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                  country fairs. With the outbreak of World War I, he enlisted, like many other old-country sportsmen; at the time he was five feet eight and a half inches and 160 pounds. He was one of the 278 members (out
                  . As the Toronto Globe later put it, “The north country contained more fakirs to the square inch than any one spot on earth.” Increasingly
                   March, 28 May 1875. Toronto Daily Mail, 15 Feb. 1892. Beatrice Lillie et al., Every other inch a lady; aided and abetted by John Philip; written with James Brough (Garden City
                  cartoonists. They marvelled that this bull of a man, five feet five inches in height and more than 300 pounds in weight, who took part in wrestling contests into the 1870s and possessed little education, could
                  . Barber was a large man, standing six feet four inches, with a heavy build and red hair. He had been, for a time, a temperance advocate and in Winnipeg he had helped found the United Temperance Benevolent
                  natives, and he dealt in Métis scrip. Standing six feet four inches tall, with a “full black beard” and “a quiet and dignified” bearing, Légaré was an
                  . Frank Cochrane was an exceptional individual, full of contradictions. By popular consensus a mild-mannered man, the six foot three inch hardware merchant was prepared to use physical force if necessary
                  struggle bore the marks of a gallant last stand. The Ontario government remained inflexible, but he was exhausting his strength. He was now fighting for every inch of ground, not against the Orange order
                   inches. He visited Quebec and made drawings on the site of the Parliament Building. In the large preliminary drawing, or cartoon, and in the final canvas, he included views of the St Lawrence River as
                  on the lakes, though it was rotting. From his favourite campsite, at the back of Hayhurst Point, he sketched Spring ice in his regular format, on an 8 ½ by 10 ½ inch birchwood panel
                  About Duplicate Matches
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