–1660, 104), Ferrar’s petition to Charles I. Champlain, Works (Biggar), VI, 153–61, Capt. Daniel’s account.
                  on some Algonkins. When Champlain
                  Jean de Biencourt de Poutrincourt and Samuel de Champlain in the voyage southwards in the hope of
                  Champlain’s orders “his funeral was marked by all the solemnity that the state of the colony . . . would permit
                   Monts invited Samuel de Champlain to accompany him and he acted as a geographer and cartographer. [See
                  Champlain the savage warriors of the five Iroquois nations had waged an intermittent war of ambush and surprise attack against the French settlers in an attempt to destroy their hold on the western
                  Champlain was back at Quebec, Émery de Caën entrusted the keys of the fort to Du Plessis-Bochart, who handed them over to Champlain the next day, “according to the cardinal’s decree.” In the
                  Champlain to Amherst Island on his map of 1632. F. Grenier
                   March 1616. After a short visit to Trois-Rivières at the end of June, he accompanied Samuel de Champlain
                  ; New relation of Gaspesia with the customs and religion of the Gaspesian Indians, tr. and ed. W. F. Ganong (Champlain Soc., V, 1910); Hugolin Lemay, L’établissement des
                  Champlain, had died in childbirth prior to 1620; but since there is no further mention of her child, it was presumably still-born. Eustache Martin was born in October 1621. If, however, we assume
                  , Champlain entrusted him with finding out what had happened to Roquemont and with obtaining provisions for the starving settlement. After a perilous journey that lasted more than a month, Desdames
                  461 to 480 (of 522)
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