
Original title:  M930.50.8.561 | Illustration de catalogue d'une presse à imprimer mécanique | Gravure | John Henry Walker (1831-1899)

Source: Link

Young Wilfrid LAURIER was co-owner and editor of a newspaper linked to the Rouge party, whose printer was Pierre-Joseph GUITTÉ:

“In November 1866 Guitté and Wilfrid Laurier* went into partnership and acquired Le Défricheur, a paper published since 1862 at L’Avenir by Jean-Baptiste-Éric Dorion. When the latter died on 1 Nov. 1866, one of his creditors, businessman Louis-Adélard Sénécal*, and the Rouges were uneasy about who would take over the paper. At this point Guitté and Laurier assumed responsibility, the first as printer, the second as editor.… Le Défricheur of Laurier and Guitté announced that it intended to continue Dorion’s work by defending the Rouges and the opponents of confederation.…”

Further information on Laurier’s career in journalism may be found in the biographies listed below.