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                  established a powder plant in Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island, his first in the Canadian west. In 1900 the Nobel-Dynamite Trust Company of London acquired a
                  , based in Connecticut, the London and Lancashire Life Assurance Company, the Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool, and the Scottish Provincial Assurance Company of Aberdeen. Each brother held life
                   1855 and graduated in 1860, whereupon he left for further study in Europe. In 1861 he earned the diploma of the Royal College of Physicians of London
                  ). AO, F 26. Lincolnshire Arch. (Lincoln, Eng.), Copy of baptismal certificate. Univ. of Western Ont. Library, Regional Coll. (London), Charles
                  anonymously, “by an officer of the Expeditionary Force,” in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (Edinburgh and London), 108 (1870): 704–18, and 109 (1871): 48–73, 164–81. The Narrative
                  Privy Council in London. While Le Soleil, flushed with victory, enjoyed growing support from the public and from advertisers, the
                   1855 was ordained in London into the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada. Stationed first in Dundas, he preached on many different circuits throughout the 1850s and 1860s. He soon rose to prominence in
                  , Barrie, and Oshawa, all under the jurisdiction of the mother house in Toronto. In 1871, during her period of office, the community in London (founded in 1868) became independent of Toronto, as the one in
                  *] was in London, and official president from 1905 until his death. His appointment to the board of directors was an indication of the growing influence of manufacturers within the institution. This
                  ). F. W. Wallace, Wooden ships and iron men . . . (London, [1924]). The Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (Eastern Division
                  , N.Y., London, Paris, Sydney, Wellington, Singapore, Bombay, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, and Cape Town. Branches were later established in China and Hong Kong. Fulford’s nephew, Charles Taylor Fulford
                  Rolling Mills Company and the British Empire Mutual Life Assurance Company of London. In addition he was part of the financial syndicate led by Allan that attempted in 1877 and 1882 to buy the Quebec
                  Nielsen]. His lengthy report, published in Prowse’s History of Newfoundland . . . (London, 1895), deplored the “alarming” decline of the fishery before the commission began its
                  provincial inspector of prisons, asylums, and public charities, who had also served during the Fenian raids. When Malden was incorporated into the regional asylum opened in London later that year, Lett
                  (London, Ont.), 17 June 1905. Catholic Register, 1, 8 June 1905
                  , Newfoundland and London Telegraph Company (which was to be amalgamated with the Anglo-American Telegraph Company in 1873), whose operations consisted of a line across the island and a link with Cape Breton
                  of the Presbyterian Church of England . . . (London, 1897). Marian Keith [M. E. Miller (MacGregor)], The black bearded barbarian: the life of George Leslie Mackay
                  London, England, in 1832 to better its fortunes in Upper Canada. Like other well-born immigrants the Mountcastles struggled to make a living in the bush, with Sidney either farming or engaged in a variety
                  holding the Presbyterian System, at Edinburgh in 1877, Philadelphia in 1880, Belfast in 1884, London in 1888, Toronto in 1892, Glasgow in 1896, and Washington in 1899, and read papers at Philadelphia
                  former was unquestionably a most important figure for his time. The medals won at provincial exhibitions from 1858, at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition in London in 1886, and at the Columbian exposition
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