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                  former Coburg Road Church, renamed in 1904), where personal tributes were given by two of his lifelong friends, Forrest and the Reverend Edward Manning
                  described as being by nature a serious-minded, determined-looking man, “even on the Sabbath he could not disguise a friendly twinkle in his eye.” When Alexander retired from the company in 1868, Duncan
                  had lived with him at 30 Spadina Avenue. He left an estate valued at about $150,000. A man of great energy and competence, McCabe was dogmatic
                  Foster*] preceded him to the Red River settlement (Man.), where like-minded easterners, such as John Christian
                  . An obituary in the Calgary Herald described him as “a man of a kindly and generous disposition, who never lost a friend or made an enemy
                  the land was unproductive and where they underwent an extremely difficult period of resettlement. A tall, handsome young man, McGregor replaced Peter
                  the Glengarry militia during the rebellion of 1837–38. Roderick went to school in Glen Donald. He and his brothers, all big and agile, showed prowess in the strong-man events and foot-races at farmers
                  Macphail*, an eminent man of letters. In that volume the values and customs of the Scottish pioneer community of Orwell, where William had acquired a house in 1864, come to life. The “master” of the
                  . 1837 in St Boniface (Man.), son of Augustin Nolin and Hélène-Anne Cameron; m
                  , an office he held until January 1901. He played an active role in standing committees of the Senate and often chaired the committee of the whole. Senator Donald McMillan said he was a “man of quick
                  Manning, whose connection to the Tory party and especially to the Toronto Daily Mail
                  had resulted in the establishment in 1876 of a three-man commission that was to set boundaries. Two years later the trio was replaced by a single commissioner, Gilbert Malcolm
                  , this man who could not remember having missed an election campaign since 1867 had learned over the years to keep private morality separate from political morality. He would use the scaffold in Regina
                  of the southern Cree, Foremost Man [Ne-can-nete*], a minor Cree chief, and the entire Assiniboin nation requested reserves next to one another
                  was considered an ideal family man. When he fell ill in December 1907, most thought it a case of the influenza then common in town, and expected the vigorous 54-year-old premier back in his office
                  victory in 1896, Rathbun became a Laurier man, partly because of his continuing need for patronage. The shift also reflected Rathbun’s growing role as a lobbyist for the Ontario Lumberman’s Association
                  Toronto (1v. to date, Erin, Ont., 1982–  ). Donald Swainson, “The North-West Transportation Company: personnel and attitudes,” Man., Hist
                  , as the “outside man” of Isbester and Reid, he worked on subcontracts with the Grand Trunk in Canada and the United States, and then on bridges along the Ottawa River for the Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa
                  need was for ministers who would be effective on the frontier. The successful minister, he summarized, “must commend himself to [the people] as a man and a Christian. With them the office and
                  81 to 100 (of 126)
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