20 July 1616, on behalf of the mission, Father Jamet left for France with Champlain and Father
Champlain’s example, adopted three young indigenous individuals. In May 1637 he received, jointly with Jean
Dorion*. He represented the riding of Champlain in the Legislative Assembly until 23 June 1854. He was re-elected that summer this time as a Rouge, and he retained his seat until 28 Nov
Schuyler volunteered to join a colonial expedition against Canada. Troops under the command of Major-General Fitz-John Winthrop were to proceed against Montreal via Lake Champlain, while Sir
Tessouat whom Champlain visited in 1613; d. 1636
. Pierre Chauvin de La Pierre, or Chavin, of Dieppe, whom Champlain placed in command at Quebec
Champlain brought four Recollets to New France; Father Le Caron was among them, as well as Father Jamet
Aubry, and a minister. De Monts invited Samuel de Champlain to accompany him and he acted as a geographer and cartographer. [See
children.’ He will reunite you my brothers, and bind you with the most solemn of ties.”
In May 1758 Kisensik set out again for the Lake Champlain
registry. In 1664 he moved to Champlain and was appointed seigneurial notary, then in 1673 judge in the same place. He was also designated in some deeds as judge of the provost court in the seigneury of
), farmer, landowner, fur-trader, merchant and bourgeois at Bécancour, Champlain, and Montreal; b. in the parish of Pouzauges, in the province of Poitou, in 1654; d. in Montreal, in 1715
Acadian coasts as far as the Saint John River, and brought back to Champlain specimens taken from two mines. He
the spring of 1834 he came to Lower Canada as assistant engineer for the building of the Chambly Canal.
The Company of Proprietors of the Champlain
Champlain took him to Quebec. In 1634 he set out for the Huron country, on the same expedition as Fathers Brébeuf
Sent to New France as commissary general of the Compagnie des Cent-Associés, Derré probably accompanied Champlain
Champlain, had died in childbirth prior to 1620; but since there is no further mention of her child, it was presumably still-born. Eustache Martin was born in October 1621. If, however, we assume
DUPRÉ, FRANÇOIS, member of the community of priests of the seminary of Quebec, first parish priest of Champlain, second parish priest of
PRO, C.O. 1/5, 41 (summary in CSP, Col, 1574–1660, 104), Ferrar’s petition to Charles I. Champlain, Works (Biggar), VI, 153–61, Capt. Daniel’s account.
Nouvelle-France: le donné Robert Le Coq.” Champlain, Œeuvres (Laverdière), 1246–47. JR (Thwaites).
almost continuous waterway consisting of the Richelieu River, Lake Champlain, Lac Saint-Sacrement (Lake George), and the Hudson River. The French claimed all the territory whose waters found an outlet in