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GENEST, SAMUEL McCALLUM (baptized Marie-Joseph-Samuel)
separate-school board refused to carry out the new policy [see Samuel McCallum Genest
* effectively put it in trusteeship in October 1914, intending to replace it with an appointed commission in 1915 [see Samuel McCallum
[see Samuel McCallum Genest; Duhamel], and in a lengthy article in the Ottawa Citizen (10
all publicly funded schools would henceforth be English. Franco-Ontarians, accustomed to bilingual schools, were outraged, as were francophone Quebecers [see Samuel McCallum
Samuel McCallum Genest]. In 1915 Bruchési was called in as a conciliator by
effectively put the Ottawa school board in trusteeship in 1915 [see Samuel McCallum Genest]. In
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