Suggested Reading

B. P. Clarke, Piety and nationalism: lay voluntary associations and the creation of an Irish–Catholic community in Toronto, 1850–1895 (Montreal and Kingston, Ont., 1993).

R. L. Dallison, Turning back the Fenians: New Brunswick’s last colonial campaign (Fredericton, 2006).

Irish nationalism in Canada, ed. D. A. Wilson (Montreal and Kingston, 2009).

Edward MacDonald, “Who’s afraid of the Fenians? The Fenian scare on Prince Edward Island, 1865—1867,” Acadiensis (Fredericton), 38 (2009), no.1: 33—51. 

W. S. Neidhardt, Fenianism in North America (University Park, Pa, 1975).

Hereward Senior, The Fenians and Canada (Toronto, 1978); The last invasion of Canada: the Fenian raids, 1866­–1870 (Toronto and Oxford, Eng., 1991).

P. M. Toner, “The ‘green ghost’: Canada’s Fenians and the raids,” Éire-Ireland (St Paul, Minn.), 16 (1981), no.4: 2747.

Peter Vronsky, Ridgeway: the American Fenian invasion and the 1866 battle that made Canada (Toronto, 2011).

Reg Whitaker et al., Secret service: political policing in Canada: from the Fenians to fortress America (Toronto, 2012).

D. A. Wilson, “The Fenians in Montreal, 186268: invasion, intrigue, and assassination,” Éire-Ireland, 38 (2003), nos.34: 10933; Thomas D’Arcy McGee (2v., Montreal and Kingston, 2008–11), 2 (The extreme moderate, 1857–1868).